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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. And puns. Don't forget puns.
  2. Re: Cartoon genre? Adventurer's Club #27 had an article entitled "Funny Animal Champions" by Chris Cloutier and Greg Lloyd. The damage rules were that all combat is non-fatal and BODY Recovers at the same rate as STUN. 1 or 2 STUN Character notices something. 1/2 STUN Hey, that hurts! Stunned Character stiffens and falls over like a board. Unconscious Birdies and stars circle head until character recovers. 1 or 2 BODY Swollen thumb, tail on fire, fire-blackened face. x1.5 BODY Head flattened, face punched-in, character tied in knots. x1.75 BODY Character loses head...literally, hair, feathers, or limbs removed. x2 BODY Character is turned into a pile of ashes, squashed flat, or blown up. Characters mentioned include: The Harebrainer of Justice (The Blue Bunny Bonker) Squeeker Obsimian Jaguar (a cartoon jaguar who turns into a ferocious alley cat) Quantlamb Soliterrier Duckfender Dr. Duckstroyer Mechamouse The mice were Hubie and Bertie, by the way.
  3. Yes. That was it. It always seems like jokes are funnier when they come from normally grim characters. The contrast definitely adds something.
  4. And yet Batman had some great lines in the episode. "The next time I let Superman take charge, hit me. Really hard." and...and... D@mn it. He had a great one-liner shortly after he and Wonder Woman arrived on New Genesis, but I can't remember it now. I should have taped the episode while I was watching it. Someone help me out?
  5. Re: Yes, Virginia, there are superhero pajamas The newest episode revealed that she was blasted through a space warp by a criminal. She has no way home, has no idea where home is, and Thanagar is so far away that she says she had never heard of the Green Lantern Corp. If Hawkman does exist, the separation anxiety would certainly go a long way toward explaining her bad mood. But if Hawkman does appear, you can bet it will be after her budding relationship with Jonn has developed further.
  6. Re: My Secret Identity He also had super-speed and a later repeat of the same accident gave him super-strength. It starred the guy who later played Quinn Mallory on Sliders. And the scientist was played by the actor who played "Andy the psycho killer obsessed with Diane" on a few episodes of Cheers.
  7. As Tempuswolf said, ergot. When a pregnant passenger went into premature labor, Quincy finally realized that all of the symptoms matched ergotism. An examination of all the victims' activities revealed that they had all eaten in one particular bar on board the ship. That bar served edible dip bowls made from tortilla chip and the supplier had cut corners and provided sub-standard chips contaminated with ergot.
  8. Finally got my copy today. It arrived at the store Thursday (after I went there on Tuesday, of course). I assume that the "Charge Never Recovers" on the various drugs is only if they are bought with money? If they are bought with points they are normal Charges that recover by going home to get a new supply?
  9. One thing I planned on eventually doing was an adventure based on the two-part episode of "Quincy" entitled "Slow Boat to Madness". The PC's are on a cruise ship when passengers start going insane and then collapsing and starting to die. It's believed to be a disease, so the ship is quarantined, the other passengers panic, etc. The only real potential for combat is when a pair of passengers steal a lifeboat and go ashore in a nearby banana republic that stated its violent opposition to having the ship anywhere near it. And then a major DNPC who was on the cruise with the PC's develops symptoms. Keep the passengers under control without hurting them. Help and contain the victims. Deal with the upset military without causing an international incident. Find the source of the illness.
  10. You may be thinking of the +1/4 Advantage that lets you reduce the scale to a minimum of 1" = 1km. e.g. 10" Leaping, MegaScale +1 (1" = 1000km). You can't leap less than 1000km. 10" Leaping, MegaScale +1 1/4 (1" = 1000 km, can scale down to 1" = 1km). You can leap a minimum of 1 km.
  11. Originally Bolos were deployed using independent assault pods but the introduction of the Mark XIX in 2790 was accompanied by the development of a light cruiser-sized Navy vessel specially designed to transport a pair of Bolos to the surface and land in any terrain except swamp and severe mountains. The Mark XXII in 2890 was the first equipped with an interplanetary-range subspace com and the ability to directly control the by then unmanned transport ships. The Mark XXX in 3231, and all later models had internal counter-grav units allowing flight at up to 500 kph, but its battle screen, internal disrupter screens, and main armament were unusable due to diverted power. The Mark XXXII in 3356 could mount an auxillary counter-grav unit allowing it to make unattended planetary landings. The Mark XXXIII, date unknown due to incomplete data from the Last War and the Long Night, had in internal counter-grav unit for orbital operations. Information from "A Brief Technical History of the Bolo" in Bolos, Book 3: The Triumphant.
