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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just discovered the Apply button at Chicagojobs.com.


Six jobs so far, with cover letters (I printed up a base one and moderately customize it to suit each position).


With the three I worked on Monday... that's nine jobs this week, just the first week of the year.


I think I can turn this around!

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've taken the identity of Jeb Hannity on a message board, posting in order to make fundamentalists who like Phelps look bad.


God... it's so easy to sound like one of those mutants...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Unemployment: Day Three


Slept in again today, applied for one more job posting, then after spending 2 hours to get caught up on the boards, I cleaned the house. This wasn't just the quick vacuum, take out the trash and change the kitty litter cleaning either. I scrubbed the tub, cleaned the mirrors and bathroom counter, moped the kitchen, and moved the trundel to vacuum underneath the day bed.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Meanwhile... a hundred some pages ago...


It's page 170, August 20-21st.


Rachel gently chides those who forget not to reply in this thread.


Worldmaker has challenged Chuckg to a duel.


Skaramine has discovered Vivarin withdrawl.


Worldmaker apologizes for his behavior while being so stressed out.


It seems that August has been stressing a lot of people.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And since tomorrow is my day off...


Meanwhile, back on page 171...


It's August 21-23rd.


Skaramine is loudly excited that he finally got to give Blue rep for a pencil box.


Enforcer84 is not fond of Agent Cody Banks 2.


Worldmaker ponders the laws of inheritance that would make Shreck the first Troll King of Dulac.


Enforcer84 wonders why he wasted so much time not owning Led Zepplin albums.


Gewing doesn't like Mountain Dew: Pitch Black.


Thrackazog wonders why the internet seems to encourage people to believe that it's perfectly acceptable to be insufferable rude.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Jared, my three year old son, is a rabid Dora the Explorer fan... to the point that he calls Boots the Monkey his brother.


My mother bought him an episode that had been specifically made for him. She apparently sent the producers some of his information, and included a picture. So today, his episode arrives and he and I and his mother watch it together. Its got the usual simplistic storyline, but the characters talk to him and ask him questions... and his picture appears here and there in the episode itself (including, to his great delight, on the head of a little cartoon boy during the opening credits)...


I have no idea how I'm going to get him to go to sleep tonight...

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Does anyone out there know a guy named Joe Teller? He apparently runs the Quartermain Star Hero campaign.


The reason I ask is that the little shit has an unauthorized, word-for-word identical, .pdf format copy of the Master List of Limitations on his website, with nary a word of credit thrown my way, Chris Paka's way, or even Scott Jamison's way. In point of fact, what statement he does include in "his" list implies that he put the list together himself.


Also, how would one go about reporting this to his ISP?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A day that was good and furstrating.


The good part: I had contacted someone who advertised that they bought Magic Cards last week and left a message. Today I heard from them. I wound up meeting them and selling all my cards. I also got the check today from selling some stock that had finally gotten above water again.

So looks like I have a little extra breathing room.


The frustrating part: Got a call from a recruiter. There's a job in Vancouver, WA. that needs some Senior QA starting Monday. Can I go interview tomorrow? She mentions the rate, sounds like $40/hr. That's doable, but it didn't sound like $40. I ask her to say it again. Ah, my brain just didn't want to be that insulted. $14! WTF! Several rude comments about this job cross my mind, but then I put the control back and just comment "That seems awfully low especially considering the requirments you listed." She tells me she's been hearing that alot and mentions she was yelled at. (big surprise...) We talk a bit longer.

I decide I want to go to this interview. It's a bit of practice and I could use the airing out. I also have the ulterior motive of just seeing what the heck HP is smoking. So I give her my email so she can send the directions and I can send my resume' back. I don't get an email from her. I check the filters and nope. Drat.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Unemployment: Day Four


The difference a day makes.


I got two phone calls today from prospective employers for interviews, and both opportunities seem to be fairly local. The pay isn't exactly what I'm used to, but its better than nothing. One lead is with a Rennie based in Gaithersburg for a 24-month contract job. The other is a 5-month-to-permanent contractor position. There was another opportunity from this same guy that could have had me starting on Monday (also tempt-to-perm) if I tested well, only I did not want to take that job before I had even interviewed for this other one. Fortunately, I was able to sort it out in a reasonable way. Both of them understand my situation and the need to keep my options open and all that. But this way, I can give both of them a good hard look and not make any commitments that I can't keep.


Now all I have to do is not screw the pooch on the interviews.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


This website ((Accidental Video Porn)) is a complete riot. There is no actual nudity or such, but it may not be 100% work safe.


These are some of my favorites...




This one's for 'Bec ;)

And THIS one's for Samuraiko

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