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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  2. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central
  3. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central Three people sat at the darkened table. "I think we're ready to begin," Colonel Pryde said, keying a command into her controls. "Everyone on this list has already been fully vetted. It's a..." she paused, searching for the right word. "An ecclectic bunch." "But that's what we want," Henry Gyrich added, his gravelly voice in stark contrast to the Colonel's softer tones. "We're not interested in candidates for a Miss Congeniality contest. These are the people charged with defending the Earth against the likes of Galactus." "I thought that's what those guys on the Island were for?" the third attendee asked. "There's an old proverb about putting your eggs in one basket. After the Grim Reaper incident, we realized we needed to spread out a bit more. Not every supervillain in the world lives in New York City." Gyrich tapped his pencil on the desk. "Shall I begin? This is our first candidate, Jade Widow. Definitely a heavy-hitter. Her father's company is headquartered nearby. She's been making noises privately about making the jump to the big leagues, I think she'll be an easy sell." "She may be ready, but is the public? It's been 25 years, but I don't think anyone has forgotten about daddy dearest's alter ego." "Oh, yes. She's pure Hollywood," Colonel Pryde said. "The press loves her, and the feeling is mutual. She's a good fit. Trust me." "Fine. If you're convinced, I'm convinced. Who's next?" The holographic display flickered and the next candidate's image appeared. "Oh hell. Seriously, Aquatica? After that whole bruhaha last week? They're still trying to get the smell of seawater out of my building!" "Namor promised us that it was a rogue element..." Gyrich started to say. "That's what he says every time! Every! Time!" "Nonetheless, it'll go a long way towards smoothing relations with Atlantis -- and possibly preventing future attacks," Gyrich continued, his voice betraying more than a hint of impatience. "And we'll do well to not alienate a monarch who controls two thirds of the Earth's surface," Colonel Pryde added with a slight smile. "Fine. The rest of your team had better be better than this. So far I'm not that impressed." The holographic image changed again. "Oh, now him I like the looks of! Did one of Tony's boys finally decide to put on the armor?" "Ah... no sir," Colonel Pryde glanced over at Gyrich, who was keeping a perfectly neutral expression on his face. "He calls himself Carbonite. The armor is a completely new design. His father... well, his father used to be the fixit man for the old team." "Quite brilliant, really," Gyrich confirmed. "So far you've shown me the daughter of the world's most infamous berserker, the daughter of a guy who's declared war on the U.S. more times than I've had hot breakfasts, and the son of the Avenger's mechanic? You had better be holding back the moneyshot or this experiment of yours will be over before it's begun!" Colonel Pryde and Henry Gyrich shared a nervous look, and the holograph flickered again. There was a long moment of silence. "That's it? Tiger-boy, or whatever he's calling himself these days?" "Tyger Fury," colonel Pryde corrected. "Bengal, actually," Gyrich said. "He, uh, he changed it again. His qualifications are actually pretty impressive..." "Being the World Wrestling Federation champion isn't a qualification for the Avengers!" "Ultimate Fighting League, actually," Colonel Pryde corrected. Gyrich shot her a "you're not helping" glare and continued. "Not only did he inherit his mother's strength and speed, we have reason to believe he also has the power to manipulate Cosmic Energy, just as his father did. He's the grandson of one of the most powerful beings in the universe," Colonel Pryde noted that Gyrich didn't mention Bengal's uncle, "And therefore his potential is virtually unlimited. Prime Avengers material." "Cosmic Energy..." Pryde and Gyrich could see him mulling it over. "Well, that's a whole different animal. All right, I'm starting to like this one. Who else?" "The last one, for now," Colonel Pryde said as the holograph changed. "An Asgardian? That's good. That's very good. That's almost more impressive than the rest of them put together!" Silently, Colonel Pryde breathed a sigh of relief. "All right. I've got my doubts, but you've never been wrong before, Pryde." He pushed himself away from the table. "I expect good results from these West Coast Avengers of yours." Colonel Pryde and Henry Peter Gyrich looked at each other. Pryde was smiling broadly. Gyrich was not breaking his 30 year track record of never smiling, but the Colonel could tell he was pleased nonetheless. "Call Simon," she told him. "We're going to need to get the compound ready."
