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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Re: The Heroes blew it! Evil Wins The Lone Wolf adventure books have that feel to it. The Bad Guys haven't beat everyone yet, but they managed to wipe out the Kai Monastery, except for Lone Wolf himself.
  2. Re: The cranky thread That sucks! Can't you file a grievance or something? I hope you got paid overtime working on Xmas and New Years Day.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Why won't this thread allow me to get to the next page? Finally got to it. I guess a post was being deleted.
  4. Re: Rail gun damage? Thanks for posting the info here, FireTiger. I definitely find it useful.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Political Fantasy Football Drinking Game
  6. Re: Link: Useful Calculators For Star Hero Thanks.
  7. Re: Link: Useful Calculators For Star Hero The page doesn't seem to work for me.
  8. Re: Rail gun damage? I like that one. I thought about a similar thing, except having the rails cooled and reprimed rather than be discarded. IIRC, railguns can currently be fired a few times before they fail altogether, so in your system, perhaps the system will replace the rail after every third shot. On the other hand, having a fresh rail each time would ensure optimal performance.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Spanish wine + Belgian chocolates = excellent combo!
  10. Re: Your "2008" Pet Gaming Projects Probably nothing new. If I get a new gaming group (or rejoin my old one) I'd run one of the campaigns I've been working on, either the hard sci-fi game or the martial arts/film noir game. In the meantime, I'll continue to refine those campaigns. Still, I came up with a couple of campaign ideas on the fly. So I'll post my ideas here when they come up.
  11. Re: Rail gun damage? Useful stuff here, guys. Thanks. I think I'll look at ram accelerators as well.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Not a crossover, but definitely a nightmare: WORLD WAR THIRTY!!!!! Earth go kaboom!
  13. Re: Billionaire backer I remember a series called Counterstrike, where a millionaire hired three special agents because his wife had been kidnapped and (I think) killed. He wanted a group of special agents to fight terrorists or criminals who operated above the law.
  14. Re: Horror Hero Without the Supernatural I'd run a Horror HERO game that way. I think the realistic stuff is a lot scarier than the supernatural because it actually does happen in real life from time to time. Basing villains on Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker) or Jim Jones would make for a distubing campaign.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Smelly Garbage Lara Croft and the Curse of the Yodelling Ninja
  16. Re: The cranky thread The entire day today was an exercise in futility! I was scheduled to teach tkd at noon today. I predicted nobody would show up this close to Christmas, and I was right. So I left early. Earlier in the day, I went to the mall downtown to do some Christmas shopping. I couldn't find anything there, and there was this overpowering stench of strong cologne in the air that made me ill. I tried my luck after I left the dojang. I bought a few things, but it took me forever to find a gift for my stepfather. I couldn't find what he wanted, so I had to get him something else. And I bought a few toys for the Toys for Tots program. I dropped by work (I wasn't scheduled to work today because they cut my hours) to drop them off, only to find the collection bin had already been taken. If the point of getting through today was to completely waste my time, it went swimmingly!
  17. Re: Rail gun damage? "BANG! BANG!" But since there won't be anything going at light speed let alone hyperlight speed (is that a real word?) I won't have that problem at least. And who are these Volroids anyway?
  18. Re: Retiring a Character I'm not too sure what exactly Sir Errandis wants to do here. Is he planning to subdue the remaining rebel lord, or is he trying to retire? And why does he want the Black Woods if it's infested with monsters?
  19. Re: The cranky thread Condolences. I've been like that all year.
  20. Re: The cranky thread And on that note, why is it the admins saw it fit to cut my hours, yet expect me to have all my work done? Time to hand in my resignation.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Or I get mad at them, which often shuts them up too. But I'm saving my angry tirade for a coworker who started putting on airs and sticking his nose in everyone's business. We haven't crossed paths yet this week, but tomorrow I plan to have a word with him.
  22. Re: Rail gun damage? I guess I'm back to using regular naval cannons and machine guns then!
  23. Re: Rail gun damage? Would it be possible to repair the rails somehow? And if not, would they still be useful in some way, perhaps be recycled for other uses?
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