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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Indiana Jones and the Emerald Spork.
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares You went a lot further than I did.
  3. Re: Villains named after Santa's reindeer? You can draw inspiration from this carol: What?
  4. Re: The cranky thread My regular VCR seemed to be messing up, so I was having trouble recording my shows. I used another VCR to tape my show, but I got the time wrong when I set the VCR and didn't record it. And it won't be showing again for a while.
  5. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Congratulations, Mantis!
  6. tkdguy

    Ace HERO

    Re: Ace HERO Here's a question. Certain planes like the F-4 have a two-man crew: the pilot, and the radar intercept officer. If they shoot down five enemy planes, are they both considered aces, or is that honor reserved for the pilot alone? Edit: On that note, what about bomber crews?
  7. tkdguy

    Ace HERO

    Re: Ace HERO The History Channel's series Dogfights is another great resource. Thanks for all the recommendations, guys.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures My new desktop!
  9. Re: The cranky thread Well, our new assistant manager isn't exactly qualified, but having friends in the corporate office can do wonders. At least the new boss has stopped offending everyone and is trying to make nice with the staff. As for today's crankiness: Because the lights went out in one of the train stations, it was closed, and I had to take several detours to get home. So a commute that normally takes 30-45 minutes stretched to almost 2 hours.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares It was okay. Not great by any stretch of the imagination, but not a total suckfest like so many movies on SFC either. And Kathleen Robertson (Azkadellia) is easy on the eyes.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I won't even try to explain . Just enjoy. Or something.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares How about crossing over a couple of shows from the Sci-Fi Channel? Tin Man vs. Megasnake
  13. Re: Jokes What's worse than finding a worm in an apple?
  14. tkdguy

    Ace HERO

    Re: Ace HERO But seriously, this idea actually came during my musings about making starship combat more "realistic." I realized there are several advantages with this campaign: 1. We know it can be done. It has already been done many times for nearly a century. 2. No rubber science necessary. You already know (or you can research) the technology available in whatever era you choose to play. 3. The campaign is earth-bound, so you don't have to worry about microgravity or oxygen. And there are a lot of exotic locations here on Earth anyway. I like the Near Earth Space Defense idea, though. I was thinking of writing a story that featured a spaceplane armed with the Metal Storm system.
  15. tkdguy

    Ace HERO

    Re: Ace HERO Great ideas, guys, thanks. I also considered setting the campaign abord an aircraft carrier, so you can have a base that moves around. But no, it won't be named Enterprise, and the first player who suggests it be named Galactica gets FREd dropped on his head!
  16. tkdguy

    Ace HERO

    I've been thinking about a campaign involving dogfights lately. The characters would be fighter pilots or the crew of a bomber. It would be a heroic campaign, of course. There have been aerial battles since World War I, so there are a lot of time periods to set the campaign. And there are rules in 5th Edition for dogfights. Has anyone done this type of campaign?
  17. Re: Links to space related sites I can make good use of these links. Thank you. Repped.
  18. Re: "Theme Music" and it's uses for setting and action? You can also use sound effects or parts of dialogues from different films Again, it can be distracting at times. I often thought about using an "assistant" to play the music on cue, but I doubt I'd get many volunteers.
  19. Re: D&D vs. FantasyHERO vs. Palladium Years ago, I did a nonmagical fantasy. No problem in FH; lots of work in D&D, no matter which edition. Hey why isn't GURPS Fantasy included in this brouhaha?
  20. Re: "Theme Music" and it's uses for setting and action? I found it to be tricky at best. Having to stop the game briefly just to play a musical selection for dramatic effect is distracting. Likewise, having the music play continuously reduces it to background noise. It can be done, but it's best used sparingly, in my experience.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Battletech with furries as the main characters. Drawn by Rob Liefeld.
  22. Re: The World's 10 Most Famous Uncracked Codes "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." What? You know someone had to say it.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I thought I was the Filipino Batman!
  24. Re: D&D vs. FantasyHERO vs. Palladium Still, if I were to introduce gaming to people who've never tried it out, I'd use the old "red book" Basic D&D. It's simple enough for non-gamers to understand. Then we can move on to the more complex stuff once they get the hang of it.
  25. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Romeo and Juliette, starring Bruce Campbell as Romeo and Sandra Bernhardt as Juliette.
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