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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster David Chumac Private E1, Rifleman About an average solder, fairly laid back for a Marine. Comes from a last lingering Native American tribe (Miami), and is known as a bit of a lady's man.
  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Those were actually what I was the "gunner" for when I was in the 82nd airborne. I never "shot from the hip" and even that dude was only using a single charge (you can vary the distance fired by reducing the propellant around the mortar) More than that would take your arm off. But the cool thing is, it does have a trigger built into it so that you can (in emergency situations) do just what he did. Nice video.
  3. Re: Fu Scthicks for the HERO System You going to provide HD files? Just curious.
  4. Re: Fu Scthicks for the HERO System Wicked, awesome stuff as usual.
  5. Re: Chuck Norris Facts as Powers for HERO? Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks don't really kill people. They wipe out their entire existence from the space-time continuum.: Extra-Dimensional Movement (A Dimension where Target never exsisted) (20 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Attack roll; -1/2)
  6. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I get it, I even enjoy the revolver myself; however, I also come from a military background, and as such see more of the "tool box" view point (referencing De Niro's conversation in Ronin near the 3:19 mark and after) meaning that your weapons are a tool box, so it's really what you want. I like having the extra rounds in my pistol that an automatic provides, however for a pure CCW, I can't argue with a .357 snub nose revolver. I went with the .45 XD because I've used automatics most of my military career and they suit me fine, also I have no idea when a "defense setup can have me going into an assault posture (Very highly unlikely, however I want the capability there should I need it). Then again, I'm a guy who's quite happy with an M4 CQB setup also... though I learned most of my room clearing with a full sized M16A2, and I can get around corners well enough, and maintain effective target placement at a decent range, and I've used it in the field in Kosovo, so to be honest, I prefer to use the set-up I'm ergonomically trained for. Though if you spend about 2-3 hours a day with your weapons, rig, and pack, you can train any setup you feel like. Best thing about revolvers (especially in the desert that I live in): no jams, I pull the trigger, it goes bang, end of story. Best thing about automatics: For the most part more ammo, and easier time reloading (If you have a few mags on your person). Worst thing about pistols, they are truly made for being side arms, they are not a main combat utensil, and are for last ditch defensive maneuvers only. Taking them into any other role is only for those that are better trained than I, or the fool-hearty. I love looking at them, shooting them, and talking about them, but they are a fall back weapon, not a main firearm.
  7. Re: Chuck Norris Facts as Powers for HERO? Not that I can quote one now (yah, I know I'm on the internet posting this, all it takes is a small few movements, but yah, I'm lazy), but in general the vibe of all of the posts put together requires Chuck to have a massive PRE... and his presence attacks must be legendary... Let's see what he'd get from the bonus chart: Total Psychological Complication: Everyone fears Chuck Norris Exhibiting a Power or superior technology: Chuck Norris is superior to everything Incredibly violent action: Just standing still is an "Incredibly violent action" for Chuck Norris Incredible soliloquy: A brief moment of silence is an "Incredible soliloquy" for Chuck Norris Very appropriate setting: Where ever Chuck Norris is is always a "Very appropriate setting" for Chuck Norris to Pre attack. Target is in full retreat/has been captured: Anyone standing against Chuck Norris is always in full retreat, even if their feet aren't moving yet...
  8. Re: The best Superpet? I dunno about evil twin, I'd say Secret squirrel's good twin, I mean, he looks like he's line infantry, or mechanized (probably mechanized what with the M16A4 strapped to his back (however he's got a Marine style rig set up for his LCE) and old school desert cammos) but most important, he's getting a medal... so he's got to be more up and up than "evil twin" as it were... My 2 copper. Second thoughts, that could be an M4 strapped to his back, that sling comes pretty close to the barrel pretty quickly after it comes off that canteen.... Still, it may be a Desert Storm era Marine (that K-bar is a dead give away, unless it's just a joe who digs the k-bar... sigh, I dunno).
