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    tkdguy reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    "As to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we beg you, brothers and sisters, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as though from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord is already here. Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be God."  --  2 Thessalonians 2:1–4
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    If some supernatural force is helping Dump, it sure as hell ain't  coming from above.
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Tom Cowan in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    If some supernatural force is helping Dump, it sure as hell ain't  coming from above.
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    tkdguy reacted to Cygnia in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
    From the late great Terry Pratchett
    Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
    Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
    Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
    Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
    Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
    Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
    The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
    No one ever said elves are nice.
    Elves are bad. (LL)
  6. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Bazza in The Last Word   
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    tkdguy reacted to death tribble in On This Day in History   
    January 20th 1567. Battle of Rio de Janeiro. Portugal beat France
    January 20th 1839 Battle of Yungay. This is in South America
    January 20th 1929 the first full length talking motion picture filmed outdoors is released
    January 20th 1936 King George V dies and is succeeded by his son as Edward VIII
    January 20th 1937 Franklin D Roosevelt begins his second term as President as the 20th Amendment to the constitution take effect
    January 20th 1942 The Wannsee Conference takes place.
    January 20th 1953. Dwight D Eisenhower becomes the first President to start his Presidency on January 20th since the 20th Amendment takes place
    January 20th 1961. John F Kennedy is inaugurated as President as the youngest man to hold the office and the first Catholic
    January 20th 1980. Superbowl XIV The Pittsburgh Steelers defeat the Los Angeles Rams 31-19
    January 20th 1981. Twenty minutes after Ronald Reagan is inaugurated as President, Iran releases 52 American hostages.
    January 20th 1985 Superbowl XIX The San Francisco49ers defeat the Miami Dolphins 38-16
    January 20th 1986 Martin Luthor King Day is celebrated for the first time as a Federal holiday
    January 20th 2009. Barack Obama is inaugurated as President and is the first African American to do so.
    January 20th 2021. Joe Biden is inaugurated as the oldest person to hold the office of President. Kamala Harris is inaugurated as the first female Vice President.
    Tom Baker the fourth actor to play Dr Who on television is 90 today
    Also born this day Lead Belly, Federico Fellini, DeForest Kelley, Slim Whitman, Buzz Aldrin, David Lynch, Ian Hill (of Judas Priest fame), Paul Stanley (of KISS fame), Bill Maher, R A Salvatore and Nicky Wire (of Manic Street Preachers)
    Died this day John Ruskin (painter and critic), Andrew Volstead (of Prohibition Act fame), Alan Freed, Johnny Weissmuller, Barbara Stanwyck, Audrey Hepburn, Sir Matt Busby, Etta James and Meat Loaf
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    tkdguy reacted to slikmar in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
    "It Bit Me"
    "What did you expect it to do?"
    "I thought Fairies were nice"
    "Shows what you know"
  9. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Scott Ruggels in Not my Holiday!   
    THe oldest continuous celebration I think is Persian Nw Year, where people leap over bonfires. It was originally a Zoroastrian celebration from ancient Persia, and the muslims kept trying to suppress, to no success. Dtill celebrated today.
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    tkdguy reacted to Cancer in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    tkdguy got a reaction from wcw43921 in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
    This game has been around since 2000:

  12. Like
    tkdguy reacted to death tribble in General Sports Thread   
    Novak Djokovic is the first man to play 100 matches at all four of the tennis Grand Slams.
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    If you're going to set your campaign in Medieval England, you may find one of the calendars here useful.
    Just for grins and giggles, you can find the phases of the Moon here. Why? Because werewolves, that's why.
  14. Thanks
    tkdguy got a reaction from slikmar in General Sports Thread   
    Lots of intense matches at the Australian Open last night. A lot were were tie breaks, but this one was record breaking.
  15. Thanks
    tkdguy reacted to Cancer in Random SF Links   
    From the astronomy education mailing list I'm on.  Haven't looked in that link, but the guy who sent this out is a significant name in the astro ed racket.
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    tkdguy reacted to Cygnia in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Korgoth in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
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    tkdguy got a reaction from assault in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
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    tkdguy reacted to Cancer in Extra! Extra! Read All About It!   
    Certainly the right spirit, though for real accuracy I think the word "speculation" ought to be replaced with "making s--t up".
  21. Thanks
    tkdguy reacted to L. Marcus in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    The Scandinavian elites of the 12th century had given up plundering and pillaging abroad for using the Christian ideology to increase their domestic influence and power. Early medieval Sweden was still an elective monarchy, and civil war between competing magnates over the crown was almost a yearly occurrence. Our national patron Saint, Saint Erik, was a king who bit it in one of these struggles. He started a crusade against the Finns and was murdered in a church, they say, so he must've been very holy, even if he ended up more holey.
    Not that the coalescing kingdoms didn't engage in a little light conquest -- the Danes tried for Balticum, while Sweden managed to snag Finland.
  22. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Old Man in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    12th century Europe is the way:
    Byzantine Empire Castile, Aragon, and Moorish Spain Knights Templar Second and Third Crusades Genghis Khan Silk Road Merchant Republics of Italy English civil wars and wars with France Holy Roman Empire Teutonic Knights Decline of Kievan Rus Seljuq Empire  
    About the only thing 12th century Europe doesn't have is Vikings, but you could probably squeeze them in and no one would know any better.
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    tkdguy reacted to Ragitsu in Ctrl+V   
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    tkdguy reacted to Lord Liaden in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    The Holy Roman Empire became an exception to the above-mentioned Manuel Komnenos' good relations with Western European rulers. Both Manuel and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederik I Barbarossa, had ambitions of expanding their influence over Italy. Manuel provided financial and material support to Italian groups opposed to Frederik, notably the Lombard League. Although their forces never came to blows, relations became quite chilly, with Frederik asserting his succession to the throne of Rome and primacy over Constantinople. Northern Italy would thus make a good site for intrigue between the two leading powers in 12th Century Europe.
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    tkdguy got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Not my Holiday!   
    Unification Day was a holiday in Firefly Some Browncoats like Mal Reynolds enjoyed stirring up trouble as a protest.
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