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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement Speaking as a mod: Folks, let's please keep this thread from erupting into flames. Personal digs aren't necessary. Thanks.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Kitteh jam! http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2008/04/amazing-coordin.html
  3. Re: Essentials Universe (Amalgam)
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Mad props for a genuine ballsy speech!
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Does Spook have a Pac-Man ghost on her chest?
  6. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central That pic is from Alex Ross' Earth X, IIRC. If you like musclegirls, how 'bout this one? (Possibly NSFW)
  7. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  8. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  9. Re: You, or your PC? My characters are totally seperate. Why, if any of my characters were half as smart, cool, sexy, and powerful as I am, the other players wouldn't have anything to do!
  10. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central OK. Let me start out by saying two things: First, this was a very difficult decision for me to make. Second, this was a very, very, very difficult decision for me to make. There were a total of sixteen submissions, from fourteen different people... a lot more than I was expecting! That's very gratifying for me as a GM; it means that people like the concept and the execution of the Bunnyverse, and want to be a part of building that world. I thank you all, from the bottom of my shriveled, blackened, bunny heart. Unfortunately, I only have room for one new player, which means there's going to be thirteen folks disappointed. It's hard to say "No" to enthusiastic people with fun ideas, so I did not make my decision lightly. I went over every submission multiple times, both the write-ups and the builds. The first thing I looked for was a solid understanding of the Bunnyverse concept, and a character who was inextricably linked to the Marvel Universe. This was the most important thing -- the ability to mesh with the Universe that we've been creating. Using that criteria, I winnowed the field down to seven top contenders. SEVEN! I know GMs who would kill to get five solid, well-thought-out character concepts -- but seven? Yikes! Secondly, I looked at how each character would mesh with the existing Avengers team. I want a variety of powers and personalities (mostly personalities) to create a well-rounded team. I'm looking not just for stats and powers, but also disads, background, and other "hooks" I can use to create adventures. I've been so far blessed with some really good players, and I want to keep the feel of a tightly-knit team where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This narrowed the field down to three. I actually sent all three finalists an email earlier, to ask if they were still interested in the game (to be honest, I was hoping two of them would say, "I'd love to, but..." 'cause that would've made my decision much easier!). Fortunately (or unfortunately) all of them said they were still in. So I spoke with my current players. I told them my thoughts, and asked for their feedback. They all agreed that the three I had chosen were the cream of the crop, and they all gave me their opinions (thanks, guys!). So I slept on it, and finally, this morning, I'm ready to make my decision. For those of you who missed the cut, well... I make no promises, but I am seriously contemplating expanding the Bunnyverse sometime in the near future, possibly (possibly!) starting a West Coast Avengers game. The six contenders who didn't make the final cut could pretty much form their own team, right there! Before I do this though, I have to get my head examined. Once again, thanks to all of you who submitted characters. I appreciate your interest and your enthusiasm, and I hope you all keep following the adventures of the Avengers: The Next Generation and the rest of the Bunnyverse teams!
  11. Re: Your character's pet peeve(s) [shaw]Charming. [/shaw] Shaw's big pet peeve would be people who don't do as he says... and worse, people who are like, "You're not the boss of me!" Philistines and heathens, all of them. Obviously they need someone of intelligence and breeding to keep an eye on them.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Not quite what you're looking for, but close: http://www.cafepress.com/teh_bunneh.138955951
  13. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  14. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central No more submissions, please. I'm going to review the characters and I'll let you know tomorrow. No Hermit, not at 12:01 am.
