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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Pride is always a bitter, barbed pill to swallow.


Doing so requires we not think ourselves above another. Any other. We may not agree with them, and we may even be forced to fight them, but none of that makes us 'better.'


Often it requires us to give way when the urge to be unmoving is causing the blood to pound in our ears.


It can require us to stand silent before the jeering mass even when we feel justified in bringing the hosts of heaven down around their heads.


It always requires us to accept our own fallability. No matter how much we would like to protest to the contrary, we are the cause and center of our trials and troubles.


Pride erodes away at us slowly and steadily. The longer we let it do so, the greater the distance between us and the rest of our world will become.


Close friends become acquaintances.


Friendly rivals become enemies.


Disagreement becomes intolerance and hate.


We like to ignore how destructive pride is. We'd like to make it a virtue. We want our posturing and chest-thumping to be seen as good and righteous.


I'd sure like that, but it isn't.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings




your post 3333 on this thread is sickening. I have no objection to you disliking someone but the comment you posted has no place on a family board. I ask you to remove it or replace it before this thread gets shut as well.

I have received your request and consulted with Council. We have come to the conclusion that Pepsi does taste better than Coke, and doesn't cost $100 a gram. Furthermore, we have concluded that kissing may not be a proper thing to do on the first date, especially after eating Thai food. Thank you for your understanding.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I watched Mad TV tonight. It was funny in spots. They had one skit with an old lady interrupting a newscast at a courtroom. It was a class action suit against fast food companies by some fat people.

After making the comments to make them look stupid, the news caster says:

"Look lady, this isn't the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, this is a real news cast. This is news!"

"Oh my..." old lady pauses, "Don't you know there's a war going on?"


It was priceless...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Some girls take hours to paint every perfect nail

Fragrant as flowers, all powdered and prim and pale.

But you are as wild as that wind-blown tree,

As dark and as deep as the midnight sea.

While they're busy dressing, you lie here, warm and bold.

Some girls you picture, some you hold.


Some girls take courses at all the best schools in France

Riding their horses and learning their modern dance.

They're clever and cultured and worldly wise.

But you see the world through a child's wide eyes.

Their dreams are grand ones, you want what's just in reach.

Some girls you learn from, some you teach.


You are not small talk or shiny cars

Or mirrors or French cologne.

You are the river, the moon, the stars.

You're no one else I've known.


Some girls take pleasure in buying a fine trousseau,

Counting each treasure and tying each tiny bow.

They fold up their futures with perfumed hands

While you face the future with no demands.

Some girls expect things others think nothing of.

Some girls you marry, some you love.

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I'm not a hypocrite. You can never accuse me of being a hypocrite.








Yeah, that's right. It's a load of crap.

No one gets off this planet dodging that label. Not me. Not you.


Unless you were born perfect, that is.

Oh, I'm sure we all can think of people who have lived that we'd never associate with the word hypocrite. Yet, if you could ask them...they would never agree with you. Hypocrisy is human nature. They had to overcome it...


...through humility.

That's it. Hypocrisy can be avoided with perfection or overcome with humility. There are no other ways to not be a hypocrite.


Stating that you aren't a hypocrite is akin to claiming incredible foresight and then walking into a pole.




I am a hypocrite.


I've lied. I've cheated. I've stolen.

I've lost my temper. I've lashed out in anger.

I've hurt my friends, my wife, my children.

I've done horrible things that I wish I could forget.


I deserve far worse than I get every day.


I am alive. I am learning. I am not perfect.


I am a hypocrite.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm not a hypocrite. You can never accuse me of being a hypocrite.













Yeah, that's right. It's a load of crap.

No one gets off this planet dodging that label. Not me. Not you.




Unless you were born perfect, that is.

Oh, I'm sure we all can think of people who have lived that we'd never associate with the word hypocrite. Yet, if you could ask them...they would never agree with you. Hypocrisy is human nature. They had to overcome it...




...through humility.

That's it. Hypocrisy can be avoided with perfection or overcome with humility. There are no other ways to not be a hypocrite.



Stating that you aren't a hypocrite is akin to claiming incredible foresight and then walking into a pole.




I am a hypocrite.


I've lied. I've cheated. I've stolen.

I've lost my temper. I've lashed out in anger.

I've hurt my friends, my wife, my children.

I've done horrible things that I wish I could forget.


I deserve far worse than I get every day.


I am alive. I am learning. I am not perfect.


I am a hypocrite.

So...first you're NOT a hypocrite, then you ARE a hypocrite.



That's so hypocritical.

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