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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") The RowdyRuff Boys would be one hell of a menace after becoming RowdyRuff Men...
  2. Re: Case study: What if they succeed? I have to say I'm with LL on this one. With the exception of Istvatha V'han, how many of these villains really understand what being a ruler entails? I doubt very many of them. Again, there's a world of difference between fantasizing about such positions of power and actually holding them for any respectable length of time.
  3. Re: In The Cards Five attacks? Reread OP.
  4. A gang recently robbed Campaign City Bank, making off with a modest sum of cash. Your character and company manage to tail them back to the abandoned warehouse they were using as a hideout, where naturally a fight breaks out. The only member of the gang who doesn't immediately engage you in battle is the ringleader, a strange looking fellow in a black trenchcoat. He is perched on a crate nearby calmly watching you make quick work of the others, all the while shuffling an unusual looking deck of cards. Once all his goons are down for the count, he casually climbs down from crate, draws a hand of five cards from his deck and puts the rest of the cards in his shirt pocket. He holds up the first of the cards in his hand, calls out "Hellfire Bastion", and a fiery barrier of energy is erected between you and him. With his second card, he calls out "Skeleton Sentry" and a skeleton holding a sword and shield appears. With the third, he calls out "Giant Shadow Spider" and a giant black spider with eight sinister red eyes appears next to the skeleton. With his forth, he calls out "Demon Knight on Hellcharger" and a demonic-looking armored knight on a fire-breathing black stead appears along side the spider and the skeleton. His fifth card he chooses not to show for now. He then gives his creatures the order to attack. WWYCD?
  5. Re: "Capt Power And The Soldiers Of The Future"......Returns? Sounds promising.
  6. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Loved Gundam Wing but wasn't thrilled by Endless Waltz, mainly because the entire plot hinged on the protagonists to do something monumentally stupid in the name of "peace". Never really got around to seeing any of the other Gundum series.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's TruTV's motto. A: Because they seem to have trouble with pantry doors.
  8. Ah, the villains campaign; a chance to explorer how the other half lives. The roles of protagonists and antagonists get reversed. When running heroes as antagonists in such campaigns, I personally like having at least one the players can beat snot out of without feeling too guilty about it, someone similar in attitude to Captain Hammer or Jet Chan (if you've seen Dr. Horrible's Sign Along Blog or played Evil Genius, you know what I'm talking about). So for those GMs out there who've run a villains campaign, how have you handled heroes as the opposition?
  9. Re: Why Don't The Villains Kill? There's always the "I'm a thief, not a murderer" mentality. It goes without saying that the Johnny Laws and the Do-Gooders tend to treat the mad dog killer type much more harshly than the guy who doesn't resort to lethal force most of the time.
  10. Re: Alien Flagship Falling From Orbit As far as size, think Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars. As for the d6 roll, either roll 'em or just pick which ever one would have the biggest "Oh Sh*t Factor" for your character (though obviously the ship hitting any populated region on land wouldn't be good).
  11. Your character, his/her associates, and several other super teams have boarded the flagship of an alien invasion force. After fighting the invaders for roughly an hour, alarms start to ring out and the alien captain's voice booms over the intercoms, issuing the order for all hands to abandon ship! The alien mooks you were just engaged in combat with suddenly start scrambling for the escape pods and forget about you. As it turns out, one of the other super teams managed to do such crippling damage to the engines and other ship's systems that it can no longer maintain it's current orbit. The crippled flagship is soon falling fast, and from the looks of things, the most likely impact site will be... (roll a d6) ...the middle of the North Atlantic. ...just off the coast of South Africa. ...London, England. ...The Austrialian Outback. ...Osaka, Japan. ...Cleveland, Ohio. WWYCD?
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you mean Mario lost his last life? A: Low Shoulder
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What becomes of all the losers at a cockfight south of the border? A: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Have you been up all night on Red Bull and uppers? Jeez, how many chapters did your history professor assign you to read by class tomorrow? A: Yet another reason why attempting to burglarize a demon's apartment is a really bad idea...
  15. Re: Last Dance With Mary Jane... The video not withstanding, I'm pretty sure it's obvious what that song was really about...:smoke:
  16. Your character is walking through a wooded area near Campaign City (insert character appropriate reason here) when he/she comes upon something shocking: hidden by camouflaged netting is a large patch of marijuana plants! Who is growing theses plants isn't immediately obvious, but based on the number of plants being grown, it's a safe bet they intend to distribute. It's also clear from footprints and discarded food and beverage containers in the area that someone comes by on a regular basis to check on the illicit "crops." How does your character react to finding this near his/her city? WWYCD?
  17. Re: How was it in the store? Beat the living crap out of El Pendejo Enmascarado and make ostrich burgers out of his "minions."
  18. Re: Jokes What do you get when you have Barrack Obama, Mitt Romney, and a Hooters girl all in the same room? Two boobs and a waitress.
  19. During a raid on the lair of a mastermind villain, your character and company find several interesting artifacts in his possession: Templar Armor: A suit of armor that once belonged to a high-ranking Templar Knight. William H. Bonney's Hat: The legendary outlaw's favorite hat. Frozen Grey Alien: A capsule containing the cryo-preserved remains of an extraterrestrial from the UFO crash at Roswell. Golden Buddha: A life-sized, solid gold statue of Buddha sitting in the lotus position. Stolen from a Buddhist temple in Tibet. The Silver Key: The actual Silver Key Lovecraft wrote about in his 1926 short story. The Outlaw's Bow And Quiver: A longbow and quiver of arrows believed to have belonged to the British outlaw who was the inspiration for Robin Hood. Spartan Armor: The armor and weapons of an elite Spartan warrior. The Studio 54 Disco Ball: The disco ball from late 1970s New York's most (in)famous nightclub. WWYCD?
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: "One home state, two home state, three home state, RUSH! Er.. Why are you looking at me like that? A: For you, the day Marcus Impudite graced your village was the most important day of your life, but for me... it was Tuesday.
  21. Re: Wealth and Super Heroes Wealth has advantages beyond buying equipment. For example, rich people can: Afford to hire better lawyers if sued or charged with a crime. Spend more time on leisure activities (or crimefighting) since they're not usually slaving away 9-to-5 all week. Take vacations pretty much anytime they want.
  22. Re: Kara Loft: Lost In The Sands Of Egypt I take it Bob falls victim to "angry female strike" quite a lot, based on previous WWYCD posts...
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