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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: Life Support and NNDs (5th Revised) Longevity useless? Really? A villian I currently have on the drawing board would beg to differ. He's a time/entropy manipulator with (among other things) the power to kill someone by rapidly aging them to death: RKA 3d6, NND (defense is Life Support [Longevity: Immortality]; +1), BODY (+1), (135 Active Points); No Range (-½). Cost: 90 Points. Even just for something like this, that 5 points of Longevity would to be a wise investment.
  2. Re: Secret Underground Lair (5th) I would imagine you (as I do) have fond memories of the series.
  3. Re: Unwilling Bank Robber Details are in a spoiler tag I just added to the OP if that helps.
  4. Your character is at Campaign City Bank (insert character appropriate reason here), when he or she spots a nervous-looking, nebbish fellow come in and stand in line; strangely enough, with a scarf around his neck even though it's July. When he reaches the teller, he reveals that he has an explosive device locked around his neck! He explains that two individuals in ski masks grabbed him off the street, strapped the bomb to him, and told him to bring them a large sum of cash from bank within 10 minutes or they will detonate the device, killing him. From the looks of things, there's enough C4 in this collar bomb to not only reduce his head to the consistancy of Chunky Salsa Dip, but propably kill several other people as well. He puts a bag on the counter and pleads with the teller, "Please, just give me the cash, I don't want to die!" WWYCD?
  5. SECRET UNDERGROUND LAIR [b][font=Arial]Val Char Pts Notes[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]10 BODY 8[/font] [font=Times New Roman]8,000” Size 30 -14DCV; No Grounds[/font] [font=Times New Roman]20 DEF 54[/font][font=Arial] [b]Total CharacteristicsCost: 92[/b][/font] [b][font=Arial]Abilities & Equipment[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Cost Powers END[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]30 [i]Location:[/i]Distant, Underground 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]21 [i]Hidden:[/i]Concealment 18- 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]21 [i]LockedUp Tight:[/i] Lockpicking 18- 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]21 [i]Well-Secured:[/i]Security Systems 18- 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]30 [i]Well-Built:[/i]Hardened (x2; +½) for 20 DEF 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]20 [i]Well-Built:[/i]Lack of Weakness (-10) for both Normal and Resistant DEF 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]16 [i]Generator:[/i]Endurance Reserve (200 END, 20 REC); OIF Immobile (-1½)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]10 [i]Generators:[/i]3 more Generators[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]HVACSystem:[/i] Life Support (Safe Environment: Intense Cold/Heat); Costs[/font] [font=Times New Roman] Endurance(-½) 1[/font] [font=Times New Roman]7 [i]SealableEnvironment:[/i] Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); Costs Endurance (-½) 1[/font] [font=Times New Roman]12 [i]NBCProtection:[/i] Life Support (Safe Environment: High Radiation; Immunity To All [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Biological And Chemical Warfare Agents) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]LongShelf-Life Emergency Provisions:[/i] Life Support (Diminished Eating: Need Not Eat); [/font] [font=Times New Roman] 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (can be restocked from sources outside the base;1 Year; -0) [1cc][/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 [i]CommunicationsSystem:[/i] HRRP; OIF Immobile (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]43 [i]Cameras:[/i]Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups), Targeting, 32x Range (9,600”radius), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OIF Immobile (-1½) plus InfraredPerception (Sight Group); [/font] [font=Times New Roman] OIF Immobile (-1½), Linked (-½) plus UltravioletPerception (Sight Group); OIF Immobile [/font] [font=Times New Roman] (-1½), Linked (-½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]HandprintAnalyzers:[/i] Detect Authorized Handprint 14- (Radio Group); OIF Immobile [/font] [font=Times New Roman] (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]RetinaScanners:[/i] Detect Authorized Retina 14- (Radio Group); OIF Immobile (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]VoiceprintAnalyzers:[/i] Detect Authorized Voiceprint 14- (Hearing Group); OIF Immobile [/font] [font=Times New Roman] (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]BadgeReaders:[/i] Detect Authorized ID Badge 14- (Radio Group); OIF Immobile (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]14 [i]RadarArray:[/i] Radar Sense 14- (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360º),[/font] [font=Times New Roman] Telescopic (+20 to offset Range Modifiers); OIF Immobile (-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]10 [i]SeismicDetection Matrix:[/i] Detect Physical Vibrations In/On The Ground 14- (Touch Group),[/font] [font=Times New Roman] Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360º), Range; OIF Immobile(-1½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 [i]Armory:[/i]+3 BODY (13 BODY total); Partial Coverage (50 hexes; -2) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]7 [i]Armory:[/i]+5 DEF (25 DEF total), Hardened (x2; +½); Partial Coverage (50 hexes; -2) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 [i]DetentionBlock:[/i] +5 BODY (15 BODY total); Partial Coverage (30 