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Marcus Impudite

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Everything posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. The truth is, they both have their blindspots. Clark's way of doing things may work just fine provided the police and the courts can be counted on to do the right thing. Of course, there's the rub: you may not always have the luxury of trusting the authorities. On the same token, while there may be something to be said for ruthless and efficent way in which Frank eliminates the lowlifes he goes after, racking up a body count like he does is also a great way to bring a lot of heat upon yourself; and not always just from the cops.
  2. The original Nazis may be gone, but there are still plenty of Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, etc. running around these days; being a racist asswipe is about the only real requirement to join their ranks. As for Dr. Destroyer, my solution is that he finally had a fatal heart attack and one of his smarter, more ambitious minions took over Destroyer's organization and even assumed the mantle. Destroyer 2.0 could either then start wearing the old doctor's armor or build his own suit if he has the skills. Either way, it's "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
  3. Q: How many spelling/grammatical errors are in the average fan fiction? A: The Molotov Cocktail's the local drink.
  4. Q: The comicbook art is nearly done, any special instructions for the letterer? A: I promised you a fair fight, I never said I would just let you win.
  5. Recently a small-time crook in Campaign City has had a surprising amount of success at his criminal activities. Over the last couple of weeks, he's pulled several daring daylight bank jobs and made off with large sums of cash every single time; he even managed to elude the police and anyone else who tried to catch him. His winning streak finally came to an end, however. During his last robbery, everything that could go wrong for him went wrong, and it all ended when he was run over by a Fed Ex truck while attempting to flee. He survived, barely, but is currently hospitalized as a result of the accident. When questioned about his recent good and bad fortune, he says that it all came from a silver coin he found on the street weeks ago. Checking with the cops guarding him, you find out there was indeed a silver coin among his personal affects when he was brought to the hospital. A member of your group with the appropriate skill and inclination does some research and finds out the following about the coin: It was once the good luck piece of an infamous riverboat gambler from New Orleans in the late 1800s. This gambler was well known for his phenomenally good luck right up until the night another gambler caught him cheating at cards and fatally shot him. According to the legend, the coin could give a person 24 hours of good luck or bad luck depending on whether or not they called a coin toss performed with it correctly. WWYCD?
  6. Q: Bessie got her udder stuck in the center goal cylinder? How did that happen? A: What kind of question is that? Of course I knew. As ruler of this realm, it's my business to know what goes on around here.
  7. Q: Is that the TARDIS that just materialized by the refreshments table? A: Gungan Style.
  8. Q: Do you think that they will ever figure out I was the one who ate all the donuts? A: We have here an old-fashioned psychopath. Q: Who's that crazy guy with the monocle and handlebar mustache? A: This is why I told you not to give him twenty dollars.
  9. It's a slow day with your character and company having nothing better to do, so one of your character's teammates/friends/whatever somehow talks him/her/it into sitting down at the computer and playing Slender: The Arrival. They're even recording the whole thing to post on YouTube later. How well does your character do at the game? What kind of commentary would he/she/it be making as the game progresses? WWYCD?
  10. If a super team (other than the ones that have official Police Powers) built a base with a small detention block (only about 2-4 cells), would they have many legal troubles regarding its use? Obviously, holding someone prisoner indefinitely would be questionable at best, but would there be any other issues the team would realistically have to deal with? Say a villain was captured while attempting to break into the base, would there be any problem with the team holding him in a cell until the proper authorities could come and pick him up?
  11. Q: Yo, Pink Lantern, why aren't you helping us take down the One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater? A: I told you to steal his keys, not his cheese.
  12. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her Based on suggestions from both James and Lucius, this is what I came up with for the Entangle-based chastity belt (5th Ed): Entangle 3d6 (Standard Effect: 3 BODY), 6 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+½), (67 Active Points); OAF (-1), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Set Effect (genitals only; -1), Does Not Decrease CV Or Movement (-1), Does Not Prevent Use Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), No Range (-½), Must Follow Grab Or Target Must Be Willing (-½), Can Be Removed With A Modified Lockpicking Roll (-¼), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1¼). Total cost: 8 points. As Lucius stated above, this write-up is for a device used on an unwilling subject to prevent coitus and/or *ahem* "self-gratification" rather than willingly worn to defend against potential violation. A mustache-twirling villain from a tawdry medieval fantasy story, for example, might force a female character into one of these, claiming that her loins belong to him and him alone (thus her and her heroic love-interest have the daunting task of getting the devilish device off of her before they can consummate their relationship). It's also possible there are villains in some superheroic and sci-fi settings who are demented and perverted enough to have constructed (or paid someone else to construct) such devices with BODY and DEF on par with a set of Supercuffs (see Gadgets And Gear).
  13. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her The Entangle idea sounds good, though what would be a fair value for the Set Effect (genitals only) Limitation? -1? -2?
  14. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her Since bondage and other kinky stuff has been brought up in this thread, how would you build a chastity belt in Hero? (5th Edition stats preferred, but I shouldn't have too much trouble reverse engineering 6th if need be).
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Dude, I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep the First Horseman locked up in your basement, maybe you should let him go? A: They should re-title it Stockholm Syndrome: The Movie.
  16. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her I'm a little late to the party on this one, but allow me to suggest the following: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/77623-5th-edition-social-limitation-man-of-steel-woman-of-kleenex/
  17. Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness I usually assign it a value of -1/4.
  18. Re: Takofanes & Teleios Actually, Teleios is in Champions Universe.
  19. That's right, someone actually did it. Late last night, a group of as of yet unidentified perpetrators broke into the Federal Gold Reserve at Fort Knox and cleaned the place before the troops could be called in. The gold is gone, every last brick of it. Predictably, the federal authorities are trying to keep things under wraps to avoid embarrassment and public panic. Your character has either been called in to help recover the gold or has heard about the incident through the grapevine. WWYCD?
  20. Re: [What If] Dr Destroyer really did die. What now? If Destroyer dies, and assuming his organization falls apart shortly thereafter, there's going to be a mad dash to claim the toys he left behind when he died. Numerous secret bases around the globe, huge arsenals of weapons and gadgets, killer robots, doomsday devices, and all his wealth; all of it up for grabs. Lots of would-be world conquerors would be salivating at the thought it all.
  21. Several seemingly ordinary people all around Campaign City appear to have tapped into some sort of wish-fulfillment/reality-warping power which allows them to create anything or make anything happen simply by closing their eyes and concentrating hard enough. Thus far today, your character has seen a young fellow in a Star Wars T-shirt wish for a real working Lightsabre and his very own harem of beautiful women in Slave Leia costumes, a man in business suit wished for a big suitcase full of gold bars, several different people wished for superpowers (and costumes), entire blocks of the city's residential area(s) now feature mansions and palaces in place of the humble houses and apartment buildings that used to be there, the entire police department has been turned into circus clowns, and strangely enough, someone has apparently wished for the sky to turn purple with green polka dots. Who or what is at the root of all this is, as of yet, unknown. WWYCD?
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