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Everything posted by RadeFox

  1. I would do what you had, with the following changes. Looks long, but its very easy to play in game. The user spends the time to inscribe the tattoo/rune, then all the recepient has to do is utter the command word for 12 seconds of POW! Cost Power END 45 Tatoo or Rune Magic: Multipower, 80-point reserve, all slots: 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+0), Trigger-Command Word (+1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1), Delayed Effect (x8) (+1) (260 Active Points); Extra Time 1 Hour (Character May Take No Other Actions; -3 1/4), Concentration 0 DCV (-1/2), RSR- Appropriate Magic Skill (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 1u 1) Aid to Speed 7d6 (standard effect: 21 points) (70 Active Points) 1u 2) Aid to Str 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (40 Active Points) 1u 3) Armor (3 PD/3 ED) (9 Active Points) 1u 4) Growth (+10 STR, +2 BODY, +2 STUN, -2" KB, 400 kg mass, +0 DCV, +0 PER Rolls to perceive character, 2 m tall, 1 m wide), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (15 Active Points) 1u 5) Invisibility to Hearing Group and Normal Sight (15 Active Points) 1u 6) Flight 5" (10 Active Points) Powers Cost: 51
  2. It looks legal to me, but if you have the poor sod under Mind Control, you could save the points and just command him to answer you truthfully.
  3. This tread idea was spawned by some various threads over the concern of mages getting too powerful in campaigns, or having magical spells being used to unbalance a setting in unforseen ways. The premise is thus: Post a new spell you are considering allowing your PC's to have access to in your game. Complete spell writeups will give you more accurate feedback, but isn't neccessary. The gathered community of Herodom will then use our devious and wily brains to come up with ways the spell may be perverted, twisted, or otherwise used outside the immediately obvious applications the spell was built for. This hopefully, will allow us GM's to then redesign a spell before PC introduction, or at least be ready for the possible effects, and plan accordingly.
  4. We could start a new thread to help with GM's keeping control off spells in their campaigns. We could post spells we are thinking about allowing our PC's access, and and asking herodom at large, how they could envision the spell being used beyond its immediately apparent uses. That way we can either be prepared for the use, or build in limitations to prevent them. Sound like a good idea?
  5. Night Vision is BETTER then UV, period. There is no limiting factor built into it. But it does not make sense for many 'realsitic' entities to have it. Very little if any life on earth could be considered to have NightVision (which in my game I would call DarkSight, since UV is closer to nightvision in my mind). But there are many types of life that have evolved excellent low lifght or UV visions. So in terms of play/GMing style, UV tends to see more use, I would think. And to note UV radiation penetrates cloud cover with ease, you can still get a sunburn [caused by UV rays] on a cloudy day as well a sunny one, or so the Weather Channel says. So I would likely allow UV vision to work in cloudy conditions, unless it was severely overcast/storming. However, I could see good logic in lowering UV vision to 3 pts, since, it is significantly limited over NightVision. (not useable indoors(away from windows) or undergound is damn near a -1 in my book). I think Infrared is still worth 5 in that it has many other uses, detecting undead, androids, orimages masquerading as normal folks, or spotting hot spots that could be hidden entrances or underground power sources, etc. If you wanted to add in a limit of some sort to NightVision (and IR) to keep all three worth 5 pts, you could very realistically add in a Flash side effect with NV (1-3 d6 would be fair, imo), if you suddenly percieve a bright light (lantern, etc) with NV, same with a strong heat source and IR (a torch thrust at your face, etc).
  6. It wouldnt be bad, they have the email addy/account info for anyone who ordered it, they could easily offer them a discount on their next e-book buy of like amount. (and lure you into another buy!)
  7. Agreed. You guys do a great job. Though it seems with this type of product, you're going to be in for a losing battle. Because your right, sales will doubtfully increase much (if at all) over the months. Its been my experience that the first month something is on the shelf is a pretty solid indicator of how well it will continue to sell, and its probable shelf space life. My best advice, dump the art completely. Use skectched maps (because you KNOW our maps are going to be sketched from the one in the book onto a game mat ), and standard document graphics (borders and the like) to add visual pleasure and make reading the doc easier. This should make it easier to print out, cheaper to produce, and easier to layout on your end. Not too mention cheaper on ours. With e-books, I would agree that art is extraneous, and that most of us look to solid game worthy content. (Not that we dont love art, but in this case, I think we'd all prefer cheaper. )
  8. I'm confused on how you couldn't pay the artist's and writers at $6, even you sold 3x as many downloads. Are you paying them per copy you sell (some sort of royalties)?? I have a friend who writes freelance for SJ games and a few others, and as far as I know, most game companies buy stuff outright. is Hero different?? If your buying stuff outright, then saying you cant recoup expenditures even selling 3x as many copies for 1/2 the price doesn't compute.
  9. heh, I still think the Resistance talent is totally the easiest way to handle alcohol tolerance, without allowing an immunity. It just give its bonus to the CON roll instead of the EGO roll as normal. But hey, as D-man says, "To each his own".
  10. To be frank, I have worked many years in the hobby/gaming retail biz, and for a 69 page e-book $12 is an outrageous price. A 70 page book or module in print would prolly cost about $15 nowadays. So we save $3 and inherit all the hassle of having to either game at our computer, own a laptop, or pay the $3 ourselves to get it printed out, sans binding. Not too mention maneuvering through an adobe document is clunky at best, without a lot of bookmarking. I do however also feel that the writers and producers deserve ample compensation for their efforts, but in the case of a lot of Hero's e-merchandise, it feels terribly overpriced. I guess you need to figure out whether your sell twice as many at $6 then you are at $12, then you'd still make what your looking too. Personally, I am inclined to think you would. Just my 2 cents, availible for downloand as a .pdf from Hero Games for $1.
  11. You could also see if your GM will let you buy a verison of the Talent, Resistance, which would only be vs Alcohol's effects. This would be both cheap and simple. Huzzah!!! Another round of ale, Innkeep!
  12. Heres an idea I used in a AD&D game a long time ago. Might give you some ideas. I had the PC party transported at some point to an alternate world, which in reality was the Green moon of their own world. (I dont think they ever figured that out, though. ) Things on the moon were mirrored with regards to racial alignments from the planet. Hence Orc, were a LG culture, heavily steeped in a fuedal japanese warrior society, where it was a warriors duty to protect and serve his people. They were the one of the dominant nations. Their chief enemies were the very vile Elven Empire (Neutral Evil with the empahsis on EVIL), and the the barbaric and rampaging Dwarven Lords (Chaotic Evil) who sallied forth from their mountain strongholds to pillage and terroirize the lands all around. The wildcards were the scattered human tribes. Scattered about, no two were alike (each of them was a strong alignment (LG,CG,LE,CE, NG, NE,LN,CN) Not a single tribe was nuetral. They each had varied and diverse moral beliefs, and while mosly a celtic level barbaric people, where very much driven by the preaching of the druids of their particular order. It was a great time for many sessions, the first few being the absolute best, because they encountered the elves first, who tricked them into going after some orcish lords. It took more then a few skirmishes before the treachery became clear. Boy, where the players hot!! But they all had a great time getting even!
  13. Good point, I think then for Jarred, I will use 1/2 OCV and normal DCV- Since when your system is rattled a bit, your animal brain will still react mostly instinctively, to keep you out of danger, but it may be harder to focus for anything offensive while your head is clearing. So what we have is thus: Apply damage after defenses to Stun and Body. If Stun taken exceeds CON, you are Jarred (1/2 OCV) and lose a 1/2 action on your next phase. If Stun exceeds CON x 1.5, then you are fully stunned as per the standard rules. I feel this works real well, having done some small tests. It really will help prevent a firt strike from leaving you a sitting duck and being felled immediately after. Which surely isnt heroic, but it still leaves stunning attacks and weapons a viable choice.
  14. I do too. I ran some sample combats and it makes a lot of difference. Being jarred still leaves you some options, at least. A half action only goes so far, but its better then nothing. As an extra note, I am leaning towards makeing characters who are Jarred operate at 1/2 DCV and OCV during the phase they lose the 1/2 action. They can still operate, just unsteadily. Im wondering if this has been proposed before? The lack of replies to this thread seem to indicate it may be old crap recycled into the discussion arena.
  15. I kinda had this idea sneak up and whack me upside the head with a jar of spaghetti sauce. Stun is applied after to defenses to character. If stun is greater then the CON of the character, he is jarred, and loses 1/2 action from his next phase to shake it off. If the stun taken exceeds his CONx1.5, he is fully stunned, and loses his next full phase to recover. What do you all think, Herodom? I think whis would still allow for the use of stunning tactics in FH and heroic level campaigns, but still help defend against less powerful (in pts) PC's from getting stunned left and right by KA's.
  16. RadeFox

