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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: a little praise So how's your campaign going?
  2. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings So I've decided to go ahead and sell my Tyranids, part of my Chaos army, and part of my Eldar army. Anyone interested?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The wind was blowing hard last night. It woke me up a little bit after midnight. I thought it was going to blow right through the window. I was hoping it was going to blow some rain our way, but it was completely dry at home, and there was just the barest sprinkling on the way to work.
  5. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central ...
  6. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Stories of the heroes' return spread through South Lörm like wildfire, and soon the heroes found themselves telling their story to groups of enthralled merchants and townsfolk. The town was abuzz with gossip. "Giants? What are Giants doing this far south?" "They never come this close to civilized lands!" "I'm glad I didn't try to bring my wagons up there – we'd have been killed for sure!" Later that evening, Lt. Dunkin and some of his men found the heroes in a tavern. "It's bad, is it?" Leth asked. "Yes, very bad," Dunkin told them. "This town simply doesn't have the manpower to stage a full assault to take back the pass from Giants. We sent for reinforcements a couple of days ago, but it will still be a few days before they get here. And what worries me the most is that storm. It never snows like that this early in the year, and the way it's just hanging over the mountains like that tells me that it's not natural." "The Giants must have some kind of Thaumaturge among their number," Illy suggested. "He would have to be quite powerful to summon and maintain a storm of that ferocity, though." "What of the warriors of Retor?" Leth asked. "The Dwarves have their own watch-station on their side of the pass," Dunkin said. "And a small walled town on the other side. But we've not had contact with them since this all started, and I fear the worst." "What if we were to go up the pass again," Kaira suggested. "We'll scout out the Giants' position, count their numbers, see if we can single out this wizard of theirs…" "Maybe even pick off one or two stragglers," Leth continued. "Aye, but we'll need a couple of your best scouts to guide us and show us the back trails." "You'll have them," Lt. Dunkin agreed. "And any supplies you may need from the town's stores are yours as well." "Then we'll leave at first light," Leth said, telling his companions to gather up any supplies they needed and to get ready to go in the morning. At dawn, the heroes were introduced to their guides: Obert, a Dwarf mountaineer who worked as a guide in these mountains, and Raymond, a human tracker who sometimes did freelance work for the Demorian army. Obert was anxious to get back into the mountains – too much time spent in the city made him soft, he said. Raymond, who didn't think of himself as a warrior, wasn't so eager but was still happy to be helping. The party headed up the mountain and by the end of the day entered the bleak storm. Castilla and Finn scouted ahead, led by Obert (who knew these lands better than anyone). While trudging through the snow, Castilla thought she heard talking, so she veered off the trail and into the woods. After a few moments, Obert and Finn realized she was gone and backtracked, looking for her. She was already deep in the snow-covered woods, clambering over fallen trees and ducking under pine branches laden with new-fallen snow. Up ahead, she saw firelight, and crept closer to take a look. She spotted a large bonfire with three Giants sitting around it, roasting a chunk of meat on a huge spit – a chunk of meat she guessed was one of the missing Demorian soldiers! She started to slip away to warn the others, but she slipped on an icy patch and crashed to the ground. In an instant, the Giants were on their feet. She took off running, away from the direction she had just come (not wanting to lead the Giants back to her friends). Two of them charged after her. Meanwhile, Finn and Obert were combing the woods looking for her. They had just found her trail when they heard the shouts and curses of the Giants. Finn quickly ducked under a nearby pine, but Obert was not so quick. When one of the Giants came out of the forest, he spotted the Dwarf. "Run!" Finn shouted, nocking an arrow. "I'll hold him here!" But the Giant batted the arrow out of the air, so Finn decided to follow his guide. They fled through the woods until they made it to the road. Finn turned around and drew his sword, cursing aloud and hoping the others would soon find them. Meanwhile, Castilla managed to find a hollow log to duck into, hiding from the Giants. She heard them walk by her hiding place, speaking to one another in their guttural tongue, and she was afraid they would find her, until they heard their other companion shouting. They rushed to assist him, leaving Castilla alone. "I can't let them get Finn and the Dwarf," she said to herself. She climbed out of the hollow log and shouted at the retreating Giants, but they were too focused on their mission and did not hear her. Frustrated, she followed their trail. Finnegan was unhappy about facing off with one Giant. Imagine his shock when two more came out of the woods to back up their friend! Luckily, about that time Leth and the others came along. "Quick! Into the woods! We'll circle around them!" Leth told the others. Most of the team followed him; Illy paused long enough to cast a spell that would allow her and Kaira to see better in the driving storm. But the Giants had already spotted the approaching reinforcements. One of the Giants pulled a huge rock out of his sack and hurled it at the heroes. It bounce, rolled, and hit Od squarely, knocking him down into the snow. "Screw this, Finn needs help," Illy said, and with a word she vanished and reappeared right next to Finnegan. The Giant saw the two little-folk standing next to each other and swung his axe in a broad arc, catching both of them in it. Blood stained the snow as they were thrown back by the force of the blow. "Sister!" Styggiad cried, grabbing Kaira and charging at full speed into the fray. The battle turned into a true Charlie-Fox, the heroes doing everything they could against the huge monsters and the Giants fighting back as hard as they could. Illy managed to blind the Giants, and the rest of the team gang-rushed one of them, dragging him down to his knees and finishing him. The other two fought on until Leth managed to trip one of them up and again, the heroes piled on him with all they had. Finnegan went after the third Giant, but she hurled her spear and dropped him. He fell into the snow, bleeding. Kaira rushed to help, but before she could get to him the Giant scooped him up in her massive hand. She barked something in her barbaric tongue, and Od provided a rough translation. "She says she wants a trade – the redheaded human for her husband. I think she means that one," he said, pointing to one of the dying Giants. "Tell her to leave these lands and ne'er come back," Leth said. "And she can take her man." Carefully, the two warring parties traded hostages (apparently, the female didn't care what happened to the third Giant). As she was carrying her husband away, she turned and shouted something. "What did she say?" Illy asked. "Well, my Giantish is pretty rusty," Od admitted. "But she said something about... Always Winter? The goddess with black hands is returning, with gifts? Uln's pet was the first gift (I think Uln is the dead one here). Wolves will bring winter from the mountains, and they'll eat the bones of humans and Dwarves?" he scratched his head. "The last part I definitely got – Giants will rule the earth, and the time of humans and Dwarves is at an end." "The EverWinter," Chrissie said, a note of fear in her voice. "Ragnarok is coming." TBC!
