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Everything posted by Fenixcrest

  1. Re: Our future IS Paranoia (alternate(?) earth campaign background) repped. I love Paranoia. Now, would this be the traditional underground Alpha Complex, or a seemingly implied "continent in a dome" one?
  2. Re: Impressing yourself as an activation roll! Hm... it's an interesting idea. A fully-functioning PRE attack seems hard to assign a Limitation value to, since the right conditions can make the dice count HUEG. Personally, a more feasible solution is along the lines of ALL RIGHT!!!!! LET'S DO THIS!: Strength +15 (15 Active Points). RSR(15 PRE = 11- roll, -1). 7 real points. It still uses Presence, but it's a consistent value (-1 AP penalty was taken into account). Maybe it could also have Gestures(break something). On a personal note, I approve this power like crazy. The world needs more bricks with "battlecry" powers like this, where they get a large amount of their strength and combat ability from being totally jacked on adrenaline.
  3. Re: Having a painful movement I could see something like "Violent Aportation", where you teleport pieces of somebody away from them as a KA. USPD has some stuff like that. *looks* Oof, yeah. There's some really nasty ones there. Blinding somebody by teleporting their eyes from their sockets, teleporting things into the enemy's body (KA), Energy Blast NND's defined as repetitive aportation. I'd say for your maneuver, do the NND Energy Blast, no range(-1/2), only works on targets that you have in a grab (-1/4).
  4. Re: I'm in the market for a house.... Ah, yes, you're right! My bad, I was thinking of computers o__o *edits post*
  5. Re: I'm in the market for a house.... Also, the "double size grounds" modifier seems kind of weird for a townhouse. We're talking like 64 hexes of what amounts to your yard. 8x8, plus a little more due to the hole in the middle where your house is (part of the 8x8, still, but displaced), so the full dimensions of the lot end up being 16x12 hexes, or 32x24 meters, roughly 100x70 feet of your yard. Granted, that's not astoundingly huge, but when I think "townhouse," I think "crammed into the surrounding buildings". That's just me, though.
  6. Re: Call Captain Planet! Well, in the Captain Planet series, Dr. Blight had at one point created 5 anti-rings which could summon "Captain Pollution." Deforestation Irradiation Smog Sludge and Hate were the elements involved therein. You've got the first four equivalently covered; I'd personally just go with Hate, and see if your players get the reference XD;
  7. Re: Difficulty reaching Super-Hero status Personally, I generally define the difference as follows: OIF: It's a more powerful disad, clocking in at -1/2. That means that you're going to lose access to it around 1/3 of the time. That means that it probably takes at least 5 minutes to put the stuff on, and that you probably have to go to where it's being stored; it means that its components can be targeted and broken, and it means that if somebody captures the party, you're going to have to search your captor's installation to find it again. OIHID: This is only -1/4. You're only going to be denied your armor if somebody interrupts your "transformation" phase, or if your GM has you define some circumstance in which you can't change. In this case, your armor is kept in an energy state in your wristwatch, or it can quickly fly/dig/be delivered to your location by some transport, where it attaches itself to you. Basically, OIF means that you go to the armor. OIHID means that the armor comes to you. However, unlike a power that has neither of those disads, it's still possible to stop you from 'armoring up', even with OIHID.
  8. I'd like to start by thanking you for answering our constant questions so promptly all the time Anyway, on to the question: Let's say a character's full combat movement is 20". Can he accelerate to that full 20" of velocity, but still only make half-moves, or must he make full moves until he decelerates to 10"?
  9. Re: Spells as "Weapon Familiarities" I've done spells as Knowledge Skills before, but it was in a campaign where magic, at a basic level, was an Everyhuman (read: normals, too) power.
  10. Re: The Remarkable Wrong-Righters -- Basic Character Concepts Perhaps Charm should have a variable pool, based on which charms she's wearing at the time.
  11. Re: Tactics Skill I allow players to make a Tactics check to see if the enemy forces will play into their plan of attack. That is... Player: "I'm going to assume that the MANTIS agents will enter from the east doorway, setting off the cryogenic mines I planted there." GM: "Make a Tactics check. (secretly a -4 penalty, as the north doorway is the more convenient one for the agents to take, since it's wider.)" Player: "I make it by 6." GM: "MANTIS agents flood in from the east doorway, or rather, they try to, but find themselves either blocked by or engulfed in ice, based on who was in the front of the line."