hexes; -2) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]15 [i]DetentionBlock:[/i] +10 DEF (30 DEF total), Hardened (x2; +½); Partial Coverage[/font] [font=Times New Roman] (30hexes; -2) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]DetentionBlock, Anti-Teleportation Field:[/i] Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (x2;+½)[/font] [font=Times New Roman] for 30 DEF; Partial Coverage (30 hexes; -2), Costs Endurance (-½) 4[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]DetentionBlock, Anti-Phase Field:[/i] Affects Desolidified (+½) for 30 DEF; PartialCoverage [/font] [font=Times New Roman] (30 hexes; -2), Costs Endurance (-½) 4[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]DetentionBlock, Anti-Psi Field:[/i] Mental Defense (45-points); Partial Coverage (30hexes; -2), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Costs Endurance (-½) 4[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 [i]Vault:[/i]+10 BODY (20 BODY total); Partial Coverage (400 hexes; -1¾) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]33 [i]Vault:[/i]+20 DEF (40 DEF total), Hardened (x2; +½); Partial Coverage (400 hexes; -1¾) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]20 [i]SecurityLaser:[/i] RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½); OIF Immobile(-1½), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Beam (-¼), No KB (-¼) 6[/font] [font=Times New Roman]30 [i]SecurityLasers:[/i] 63 more Lasers 6[/font] [font=Times New Roman]18 [i]PiranhaTank:[/i] RKA 1d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Area of Effect (1 hex; +½), Continuous(+1), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (stopped by draining the tankor doing anything [/font] [font=Times New Roman] else that would kill the fish or prevent them from attacking;+½); OIF Immobile (-1½), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] No Range (-½), Only Versus Victims Tossed Into TheTank (-¼) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]18 [i]GasCubicle:[/i] RKA 1d6, NND (defense is Life Support [self-Contained Breathing orappropriate[/font] [font=Times New Roman] Immunity]; +1), Does Body (+1), Area of Effect (1 hex; +½),Continuous (+1); OIF Immobile (-1½), [/font] [font=Times New Roman] No Range (½), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge(can be refilled from sources outside the base; 1 Hour; -0),[/font] [font=Times New Roman] Gradual Effect(every Minute; -½), Only Versus Victims Placed In The Chamber (-¼) [1cc][/font] [font=Times New Roman]23 [i]DeepFreeze:[/i] Change Environment 8 hexes (creates bone-chilling cold), -5Temperate Levels, [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (stopped bybase-wide power outage; +½); Only [/font] [font=Times New Roman] Within Defined Area (8 hex mess hall freezer;-2) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]41 [i]ConferenceRoom White Noise System:[/i] Change Environment 15” radius, -10 to Hearing [/font] [font=Times New Roman] GroupPerception Rolls, Hole In The Middle (the conference table and up to 13 people seated [/font] [font=Times New Roman] around it; +¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (stopped bybased-wide power [/font] [font=Times New Roman] outage; +½); OIF Immobile (-1½), No Range (-½) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]ElectronicsLab:[/i] Electronics 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]InterrogationRoom:[/i] Interrogation 14- 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]13 [i]Infirmary:[/i]Paramedics 14- 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]14 [i]Armory:[/i]Weaponsmith 14- (Energy Weapons, Firearms, Incendiary Weapons) 0[/font] [font=Times New Roman]26 [i]Laboratories:[/i]26-points worth of additional Laboratories 0[/font] [b][font=Arial]Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 608[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Total Base Cost: 700[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Value Disadvantages[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]0 [none][/font] [b][font=Arial]Total Cost: 700 / 5 = 140[/font][/b] SECRET UNDERGROUND LAIR—COMPUTER [b][font=Arial]Val Char Pts Roll Notes[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]25 INT 15 14- PER roll: 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7 /DCV: 7[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 SPD 10 Phases:3, 6, 9, 12[/font] [b][font=Arial]Total Characteristics Cost: 55[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Abilities[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Cost Powers END[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]25 [i]LaserTargeting:[/i] Find Weakness with Lair’s Security Lasers 14- 0[/font] [font=Arial] [b]Skills[/b][/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 Accurate Sprayfire[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 Computer Programming 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 Concentrated Sprayfire[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 Cryptography 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 AK: Earth 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 AK: Home Region 15-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Archived Recent News 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 KS: Base Personnel 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 KS: Current News 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 KS: Law Enforcement Agencies 15-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Multinational Corporations 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Organized Crime 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Popular Movies 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Popular