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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. Re: Stats for the original Champions team
  2. Re: Galactic Champions
  3. Re: color pic of Ripper? http://vu.morrissey-solo.com/moz/perez/info/champ-enemiesb.htm
  4. Re: Galactic Champions Did anyone else catch the reference to a member of PSI joining the Champions? Hint: Check Mechanon's history.
  5. Re: marvel conversions Adventurer's Club #5. George MacDonald's Champions Plus column. And I'm not old, I'm only 25. And I have been for years. It was for 1st Edition Marvel, so only Shift X and Class 1000, no Y, Z, 3000, or 5000. Third Edition Champions, so point costs and modifiers have changed significantly. Below in order Sh0/Fb/Pr/Ty/Gd/Ex/Rm/In/Am/Mn/Un/X/1000. Single numbers are the top of the range, to save space. Strength/Strength: 0/1-4/5-9/14/24/34/44/59/74/89/109/129/130+ Dexterity/Agility: 0-3/4-6/7-9/13/18/23/27/30/33//36/39/42/43+ Constitution/Endurance: 0-2/3-4/5-8/13/18/23/28/33/38/43/48/53/54+ Body/Endurance: 6-7/8-9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20+ Intelligence/Reason: 0-2/3-4/5-9/14/19/24/29/34/39/44/49/54/55+ Ego/Psyche: 0-3/4-6/7-9/12/15/18/22/26/30/35/40/45/46+ Presence & Comeliness estimated. Extra PD & ED/Armor or Defense: 0/1-2/3-4/5-7/11/16/22/29/37/44/54/64/65+ Extra Speed/Agility: 0/0/0/0/1/1/1/2/2/2/3/3/3 Recovery, Endurance, and Stun calculated normally. 2 5 point skill levels per Fighting rank greater than Agility. 2 levels with a specific attack per +1 CS bonus 1 3 point PER levels per rank of Intuition greater than Reason. Double calculated PD and ED if no special defenses. Martial Arts give +5 PD & ED. Characters with Body Armor buy extra defenses as Armor. Characters with Dense Flesh, etc. buy extra PD & ED. Excellent or lower Dense Flesh is bought half resistant. Remarkable or better Dense flesh is fully resistant. 5 Ego Defense per Psyche rank above Excellent. Acrobatics skill if Agility is Remarkable or better. Missile Deflection (Dodging) if Agility is Amazing or better. Computer Programming skill if Reason is Excellent or better. Danger Sense if Intuition is Amazing or better. Martial Arts with the Martial Arts Talents. (This was when there was only the Martial Arts skill in Champions and only one Martial Arts Talent in Marvel). Half END on any power or STR costing 5+ END if Endurance is Excellent. 1/4 END on any power or STR costing 5+ END if Endurance is Remarkable or better. 20 points of Life Support if Endurance is Monstrous. 25 points of Life Support if Endurance is Unearthly or better. Offensive Powers/Active Points: 0/1-4/5-9/10-14/24/34/44/59/74/89/109/129/130+ Non-Combat Powers/Active Points: 0-4/5-9/10-14/19/24/29/34/39/44/49/54/59/60+ Movement: 0"-1"/2"-3"/4"-5"/9"/13"/17"/21?/25"/29"/33"/37"/41"/42"+
  6. Re: Your rules for sleeping? From "Death in the Great Outdoors" by Greg Porter. Adventurer's Club #13. A character needs 24/REC hours of sleep each night. I don't agree with this, since a lot of superhumans would then need little or no sleep. -1 EGO, INT, and PRE per night without enough sleep. EGO roll to avoid distraction during boring or repetitive tasks. Fall asleep if the roll is missed by 2 or more. Sleeping for twice as long as needed negates all accumulated penalties.
  7. Re: I thought this was in Dark Champions Psychological Limitation: Signature. It originally appeared in Cyber Hero, p. 35, and it was also in Adventurer's Club #26, pp. 7-8. Common Psychological Limitation, Intensity varies by character.
  8. Re: Equipment: CP, Money or "Real Cost/5"?? In my Champions campaign each character has a certain number of free points based on their Wealth level, to spend on equipment and vehicles, based on the rule in Ultimate Vehicle. In addition, I have huge lists of equipment available to the public and the government (converted from GURPS Ultra Tech 1 & 2, Vehicles, Robots, and Bio-Tech). Any points spent on this "Normal Equipment" can be exchanged for other Normal Equipment as if it were a Gadget Pool with no control cost. But only in a situation where the equipment could be exchanged, e.g. base, arsenal, supplier. And the character is limited to legal civilian devices at the public technology level. Access to government level technology requires the Advanced Tech Perk from Star Hero and access to military and illegal devices requires the Improved Equipment Availability Perk from 4th Edition Dark Champions, but I raised the cost to 5/10/15 points.
