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Everything posted by Fenixcrest

  1. Re: Does Marital Disarm Help You Hold On? And yet the question remains... Does anybody dare build a character who specializes in the Marital Arts?
  2. Re: Dealing with Invisible Heroes
  3. Re: Ripping Telephone Poles From The Ground I pretty much agree with Shrike. Treat it as though the Telephone Pole is in an entangle with the DEF and BODY of the material it's rooted in, and just bust up the entangle with your STR, casual or otherwise.
  4. Re: Other actions while holding some one? I would say, depending on SFX, yes. However, the character would be unable to actually squeeze his held target, just keep him grabbed. Also the character would not be able to use the limbs occupied by grabbing. So conceivably eye lasers would be okay... but I'd probably give a to-hit penalty due to the struggling of the held opponent. I'd say the use of OAF or IAF powers is generally out of the question, too, unless the Focus is orbiting around the character's head or something...
  5. Fenixcrest


    Re: Dante Maybe give it an activation roll or RSR Acrobatics, so that there's always some chance that it'll crap out and he'll have to land?
  6. Re: Need Help with Some Villain "Lackeys" I don't see why not. They've already walked on a bunch of other planets before the boys at NASA have had a chance.
  7. Fenixcrest


    Re: Dante At first glance it looks alright. The only thing that really bugs me right now is the wall running. Change it to: Clinging 25 STR (10). 10 Active Points. Does not resist Knockback (-1/4). 8 Real Points. PLUS +2 DCV (10). 10 Active Points. Costs END (-1/2). Linked to Clinging (-1/2). 5 Real Points. 1 END. Total 13 Real Points.
  8. Re: Sneak vs Mental Awareness? Isn't Detect: Minds basically just "Mind Scan"? I mean it's slightly different, but the end effect is the same. You establish a line of sight with a target by using mental perception of some kind. I guess Detect: Minds would just be subject to more range limitations... Also, while we're on the subject of targeting senses: A sense has to either be bought with range or placed in a Sense Group that provides range in order to be elegible for Targeting, right?
  9. Re: What comic book villains would make cool heroes, and vice versa? Or going a similar route with heroes into villains, does anybody remember that old issue of Wizard (136, I think), that had ideas for Ultimate DC? They had the Teen Titans as a kind of superheroic "Boy Band (with some girls)," organized and sponsored by Lexcorp.
  10. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Right, right- there's no rule against that. Millionaire superheroes are quite common, in fact. I think what people were trying to get at is that all objects, no matter, how mundane, even if bought with money, have stats, and therefore points. Even if you bought your car with money, I should hope it has a defined BODY, DEF, DEX, and Movement. Even if it's duct tape, I hope it has a measurable STR (for holding stuff together), not that it matters unless you have a normal-to-weak character trying to perform a STR vs. STR on it; or a measurable BODY and DEF to act as an entangle should you tie somebody up with it. These things you don't have to pay points for unless they become like a power that is used regularly (I always have my duct tape of justice!). The fact remains that if you were to Summon them, they would have an active point value from those stats. Not that it matters, because you're using teleport.
  11. Re: What comic book villains would make cool heroes, and vice versa? I can see Captain Planet and the Planeteers finally getting fed up with fighting the same villains over and over again, and just becoming eco-terrorists. "Drilling illegally, eh?" *blows up homes and families*
  12. Re: TV Teen Titans In the pilot episode, she rises through the roof of Titans Tower in a big black shadow. However, that could conceivably be teleportation. Also, her Telekinesis would be BOECV, and she'd have a reasonably powerful Mind Scan, reasoning from about 10 seconds prior in the same episode, when her TK grabs somebody and drags them up to the roof through the elevator shaft. There'd also be some naked advantages and increased power on her TK with Incantations. I'd say doing this also has RSR Power: Shadowkinesis, because she requires emotional clarity and has a tendency to get interrupted in the middle a lot (taking an extra phase to improve the roll, I suppose...).
  13. Re: Weapon Breaking Skin I dunno about the hurting of the fists, but I'd cover the breaking of weapons with: Dispel 10d6 vs. any Melee Weapon (+1/4). 0 END (+1/2). Damage Shield (+1/2). 67 Active Points. Only vs. the weapon that was used on the character (-1/2). 45 Total Points. I might also throw in an activation roll. If I was feeling kind as the GM, I might allow Elemental Control: Tough Skin, and put in, along with the construct above, an HA Damage Shield only to hurt people who hit me with their body(-1/2); in that way, I'd rule that it would hurt people who punch/kick/tackle you, but not people who grab and squeeze/twist/whatever you.
