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Everything posted by Beast

  1. when range mods kick in would be my 2 cents
  2. so I guess this means we need protection when interacting with this show
  3. Yeah, not going to spend a dime on all access if it shows up on netflix here in the USA I might watch it Spock's unmentioned step sister, yep jumped the shark ,bigtime
  4. the sticky I'd put a act 8- on just it and roll on each contact(you could up infection rate, 8- is just a suggestion) and use difficult to dispell to to dispell it
  5. I think the problem people are having is that the Immune to disease has to last longer than the disease so if this is in an MP or VPP then those points are stuck doing that job and must be fairly nearby(that gypsy caravan needs to be around a season or 3 you, might use a transform to change some skills to immune to disease as a geas that heals back in a season or 3 the skills should be important to the receiver like OCV for a fighter or farming for a farmer
  6. this would be my take on curing the disease this pretty much adds extra to stats that get drained by most diseases this of course would be a multi spectrum cure a more targeted version could be created say for str instead of dex witches brew: Aid body,con,dex 3d6, Expanded Effect (x3 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (Body,Con,Dex; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Season; +3) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 3/4), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; Complex; -1 1/2), OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (added stats do not stack above normal for the character and are there to be burned by the disease; -1), 4 Charges (-1)
  7. resistant protection is inobvious for me this means you would not know till you could observe bullets bouncing off,etc per genre most force fields are visible when in use and may require end being spent(just a general not all encompassing ,I know I have defined a def as force field but did not take visible and cost end)
  8. Yes I have the FFE cd I'd like to have the correct pdf
  9. 1 dc in a killing attack would be worth 1/3 of a point x3 =1body point I would agree that 3 stun should be done(no lotto) and add 1 for each level of added stun multiplier
  10. Thor in his movies always refered to Loki's trickery as magic and Loki learned it from Thor's mother ,Loki's foster mom
  11. no crisis needed just a buyout of fox and sony by disney or 1 of the 3 buying out the others
  12. My wondering is HOW CAN GURPS SUPERS BE ELEGANT when it can't mix with the other genre books heck the other genre books cannot mix with each other EITHER THAT ALONE MAKES HERO SYSTEM ELEGANT
  13. pretty much Strength is the only characteristic that has a direct relationship between systems there was a chart done for the not done version of 3rd or 4th ed Star Hero that has Strength/Blast as joules of energy Got it in hard copy only somewhere in my collection of stuff everything else you need to know 1 system really good and the other ok to convert one thing you can do is compare power levels Champions standard super hero= 400pts and 6-14dc M&M standard super hero 150 pts power level 10 so look at the top end of each a champions 14d6 mind control will be around a level 20 in M&M
  14. "IN BED OR BETWEEN THE SHEETS" at the end of every fortune cookie
  15. lanyard: Clinging (+15 STR) (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (only holds on to weapon; -2), OIF (-1/2), Unified Power (-1/4)
  16. what is to say your foe has a 2nd weapon should you take away his first or they have a spike as a shield boss drawing a 2nd weapon is a 1/2 phase action and you are right there doing a trip maneuver to put you on the ground at 1/2 dcv if you are in a dex off position you might lose this time and now your foe has an easier time with a called shot(high shot is a 3 in 6 for getting the head and is only -4
  17. no the probe is really a red shirt and we see a small portion of this weeks monster/obstacle to deal with's power the probe just always seems to enter/get close to areas that are really sensitive so paint the probes red
  18. MA maneuvers suffer an increase of 1 die for knockback while damage usually is little to none, knockdown gives the str character a bonus of less dcv and making the target easier to hit
  19. Str and HtH attack can also be haymakered MA maneuvers cannot
  20. for me a lot of the stuff for 6th ed was 90% a rehash of 5th ed and not worth having to rebuy unless I found a deal online I would have been a lot more likely to buy 6th ed rehash if more stuff either 1-4th ed was brought up to 6th ed standard or original new stuff
  21. 13 should really look like a 4"(real inches) wide strip running from the throat to the groin not the lower 1/3 of the abdomen
  22. niche genre books horror hero western hero various god level pantheons setting street level/urban fantasy/agent setting(250-300 pt supers)
  23. unless there is a time limit MM wins by just going desolid and letting Hulk wear himself and the landscape down
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