  15. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Submissions so far: Certified Shield Maiden: The "daughter" of Thor, a golem created by Loki, now with free will. Cargus Greenstar: A new Spaceknight from planet Galador. McCoy Phoebe: Daughter of Moondragon, the new Celestial Madonna wannabe. Checkmate Centurion: A Kree warrior, newest member of the Nova Corps. Tribute: Son of the Taskmaster. Wyrm Ouroboros Captain Quantum: A Skrull, weilder of the Quantum Bands. Enforcer84 Carbonite: Son of the Mecha-Marauder; brilliant inventor and powered armor wearer. Tom Vagabond: Son of Eric Masterson, weilder of the Uru knife Skysplitter. Query Sphinx Rio: Daughter of the Hydro-Man, with control over every molecule of her liquid body. Gloryfox Spirit of Freedom: Native American shape-shifter. Corven Ren Aquatica: Daughter of Namor, blessed by King Neptune. Dryad: Daughter of Plant Man, with control over vegetable life of every sort. Comic Redwing: Gifted by the Cosmic Cube. Doc Shadow Nightmare: Demon-possessed victim of HYDRA. Vondy Jade Widow: Daughter of Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanova, inherited the Hulk's strength if not his rage. Lonewalker Tyger Fury: Cat-man son of Tigra and Starfox. Submissions close in about half an hour. I'll have my decision by tomorrow.
  16. Re: Opinion Fluff: Game Mastering Styles I will sometimes make stuff up on the fly, if I don't want to mess with the flow of the game, with the understanding that such "on the fly" rulings don't set precidence. "What's the CV mod for a flying grab?" "I have no idea, but I don't want to spend 10 minutes looking it up. I'll say -2 OCV for now, and we'll check the rulebook next time we take a pause in the game."
  17. Re: Dumb Noob Mulitpower Question Yeah, that's how I thought it worked. Just wanted a sanity check.
  18. Re: Dumb Noob Mulitpower Question It's just an example, not a real limitation.
  19. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement Speaking as a moderator, let's keep it cool folks. Personal attacks are not necessary for conversation.
  20. Say I've got a 50-point Multipower. Everything in it is a fixed slot. Slot One is a 10d6 EB with some -1 limitiation. 50 Active, 25 Total points. Slot Two is a 25PD/25ED Force Field with some other -1 limitation. So 50 Active, 25 Total. Can I have them both active at the same time (going off total points for each), or do they each count as a 50-point power WRT the Multipower points allocation? And can you point me to the 5r page ref for this?
  21. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  22. Re: What are/were DC's great non-superhero titles? Sandman Mystery Theatre, by Guy Davis and Matt Wagner. I guess it was sorta-technically a superhero title since it starred the Sandman, but really it was more pulp mystery-man and detective stuff.
  23. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Submissions so far: Certified Shield Maiden: The "daughter" of Thor, a golem created by Loki, now with free will. Cargus Greenstar: A new Spaceknight from planet Galador. McCoy Phoebe: Daughter of Moondragon, the new Celestial Madonna wannabe. Checkmate Centurion: A Kree warrior, newest member of the Nova Corps. Tribute: Son of the Taskmaster. Wyrm Ouroboros Captain Quantum: A Skrull, weilder of the Quantum Bands. Enforcer84 Carbonite: Son of the Mecha-Marauder; brilliant inventor and powered armor wearer. Tom Vagabond: Son of Eric Masterson, weilder of the Uru knife Skysplitter. Query Sphinx Rio: Daughter of the Hydro-Man, with control over every molecule of her liquid body. Gloryfox Spirit of Freedom: Native American shape-shifter. Corven Ren Aquatica: Daughter of Namor, blessed by King Neptune. Dryad: Daughter of Plant Man, with control over vegetable life of every sort. Comic Redwing: Gifted by the Cosmic Cube. Doc Shadow Nightmare: Demon-possessed victim of HYDRA. Vondy Jade Widow: Daughter of Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanova, inherited the Hulk's strength if not his rage. Any last-minute submissions? You've got about 7 hours from when I post this to get them to me!
  24. Re: What are/were DC's great non-superhero titles? Big Jonah Hex fan, myself.
  25. Re: Opinion Fluff: Game Mastering Styles What's worse than Tyrant? I tend to deal with people who question my authority by beating them half to death with a shovel or other convenient gardening tool. Lemme tell you, that cuts down on rules-lawyering right-quick!
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