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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Yikes. That's only a few miles from my house. I'm gonna have a fun drive home tonight, I can tell you.
  2. Re: Confessions of an Online GM OK, yeah. I'm going to That Special Hell now.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick Indeed it does. Please, continue.
  4. Re: Confessions of an Online GM Arise, arise oh dread thread and terrorize the living! Mwa ha ha![/necromancy] My confession of today... Not really a confession. Not really a rant, either, though that's a bit closer. Just sort of a grouse, I guess. First, a bit of history: In my Avengers: The Next Generation game, I originally signed up to be a player. Created a fun character -- Arachne, the teenaged daughter of Peter Parker. She inherited not just his powers, but also his bad luck, his uncertainty, and his angst (based pretty much off Ultimate Spider-Man, since that's the only SM I'm reading these days). I thought she'd be a larf to play -- fun personality, lotsa plot hooks, and a classic power set. But, as fate would have it, the original GM vanished and I stepped up to the plate. I do enjoy running the game and all, but... gosh, I'm sad that I never got the chance to play Mary Parker. I mean, she's still around as a GMPC, but I don't feel like I can really play her. The games that I run are about my players, not about me. I've been in too many games where the GM's pet character took over, and the rest of us just followed him around watching how cool he was. So I don't do that. My GMPCs can be competant, but they can't be the hero; I won't let them steal the show from my players. Arachne won't ever come up with The Big Brilliant Idea That Saves The Day, because that's the players' job. Her job is to be there, in the background, when the players need her. Which is good -- that's the way it should be IMHO. But sometimes I wish I could just let Arachne cut loose, play her the way I would've wanted to. Normally it's not a big deal, but the reason this comes up right now is I was reading one of the "WWYCD" threads, and I thought, "I know exactly what Arachne would do in this situation. She'd call Banner or Hornet or Iron Girl and ask them to work it out." Silly, huh?
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings So WRT my injured hand. I examined it last night. It has faded from an angry blood red to a less-angry pink. There's a lot of dead skin sloughing off around the edges, and it's definitely stopped bleeding/seeping. There's even the beginnings of some new skin forming underneath it. Yesterday, it was itching a bit. No signs of infection. I think it'll be OK in a few more days as long as I keep looking after it.
  6. Re: Odd Champions campaigns Let's not start up again with Fin Fang Foom's giant radioactive dragon junk again, please! Ooops.
  7. Re: Your first question I asked how one would convert the D&D spell "Leomund's Secure Shelter" to Hero terms. The answer was simple: Summon a Base.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings I like a girl with a little meat on her bones. The gal in 'zilla's link ain't fat by any stretch.
  9. Re: Odd Champions campaigns
  10. Re: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens I'm a bunny. We're insatiable.
  11. Re: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens How about Banner and Stereo?
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Necro-Woman is teh ebil hawtnez!
  13. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Yep, that's the guy! He's pretty awesome looking, especially when he takes off flying -- there's this bright flash of red.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Excellent. My spies are in position.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Unclean! Unclean!
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yeah, it's fun. Don't know how many veggies we'll get out of it this year -- this is the first year we've tried it at our new house, and if past experience is any guide it'll be a year or two before we get the hang of this location's particular vaguaries. Have you guys tried container gardening? That's what we did at our condo, and it worked pretty well. Not blisters, blister (singular). Spoilers cause the following description is icky and shouldn't be read by people with queasy stomachs...
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Which button has toes?
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Saw something kinda cool today. It's nice outside, so after lunch I went out on a short walk. I saw a bird with feathers as black as coal, except on its "shoulders" (where the wing connects with the body), which were bright, bright, cherry red. I think there was a little yellow stripe there too, but I can't be certain. When the bird took off, there was a brilliant flash of color. Very beautiful. And it made me remember, a few days ago I was walking along the same trail and I saw a snake in the middle of the path. Not very big, about a foot long or so. It was a dusty black, except he had a bright orange stripe right down the middle of his back. Around his face were tiny yellow dots. I crouched down to take a good look at him and he flicked his tongue at me. After I got a good look, I gently shoo'd him off the trail so a random biker wouldn't run him over. Wonder what I'll see tomorrow?
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Worked outside in my yard all weekend. I'm pretty stiff and sore, but worst of all is my left hand. I tore the skin off my palm while digging out/prepping our vegetable garden. Hurts like a summagun. It's like a giant blister, about an inch and a half square. I've got it all bandaged up, and have been slathering it with neosporin every night and every morning. On the plus side, I got a lot of work done. We planted tomatoes and peppers and squash and pumpkins and cucumbers and sunflowers. And some other types of flowers too. I still have to mulch the garden, and install some sprinklers for the new flowers. But it's fun. I enjoy it. Except I'm not going to be doing any digging for a while now.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine NP, I don't mind at all. It was first posted here.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Pretty close to how I imagined her...
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Didn't game this weekend, but had an out of character conversation with some of my gamer buddies. I was describing my character from an online game, who is the son of Sebastian Shaw (Marvel's Black King) and Tessa (Sage). My buddy: So every time you hit him, he gets smarter? Me: *punch!* Ow! Hey, joining this team was a really stupid idea! I quit! My buddy: Yeah, but the extra INT fades after a while, and before you know it you're rushing to join back up with them again.
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread How's that working out for you?
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