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Suicide Squad


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Thunder And Lightning--This could be part of their "civil service."


Panda And Raccoon--They may do it in exchange for protection from VIPER.


Any of the members of GRAB.


Laser and/or Mechassassin---There would have to be some specific reason for them to be involved, otherwise their tech could just as easily be issued to someone more loyal and compliant.


Same for Exo and/or Gauntlet.


Hope that helps.

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Requiem and Frost... because of course they got caught trying to reassemble their team

Durak- Because a government taking one of Eurostar's own can never go wrong.

Zig-Zag, since you need that one guy with a conscience but who also annoys the others

ESPER- because hivemind alien women kind of things aren't wild cards at ALL

Thunderbird- because having at least one vigilante in a team full of villains? What bad could happen?

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2 hours ago, Hermit said:

Thunderbird- because having at least one vigilante in a team full of villains? What bad could happen?


I could see Jason Redhorse being designated field leader of this impromptu team, like Rick Flagg. As an ex-military man with an impressive record and obvious savvy in neutralizing superhuman threats, if he was captured I would readily believe the government would offer to pardon him for his many murders, in exchange for doing more or less what he already did, except at government direction and with their blessing.


Suicide Squad members tend not to be the most powerful villains around, with some exceptions. Most often they're skill based with some distinctive gimmick, but shouldn't be useless without said gimmick. They should be willing to use lethal force if necessary, and should have a long enough history of violent crime that they could expect life in prison, if not execution, unless they serve the government in this way. Yet they should be rational and intelligent enough to actually cooperate with a team while it's in their best interest.


IMO some potential official villains who fit this description, have interesting personalities as well as abilities, and who could work tolerably in a team, include Arrowhead, Blackguard, Blowtorch, Cateran, Deadman Walkin', Dr. Teneber, Double Dealer, Evil Eye, Fleshtone, Frag, Freakshow, Green Dragon, Harpy, Jade Phoenix... I'll stop there rather than go through the whole list. You get the idea.

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Doctor Teneber in a Suicide Squad team could get interesting, depending on what he thinks of the mission. He could assure that the other members will complete the mission -- whether they die or not. OTOH, if he thinks you're worth it he might really, truly bring you back.


And I guarantee his teammates will find him creepy as hell. His teammates did, back when he was my PC. That was a very dark supernatural campaign, but Doc T turned out to be the most disturbing character in it.


Dean Shomshak

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Oh, and LL listed some other characters I created as well.


Harpy would be an excellent choice for a "Task Force X" as she is quite sane. She'd participate as a chance to be reunited with her daughter, and play it straight. PCs might find her quite sympathetic. Enough perhaps to wonder where the line is between "I'm doing this to be reunited with my daughter" and "The government holds my daughter hostage." Because the sort of people who'd run a Task force X are, um, not particularly nice.


Evil Eye might seem like a good choice, though some of her powers are, well, disturbing. Like, pulling people into her eye where they are apparently gone forever. Is it worse than just killing them, which a Suicide Squad is probably expected to do? Maybe; maybe not. Do the people running the op care? Probably not. The real question is, do they realize that Evil Eye is compromised by Archimago? If they send her on a mission with supernatural aspects, this could get sticky.


Frag is more openly problematic. Her temper and love of massive destruction make her unreliable under pressure. The government would have to be overconfident or short on candidates to employ her. Still if you need someone to blow things up real good... or as an expendable distraction... Oh, and there's an Archimago connection here, too.  That's potential issue with many mystical super-criminals: They come with baggage the average government just does not understand, that can bite their handlers in the ass.


LL didn't list him, but Hell Rider might be a good candidate, especially if he's beaten the deadline for his pact coming due. Again, not crazy.


For other mystic villains in the right power range? Black Fang's too savage, and his human half James Talmadge would want to stay in prison where he couldn't hurt anyone. Tappan Arkwright III is similarly not his own man. Mother Gothel is not likely to stay in custody: As a spirit, she'll just get herself killed back to the Land of Legends. Ditto for any of the lesser demon lords. Witchfinder might be recruited and play the same role as Thunderbird.


None of the Sylvestris are plausible: They're so deep in the Mystic World they tend not to be noticed by mundane authorities. If they are exposed and captured, odds are that the Patriarch either springs them from prison or kills them so they can't talk.


The Vandaleurs are looser, so some of them might be possibilities. Chatoyant would seem an excellent recruit: An invisible, intangible spy who can manifest from the Astral Plane to attack? Yes, please, just the thing for surveillance and intrusion. And the government can hold her body hostage for good behavior. And really, what are the odds that Tezcatlipoca would notice and take an interest?


If any of the Devil's Advocates are captured and stay in prison long enough for a Task Force X to be a possibility, be afraid. Be very afraid. Because Demonologist wants them in prison for some insidious/apocalyptic scheme of his own.


