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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Beast


    John Dresden and Karrin Zatana where in love (took them long enough, everybody else knew it) John is a mage PI Karrin was a police detective who dealt with "unusual happenings" The 2 of them teamed up on many cases they also made some deadly enemies one day their enemy struck while the 2 of them where in the shower Karrin was killed instantly, John was shielded by Karrin's body from the gunfire John was able kill the assassin as Karrin died in his arms Later John after a few missions wonders what unnatural forces seems to be helping and protecting him He finds out it is Karrin's spirit now the 2 of them still solve mysteries and try to have a relationship
  2. I'd go with 1-3d6 Unluck and Luck only vs Items younger than me maybe put a time limitation of 1hr presence needed-1/4
  3. For a 2 form character(normal and Super) I would go with Only in Alternate ID aka OIAID a -1/4 limitation you pay full price for all common stuff and any stuff the hero form can do gets the limitation My super hero Wraith is built this way
  4. Beast


    it was 1 of my choices and I have that miniture(it is Blood Widow from Reaper) #1 also had that undead/zombie stare and is oozing power
  5. Beast


    came across this pic as a possible pic for Haunted's Girlfriend the Ghost 1st new pic is Karrin who just looks a bit different in death 2nd is a different version of her when she was alive 3rd is what the 2nd looks like in death any comments(like /dislike) or other suggested pic?
  6. Beast


    Updated John Dresden aka Haunted Haunted Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1] 18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 25 CON 15 14- 23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14- 23 EGO 13 14- ECV: 3 - 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 OCV 25 8 DCV 25 3 OMCV 0 3 DMCV 0 4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 2+23 PD 0 Total: 2/25 PD (0/10 rPD) 2+23 ED 0 Total: 2/25 ED (0/10 rED) 10 REC 6 45 END 5 11 BODY 1 46 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 167 Movement: Running: 12m/24m Leaping: 4m/8m Swimming: 4m/8m Teleportation: 10m/20m Cost Powers END 24 Haunting :My girlfriend the ghost: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (90 Active Points); all slots No Conscious Control (-2), No Range (-½), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Hallowed grounds; -¼) 2f 1) My girlfriend is bansihde keening your death: Change Environment (-5 to Characteristic Roll or Skill Roll, Long-Lasting 1 Turn, Stunning), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½), Thin Cone (-¼) (59 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Vs Pre not Con; -0) 0 1f 2) My girlfriend the ghost is breath taking: Change Environment (+2 Wind Levels, -2 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting 1 Turn, Suffocation), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½) (57 Active Points) 0 2f 3) My girlfriend the ghost talks with her ghost friends: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Hearing And Sight Groups), Telescopic: +20 (60 Active Points) 0 2f 4) My girlfriend the poltergeist: Change Environment (+1 Points of Damage, +1 Wind Levels, +3 Points of Telekinetic STR, -1 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting 1 Turn), Area Of Effect (32m Radius; +1) (60 Active Points) 0 1f 5) My girlfriend the ghost says lights out: Darkness to Sight Group 9m radius, Personal Immunity (+¼) (56 Active Points) 0 2f 6) My girlfriend the ghost was a cop and a crack shot: RKA 1d6+1, Penetrating (+½), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½), Thin Cone (-¼), Selective (+¼), +4 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1) (60 Active Points) 0 14 +4 SPD (40 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only for ghost girlfriend's actions; -1 ½), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Not on hollowed ground; -¼) 97 Variable Magic Power Pool, 60 base + 60 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+½), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (135 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-½), Incantations (Complex; -½) 0 1) Soulfire blast: Blast 5d6, STUN Only (+0), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +¼), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; All Or Nothing; +1) (56 Active Points) Real Cost: 28 6 0 2) Napalm for the soul: Blast 3d6+1, STUN Only (+0), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½), Thin Cone (-¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Constant (+½), Uncontrolled (+½), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; All Or Nothing; +1) (59 Active Points) Real Cost: 29 2 0 3) Hell fire: RKA 2d6, Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½), Thin Cone (-¼), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼), Penetrating (+½) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 6 0 4) Stinging hellfire: RKA 2d6, Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½), Thin Cone (-¼), +3 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¾) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 6 0 5) Be gone minions of hell: Dispel summoned 6 ½d6, Area Of Effect (32m Cone; +¾), Thin Cone (-¼), Cumulative (624 points; +1 ½) (58 Active Points) Real Cost: 29 6 0 6) quick healing: Healing BODY 2d6, Characteristics (+½), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 ½) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 6 0 7) Major trama healing: Healing BODY 6d6 (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 6 0 ? Teleportation 10m, x4 Increased Mass, MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 30 6 Morning magical rituals, all slots Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -¾), Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -¾), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -¾), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (all effects turn off at dawn; -¼) 8 1) invisible aura of protection: (Total: 26 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) +13 PD (Real Cost: 13) plus +13 ED (Real Cost: 13) 0 8 2) invisible protective wards: Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points) 0 14 3) Communications with my dead girlfriend the ghost: Danger Sense (general area, any danger, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Targeting Sense) (52 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Hallowed ground; -¼) 14- 2 Teleportation: Fixed Location (2 Locations) 0 Notes: His Base and team base Perks 5 always knows which horse to pick: Money: Well Off 3 Anonymity 10 Vehicles & Bases Skills 3 Acting 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Deduction 14- 3 Kit bashing magical items: Inventor 14- 3 Navigation (Dimensional, Land) 14- 5 PS: Mage: all in practioner of the dark arts 14- 3 Persuasion 13- 3 Security Systems 14- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 13- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 233 Total Cost: 400 400+ Matching Complications 15 Hunted: Demons,dark gods,elder things and really ancient somethings Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Psychological Complication: Smart mouth (Common; Strong) 15 Psychological Complication: Hates being ordered around (Common; Strong) 20 Psychological Complication: Protective of normals (Very Common; Strong) 5 Rivalry: Professional (other mages; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) 5 Susceptibility: Holy relics 1d6 damage Instant (Uncommon) Total Complications Points: 400
  7. Beast