  12. Re: My revenge Also: *WARNING* Minors should avoid the banner ads at the bottom of the page. ...we don't want people getting pissed off.
  13. Re: Re: Evil things to do to your players: Or stats for the dreaded...Redneck Tree, although Randy already did a strip with D&D stats for them. HKA 2d6, Continuous, NND, Does Body. Defense is pliable body or un-removable metal underpants?
  14. Didn't he swim about as well as a brick? I remember a whole issue of "high density...trapped on an island...why would he willingly go out on a surfboard?" in the movie
  15. Re: Don't forget Disney villains! David Xanatos and his assistant Owen Burnett. And Owen would kick Mercy's mini-skirted butt around the block, considering his "secret identity". I always thought that would be an interesting campaign element. An evil mastermind and his henchman, but the henchman is much more powerful than the mastermind. He just works for him because he likes him and the job is fun and exciting.
  16. Re: Nietzchian I remember an episode that I was referencing in my post. The Maru crashed in an ocean and life support was lost. The ship filled with water before it could reach the surface, and while Harper drowned and had to be medically revived, Tyr was able to hold his breath until they reached safety.
  17. Which occasionally suffers from internal inconsistencies. Book 1: Mudge mentions that horses, cows, etc. are practically second-class citizens because they are extremely stupid-most likely due to their lack of hands. Book 3: Jon-Tom encounters a carriage company owned and operated by the horses who pull the coach and they constantly complain about the idiot employees that they are forced to rely on due the their lack of hands. Book 5: The main characters are joined by a hinny who shows absolutely no lack of intelligence. Book 3: Sorbl the owl mentions that if he so much as took a bite out of a mouse, its relatives would string him up. Book 4: Sorbl is mentioned to be eating a fried mouse sandwich. And why are mammals, birds, amphibians, and insects all sentient and anthropomorphic, but reptiles aren't? Unless they appeared in Son of Spellsinger or Chorus Skating. I never read those. And I never really liked Jon-Tom's constant attitude. "I'm from Earth, a civilized world, and you're all barbarians. So I know what's best for you, whether you want it or not." Sort of Earth Man's Burden.
  18. Also Life Support: Extended Breathing and Immunity to Disease. They have internal nanites that protect from pathogens and in one episode it's mentioned that Tyr can hold his breath for 10 minutes or so under optimum conditions.
  19. Re: disney heroes? In my campaign: Darkwing, a martial artist detective based in New Orleans. He seems to be romantically linked with an unidentified female superhuman with strange energy powers. Gizmo, a battle armor hero created and working for a billionaire in Jackson, Mississippi. Jonathan Gabriel, brilliant billionaire industrialist whose corporate headquarters and personal residence occupy the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago. The Pride, a group of feline themed martial artists who star in a popular children TV show. (I also have a genetically altered lab mouse in a mechanical human suit, but that's a different company).
  20. Posted by Xanatos in the Rules Questions forum: An Inherent Power can't be Drained, Dispelled, or Suppressed. Life Support-Suppress by clogging gills. Armor, Damage Resistance-Drain by softening scales or hide. Claws-Drain by blunting or softening. Winged Flight-Suppress with gravity control or Dispel with paralysis (only works for 1 Phase after all). Extra Limbs-Major surgery. After all, you can't Suppress a normal arm. What's its point cost?
  21. Re: Stupid question and a personal opinion. Page 204, bottom left. "You cannot buy Powers which inherently cost no END as a slot in an EC unless they take the Limitation Costs END or the GM permits it." I would only allow it if the Armor was basically the special effect for an always on force field or something similar. This would provide justfication for the fact that an Adjustment Power used against the EC would affect the EB and Armor at the same time.
  22. They made a joke about that in the last Heroes for Hire series. They were fighting the U-Foes and Ironclad was mocking Cage for his exclamations. "...you even swear like a wuss." "My Grandma didn't like me to curse..." Cage flattens Ironclad with one punch "...and she's a lot meaner than you."
  23. Is the Analyze on Detect Air Purity in the supplemental material to USPDB a GM leniency call? The FAQ says that Smell/Taste is sort of Discriminatory, but it has to be paid for for full effects.
  24. Similar to Lightray's comments, I had always been under the impression that these two were folded into the myths by Christian missionaries who then claimed that they were actually Adam and Eve. Then they could say "See? Ragnarok already happened and your gods are already dead. You might as well worship ours."
  25. He was in one of the "Wendy & Marvin Era" episodes. The one where the scientist was going to shrink every person on Earth to a few inches tall in order to increase the available natural resources. Wendy and Marvin called him for help after the Superfriends had all been shrunken. Unfortunately, they overlooked the fact that the villain was using radio as the carrier wave to transmit his shrinking effect. He answered the distress call and ZAP.
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