Music 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Popular Television Shows 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Popular Video Games 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: Popular Websites 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 KS: Superheroes 15-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 KS: Supervillains 15-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: World Celebrities/Politicians 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: World History 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 KS: World Politics 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 [i]Voice Command Recognition Software:[/i] Language: English (basic conversation)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 Navigation 14- (Air, Land)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 PS: Play Games 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 PS: Search Internet 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 Rapid Autofire[/font] [font=Times New Roman]2 SS: Geology 11-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 Security Systems 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 Skipover Sprayfire[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 System Operation 14-[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 WF: Lair’s Security Lasers[/font] [b][font=Arial] Programs[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]1 1) Monitor Camera and Sensors, report anomalies/intruders[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 2) Fire Security Lasers at designated target(s)[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 3) Search stored reference materials for requested information[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 4) Search internet for requested information[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 5) Calculate distance and travel time between Point A and Point B[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 6) Play requested entertainment[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 7) Display requested website[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 8) Hack external system[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 9) Encrypt/decrypt data[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 10) Scan and save data[/font] [font=Times New Roman]1 11) Initiate emergency procedures if certain protocols are not met[/font] [b][font=Arial] Talents[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]Clock:[/i]Absolute Time Sense[/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 [i]Memory:[/i]Eidetic Memory[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]Calculator:[/i]Lightning Calculator[/font] [font=Times New Roman]3 [i]Instant-On Feature:[/i] Lightsleep[/font] [font=Times New Roman]5 [i]Security Software:[/i] Resistance: -5 vs. Computer Programming[/font] [font=Times New Roman]4 [i]Scanner:[/i]Speed Reading (x10)[/font] [b][font=Arial]Total Abilities Cost: 150[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Total Computer Cost: 200[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]Value Disadvantages[/font][/b] [font=Times New Roman]0 [none][/font] [b][font=Arial]Total Cost: 200 / 5 = 40[/font][/b] Grand Total: 140 + 40 = 180 Description: This base is located in the middle of nowhere, near a mostly deserted stretch of highway. The vast subterranean complex sprawls beneath the area, accessible from the surface via a number of cleverly hidden entrances. The top of a nearby mesa opens, revealing a hanger for VTOL aircraft. A section of the road slopes downward on massive hydraulics, and becomes the ramp to the subterranean garage. Far away, one of the many large rocks scattered about area is fake (it’s made of light weight resin and painted to look real) and hides an access hatch and ladder that lead down into a 2 kilometer long tunnel connecting to the complex proper. Finally, there’s a secret elevator hidden in a boarded-up and abandoned gas station, behind an old and dusty Coca-Cola machine. The base is built to withstand a wide range of calamities, including nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. It is stocked so its residents can seal it up and live underground comfortably for as long as a year (the stocks of emergency provisions aren't exactly first class fare, but no one would be in danger of starvation). Three significant areas have been heavily reinforced: the Armory, the Detention Block, and the Vault. The Armory stores a selection of arms used by the base's security personnel and also has a workshop area for maintance, repair, and modification of weapons. The Detention Block is outfitted with technology to deal with prisoners who have Teleportation, Desolidification, and Mental Powers. The Vault is the largest and most heavily reinforced of these areas, with a four meter high ceiling and enough floor space all kinds of loot, big or small.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What will each member of the American public have left after the Republicans and the Democrats flush the economy down the crapper? A: I will not transform into a giant snake, it never helps.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What? I thought you said Samuels survived the gun battle? A: See? This is exactly why I prefer to watch the giant robot fights from the safety and comfort of the local sports bar. Sure, nothing beats the thrill of being there at the statium, but it's always so damned hard to get decent seats at a reasonable price. And let's not even get into the propability that one of those collossal mecha will fall over on top of the bleachers and crush you to death...