    I had forgotten to make them all turn off at dawn good catch on the danger sense I'll amend both As for Lights Out just an extension of Danger Sense just more whispering in his ear/mind
  8. Beast


    No comments either way on how good or bad the character is?????????????????? No opinions on a backstory or possible changes??????????????
  9. what about ice melting at the ice caps? the magnetic field does redirect a good portion of that radiation to the poles and maybe the outflow/inflow of the magnetic field is heating the ice cap?
  10. So could this be the cause of climate change?
  11. If the player does not want to ,then don't force them and give the drama and face/limelight time to a player who will when they ask why is so and so getting more limelight/face time you tell them you did not want it when it was offered and so and so is willing to play
  12. Death for decapitation severing a limb you need to look at the inpairment rules in 6th ed
  13. That is a GM's job ,especially if the player has DNPC loved one of the moment kinda thing or Psy lim disad: hopeless romantic or a Hunted that would order a mook/recruit unknowing the S.O. to betray the hero
  14. So refund the sanity point for more KS: Mythos Knowledge add to spell pool reserve recruit foolowers etc..... on the other hand spending time in a psych ward could get them back and even allow the character to spend exp of raising the stat to higher levels or even resistance to Mythos encounters this would be for characters who went insane(died) and are not playable as heroes at the moment I would treat Sanity as Body for healing perposes and anything that brings the character to zero sanity is now an npc of the GM's unless the heroes are able to subdue and haul off to a psych ward this might need a new Sanity Recovery stat that recovers at per month
  15. to say get vehicles that affect combat you just need to buy vehicles perk also the vehicle perk could just mean the character has access to vehicles and maybe somebody to mod them
  16. Beast


    as his def comes down at dawn while making love the 2 where ambushed and she was killed but John survived Her Poltergiest slot would allow her to have a limited touch of John(3 str) I'm kinda thinking her name should a mix of loves of both Dresden and Constantine so Karrin(from Dresden) would be her first name now a last name from somebody Constantine cared about I would leave out Astra Logue , as the 2nd cartoon series on CW has her being a 10 yr old girl Zatanna Zatara is mentioned a few times as a love intrest So his girlfriend's name is Karrin Zatara a police detective
  17. Beast


    So does anybody have any comments? maybe an origin idea?
  18. somebody being chased over a long distance being nickle and dimed to death
  19. That only works as long as there is no combat running and dodging are going to burn end
  20. Beast


    Yes in the downloads area it is in 6th ed
  21. you could go with a 5-10% rate of spent casings as unreuseable
  22. How would you do a marathon runner I see a lot of movement and continous/constant powers getting costs end to start up
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