And the government will never have leverage over members of the scarlet Moon. It's always the other way 'round. Their only likely involvement with a Task Force X is running it.


Dean Shomshak

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What kind of Suicide Squad/Taskforce X is this? The original grim outlook or the later playing potential deaths for yucks series?


From 4E Dark Champions - Caliber 

From 4E High Tech Enemies - Kinetron

From 4E/6E - Blowtorch

From 4E Enemies of San Angelo - Firefly

From 6E Solo Enemies - Deadman Walkin'

From 6E Solo Enemies - Mantara


Caliber and Blowtorch are the crazy SOBs.

Kinetron is the powerhouse.

Firefly is the weak link.

Deadman Walkin' is the cold professional.

Mantara is the fish out of water. 

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1 hour ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Where is this Deadman Walkin’ from? Haven’t heard of him before.

As the others have said, Champions Villain Volume 3. He is basically a zombie sniper/gunman (as in an intelligent zombie sniper). While a head bomb to him might only be an inconvinous (as if I can remember, he can regrow lost limbs, etc...), it might take a long time for it to grow back. And if he is captured, there are other ways to harm him (like a certain doctor who raises people from the dead...).


Edit: Just reread his stat box. No regen. You would think he would have some kind of slow regen, perhaps involving getting replacement parts.

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2 hours ago, steriaca said:

As the others have said, Champions Villain Volume 3. He is basically a zombie sniper/gunman (as in an intelligent zombie sniper). While a head bomb to him might only be an inconvinous (as if I can remember, he can regrow lost limbs, etc...), it might take a long time for it to grow back. And if he is captured, there are other ways to harm him (like a certain doctor who raises people from the dead...).


Edit: Just reread his stat box. No regen. You would think he would have some kind of slow regen, perhaps involving getting replacement parts.


Well, normal human assassins don't have regen either. Deadman Walkin' doesn't even heal like a living man -- any wounds he gets, he just sews up. As a technically dead person, he's a lot harder to hurt than a living one, but he's no tank by any means. He still relies to a large extent on his considerable Skills gained in life.


Oh, BTW Ninja--Bear, DW first appeared in the Vibora Bay source book.

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Foxbat: Freddy is the Harley Quin of the group, except a man and non-killing. As long as he is put on a non-killing mission, he should be alright. And as long as the others can keep him from distractions.


GRAB members: If you have a mission which requires stealing something, you can't go wrong with Black Diamond and her girls (and Chester Cat). Just as long as any killing is done by someone else...


CLOWN members: You got a prank to play on someone? Get CLOWN to do it. Merry Andrew might balk at being pressed into working for the government (bunch of crooks asking a bunch of crooks to do things), if he has no choice, then he has no choice.


IMP members: The only sane member of the group is Mister Smiley (a Joker leftmost without the insanity or super-sanity, depending on your opinion of him). Unforcently he will insist on bringing his way more insane sister along (Jack O'Lantern, a Jack-o-lantern/Green Goblin guy with the serial numbers filed off). Mister Smiley is the only person who can keep her focused, if only barely.

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1 hour ago, archer said:

There was some archer from one of the early Enemies books, I want to say Rainbow Archer but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the name.


Trying to remember the name is going to drive me crazy all day.


Well, crazier.

Well Rainbow Archer is the only one I know off the top off my head from the Enemies books. Third edition I believe.

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2 minutes ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Well Rainbow Archer is the only one I know off the top off my head from the Enemies books. Third edition I believe.


Maybe that is the name. I know DC had a Rainbow Archer so I thought I was remembering the HERO name incorrectly.


Anyway, huge arrow multipower and enough OCV to hit the target.

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6 minutes ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Well Rainbow Archer is the only one I know off the top off my head from the Enemies books. Third edition I believe.

Rainbow Archer was also in Classic Enemies in the 4th edition. In 5th and 6th edition she was 'replaced' by Arrowhead, but she was brought back by Tiger for his Forgotten Enemies books.

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13 hours ago, DShomshak said:

For other mystic villains in the right power range? Black Fang's too savage, and his human half James Talmadge would want to stay in prison where he couldn't hurt anyone.


That was El Diablo in the movie, so could be a fit.

13 hours ago, DShomshak said:

If any of the Devil's Advocates are captured and stay in prison long enough for a Task Force X to be a possibility, be afraid. Be very afraid. Because Demonologist wants them in prison for some insidious/apocalyptic scheme of his own.


Duchess in the Ostrander series turned out to be Lashina of the Female Furies, who turned the whole squad over to Darkseid once she was able to get back to Apokolips.  A mole is not unprecedented.


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I wanted to list a few more Dark Champions and Champions villains but waiting for a restore of the files from da man so I know which books I'm drawing from


Laat year I ran a villain team game of Viper's most expendables - basically a suicide squad and it was allot of fun if short lived over the body count.



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