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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: Daniela's Move Repped. That one made me smile.
  2. Re: Daniela's Move Then I suggest you also read the Campaign Use section of the text below his stats:
  3. For more than 6 months, Campaign City has been terrorized by a serial killer who has, up to this point, claimed a total of 12 victims. Then last night, as the killer broke into a young woman's downtown apartment intent on taking her as victim #13, the building's security guard caught him red handed and, after a breif struggle, chased him up several flights of stairs to the roof. The guard had him cornered and at gunpoint, and was about to call for the police when the killer suddenly jumped from the roof to his (rather messy) death. Assuming your character would be curious enough, he/she investigates the incident and comes across something rather astonishing. It would seem that the would-be victim lives just a couple of doors down from, of all people, Daniela Dupree, Rolland Fairweather's personal secretary. (that's right, that Rolland Fairweather). Possibly having reason to ask Miss Dupree if she saw or heard anything that night, you go to pay her a visit at the law firm of Fairweather, Milton, & Spiggott where she works. Just as she's bringing Fairweather a stack of file folders, she stumbles and drops the folders and their contents all over the floor. Assuming your character hasn't already made his/her presence know by this point, he/she overhears the following exchange between the two of them: Daniela: "S-Sorry Mr. Fairweather, I--" Fairweather: "Are you feeling alright today, Daniela? You look like something's bothering you." Daniela: "It's...It's nothing, I'm fine. I--" Fairweather: "Come now, I know you better than that. If you'll talk to me about it, maybe I can help you." Daniela: (sobs) "He was in my apartment building last night, that killer the cops were after all these months." Fairweather: "Oh God...are you alright? He didn't--" Daniela: "No, he didn't get the chance, but the whole situation was pretty scary just the same." Fairweather: "Well, for what it's worth, I'm glad no harm came to you." Daniela: "Thanks. Still, I don't know that I can feel safe living in that apartment after something like this. I'd move out if there were any decent places available in my price range, but..." Fairweather: "I see. Well, it just so happens I have a guest bedroom at my place that's unoccupied at the moment. It's yours for the asking if you wish." Daniela: "Really? You would do something like that for me? Wouldn't it be inappropriate or too much of an imposition?" Fairweather: "Of course not. If you'd like, I can make a couple of phone calls today: I'll talk to your land lord, someone will stop by and collect your things for you this afternoon, and you can just ride home with me this evening." Daniela: "Okay, well..." Fairweather: "And besides, you'll no longer have an excuse for being late to work." (they both laugh) Daniela: "Oh Thank you Mr. Fairweather, you're like my guardian angel..." Glancing into the office, you see Daniela hugging Fairweather around the neck. Unseen by her, his eyes glow red for a fleeting moment... WWYCD?
  4. Re: What skills are necessary for a trial? The bare-bones minimum to be a lawyer in my games: Fringe Benefit: Licence to Practice Law KS: Law 11- PS: Lawyer 11- For one of the better lawyers, you'll want the following at the least: +5 PRE Fringe Benefit: Licence to Practice Law Interrogation KS: Law (INT roll) Oratory Persuasion PS: Lawyer (PRE roll)
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: did you hear Austin Powers is going to shag Jessica Alba? A: "From a certain point of view?! Ben, that's a complete load of bull--"
  6. Re: Strangest Perk you've seen? Immunity to Jury Duty is easy enough to acquire, always assuming you're willing to become a convicted felon or just not register to vote...
  7. Either via TV news, police radio, etc. your character hears of a wild police chase in progress. For the better part of 30 minutes, the suspect vehicle tore through city streets at speeds in excess of 90 MPH, sideswiped several innocent motorists, and nearly ran over a dozen pedestrians. The chase ended shortly after the car smashed through the doors of a crowded shopping mall, sending shoppers scrabbling to get out of the way as it finally crashed into the fountain. The weird part: the pursuing officers open the driver's side door to find the car has no driver! The vehicle shows no signs of being anything other than an ordinary car, and doesn't appear to have been rigged to be controlled by AI or remote control. The car was, incidently, reported stolen about a week ago. WWYCD?
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Sir, we have a fleet of Vogan BattleDestroyers headed right for us, what are your orders? A: Another fine graduate of the Rosco P Coltrane Academy of Police Driving...
  9. Re: Star Wars Weather Baton Rouge is like Hoth today...
  10. Re: Open Followup to Steve Long's answer about being sleep deprived Yon can add a drain COM to that; there's a reason they call it "beauty sleep" afterall...
  11. Re: "Tightening the Curve" on damage Dice rolls aren't everything. In some situations it's perfectly reasonable for rules such as the Chunky Salsa Rule to trump what the dice say.
