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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Her: I donated blood today. Me: Me too! ...of course, none of the blood I donated was originally mine... Her: You know, we need to have a talk about your murderous rampages. Me: Uh oh. Not murderous enough, or not rampage-y enough? Her:
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I made a lovely pumpkin soup last night. I didn't really have a plan, I just started mixing ingredients together. It turned out wonderful. I melted some butter in a pot. Chopped up about half a white onion and let it simmer in the butter for a while. Then I added a can of chopped green chilis and a couple of cloves of garlic. I let that simmer for a while, then sprinkled a handful of brown sugar over it. I let it carmelize for a bit, then I put in about 2 cups of turkey broth (from thanksgiving), chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, and a can of corn nibblets. Brought it to a boil, then added a can of pureed pumpkin and some heavy cream. Let that simmer for about 10 minutes, and voila! I put a big slice of sharp swiss cheese on top, made some garlic bread to go on the side and had a great dinner. Little bit spicy, little bit sweet, lots of texture and flavor. Plus, leftovers for lunch! :yum:
  3. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "You're sexy, you're a nurse, you like gaming, you love sci-fi and horror... Girl, you are pure, Grade-A nerdnip!"
  4. Re: Noble Titles Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Here's what I'm going with... (EDIT: And rep for everyone who the system lets me rep). Lord Matthieu du Clef, Baron of Foxton, of the Keys to the Second Gate, Holder by Ancient Tenure, Warden of the Royal Mint, Lord Protector of the Pilgrim’s Road and General of the Hospital, Guardian of the Silver Forest, Scourge of Inhumans, High Ambassador of His Royal Highness the King The Keys to the Second Gate: It is assumed this title refers to the Castle Grayhaven and its two massive gates. No one really seems to know this for sure, though. Holder by Ancient Tenure: This is a bit of a hyperbolic title, as the Barony of Foxton has been around for less than 200 years, so it’s not exactly “ancient”. Warden of the Royal Mint: Foxton is one of three places in Demoria where Demorian coins are minted, so the Baron is the Warden of one of those three Royal Mints. Lord Protector of the Pilgrim’s Road: The Pilgrim’s Road passes through Foxton; the Baron is officially charged with maintaining it and protecting those who travel upon it. General of the Hospital: As Crow’s Head Mountain is a shrine of Durom, god of healing, it also boasts a famed hospital. Though the Baron does not have any priviliges on Crow’s Head Mountain or the shrine thereon, he is charged with its protection. Guardian of the Silver Forest: This is a title held by several nobles, all of whom hold lands within the Silver Forest. The King has jurisdiction over the Silver Forest; holders of this title are charged with defending his lands and rights. Scourge of Inhumans: The Baron’s father picked up this title during the war against the Giants, some 30 years ago. High Ambassador: The current Baron was the King’s ambassador for many years; he still holds this honorary title.
  5. Re: Jokes What kind of car does a Japanese optometrist drive?
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings Modern artists or computer languages.
  7. Re: Turakian Age meets Terran Empire There was a D20 campaign book a few years ago, I think it was called DragonFire or something like that, which was basically D&D in space, with lasers and spaceships in addition to +1 swords and dragons. A friend had us make characters for it way back when, but his campaign idea never got off the ground.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures The fact that they mention Sealab 2021 = Win. Also, "Let's hope Futurama happens."
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings People from Glasgow are called "Glaswegians." But why? Why not "Glasgowians" or something like that? Where does the "-weg-" come from?
  10. Re: A very useful online site/tool for your campaign Good question! I'd like to know the answer, too. I used to do a little HTML coding back in the day, but "the day" was well over a decade ago, so I could use a refresher.
  11. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread I was standing on a corner in Winslow, AZ. Such a fine sight to see: it’s a girl – my Lord! – in a flatbed Ford, slowing down to take a look at me.
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures The sad thing is, that's actually an animated gif. You just have to watch the kittens for about 45 minutes before they do anything except just pose there.
  13. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread I think I need a Death Note. Anyone know where I can get one?
  14. Re: The cranky thread I have come, slowly and painfully, to the realization that there are just some things that happen on this earth that I am simply not meant to "get." Like, for instance, why students at Penn State are rioting and threatening harm to the person that reported one of their football coaches was raping children. Raping. Children. And they're upset with the guy who reported this. People. This dude was raping children. He. Was. Raping. Children. RAPING CHILDREN!!! And the head coach didn't think it was important enough to report? I don't care how good of a f**king football coach he was. I don't care if you never win a game again. I don't f**king care if they disband the whole f**king team. How can anyone care about football when you've got a child molester running around? Maybe I'm mis-interpreting the events. Maybe they're protesting that he wasn't brought to justice sooner. But from the reports I've seen, it sure doesn't look that way. It looks like they're protesting because their football season might suffer. God. I just simply do not get it.
  15. I need to find some examples of real-world noble titles. Things like "Keeper of the Keys of blah blah" or "Guardian of the Eastern Reaches" or whatever -- those sub-titles that powerful nobles seem to have a whole slate of. The whole "Duke Heathcliff of Bumsecksia, Fifth Earl of Jinkies, Guardian of the Sacred Keys, Exchequer of East Hickstanistan, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Quirm, etc." Specifically, I need a good example of a title that someone who has a license from the King to mint coinage, and a title of someone who is the guardian of a very important pilgrimage. And a few others, just for fun.
  16. Re: A very useful online site/tool for your campaign I discovered OP a couple of weeks ago. I've got the start of my Fantasy Hero campaign up there (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-chronicles-of-foxton). Not entirely convinced of the utility yet, but I'm going to keep poking at it for a while yet.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Facilities Manager: God. If one more contractor comes up to me and says, "Your receptionist is so cute!", I swear... Me: Well, she is pretty cute. Him: Yeah, but most of these guys are old enough to be her grandfather. I'm like, "Keep it in your friggin' pants, grampa!"
  18. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Some background: One of my co-workers is gay. Gay Co-worker: How did your doctor's appointment yesterday go? Co-worker: Geez. I got more pricks yesterday then you've had all year!
  19. Re: The cranky thread In my experience, salespeople hate filling anything out, ever, no matter how vital or simple the form. "Please write down customer's name and how many gizmos they ordered" is too complicated for most of them. If they could do all their business with a handshake and then have some goon show up with the paperwork after they leave, they'd be happy.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yes, please. I'll have one of each. Thanks very much.
  21. Re: The cranky thread It's not a short-term solution, but: http://www.herogames.com/forums/entry.php/991-To-Sleep-Perchance-to-Dream http://www.herogames.com/forums/entry.php/992-To-Sleep-Perchance-to-Dream-part-II http://www.herogames.com/forums/entry.php/993-To-Sleep-Perchance-to-Dream-part-III
  22. Re: Musings on Random Musings Don't forget "Instant."
  23. Re: A Thread For Random Links Do all websites need to look the same in every browser? This site makes a compelling argument.
  24. Re: A Thread For Random Links Having a bad day? Click here to make everything OK.
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