  12. Re: What's wrong with the electricity....? How would you slide out? Wouldn't the Timer die, too? Or would that be the puzzle of the day?
  13. Re: RFC: Sharing the Cost of Powers I like doing it with Aid. For example, every character has an energy blast which is expressed as a multipower. One slot is the blast(call it Super Shot), one slot is an AID Super Shot (not usable on self, -1/2). Maybe some characters don't have the AID(so their Super Shot is not in a multipower). Maybe some of them just have the Super Shot, and no AID, but they also have Naked Advantages for Super Shot (with Lockout).
  14. What kind of little touches to do you put into your Fantasy campaigns? I often draw pictures of the magic items that the player characters under my GMing receive, as well as illustrations of the magic glyphs used by npc casters, particularly if it's a piece of the environment, like a room whose floor is one huge necromancy circle. I also sometimes make unusual calendars and number systems. For example, the calendar I'm using now is a 10-month year, each month having 3 weeks of 10 days each. The number system I'm using is base-6, consisting of a simple line pattern which is rotated clockwise to count. Does anybody else do stuff like this?
  15. Re: Has anyone statted up the Prince yet? Technically, he's the "dashing Prince."
  16. Re: Deadlands: Hell on Earth..uh....HERO For thrown swords, I believe UMA just sticks "Ranged" on certain weapons (katana was one of them) to give the option of throwing it at people. You have to have WF: Thrown Swords (under the "Unusual Ranged Weapons" section), or you take the -3 to OCV nonfamiliarity penalty.
  17. Does anybody remember that game? No? Oh, well XD I was watching the Dawn of the Dead remake the other day, and I found myself thinking, "Some of these guys are doing alright. I bet if they had Martial Dodge, the zombies wouldn't be able to touch them." So, Herodom assembled, what do you think about zombie plagues as a roleplaying genre?
  18. Re: New Skill: Artistic Skills I usually do it with Professional Skill: Artist And then it has complimentary rolls in KS: Painting, KS: Sculpting, and the like. If you have no artistic KS's, and only the Artist PS, then you take a penalty to the roll, signifying that you have eye and manual dexterity to make art, but you don't have any actual learning in the field. It's the same way I usually breakdown other crafts, as well. Alternatively, you could build it sort of like Animal Handler, or Survival. That is, charge two points for a (9 +INT/5) roll in one category of art, and then an additional point for each additional category.
  19. Re: How do i Represent a Taunting skill? This sounds like a simple Presence Attack to me. Just buy up the character's PRE. Maybe he could have a supress PRE to go with it, defined as "pushing their buttons." You'd have to give it a limitation for "only drains PRE that resists taunts or irritation," though. So, their PRE would remain the same, but it would be counted as lower for taunting puposes as long as the supression remains active. "Hey, numb-nuts! Your shoe's untied." *rolls 30 on the PRE dice* "WHAT?!" *panics, and looks down at his shoe*
  20. Re: Help with time-stop ability. I've always been a fan of Supress SPD, AOE, megascaled to planetary, self-immunity. You just need to get the GM to agree that all objects and effects have a SPD for this purpose.
  21. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations My world has MANTIS; I don't beleive I ever actually defined it. The agents all wore green uniforms and carried punch-daggers and/or electrified knuckles.
  22. Re: Skills for Battlesuit Technician? PS: Adaptation of sick spoilers to a humanoid chassis. "Walter, WHAT did you do to my armor?" "I added these sick spoilers to the arms, and put flame decals like everywhere!"
  23. Re: Two Annoying Power Builds I've done a really uber version of Traceless Powder. You throw it into a room you've just been to, and it makes the room look exactly the way it was before, when in reality you may have ransacked it completely. Images vs. Sight, Touch, and Hearing, 0END, Uncontrolled(deactivated when somebody realizes it's false). The powder would create a self-perpetuating phantasm of the room, which would remain until somebody caught onto it, at which point it would break.
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