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Everything posted by Dronf

  1. Re: How to encourage RP? "No RP, no XP" That gets their attention. Then have a hero team of wimps beat up on whoever beat up on the PCs.
  2. Dronf

    Blue Streak

    Re: Blue Streak She should have a Distinctive Feature: Talks real fast. (like in "talking a blue streak").
  3. Dronf

    Blue Streak

    Re: Blue Streak The costume with the belt looks like it would stay on.
  4. Re: Mottos for use in games Ok fine fine fine! W/o background: I'm gonna pound ya flat, fold ya up, stick a stamp on ya, and mail ya ta jail! In English?
  5. Re: High Speed Low Drag Tactical Toys Wow wow wow wow! Too cool! There's a game of M.W.W.G. in my future.
  6. Re: 12 of the Deadliest Unmanned Killing Machines in Our Arsenal Whoa! I didn't know "killer robots" are so advanced. I'm scared!
  7. Re: Warehouse Plans Cool stuff. Better n I'd a done. I'd a just drawn a big rectangle.
  8. Re: Mottos for use in games The character's called Broom ("He doesn't use a Street Sweeper, he is one!") Broom: I'm gonna pound ya flat, fold ya up, stick a stamp on ya, and mail ya ta jail! GM: Don't bother rollin' dice, your PRE Attack worked. You can tell by the smell.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... We'er playing Pulp, and one guy doesn't really get it. So one point he complains "This plot is a doily, its almost all holes" <10 minutes later another player who always says things the wrong way goes: "[He]'s right, this plot is a hanky." Play stopped for ~5 minutes.
  10. Dronf

    Lucky Dan

    Re: Lucky Dan I played in a campaign with a very lucky character. Had TK with the limitation "Character doesn't control". It was a -0 Limitation because the player had control, and roleplayed the character not deciding on the effect. Lots of fun, and the TK covered most of what the "luck" did. A bunch of Luck dice, some Missile Deflection, and bit & bobs, and there's the character.
  11. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks "Objects of Opportunity" is always an OIF, every write up I've ever seen. Anti-Penalty Levels vs Range Penalties is good. Giving it "Range: LOS" is very, very powerful; be careful with that one! I'd make the line gun separate. Not in the Multipower, so he can do other stuff. The "spit out the teeth" bit -- aren't there rules re. hidden weapons? I can't remember exactly.
  12. Dronf

    Magic of the Fey

    Re: Magic of the Fey Whose version/vision of the fey? The old Celtic? The Anglo-Saxon? Geoffrey of Monmouth and the other medieval "Arthurian Cycle" writers? Victorian "serious" fey? Victorian "flower fairy" fey? Post Victorian writers? And if the last, de Lint style, Lackey style, or Pratchett style? (if anyone thinks Pratchett writes only comic stuff, go read Lord and Ladies.) Seriously, how poweful are the "fey" you mean, and how vicious/non-human?
  13. Re: Utility Belts I agree--for values of "like this" that are arbitrary. If based on common sense and dramatic sense, I wouldn't do that; I'd go with the utility "belt". But a Lim might be right, esp. if there's other Multipowers with more slots running around. As the wise words say, "It all depends."
  14. Re: Urban Fantasy Hero Oh wow! Cool! Thanks for the link.
  15. Re: DC-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act? Point A: How do they want the PC to "work with" them? Most Dark Champ PC's will want to keep their secrets. A response to a list of questions can be done in a way that keeps secrecy. A public hearing can't. A taped "deposition" is one thing, a "grilling" by a lawyer/senator is another. My characters would never risk their SID's. Point B: How are "superpowers" defined? What level of trained ability is "super"? What level of innate ability, of a kind Jane Alleights has a tiny bit of, is "super"? If someone has an ability one person in a thousand has, is that "super"? What if it's one in a million? One in a billion? What if no human does, but it's something some animals have (example: insects can see polarized light)? What about "gadgets"? What about "tech levels"? Point C: If secrecy is protected, and "superhuman" is reasonably defined, in a Dark Champions world where superpowers are common, all my Dark Champs characters would be all for a law making use of "superpowers" illegal. "Sure, lets cut those blasted capes down to size! :eg:" Ya see, I play in Dark Champs campaigns where the "dark" is black as charcoal. Capes don't fit, and that's how I like it. So "crippling" capes (for certain value of "crippling") is what I'd want. A lot. Enough that nothing except losing SID would keep my characters from helping the govt. do it. Or doing it themselves, in a less metaphoric sense.
  16. Re: Urban Fantasy Hero Akiva and others--like Weird Conspiracy? Well, find a copy of 4th edition Horror Hero. The "Modern Horror Campaign" section is a Weird Conspiracy, complete with magic and monsters.
  17. Re: 50 statessuper- villians Back in the mountain "hollars" of north Georgia, it seems time has stood still, or is running an ever-repeating loop. They live as they did 300 years ago. Few leave for the big outside world. Edna Sayum did. They called her a witch, they called her worse, and she fled for her life. Because what only seemed true of the hollars, is true of her. She can loop time, make things happen all over again. The ones she sends back, including her, are aware of what happened the first time through, and can change what they do. The big outside world was strange, but she's adapted. Very well, in fact. Once she learned that anyone can do whatever they can get away with, she was happy as a pig in slop---her power lets her keep trying till she gets it right. Emotionally abused back home, she's taking out her frustrations in Campaign City. And satisfying her hunger for The Good Things In Life . How do you catch a crook who's motto is "Practice makes perfect, and I can practice all I want"? Especially since she can send you back in time if that's to her advantage? Game Mech.: She has XDM, Time, Backwards Only, to limited group of times (1 second ago, 1 Phase ago, 1 Turn ago, 1 Minute ago, 1 Hour ago, only), AOE Radius, Selective, Mentality Only. IOW, she can send her mind back in time a limited number of distances, and/or anyone in her radius of effect. The "Mentality Only" means her body changes to the condition it was "back then" and there's no "two of me at once" effect. The same's true of anyone she sends back.
  18. Re: A Super Lucky Gambling Super Hero! Take Intuitional from Danger Sense, put it on Clairsent., Precog., Precog only. Don't need TK for dice, unless you want him able to call the number. Give him real high number on Gambling, use it as a RSR.
  19. Re: Utility Belts I don't think point caps or slot limits, by themselves, is the way to go. To me, it's the Steve Long Mantra: Common sense and dramatic sense. How's the U-belt made? What's the tech? How does it look? What fits the game? What's reasonable? What make for a good story? Point caps and slot number limits aren't going to answer those Q's all on their own.
  20. Re: Utility Belts I don't think point caps or slot limits, by themselves, is the way to go. To me, it's all about the Long Mantra: Common sense and dramatic sense. How's the U-belt made? What's the tech? How does it look? What fits the game? What's reasonable? What make for a good story? Point caps and slot number limits aren't going to answer those Q's all on their own.
  21. Re: Idea/Suggestion: Offline Character Generator Ooo! A char. pix maker?! Great! I can't draw at all. Need! Need! Please please please give!
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