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Everything posted by Fenixcrest

  1. In The Ultimate Martial Artist, it is suggested that a character use Force Wall, Self-Only (-1/2) to simulate the power to block attacks infallibly. Would such a Force Wall require an extra inch of length in order to protect the character on all sides? That is to say, at the base 1" of length, would it only protect the character on one facing?
  2. Re: Classes of Minds Actually, if I recall correctly, Mechanon is affected by human-class mental powers, because his mind is advanced enough to qualify as human. Chances are, a mechanical PC would fall under this category, too. He might have some Mental Defense, though. Just a thought.
  3. Re: A "tactics elemental" Wow, thanks for all the input, guys. I like the idea of skill levels, usable by others. Find Weakness and the other ideas were great, too. That writeup of the Hermit was really cool. That's a well thought-out character. Expensive, but well thought-out.
  4. Re: Fullmetal Alchemist: How to model? I haven't seen the whole series, but from what I have seen, pretty much anybody can use alchemy as long as they have a Transmutation Circle and some ingredients. Maybe make it a sort of Everyman power, with big Side Effects because it's not safe if you don't know what you're doing?
  5. Re: HERO System question I, personally, incorporate the XP cost "under the hood," as it were. I either count magic items as Christmas XP, or I mortgage them toward the Christmas XP. And I usually don't charge XP for items that are dead once their charges run out. This goes for crafting, as well.
  6. An idea dawned on me last night as I was designing a team of villains. One of them is a tactical mastermind type, and I got to thinking, "what kind of powers could I use to simulate ridiculous tactical genius?" So far, all I've come up with are various adjustment powers, such as these: Skillful Commands: Aid DEX 3d6. Standard Effect +0. Ranged +1/2. 45 Active Points. Costs END (-1/2). 30 Real Points. Steely Gaze: Drain PRE 4d6. 40 Active Points. I thought about using some kind of Change Environment to lower the OCV of his enemies, but it wouldn't have made much sense if his friends were in there, too. Any thoughts?
  7. Re: Question about "DANGER SENSE DODGING" My group has a ninja character that does this very thing. It's written up as +5 DCV, RSR Danger Sense=Activation Roll 15-. Basically, it makes it almost impossible to hit him with non-area effect attacks, except for characters that are total professionals using their most accurate signature moves.
  8. Re: Putting out the flames My general ruling on Uncontrolled fire is that it can be put out by anything that can put out normal fire, as well as Drain/Supress/Transfer. Continuous fire, constatnly fed by incoming END sans Uncontrolled, on the other hand... XD Well, let's just say that it's fun to see the look on the player's face when he dives into the pool to escape the flames that engulfed his body after the pyrokinetic villain snapped his fingers, and the flames don't go out. "Well, Captain Amazing is still on fire. On the other hand, he won't be soggy after this, since the water is flash-evaporating before it can touch him."
  9. Re: Requirements for Fantasy Hero I seem to be doing alright with just FREd and the Bestiary, but you could probably do alright with Sidekick and book of choice. I reccomend the bestiary, unless you like coming up with all of your own stuff for summons and things. I'm too lazy for that
  10. Re: Fuzion My only problem with Fuzion is that I found the system breaks down at a certain level, like right around powerful supers. Galactic Champions, unless you really police combat stats, becomes nigh impossible. Does anybody remember the Fuzion DBZ game? Gah. Combat where attacks and evasions are done using opposed skill rolls become roughly futile at a certain point. However, I could see myself using Fuzion for a heroic-level sci-fi or fantasy setting... except that's what I use HERO for now XD;; But yeah. Fuzion: okay system until you break the supers barrier.
  11. Re: Warping Entangle There's something like this in the USPD, under Dimensional Powers. I seem to recall it was just "takes no damage from attacks", with the effect that the character can eventually break free using Strength, presumably by hitting the anomaly hard enough to break its cohesiveness, or something.
  12. Re: Kill Bill This has nothing to do directly with Black Mamba, but at one point, while running a particularly deadly super-level campaign, I decided to come up with a function of blood volume to BODY, in order to get a Kill-Bill/Fist of the North Star sort of flavor going. We came up with an average of half a liter per 1 BODY. This was a campaign with characters who had a lot of BODY. Of course, this isn't factoring in the fact that you're still up and kicking past 0 BODY. That just means that the average person really has at least 10 litres of blood in this sort of campaign. Most of which gets splattered on the walls and floor.