  4. Someone was asking me the other day on Hero Central about time travel in the Marvel Universe, but my Marvel-fu failed me and I was unable to answer. Who has the ability to manipulate and/or travel the time stream? I know Kang, Immortus, Space Phantom, Dr. Doom's got a time machine... who else?
  5. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Yep, Trouble Thunderfoot was a Saurian. The player had to leave the group, so Trouble retired.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a link to the game log, if you're interested.
  7. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Here's the team, DCAU style!
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the Fearless Monster Hunters, from my Fantasy Hero game...
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Those zombie children are really coordinated for zombies. There's one climbing on the monkey bars, at least one climbing a ladder, and a couple of them going up the spiral slide (which ain't easy when you're a rotting corpse!).
  10. Re: The cranky thread That's odd. The front-loaders generally use less water than the top-loaders. 90 PSI should be more than enough -- mine runs just fine on 50.
  11. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central No, right now I have a full house. If things change I will post the announcement here.
  12. Re: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Bunnyverse
  13. Re: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Bunnyverse The most current version of the Handbook... There will probably be more updates in the very near future as well.
  14. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters And yeah, they pretty much one-shotted my Big Baddie.
  15. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters FMH Recap for May 24, 2008 Castilla snuck through the blizzard toward the city, hoping to locate the leader of the invading army and getting some intelligence on him. The rest of the party waited impatiently to get some word back from her. An hour or so later, she contacted them, saying that she had found the leader, a human named Uln. His HQ was in the now-abandoned government building. She told the FMH, "The guy is some kind of religious fanatic. He keeps going on about how the goddess with black hands is going to be free soon. He thinks I'm one of them." "He thinks you're a giant?" Illy asked, in confusion. "No, he thinks I'm a servant of the goddess," Castilla clarified. "I'm in my demon shape right now." "Is he alone?" Illy asked. "No, he's got a bunch of Giants here. I think they're his bodyguards." "Can you get rid of them?" Illy asked. "Seduce the guy or something, tell him you need some privacy…" "I already tried that," Castilla said. "He's kind of… Well, let's just say he's not the kind of guy who wants privacy. Oops, I gotta go. He's coming back." Illy relayed this information to the others. "We need a plan," Leth said. "Those people trapped in the temple should be our first priority. How can we get them to safety?" "I've still got my Elemental," Kaira said. "Maybe we can get him to dig a tunnel under the temple, then use the tunnel to evacuate the Dwarves?" "Great idea!" Leth agreed. "Let's do it." While the Elemental was digging, Illy contacted the Dwarven priest Pulo again. "We're digging a tunnel directly into the temple," she told him. "If you feel the earth rumbling, it's just us." An hour or so later, the Elemental began digging up and soon they broke through into the temple, where they were met by Pulo and a phalanx of Dwarven soldiers. "Come on, we'll take you to the Commander," Pulo told them. "Oh, and thank the gods you actually showed up. The guys here had a pool going whether I was crazy or not." The FMH met with the Commander of the city guard. "You can use the tunnel we dug to evacuate your people," Leth told him. "Yes, but not all of us," the Commander insisted. "The civilians will go, but my men are going to stay to take back the city." Leth agreed that this was the best way, and they sat down to talk about strategy. "We've got an inside man with the leader of the Giants," Leth said. "We're going to use the Elemental to tunnel up under the government building to try and surprise them. While we're doing that, you and your men can keep the rest of the army off our backs." Thus agreed, the heroes headed down the tunnel once again. Before they knew it, they were coming up a few meters behind the government building, more-or-less right on target. The nearby streets were empty, so they crept over to the building. Hopefully, Castilla