    The Force

    Glad you like it, and May the Force Be With You! Its a big chunk for a standard 75+75 game to start out buying, but most Force users in a typical game are likely to be fresh barely padawan'd folks, who've likely spent the better part of their early lives sequestored away in a jedi enclave or monastery studying the force. The 50 points left can buy some stats and maybe a few skills. A Common thing I am likely going to add when I start my SW game, is allowing the Jedi Code disad to be taken as part of the above package, and not counting towards the 75 pts in disads. Call me a softy, but a Jedi's life is a hard one, and I like a player willing to take on the challenge. Or you COULD give jedi players an extra 25pt disad (hunted, either by Empire or Sith, or Mandalorians, or the Foe of the era) and let them sort of 'go over' the campaign standard. This allows for at least some more well rounded force users, and gives the GM a nice solid hook for stories. Either way, I consider the extra disad well worth it from a GM POV, since in Star Wars the conflict between the light and dark is one of the best story arcs, and having players really caring about it makes the game much more enjoyable, and easier to run. Cookies well spent!
  17. Still, for the few points spent on LS-Intense Heat, I think its fair to allow the pc to breathe, without forcing them to spend more points on Self Contained breathing, only in Fires or somesuch drek. Especially since its almost always a fire setting in which you are going to find Intense Heat. Now in a Sci-Fi game, you will get intense heat on the sun side of a starship or vacuum world. Then I would of course require some LS-Breathing of some sort, since the Vacuum is seperate from the heat. I love science, but there is a line in which it can be too much for game purposes.
  18. RadeFox