  14. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Wait... so it's like this guy's "lucky charm"? Just an object that his character is fixated on, but doesn't really do anything? If it's a portable object, why don't we just say the guy keeps it in his pocket?
  15. Re: Gentlemen Start Your Engines When it's just starting out, I prefer to, if possible, have the PCs all be familiar with each other, preferably already be a team of some kind. This is especially true if the first arc represents their "origin story," a bunch of buddies get irradiated in some accident and become a super-team. Otherwise, I just try to open up like.. the day after they form the team; maybe one of them is the leader, and formed the team to stop a given threat, which then leads to other events. When it's a new player coming in, I like to have them encounter an NPC superhero, who doesn't quite like the cut of the newbie's jib. They duke it out for a couple turns, then a nearby federal bank explodes. Instant moment of truth. That's just for supers campaigns... I've tried all kinds of crazy junk for other genres... I don't really wanna go into it just now, though. Maybe later...
  16. Re: Help me build a power Detect: Stuff Sight Group. 360-Degree perception. Telescopic Rapid Sense Active Detect. It doesn't get "Sense" because it takes 1/2 a phase to search the whole city. =P It's an Active sense because it "transmits" by making the character run around like a ninny. You might give it "Costs END," as well.
  17. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Wait, so the object doesn't actually do anything at all? If it doesn't really do anything, then it isn't a power. It's not an object, either. Maybe Images? I dunno. For example, a rock doesn't need stats. It's just something you pick up and chuck at somebody. If it does do something, however, then it can be statted out as a power. Haven't you seen all the stats for things like duct tape that people post on this board? A length of rope could have all kinds of stats. It can be Stretching if tied into a lasso, it can be Clingling if it has a grappling hook. It can be an entangle with trigger if it's meant for a snare trap... hm.. append "Variable Advantages/Disadvantages" to the above Elemental Control... That's why I suggested the above Elemental Control construct. It provides enough versatility to create/summon the objects you want, and allows others to use them via Physical Manifestation and Usable by Others.
  18. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Well, excuse me for not wanting to stat out a bowling ball... Basically, it can be an automaton. You just stat it out so it can't do anything on its own free will, to speak of. You give it 0 EGO, 0 INT, no computer brain. Its only purpose is to be thrown at stuff, and has a pre-set trigger on its strength to attack whatever it hits from being thrown. I dunno. Just a thought. I mean, after all, if you're going to use the object you teleport, it's going to have stats. So it's either going to be one of the following: It could be a variable pool that can only contain one power, and that power has physical manifestation and Usable by Others. It could be an Elemental Control of various powers with different uses, each one having Variable Special Effects, Physical Manifestation, and Usable by Others (this is actually the construct I would prefer). In this way, you could summon "any object" that has uses reflecting its component power, and can still be taken away and used by others. You might also give them "Only costs END to activate" (+1/4). I would actually go with this solution, definitely, now that I think about it...
  19. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power So you stat out the object. Let's say the summon can summon a 30 Active Point object. In that case, let's say the Bowling Ball is an Automoton with 10 STR and 20 CON, with no movement abilities and some armor? That's the impression I'm getting, at any rate.
  20. Re: New Advantage: Varying Dimensions Wow, this is news to me. I always thought that if you had AoE on an attack, then you could make the Area any size up to its maximum, as long as it was the right shape...
  21. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power OIHID, Usable by Others. What's not to like? =D Physical manifestation for good measure, if it makes you feel better. Man, that came out kinda rude... sorry about that, I'm kinda tired.
  22. Re: Help with Ego powers, please. The other characters probably see the victim double over in pain, possibly start throwing up if he's CON Stunned. The victim has a brief vision of the attacker in his mind, maybe it's jabbing at him with something if the GM is feeling creative. He doesn't know where the attacker is (unless Mind Scan was involved, I think, but I'm not sure), but he knows what the attacker looks like and possibly sounds like.
  23. Re: Tactics Skill I use Tactics in small-scale combat to help other rolls, mostly for the purpose of flummoxing one's enemies. Ex: Tactics can be complimentary to Teamwork checks. It can also be used with Stealth to get the full 1/2DCV rear attack bonus. That kinda thing.
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