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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: Charlton Action Heroes There is a Judomaster on The Netbook of Superheroes, but it says that the comic is D.C.
  2. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills Sterica with the perk upstream, I was thinking about expanding it as a function for buying martial manuevers. Of course this would be only useful in a game where the style lists are enforced. 1pt. Blackbelt - Buy any additional manuever from your style. 2pt. Master - Buy one additional manuever from outside your style. 3pt. Grandmaster - Modify a manuever, create a new (mechanically) manuever. 4 pt. Founder-Completely create a new system Also each level might affect how many csls (and what point cost) and weapon fam and elements too.
  3. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills And to add on to Bigbywolfe, then just make a house rule that this particular Disarm (Charlie Wax) expels one round for the pistol, but who evers takes a half phase can reload the pistol. I don't see that as a problem.
  4. Re: Second Best Game System ? Well, I was interested in D6 Powers to see how it went. But alas, no experience with the game itself but since its derived from the D6 system, it looked-interesting.
  5. Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies No, your not cheaping it to use pre-generated stuff before you get the hang of it. One advantage of using pre-ge (besides time saving) is in theory each power is balanced if you use it at the suggested level, without you have to do the analasis beforehand. Now one thing that you can do, is work with each player and allow them to take a pre-gen charcter and perhaps do alittle cut and paste and swaping. Perhaps instead of the martial artist using tradional weapons, his weapons are ice-generated (sorta like Sub-Zero, my step-son had a Halloween costume years ago calles Ice Wolf, his staff was "ice"). Of course once someone wants to change something on a character or create a new character allow him, don't wait for the experience points. I see nothing wrong with a couple of games to get the feel of it, get players input then tweak to suit. Good luck
  6. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills Well Ragitsu is you go by Disarm, then its a random roll to see where the gun goes, and it becomes a wild card. If you define it as a takeaway, then the character has control of the gun, which means he can use it or dispose of it. (Also to lower the point cost, figure out the dispel based on charges, cause really he is just disabling one charge (bullet).)
  7. Re: Paranoia Well it is the end of the world. At least says the Mayans.
  8. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills I kinda thought that-but wanted to make sure. I believe Dispel power (with the right modifiers) would be the way to go. I've seen it brought this way for armor. The only problem is the cost. I was going to suggest standard effect, but the most expensive pistol is 49pt act (Desert Eagle) but that is also because of the +1 Stunx and +1 OCV. Perhaps a rules that 12D6 Dispel is sufficient, at SE, to dispel any pistol. I went with 12D6 because at SE you get 36 pts and the Desert Eagle's damage is 2D6+1 which is 35 act. pts. As I type, you could perhaps justify a lower dispel and rule that the real weapon lim. acts to lower the act pt needed to dispel it?
  9. Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)
  10. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills Ragitsu-I watched the clip and re-reading your question, I'm not sure what your asking? Was there a particular move in the fight squence or the whole fight scene?
  11. Re: Touch of Knowledge... The limited VPP is the easiest. With the Universal Translator method, to represent skills I'd buy x overall skill levels to represent any skill. Or maybe +20 INT only for skills? And less not forget, just because he gets someone elses knowledge doesn't mean that that person's knowledge is perfect. And don't forget knowing how to do something is different than doing it. And to think about it, I wouldn't let the character have a full 5pt language either. Just cause he knows what is spoken doesn't mean he can pronounce the language correctly. (But that's just me)
  12. Re: Hero System 5E vs HS 5E revised I believe that the Revised version add the genre samples in the back with characters too (The Hero system Genre by Genre). Still $10 is a great deal for any Hero book , especially a hard copy.
  13. Re: So, what's NOT included in the 6th Ed. Basic Rulebook? I'm bummed that Damage Negation isn't in the Basic Rulebook. But this thread has me wondering, how much of the rules do I really use?
  14. Re: Newbie to HERO needing advice about world building Hello Madfable. It might be useful to look under the free links and look for the Hero System Genre by Genre (its free). It goes through the major Genre that people play, such as Super hero and Fantasy. Even though its in 5th ed, there are some sample characters in each genre. This I think will help you to grasp the reason from effect axiom in Hero. And as Bigbywolfe mentioned, Fantasy Hero and the Bestriary are great books for time savers. In Hero if you find the Dragon too wimpy, you can change it to your taste in power or what attacks to use. As for races-non-generic dndish? Could you give an example of what your thinking?
  15. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills Could you rep Sterica? I gotta spread some rep first!
  16. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Well I was thinking of not so much using the PRE rules but just a rationale of why the NPCs act the way they do. And if someone asks, you say well they failed the PRE attack Like I said the PC's shouldn't have to roll-they're heroes!
  17. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? That's a better wording of what I was thinking.
  18. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? I'm just wondering where you want to make the gradations. I would love to see strength broken down for the Heroic level. i had in my mind something where each 5pts wouldn't double but only 1 1/2 in power. (If I'm doing my math right) Then 15 STR would be equvilant to 13 STR in lifting. The only way I could see doing it right now without a major overhaul would be giving the character 15 STR and a phy. lim. only to lift at 13 STR.
  19. Re: Hitting 'Til It Hurts Thanks and about the punching bag, I just wanted to point out that there are different ways which you can hurt yourself, especially not trained. Btw, some people prefer the palm-heel strike over a punch because they feel its safer on the hand.
  20. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Actually, I would say its not the speed per se but a function of PRE attack. For example, volunteer firefighters are your average Joe but why do they react faster in a fire than say maybe a cop? Because even volunteers having training to go into a blaze, which for a majority of people is counterintuitive. When facing a fire to go in might be considered a form of PRE attack. So some people might heisitate before entering (lose a phase) whereas the firefighter charges into it. Now take a shooting. Again if its treated like a PRE attack, the cop would react whereas the firefighter might heisitate. Just because you have the potential to act doesn't mean that you do. (Of course the heroes by definition wouldn't pause, unless there is a pscy lim.)
  21. Re: Custom Martial Art Skills Good points Sterica! And depending on genre, it could be the rational for dnpcs, or agents too!
  22. Re: SHADOW WOLF: Just cant get him right (please help) And I forgot for Bear-simulate Death!
  23. Re: SHADOW WOLF: Just cant get him right (please help) For bear powers immunity to cold. A level of Growth and density increase, resistant pd or damage resistance. For the Rabbit, I would give him flying dodge manuever! The difference between the Deer and Rabbit I would make would be the Deer is a great long distance runner whereas the rabbit would have less running but a higher DCV when running. Basically the Deer would have loads of non-combat running with maybe red end and rabbit a higher combat run and DCV linked with it. Or maybe (just hit me) give the rabbit t-port that must go thru real space? Fwiw, I've had this idea for a Native American (villian) called Gray Squirrel who had shrinking and was a great acrobatic and thief skills. Plus you could give the squirrel clinging.
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