  8. Re: 50 hex Armory for Base. (5th Ed) Sounds about like what I'm going for. Thanks.
  9. Building a Base, and I've designated a 50 hex room as the Armory. The question is, about how many weapons (pistols, assault rifles, handgrenades, etc.) would I reasonably be able to store in a room that size?
  10. It's a slow crime day and your character is out walking around when he/she notices a trunk delivering some new soda machines to various locations around Campaign City. For the most part, they seem like normal drink venders with the standard selections: cola, diet cola, lemon-lime, root beer, a button for bottled water, etc. One button on the machine stands out though, the label reads "Turbo-Boost." Observation of the machine as various people purchase beverages shows that those who try the Turbo-Boost drink are suddenly gaining the ability to run at supersonic speed! In addition, an NPC your character knows to be a chucky, out of shape couch-potato has spontaniously burned off the extra pounds and has taken to doing a kind of hyperspeed parkour through the city. WWYCD?
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How's the new nanny with the kids? A: And this is exactly why I said it should be kept under lock and key...
  12. Re: Generator Rex and cast Six is a Martial Artist with a pair of swords and cool shades. Bobo is a talking monkey with a pair of guns and a snarky attitude. It's Rex and Van Kliese that are going to take some work, particularly shoehorning Rex's abilities into a playable character (even before he got his omega-nanite).
  13. Late last night, a small spacecraft fell to Earth just outside Campaign City. There was no sign of anyone aboard, but during a search of the wreckage, you find a small stasis container with an egg of some sort inside. It's bright green and roughly the size of a softball. You don't know what will hatch from it if it's removed from stasis and incubated. The next morning, you encounter two different extraterrestial humaniods. Each asks you to hand over the egg, each claims to be an agent of an interplanetary law enforcement agency, and each claims his/her opposite number is a dangerous interstellar criminal who's up to no good. Neither seems willing to divulge just what kind of lifeform is inside the egg... WWYCD?
  14. Re: The Ms Champions Universe contest Yes.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How does the world's most depressing fairy tale begin? A: May the Hounds of Hell enjoy their newest chew toy...
  16. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Don't know about the government, but here's my take on things: On one hand, cloning someone without their knowledge and express consent should be illegal as it is a violation, regardless of how the genetic material was obtained. On the other hand, summarily executing a clone who is already alive and demonstratively sentient would be straight up murder. Best way to handle this, IMHO, the illegal cloner does jail time and the clone is given a new SSN and any assistance within reason that is needed to adjust to society.
  17. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model Liar, Liar Pants On Fire: Causes people's pants to go up in flames anytime they tell a lie. Washington D.C. nearly burned to the ground the last time someone with this power visited...
  18. Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo? Fairly simple to handle under 5th Edition rules (which I still use): Bulletproof Nudity: Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+¼), (45 Active Points); Only While Nude/Semi-Nude (-¼), Requires A Comeliness Roll (-¼*). Cost: 30 points. * Assumes a COM score of 30 with a 15 or less roll.
  19. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? To be brutally honest, I don't care. I have my 5th Edition books, and will continue have them for years yet to come, so what is or isn't in the 6th Edition books is ultimately of no consequence to me. I'm merely here because I found the OP amusing.
  20. Re: How To Delay Effect What the Collie said. Besides, Steve Long isn't an infallible diety by any stretch of the imagination. To be perfectly honest, there are a great many things I strongly disagree with Mr. Long about.
  21. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? Repped.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who's idea was it to give Fozzie Bear a driver's license? A: He snorted enough cocaine to kill two and a half men.
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Want to go on a safari where the animals have guns and they hunt us? A: "People, please, stand back and don't panic. I'm fairly sure if I cut this wire here, it should disarm the bo-" KA-BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. The alarm at the Campaign City Metropolitan Museum was triggered tonight. Your character and their associates arrive on the scene to investigate, but oddly find no sign that anything had been stolen. A check of the video footage from the surveillance cameras shows two intruders in a special vault where the museum's curator keeps a number of rare books and manuscripts. The shorter, thinner of the two is seated at a table, reading from one of the larger tomes in the collection and writing notes in a notebook. His larger, bulkier partner appears to be standing guard at the door. Eventually, the later of the two accidently knocks something over and the alarms start going off. After chiding him for being a "clumsy oaf", the shorter, thinner man hastily scratches down some last notes and then the two of them abscond using some kind of teleportation spell. WWYCD?
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