  12. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type While I can understand your reason for wanting to impliment a rule like this, I can tell you from experience that it may not work out quite the way you're hoping. On one hand, I've seen plenty of non-broken character sheets that take up more than one 12-point typed page side, and on the the other, I've seen some broken ones that take up less than a page. The way I generally run things, we don't start the campaign until I have a copy of everyone's sheet in hand and have an opportunity to look them over, and any noobs in the group use pre-gens provided by me until I have the time to give them a tutorial on the finer points of character generation. Also, as others have also pointed out, if a problem comes up in game you just have a polite chat with the character's player and sort things out.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: General Hopcroft, what do you think of the new pink battle uniforms HQ just shipped to us? A: Because Aizen-sama says so.
  14. Re: 5 Super Powers You Can Have Today That bionic eye sounds interesting. Have they worked out a way to connect it to the optic nerve yet?
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: A pack of rabid German Shepherds and a gang of Skinheads are tearing up the town? Why? A: The solid organic waste has collided with the rotational air circulating device.
  16. Re: Limitation For Growth (5thr) How often is he likely to be indoors or in other areas where using a full 15-points of Growth could be a problem? If only very rarely it's -0. If occasionally, then the -1/4 might, IMHO, be allowable.
  17. Re: What labs are in your wallet? Tactics ("The War Room")
  18. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Menton from Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks. Bad Idea: Menton from Champions Online.
  19. Re: Your Version of FRANKEN-HERO Sticking with 5th Ed Rev. with the following changes/additons: Will be using a thing or two from Bob Greenwade's Based On COM article. Bringing back 4th Ed Regeneration and adding the Heal Limbs and Resurrection Adders from Healing to it. Bringing back 4th Ed Instant Change.
  20. Re: (5th Ed) Grenade Arsenal On the paint grenade, the way I was thinking of handling it (assuming I'm GMing or can persuade the person who is) is to take the BODY rolled on the dice (minus defenses), compare with the target's BODYx2 and figure the percentage of the target covered by the paint. That would, of course, mean the targets with higher BODY would still get some paint on them but may not get a "full coat." Something of a handwave sure, but as it is a Cosmetic Transform, it's mostly for "tagging" anyway.
  21. Something I'm building for a character whose schitck is (obviously) he carries around an arsenal of grenades of different kinds: [b]Cost Powers[/b] 40 [i]Grenade Arsenal:[/i] Multipower, 60-points reserve; OIF (lots and lots of grenades; -[font=Calibri]½)[/font] [font=Calibri]2u 1) [i]Concussive Grenades:[/i] EB 8d6, Explosion (+[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½); OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼),[/font][/font][/font][/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]2u 2) [i]Flash-Bang Grenades:[/i] Sight and Hearing Flash 7d6, Explosion (+[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½); OAF (-1),[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), 6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]2u 3) [i]Fragmentary Grenades:[/i] RKA 2[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½d6, Explosion (+[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½); OAF (-1),[/font][/font] Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), [/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri]2u 4) [i]Incendiary Grenades:[/i] RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½), Explosion (+[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]½); OAF (-1),[/font][/font] Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), [/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri]2u 5) [i]Knockout Gas Grenades:[/i] EB 4d6, NND (defense is Life Support [self-Contained Breathing]; +1), Area of Effect (4" Radius; +1);[/font] [font=Calibri] OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), [/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri]2u 6) [i]Paint Grenades:[/i] Cosmetic Transform 6d6 (turn target dayglow orange, healed by washing with industrial-strength[/font] [font=Calibri] detergent), Area of Effect (3" Radius; +1[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]); OAF (-1),[/font][/font] Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), [/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Charges (-[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¾)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri]2u 7) [i]Smoke Grenades:[/i] Darkness to Sight Group, 6" Radius; OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-[font=Calibri]¼), [/font][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri]6 Continuing Charges [/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font] [font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri][font=Calibri] last 1 Turn each (removed by high winds and rain; -[font=Calibri][font=Calibri]¼)[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font]
  22. Re: My Name Is Morty That depends on whether or not there's a hot latin girl involved in all this...
  23. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did Lois say to Clark in bed last night? A: Whoever writes this bullcrap better pray I never find a way to break the fourth wall, because I'm so going to kill them if I do...
  24. Re: Lame or awesome? Lame: I have fangs. Sort of Awesome: They give me the edge when bobbing for apples at Halloween parties. Awesome: I also have venom glands. Awesome: Those venom glands can produce reserves of both deadly poison and a fast-acting tranquillizer. Awesome: I can bite your neck open and completely drain you of blood in a matter of seconds.
  25. One morning as your character is just getting ready for the day, there's a knock at his/her door. No one's there, but he/she glances down to see an envelope on the doorstep with his/her name on it. Inside are two items: 1) a key to a locker like those found in a bus station or airport terminal and 2) a folded piece of paper. On the paper is the address and a roughly-drawn floor plan of the nearest bus station with an X in the area where said lockers would logically be located. Written below this is the following short message in block letters: AN IMPORTANT PACKAGE FOR YOU IN LOCKER A76. IT'S VITAL THAT YOU RETRIEVE IT AS QUICKLY AND DISCRETELY AS POSSIBLE, LIVES DEPEND ON IT. FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE FORTHCOMING. Who left your character the envelope and why is, as of yet, unknown. WWYCD?
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