  9. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I just got myself a Springfield XD .45, But I wish they made a .45 in their XDm series due to it looking like a piece of art (for a Croatian pistol). This is the 9mm, or the .40 (I just can't remember which when I copy/pasted.) XDm I could see the pic being used for a cyber punk-ish future pistol... maybe. As a side note on the XDm that part of the pistol grip near the meaty portion of your palm... yah, apparently it's got a removable pad, to better fit different users preferences... I like that feature. If you look closely you can see the hex key hole there near the mag well.
  10. Re: Do I need the 6th Martial Arts book? Out here, it's not that easy. You only get final say, if you have players that would stay at your table. Out here, if you don't play D&D then you do get to play much (unless you have a group of folks that you grew up with that were open to experimentation, or even grew up on different games, but those guys already have their gamers). All of us that meet out here begin our friendships by finding a group, so if you don't know anyone then they don't care what your running; they are looking for the "game" they want, not the DM. But I managed to get into a few groups now, and shown them other systems, Currently I'm running a 2nd ed AD&D game with a guy who last gamed in High school with the 1st ed AD&D stuff, so that's cool, and like I said I've got a Hero game lined up and waiting till folks are a bit more mobile. When I got here I decided that I was going to be a hard head, and not play any D&D, if the players wanted my games, then they would leave 3.5 and play... But after 3 years... no one would even sit down (other than my wife) to a non 3.5 game. Then once I started giving in, and just playing (no matter the system, I just needed to roll some bloody dice again), then I found some guys who would let me run a game, then I found some who would enjoy getting out of D&D for a bit, and under a different system. Now guys know me well enough around the table that I can get a game together under "almost" any system I declare, but it's still known in my group, that they can get a game almost anywhere, like now there is 1 3.5 game, 1 4th game, my 2nd ed game (all D&D). And my Hero game is on hold because there are some that won't play it, and have moved on, though have offered to come back if I run a D&D game... Though I've been looking at Pathfinder to mess around with. I guess it would be better to say that D20 hell is when the opportunity to play a more popular game (more tables) outweighs the effort to learn a new system (Most people in this category, a significant number of the modern roleplayer, barely even know there are other games (IE Borders and Barns and nobles only sell certain gaming companies) more to the point, most is that they actually believe that D&D is the best system out there. Sometimes it can be a rather zealous fervor when even trying to suggest a different game be in their vicinity. I may be over-exaggerating that a tad, but it's near to the way it feels out here sometimes. I have seen Savage Worlds taking off though recently. Honestly 4th edition seems to have shaken the communities fervor enough to allow quite a bit of experimentation by the core Phoenix gamers... so it's looking good for the future... That's my take on that, I'll stop running my "fingers" off.. as it were.
  11. Re: Do I need the 6th Martial Arts book? 4th edition D&D honestly helped a lot, make quite a few people question D&D, and now I have a game waiting, till everyone has a job, so they can drive here.... so I did my 6 years in D20 hell.
  12. Re: Do I need the 6th Martial Arts book? When your stuck with a bunch of D20 players, and can't get a "real" or "good" rpg game. Here in Sunny (maybe not so sunny with all these rain storms going on), Arizona I like to call it D20 hell. Alternately it's just when playing [Hero] is just a pipe dream, when your own player group (or most that you know) don't want to give [Hero] a shot at the table.
  13. Re: The best Superpet? A Gerbil with a Hunted... who's superpower is that they're always clean, no matter what they get into... Found at the pound, or down the street. This animal loves the little girl, as if she is protecting him.... but that's what I would do... er.. I mean the pet... I mean, if I were making the character... ahem... yah, that's it.
  14. Re: 12-tick action speed system? Oops, mixed up segment and phase... will correct... mershenbershen grumble grumble....