  7. Re: The cranky thread So they're past the age where you can just tear open a bag of food, leave the toilet bowl open, and leave 'em alone for a couple of days?
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yeah, I wanted to get into a more skirmish-level game like Warmachine at one point, but never did. Now I'm glad, 'cause I never have time to play anymore.
  9. Re: Dumb Noob Mulitpower Question oh noes pwnd!!11!! Thanks to everyone who answered.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yeah, I really need to get rid of most of it. I haven't played 40k in, I dunno, maybe 2-3 years. Some of it I'd keep 'cause they're nice models, but most of it is just taking up space. I'd probably never even miss the Tyranids...
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings No, these days I only play Sisters (on the very rare ocassions that I do play). Mostly I wanted the vehicles for conversions (it's easy to convert Marine and Chaos tanks to Sisters tanks). Plus, anything I don't use I'm sure I can sell since it's all "New in-box." But I do have a Marines army, a Chaos army, an Eldar army, an Ork army, and a small Bugz army. At one point, I was the master of getting cheap/free stuff from people who were either switching armies or getting out of the game. I've got a handful of models that I bought new, but 90+% of my stuff is used.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That conversation continued: Patriot: Hey, I know an island! We could drop them off on Japan. They've even got experience dealing with giant monsters! Rocket Ranger: That's the problem. They have experience dealing with giant monsters. Before we leave, we have to resupply: Rocket Ranger: I can't go back in time! Where will I find gas to refuel my rocket pack? Patriot: It's OK. I found a full 5-gallon gas can over there! Rocket Ranger: High-octane jet fuel? Patriot: It was next to a tractor. It's probably diesel. And it probably has dirt in it. Deal. Rocket Ranger: We jump into the time-portal: Patriot: I hope I don't upset the time-stream by bringing a pair of powerful guns along with me Everyone Else: The Patriot does some structural damage: Patriot: See, if I were to destroy a part of the Colliseum in our time, I'd be a vandal. When I do it here, I'm a part of history!
  13. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Hey! Don't make me fling poo at you!
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Banner got hit by a Gamma bomb!
  15. Re: "No Points" Character sheet? I use a no-points charsheet for all my convention games. Unfortunately I don't have a Herodesigner template for it, I just built it all by hand in MSPublisher. Here's an example from my Teen Titans Go! game. As KS says, points-free charsheets are best when used in games without Adjustment powers.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yay! Managed to trade my ratties. I got a bunch of 40k vehicles -- two Predators, a Chaos Rhino, a Ravenwing Landspeeder, and two Eldar vehicles (which I can't recall what they're called). Pretty decent trade, all things considered.
  17. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central I think it's been scientifically proven that Steve Long is actually a sweat shop full of 16-year-old Malasian girls all chained to word processors. Not quite sure what I am, though.
  18. Re: Loved at home hated by the world. When I want real-world politics, I open the newspaper, not a gaming book. When I want to make a statement, I write a letter to my congressman or to the editor, I don't write an adventure. And if my GM starts using his game to try to make a statement about real-world politics or religion, he's going to be looking for a new player.
  19. Re: Predator Welcome aboard! There was a "Hunter Alien" (basically a Predator) statted out in the 4th edition Hero Bestiary. Doesn't look like he made the transition to the 5th edition though, but if you've got access to the old book, it's a pretty decent writeup.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I have a fairly ginormous Skaven army (for Warhammer FB). I got it a few years ago, in dribs and drabs, mostly used. I've got something like 40 plague monks, about 60 clan rats, 60 or so slaves, 9 rat ogres, maybe 10 poison wind globadiers, maybe 40 night runners, a couple of warpfire throwers, a lightning cannon, a Vermin Lord, a doomwheel, 20 sturmvermin, a warlord, a bunch of assassins, and a few grey seers. Oh, and all my units have standards, musicians, and fangleaders. Like I said, a ginormous army. Fought about a dozen battles with it, lost every single one -- usually very badly. So I got disillusioned with them and haven't played since. They've been taking up space in my closet for years now. Maybe a third of it is painted, but that third is painted very well. I heard that one of the local hobby stores is having a "Warhammer Trade Day" tomorrow, where folks can bring their unwanted stuff and trade for it or sell it. I'm bringing my ratties, hoping to sell or trade 'em. Wish me luck!
  21. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Uh oh. Looks like the Boss's Boss has spoken. She actually plays Black Knight in the Avengers game. Bill. (But honey... what if I guarantee you a spot in the new game?)
  22. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central How soon they forget -- Journeyman's got a girlfriend now!
  23. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Aren't you already in all the Bunnyverse games? Ooh, you could be like Wolverine -- we could have Banner on every team!
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