  13. Re: A terminology question First off, thank you guys for your responses. I think you've sort of touched on what I'm wondering about. A lot of this is going on what I've seen in HERO Designer v2's skill prefabs, and in Killer Shrike's High Fantasy notes: Crafting skills are expressed more or less exclusively as KS's, such as KS: Scroll Scribing, KS: Painting, KS: Carpentry, KS: Bookbinding, and the like, with very little overlap, except with things like PS: Carpenter. This goes against FRed, which states that a PS is the actual skill to do something, and that a KS is simply the knowledge of what makes something tick. Perhaps in the case of crafting, a PS represents the overall ability for one to create something and market it, and a KS is the ability to access some specific facet of that PS. So, PS: Artist could have KS: Painting, KS: Sculpting, and KS: Engraving. Or, if one gets more specific, PS: Sculptor could have KS: Metalsmithing, KS: Woodworking, and KS: Pottery. Going into the magical crafting sector of things, a PS: Mage might access KS: Scroll Scribing, KS: Wandcrafting, and KS: Enchantment. What do you guys think?
  14. Re: HtH and Ranged Attacks in Multiple-Power Attacks I allow characters to MPA HTH maneuvers and Energy Blasts, providing the Energy Blast has "No Range (-1/2)." It's probably against the rules, but it seems to be no different than doing it with a couple of normal EB's at range.
  15. I noticed that the Fantasy HERO standard of magical crafting, such as the creation of Scrolls, seems to be based on a KS. However, since the character is actually making something, should it not be a PS instead? It doesn't really matter, since both are background skills that cost the same, but it just seemed kinda weird to me. Any thoughts?
  16. Re: Not reasoning from effects If the other body can't leave hyperspace unless it's replaced there by the normal body, and vice-versa, then this, I think, is very clearly multiform, with the special effect of "Switching places with my other body in Hyperspace."
  17. Re: Developing wizard How about Partially Limited Powers, with the limited part having OAF(-1)?
  18. If a character Pushes or Haymakers a power with Requires a Skill Roll, does the Active Point penalty increase from its default?
  19. Re: D & D Diatribe My main issue is the one regarding powerful NPCs. Take, for example, the cleric at the local temple, who for enough GP to reimburse him for the diamond, plus a little for the gods, will cast Resurrection on a dead character. This begs the question, "wtf is he doing here? He should be saving the world, one dragon at a time!" After all, he is of high enough level to cast a bloody huge spell like Resurrection. Since there's no literature on this, you have to be like, "Well, um, he took an oath against violence, and was given massive healing powers in exchange." And, given DnD's big focusing on character level, it just doesn't sit well with me. I have no problem with toolkitting the system as I did above, but it bugs me really hard in the "internal consistency" thought-stream that I have running every time I run a system. Also, and this might just be me, but it's really hard to come up with interesting and original adventures for low-level parties. At least in HERO, you don't have to worry about challenge ratings, and such. Low-level DnD games, in my experience, are consistently just skirmishes against bandits and kobolds, and the making of fairly simple deliveries. Starting-off Fantasy HERO games, at least, can be spiced by writing up some vaguely low-powered vampire who took over a tiny mountain village. Try doing that with a d20 vampire, and having him keep the balance of power that you need.
  20. Re: Read or Die Vast numbers of powers, possibly including or entirely comprised of a VPP: Enchanted Materials, common OIF: Dry paper of oppurtunity(-1/2). Powers dispelled by normal water (-1). or something. I'm not sure how much to give the dispelled by normal water disadvantage.
  21. Re: Your Hero's Hero! My time manipulator villain, The Procrastinator, idolizes the late RED SHIFT, MASTER OF RELATIVITY, who once warped Earth's space-time gravitation in an attempt to make the moon fall on San Francisco.
  22. Re: Need help with a spell (or two) 2)I'd say Images, only to produce light. I'm not even sure if I'd give it a focus, unless it has consumable components, unless it can only illuminate certain materials, in which case make it OIF: object of oppurtunity, and just handwave it for Only to Produce Light(-1), which is generally allowed to be moveable.
  23. Re: 2 How would you do this I'd say you should give it the "Triggered" advantage. You can activate the power ahead of time, with the trigger "When I jump past the target."
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