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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B Oh and perhaps the training is the reason that the Emperor's Shadow Guard use Lightsaber Pikes instead of lightsabers, even though they use the Force? And a thought about Han Solo, lets not forget how he could fly an asteroid field, he had alot of of subconsciense Force.
  2. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B Something interesting on Wookieepedia, is lightfoils. According to the site, lightfoils are weaker verisons of lightsabers and non-force users can use them. (But it doesn't fully explain why). On and bullets are harder for a lightsaber to deflect too. And Grievous, lets not forget was trained by Count Dooku who is supposed to be the Best lightsaber duelest.
  3. Re: Potential Plot/Scenario Concept -- Lock-Out (AKA MS One: Maximum Security) Looks decent. Though I'll have to wait for DVD (even then, it will be a wait). Cliches? in Hollywood? Nah....
  4. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien One thing about season three for Rex, he got experience so he can have multipowers running at the same time. It might be easier to start at season one. Good luck-I like that show I'll help if I can.
  5. Re: Team as characters What if you use the base character sheet as a starting point?
  6. Re: Ifrit For names try googling common or top ten arabric names. I did that for Canadian surmanes for the Amazing Darkon. As for skills, if he's been in a bottle for a long time, he may not have a bunch of skills at all. The psy lim seemed interesting and appropriate. As for evil ways, did you mean perhaps devious? Just because he is forced to do it, depending on who requests it, he might be very literal, or very figuritive. I.e. for friends, he would go by the spririt of the request and enemies, down to the letter.
  7. Ninja-Bear

    Baba Yaga

    Re: Baba Yaga Depends on the magic you see her having. Buying powers individual powers could be a spell. Typically, people buy a vpp and define it as magic/spellbook. Or you can buy it as a mulitpower, and each slot is a spell.
  8. Re: Robot Warriors to Hero System Fifth Edition massively updated Thanks anyways (it was worth a shot)
  9. Re: Skill or Skills to build traps The above list is good. Now usually people take security systems to disable traps. Perhaps either PS: traps to build them or weaponsmith (traps) to build them.
  10. Re: Robot Warriors to Hero System Fifth Edition massively updated Ok, I haven't played since 3055. So I'm not enlightened about the Dark Ages. (I just couldn't resist) And even then not so much. When my daughter and me played, I stick with 3025. One of these days though, I might try to write up some omnimechs just using Inner Sphere tech. And see if if the Omnis aren't so overly powerful. Shadowcat you wouldn't per chance have a scan of the old Citytech or Battletech? Its the wespons list which is so small on my compendium make smy eyes squint.
  11. Re: Energy Being Were you asking me about Hard Energy Constructs? I guess its the same thing as solid light. As for touch and hearing, they just adjust to the right energy signature.
  12. Re: 6e to 5e Martial Arts That's what I thought but without the official 6th rules-didn't want to guess.
  13. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Diericck Heimforth had a document on running a Super Friends game--no write ups though. I've rewatched some of the Super Friends and the Marvel Super Hero Squad. I hate the animation of the SHS it made it too kid like. And i don't know how to express it, but there is a different feel to them. SHS seems to be childess for childess sake whereas SF does strip away stuff for children to understand but still dealing with adult themes. I can't express it, but is a difference. Best I can say is that SF stories are mostly aesops with that simple type of approach for kids. As for realism in my games, even in the more "realistic" type games, such as Dark Champions, I don't want to be too realistic. If I want realism, I go outside. But if that's what you like, it's all good. Heck I would even play in a game to check it out, just give me a heads up first. : )
  14. Re: 6e to 5e Martial Arts And check the velocity damage for throw manuevers. In 5th its v/5 or v/3 but velocity is based hexes which is 2 meters per hex. Since 6th the smallest unit is meter, I think the modifiers is different. At least something to keep an eye on.
  15. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B I took Qui-Gon was using the force to enhance the blade to cut the bulkhead. And I don't think that it is so much that non-force users can't use a lightsaber just you have to be really good not to cut yourself. And I believe that it is implied by some of the books that you can use the force subconscientously. Luke skywalker told the droids to look for people that were really "lucky" when he was looking for students.
  16. Re: Robot Warriors to Hero System Fifth Edition massively updated If you do, what era do you plan on?
  17. Re: Energy Being Ok for energy beings-there was a villian (a miss understood robotic being) named Plasmoid that was made up of magnetic energy. As for official energy beings-none that I know of but perhaps there are in Beyond Champions (?) sourcebook book for a futuristic game. For light being solid, solid holographic images come to mind. Apparantly in DC Universe, one can make light be solid-look and feel real. For INT that sounds fair. For starships, maybe they take stuff with them. If they're explorers, they can't take everything with them. Also, even though they can fly, doesn't mean it isn't tiring or boring, or on corfortable. Also the ships can be faster and safer too. (I can walk a couple of blocks to a convinace store in the winter, doesn't mean I want too!)
  18. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B As Vulcan mentioned about the lightsaber being clumsy, I found that WEG had that problem in the rule. First the diff number to hit with a light saber was the highest of any melee weapon, second if you missed the base attack number by 10 then YOU take the damage. I wonder how many write ups would include this. By the way, I've seen a side effect like that on martial weapons before, on the Sengoku site, for flexible weapons, such as the nunchuks. The Klingon sword is already a real weapon, I believe the spread-the-water knife is the real weapon. The difference is the curve of the blade. And a thought of melee weapons in general. I was looking back at my Mechwarrior stuff, and for there Universe, melee weapons make great choices on space ships and stations because you don't want to punctor the walls! I know that some of the sci-fi mention, this may not be such an issue, but it is something to consider.
  19. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Well after my ninja killed a villian, I found out that the group I play with is more leaning to the Silver Age side of things. Funny thing, my friends brother played a character that is enraged when police are hurt and he ended up cutting off (I believe) Mecahassasin hand. So we definetley allow free will. Now for my daughters game, its leans heavily towards Super Friends. Hey she knocked Orb off a platform and flew to save him on her own! Off topic (slightly) if you like Super Friends, there is a homage episode called the Joker's Playhouse (I hear it on the Fisher-Price website and Youtube) its really good-cheese and all! And so yesterday, my kids were watching SF on Youtube, and I forgot all the enviromental messages that were in the show, among the others.
  20. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects Thank you-I'll give it a shot once I have a character I feel that is post-worthy.
  21. Re: Star Wars Hero: Why should I? (or not) Apparently George Lucas didn't think this line out logically. And after watching the interview with Oprah, I just sadly shake my head. Oprah asked him about god and he contradicted himself at least three times.
  22. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects How hard is it to post from Hero Designer? And I got a project to work on. I'm fleshing out the scenerio The Evil of Dr. Destroyer from Classic Enemies. To make it a martial flavored game, I'm swapping out DEMON with the Red Banner. Swapped the French Cathderal for an Asian Temple. I'm using Classic Enemies and Watchers of the Dragon sourcebooks. I really hope I get to run it this year.
  23. Re: Where does it show the price list for Hero system equipment guide. Not sure but don't you you always pay double?
  24. Re: Human brain in robot body Hello, I'm not sure if this is the same Robotman, but if you go here http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/ it has two write ups for Robotman and a couple of other cyborg characters. They are in 4th ed but still should help you.
  25. Re: Monstrous Character A more complicated verison would be buying and END reserve. Have no REC, but buy AID END Res. lim: only when feeding on life source, which is perhaps a linked hka/rka attack. And all powers are bought to use this END res only.
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