had unlocked the doors as they had asked her to do. On the count of three, Styggiad and Leth kicked the door open and rushed in. They saw four Giants sitting around, mostly on the other side of the room. They saw Castilla and a barbaric human sitting together on a table. The man leapt to his feet. "Intruders!" he shouted. "Kill them!" Styggiad rushed across the room and slashed the man across the face. He stumbled backwards, blood spraying everywhere. Behind him, Castilla downed a potion and suddenly, her hands simmered with dark energy. She touched him on the back and he let out a cry of pain and dropped to the floor. Finnegan, nearby, saw what she had done – she used a Necromantic potion that drained his life-force away. Horrified, the Nekian warrior turned away. Leth charged at one of the Giants and slashed at it with his axe. His friends Od and Thorsten followed him in, menacing the Giant with their own weapons. Chrissie cast a spell on another of the Giants. "Flee!" she yelled. "We are the Fearless Monster Hunters and we have come for vengeance! Flee now or die like your master!" The Giant blanched and turned to run. Illy blinded the third Giant before he could close. Styggiad, worked up now, charged the final Giant, slashing him with her spear and driving him to his knees. She pushed her advantage, stabbing and slashing him until he fell. Seeing that her sister needed no help, Illy blinded the Giant that Leth was fighting. "Surrender now and we'll be merciful," Leth shouted. "Keep fighting and we'll kill you!" The Giant threw down his weapon and put up his hands, begging for mercy. The other blinded Giant, hearing that the battle was going poorly, started to creep along the edge of the wall, looking for the exit. Illy spotted him and ordered him to stop where he was. He did so. Chrissie (casting another spell) ordered the Giant she had terrified to stop running and come back here; he did so, blubbering and crying the whole time. The fight was over. The heroes led their prisoners out into the streets, where they saw a mighty war – the Dwarven militia had surprised the Giants and were engaged in a pitched battle. Just then, they heard the sound of trumpets and drums outside the city gates. Two hundred of Demoria's finest soldiers streamed through the broken walls and poured into the city, helping the Dwarves drive the Giants out. Those Giants who were still able began to flee, and by morning the battle (and the blizzard) was over. Epilog: Leth went back to South Lörm and gathered up the rest of their supplies and gear. While he was gone, the rest of the party stayed in town and recuperated from their injuries. The heroes were gratefully thanked by the Dwarves of South Mountain Pass and by the merchants (who are once again able to safely travel over the Pass). As a reward, the Fearless Monster Hunters were each given a sturdy mountain pony to ride, and a boon from the town – each of the heroes can ask for one gift; if the town or the local merchants are able to supply it, they will. TBC!
  16. Re: Do you use minis? Yep, I use minis for just about everything. Yes. Most new lines these days are "Heroic 25mm" (which actually means anywhere from 28mm to 33mm), but the Lance & Laser line are still true 25mm AFAIR.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Weezer is made of win.
  18. Anne Rice and White Wolf have a lot to answer for!
  19. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread That's... what, brown belt? Congrats!
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Bring her to me. Bunneh commands it!
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hero-o-rama: Teaching Portuguese to gamers since 2008!
  22. Re: Completely Undetectable Building a villain that challenges your players in ways they don't expect is one thing. Revealing, at the end of the campaign, that the Big Baddie was able to hide from all of your special senses (magical, psionic, technological, and sensory) because... um... "He's immune to all that stuff, even if he never demonstrated those abilities before. Just trust me..." is completely another. I could buy a villain being immune to a first-level "Detect Alignment" spell. I have a harder time if they're completely immune to all forms of detection, full-stop. Especially if it's pretty obvious that the GM is pulling that ability out of his rear. It's like a mystery novel in which the murderer is someone who never even appeared until the last chapter, and who the author didn't bother leaving any clues about.
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