    Alien Wars

    Yah! And then we can buy 2 books instead of just one!!! Steve is learning well the ways of the Dark Lord of Merchandising. Muwaahaahaa. *joke*
  19. I think the breating hot gases would be covered with the LS- Intense Heat, at least it would be in my game.
  20. Especially if the player never questions WHY he gets to use such powers like Choke, Kill, and Force Lightening, and never really seems to suffer for it. Some actions (or lack of consequences) should raise red flags in a players mind, especially if the are really into Star Wars. Having your nice Anchor Master tell you, "Excellent job killing that homeless mother, and using Dominate Mind to sell off the children, AND make the slavers pay you twice their worth. Most excellent indeed! Your Anchors are nice an secure, feel them? YOu are not lost to the dark! You have learned well my pupil." "Muwahaahaaa" ..."ahem, now you must go free that kitten from the tree to even things out." *snickers behind black face mask*
  21. heehee, I like that idea beastialwarlust! Too funny, and very much a sneaky darkside trick! *gets all kinds of ideas*
  22. My GM and I (soon to be GM again), recently decided to pretty much make STR and INT cost 2 pts per 1 pt gained to mostly even out the Statistics imbalances. Once done, I made things flow a lot smoother, and really went a looong way to helping me keep Hero system as my system of choice. Dont take our words for it! Try it now, for yourself in your next game, and see!
  23. From what I gleaned with a read through of the material, is that this gaming group wanted a way to play with dark jedi powers, but not be "Dark". The Force is a simple, yet profound analogy to shamanism. Something I have studied and practiced for many years. So when it is said that the dark side is quick and seduective, it's based on real world truths held by mystics from all cultures. Their must be a moral code of somekind involed in wielding such powers. Even the Sith had one, though it was defineatley an evil one. They held to it, and followed it. The force is a quasi-mystical essence. To remove the mysticism from it, renders it a sterile (to the mind/story) power. Being able to wield dark side force powers, simply because you are protecting your anchors, or just simpley having loving thoughts of them is silly. Does it really matter to the Force is you Force kill someone because they were threatening you, or your wife, or that Twilek you saw last week? Not in my book. Evil done is evil staining your soul. Atonement and remorse are the ways I see Jedi being able to return and defend against the Dark Side. Not having a mommy, a lover, and that really nice apple tree you played in as a kid. Sorry for the rant, but while it was interesting, and the site had some great material, the Teboran stuff screamed munchkin to me.
  24. RadeFox

    The Force

    Here is what I plan to use for the basic Jedi/Force training package. Remember, that when using VPP's, its the real cost thats your limit to the number of powers you can have active. So, new users will be taking extra time, concentrating harder, etc, to produce effects the masters can do with but a thought. Cost Power END 15 Feel the Force: Detect the Force (User or Activity) 12-, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Telescopic (+6) 22 Force Intuitive: Danger Sense (Area: Immediate Vicinity, Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 11- 15 Force Sensitve: Combat Sense 11- 3 Force (Weaving, Control, Manipulation, etc....Choose a name): (EGO-based) 11- 45 Newbie Force User: Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 15 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (60 Active Points); Side Effect: Transform, 1d6-EGO, Cumalative, Heals only with Atonement; To turn Force user into a Dark Sider; Only when Force user does an evil or selfish act. If a Force Power is used evilly or selfishly, Transform has 2x Effect. (-1/2), Limited Class Of Powers- Force Powers only (Slightly Limited) (-1/4), Gestures or Incantations or Concentraion(Half)(-1/4) Powers Cost: 100 I placed the Gestures or Incantations or Concentration in as a limit, for two reasons- Even the masters (Qui-gon, Yoda, Vader) seemed to use gestures with their powers often. Only with great meditative concentration did anyone Levitate, Choke, or Affect anything without using a gesture (Luke on Dagobah in training). So I think that letting a player choose one of the three (when a power is called on) is most dramatically appropriate for a Star Wars feel. Hope this helps. You could always pare down the cost by dropping the Danger Sense or the Combat Sense, but if you follow the canon and movies, these are some of the very first abilities learned in traditional training, even before the Powers. As the character grows in power, his base Force Senses hone and sharpen, and his VPP grows to represent his greater control. Hence he can do larger effects, or smaller ones with less effort (less limitations). I think it captures the flavor of the Force pretty well. And as always- Keep in mind the GM has total control over any and all VPP slots. Keep them padawans in line!
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