  15. Re: 12-tick action speed system? Your thinking of Hero. The basics are this: Every Turn is 12 seconds long, these are the Segments in a round. Every Character, vehicle, and computer in the game has a "Speed" attribute who's number basically tells you how many times you get to act in that 12 second round and what Segment you act on, called a Phase. SPD 2 you have a phase on segments 6 and 12 SPD 3 you have a phase on segments 4, 8, and 12 SPD 6 you have a phase on segments 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 SPD 12 you have a phase on segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 etc. is that what your looking for?
  16. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Wizard of Oz Minis Those are pretty cool.
  17. Re: Lantern Corps...Only Not Apone: All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps! Aliens (1986)
  18. When applying Power Defense to Drain on a defensive characteristic or power, and one takes half of the effect, is Power Defense applied before or after the division. I see that on page 272 under adjustment powers there is a note on how it works when one tries to drain Power Defense itself, I'm assuming that it's the same no matter the power attempted to be effected. In other words am I getting it correct that you first apply Power defense, and then you half what comes through, no matter, if someone is trying to drain Power Defense, Con, Body, or whatever (as long as someone has power defense to take any off)?
  19. Re: Spells As Skills This is a great concept, honestly, I think I'm going to use it in my next Fantasy hero game. I also like how it makes scroll aquisition and spell book finding a mechanically interesting Idea, not to say that it can't be done in the fantasy Hero book, but I like how these dynamics can be applied to "written magic" and even magic Items.
  20. Re: Sorcerers United! The Shaman
  21. Re: Sorcerers United! The Necromancer:
  22. Okay, so I've decided to start a "Champions-esc" game centered around some of the classic archtype's of magicians/mystics/sorcerers. In theory it'll be a bit like high level D&D plainer hopping, or much like a Dr. Strange type deal, the hero's are all "one of the best" at whatever magic they are supposed to be casting, or at the very least involved with. I'll be posting the characters as I get them done for critique. I'm a little nervous about this, as this would be, really the first time anyone who has some experience with the system has looked at my stuff, so I'm a bit shaky about doing this. But if I want to improve then I must compare, and learn. I know there are problems, but be gentle. The Characters are: Phaetrius- Necromancer (Master of drains)- I'm honestly a tad worried about the potency of this build. Crystal Riverwater- Shaman/Tribal (Souix) (Energy Projector)- I like this build, however I also know it's very multipower dependent, and I'm not quite sure if I've over done the MP and made it too diverse. Lǚ Dòngbīn- One of the 8 Taoist Drunken Immortals- Haven't built him yet, and probably won't even start for another few weeks, as that player is out due to holiday/ moving. I know the 8 immortals are also Taoist magicians, so I think this is a good fit.
  23. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? So, I'll put another thought that I'd like to see... Though I don't know if this really is the approprate location for it (meaning this book, it's as close as I can think, but I'd still like to see it). Also, If this exsists in another version of this book (UMA/Ninja Hero) I apologize, I really haven't been doing anything like this lately, so I haven't had time to look through all my books.... I am doing a sort of "Sorcerers of the world- Unite!" type game, I've got a Necromancer (kinda summoner/Drains guy), a Shaman/Spiritualist (energy Projector), and one of the 8 Drunken Immortals (H2H/brick/magician). Main Point: I'd like to see one of the Write ups to be along the lines of the 8 Taoist "Drunken" Immortals (one or two of them would be cool) with a little discussion on this topic. They've been more in the media lately what with the Forbidden Kingdom and (from what I can understand) the "experienced adventurers" from Crouching Tiger - Hidden Dragon were two of the 8. I can't think of were this information would be better served. Thanks for listening. P.S. If I have missed one of their write-ups, then I'd like to know where they are, because I'm currently trying to work one out for my player (we're probably going to hold off until the HSMA comes out anyway, but it'd be nice to have in any case.)
  24. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I think I had a character who used something like that (before I went into the service)... During my last road march the last week of basic, my buddy (who I joined with, and was my best friend since pre-highschool, IE was in my gaming group) handed me the 60 and asked me to think of what I did to Said character's back. I now probably under equip my characters, that was brutal.
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