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Who’s on the cover of Enemies 1?


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The villain was written up for 5th Edition as the super mutant Holocaust, an Energy Projector who also wielded Flight and Telekinesis abilities.  Lots of power but also lots of anger, which would often get in the way of his schemes for world domination.


Don't know a whole lot about him before 5th Edition, however.  I think there was supposed to be a contest in Adventurers' Club to name him and his powers, but it didn't work out so well.  Perhaps someone with better information will provide an answer.

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Hey, remember the superhero on the cover of a few of those early books, in blue-green and red tights with a white circle on his chest? He was in a package of Champions mini-figurines which labeled him "Champion," but we never got any type of write-up for him either. Some of those early character illos were just there to look cool.


EDIT: I mean this guy.






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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Hey, remember the superhero on the cover of a few of those early books, in blue-green and red tights with a white circle on his chest? He was in a package of Champions mini-figurines which labeled him "Champion," but we never got any type of write-up for him either. Some of those early character illos were just there to look cool.


EDIT: I mean this guy.






We always called Heroman, given that he looked exactly like the guy from the original company logo, sans mullet.  And since the new, more professionally bland, generic, and uninspirational Hexman premiered on this book, it made sense to us rhat he was Heroman: I mean, it couldn't be "real Champions" without Heroman somewhere on the cover, right? 



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Heroman does indeed have that "V" on his tunic with the circle in the middle.


He's also got those sixties and seventies "pointy wings" on the cuffs of his gloves and boots, but we put that-- and the loss of that mullet-- down to a modernizing of his look by the Special Guest Artist. :D


Hang on; I'll see if I can attach the scan to my cover....

I'm not sure it will work because I don't know if it will resize or not.  I do all my scans on my personal stuff at 1200dpi or better. Eh...  if it resizes, it should be fine.  It's a png, after all.


And hey-- you can see all the wear and tear on the rule book I still use, twice a week plus on day a month.  :lol:



If it doesn't resize too horribly, you can blow it up to get a nice fine shot of Heroman.  :)


 Oh, and it's a _big_ file.  It will take a moment or two for some of you to open, but you can blow it up quite nicely.



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Nah; I already had the scan-- I de- and re- stapled that book back when i first got Super Scanner (lamented somewhere upthread).  That book was the first thing I scanned, some years ago.  


I played with the cover some-- blueing-out Titan's fingertips, removing Holocaust's cape (man that cover looks _so_ much better without that badly-drawn cape.  I love your stuff, Mark, but that cape was just...  awful....), changing colors, etc.  Had a lot of fun (lost Heroman when I removed the cape: no way to clean up the color saturation and not have him look funky with my meager skills).  


As to the mask:  I really can't tell on that picture, or from that actual book (which now looks much worse; that photo is from almost twenty years ago) if the lines didn't print or have faded-- you can _almost_ see it, but it could be just really screwy cheekbones....   I'll have to look at some of my other old stuff.


I digress--


The scanning was originally done a little before even AOL came to exist.  Internet wasn't nearly as populated as it is now, and e-business was dominated by strange niches, most of which was just selling more stuff to make your online access better-- computer gear and such.  Maybe a couple of car dealers from nine states over.  It wasn't like I could hop onto e-bay or Amazon and hunt up another copy if something happened to mine.  That's the second book I ever bought (first one got left in Maine on a vacation), and it took me nearly two years of book-finder services to get it.  I wasn't going through that expense (or withdrawal) again; I copied it.


It also let me return the pages to black-and-white.  I think just about everything in there was colored in over the years-- mostly pencils, some crayons.  Then I played with the colored ones a bit-- evened them out, etc.  Now I've got a PDF either way: original or "vibracolor."  Wait.  Technicolor.  I think vibracolor was for girlie books in the sixties.  ( I kid; seriously).  And custom covers, if I need to print them.


Best change I made was printing the back cover on a separate sheet and making it part of the center-fold pages (so it can be scanned without seriously folding the book, should it be printed) and putting a mannequin-free Character Sheet on the back cover, so it could be copied at any time with _no_ folding of the book.


And it works.  I now have three copies of Champions 3, because I sent the wrong PDF to the printer. :lol: (no; no copies were _ever_ intended for distribution; I wanted spare rule books for the table and for new players to refer to, as passing one back and forth really slows things down.  Now I only have a boon when we need to know something from Champions 3.  :lol: )


Now it's not such a big concern.  When online book traders started popping up, I blew a small fortune on copies of 2e, and now I have five of them, in various conditions.


More digression.


My point is that work was already done twenty-odd years ago.  All I did was pull it off one of the many flash drives I have it backed up on and wait for it to upload.

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Holocaust, in spite of looking a bit like Magneto, is not out to take over the earth for the safety of his own kind. No. He is a much simpler guy. He wants the planet because he has the power to do so, and feels entitled to the planet. If he has to kill a few people who eather question or oppose his control, so be it.

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3 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

Kinematic is a 6e (5e?  Anybody?) character built for those who do the Marvel comics "oh no!  Mutants!  Oh I hope the aliens and cyborgs save us!" thing. 


The character first appeared, under the name "Momentum," in Villains, Vandals, And Vermin for 5E. He got his current name and greatly expanded background in Champions Villains Vol. III for 6E.

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On 11/10/2018 at 2:03 PM, Lord Liaden said:

Quite right, Tech, because my dysfunctional brain screwed up the volume number for some reason. Apologies. :stupid:


Kinematik and his followers are actually in CV Vol. 1, the "Master Villains" collection. I corrected that on the original post for anyone else who reads it.


Thanks!  We all like mistakes... like the time I'm looking for my watch and I look at my wrist for the time (which has my watch already on it) and say, "Where's my watch? I don't want to be late!"  (rolled an 18.)

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Stumbled across these while archiving my "winnings" from tonight's bundle of holding.  Honestly, I didn't realize I had kept any of them, but apparently I kept a couple.


Lucky me; I kept the black layer, which is pretty much the secret to repairing damage to the over-all cover.  Now if I only had some software that handled layers again.....


Ah well.


Enjoy (and I told you he looked better without that awful cape)



Champions cover black and white.png

Champions Cover final.png

Champions cover sans cape.png

Champions cover recolored.png

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