  9. Re: Now that I've seen Reality Storm So I'm looking at Red Phoenix's Champions write-up, and I suddenly think "That can't be right." So I look at her SAS write-up, and I have to ask... ...exactly what good is a personal force field with Affects Desolid. Oooh, a Desolid character can't go through you, they actually have to take the time to go around you instead. The only thing I can think of is a defense against some sort of spectral attack that's NND or AVLD against defenses that Affect Desolid.
  10. Re: Darkness: Can be penetrated by Nightvision. Since Nightvision is +4 PER to counter darkness penalties, you could define the darkness as Change Environment causing -4 on PER rolls. It's "dark", but it's not "Dark".
  11. I'm trying to locate a Champions article that I found online around 1997 or earlier. It was by Aaron Sullivan and it was a combination short story/write-ups detailing new PRIMUS equipment. KO-11 Sentry Pistol KO-12 Chimera Rifle Shining Knight Class Powersuit Shiva Class Battleframe Does anyone know where to find this? Or recall where it used to be? (I love the Wayback Machine site)
  12. Re: CU: Atlantis In 4th Edition a typical Atlantean had 15 STR and a CHAR max of 23 instead of 20.
  13. http://www.fecundity.com/darkdung/ They even make the point about female Gamers. Tom: Hey. This isn't a D&D game! Where's all the Mt. Dew? Crow: And the Doritos? Mike: Plus, the women outnumber the men!
  14. I may not be remembering all the episodes I've seen at the moment, but it seems like all of the other witches encountered so far all had some variant of Psychokinesis, directly manipulating matter, energy, or raw force. The fear witch was the only telepath encountered so far. The orbo may only shield against physical threats, not mental. I'll have to see more episodes though. EDIT: Just checked an episode guide online, just episodes I've seen, don't want to be spoiled. 1: Force blast shout. Sand manipulation. 2: Rupturing internal organs. 3: Life-sucking insects. 4: Telekinetic force blades. 5: Fear manipulation. 6: Animated dolls. 7: Straight telekinesis 8: Health transfer. 9: Pyrokinesis.
  15. This was in the days before MegaScale, so it was done with Radius and a custom Limitation to lose damage over large distances. Now it would be a MegaScale Explosion. 1 MT Blast: Immediate Radiation: 6d6 RKA, AVLD (Power Defense), Does BODY, Radius-1 mile, Affects Desolid, Invisible; plus 3d6 CON and BODY Drain. Flash: 8d6+1 Major Transform (person to blind person), Radius-50 miles (actually loses 1 DC every 1610"), AVLD (Sight Group Flash Defense) (or being blind, an AVLD/NND hybrid, I guess). Thermal Blast: 20d6 RKA, Radius-18 miles (loses 1d6 every mile or so). Electromagnetic Pulse: 6d6 RKA, Radius-12 miles, Invisible, Only Affects Electronics. Blast Wave, Static Overpressure: Radius-10 miles (loses damage as above), Indirect (affects all parts of objects), Little or no effect on soft, malleable objects). Blast Wave, Winds: As Overpressure, but without the Limitation. Negative Pressure Phase: 3d6 RKA, Radius-10 miles. Fires: 10d6 Aid (half to fire RKA, half to Aid), 120 max, fade 5/hour, Radius-1.25 miles, Continuous, Uncontrolled, 0 END.
  16. That witch was cheating. He wasn't using his telekinesis against them, he was using it against the special sand that he had planted which was stuck to the soles of their shoes.
  17. Re: Shane Gooseman was the MAN This page also has information that was almost custom designed for a game. Ship, weapon, and robot specifications, historical timeline, planet guides. I have to wonder about Ranger-1's lasers only being 2 Mw while the smaller Ranger Interceptor fighters have 5 Mw lasers. http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/4721/gr/index.html
  18. He could mutate to become invulnerable to any attack from which he had suffered damage. Likely a VPP limited to defenses that use END and only vs. attacks that have damaged him within the last Turn or so. It also functioned as a limited Mimic Pool allowing him to protect himself from hostile attackers by duplicating their physical traits. I have frequently seen the power defined on fan sites as a form of Cyberkinesis manifested through his AI programs. This is supported by the fact that the range and power of his "tweakers", as they were called, was increased when the other Rangers boosted his implant with power from their own.
  19. Plus eBay has a tendency to cancel the auctions when they notice them, since they're classified as "pirated material". I ended up making a private deal with the guy offering the full set after his auction was cancelled.
  20. I have all 65 episodes on tape. (Does the gloating dance).
  21. And it gives the GM an excuse to eventually bring the character back as a more powerful cyborg villain, with a built-in motivation. Or a villain gathers together every person that the heroes have maimed and rebuilds them as a "Revenge Squad".
  22. When "Classic Organizations" came out, it revealed that the commonly encountered Demon organization is a decoy. The real Demon created it as an "occult-themed Viper" to keep heroes and government agencies distracted while the real Demon (a purely occult and much more covert organization) went about its plans in the background. The leaders of the real Demon (the Inner Circle Morbanes) consisted of a sorcerer with grafted demonic body parts, a voodoo priestess, an undead knight, a corrupted wood sprite, and Baba Yaga (yes THE Baba Yaga).
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