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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings "Must spread rep before giving it to Cancer again blah blah"
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore There was a Hawaiian burger joint in... where was it? Somewhere near San Francisco. Maybe San Jose? Anyway, I had one of their burgers and it was good. All I really remember about it was it had a pineapple slice and some kind of sweet/spicy sauce.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Little Miss Vengeance was up at 4:00 this morning. Which is OK. Normally, we feed her and she falls back to sleep. But not this morning. BunnySue had her from 4 to about 4:45, then I took over so she could get a little sleep. I discovered, when I took Baby V into the other room where a light was on, she calmed down. So we sat on the floor and played, me hoping that she'd fall asleep. She kept yawning and rubbing her eyes, so I gently, quietly took her back into our room... and she immediately began crying again. So I took her back out to her room and she calmed down instantly. I started wracking my brain... what's different between the two rooms? Then it came to me... our room was dark, this room has a light on. So I put her into her bassinet, left the light on, and began rocking her. In <5 minutes, she was sound asleep. Unfortunately, by that point it was almost time for me to get up. On the plus side, we've now got something else we can try if she just won't quiet down and go to sleep...
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures I would totally play in that game.
  5. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Pics or it never happened.
  6. Re: Creepy Pics. Hellllllloooooo, Nurse!
  7. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I noticed in the TOC that the section on V'han's Leisure Activities is only one page long. Which is appropriate, since it should read simply, "teh bunneh."
  8. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I'm frequently dreaming of my cat (or both my cats) escaping from the house (or trying to escape). And then I have to go out and find them.
  9. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I've never played a CCG. I can't say I've never owned a deck though... IIRC it was called "Jihad" and I won it in a random-draw raffle. I think I ended up giving the deck to Goodwill after it sat on my shelf, untouched and unopened, for a couple of months.
  10. Re: Superheroic Miniatures/Minions Kickstarter Project Looks like Crossover reached it's goal this morning. Congrats! I'm looking forward to seeing my new figs!
  11. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I haven't read very many popular geeky SF/fantasy book series. I slogged through the first Harry Potter book and didn't like it at all. I haven't read Amber or Dresden or Anita Blake or Snooky Stackhouse or Twilight. I've never read Game of Thrones or Wheel of Time. I have no interest in doing so. I also don't have much geek cred when it comes to SF TV. I already mentioned that I've only ever seen a handful of Star Treks (of any series). I never watched any of the Stargates. Didn't watch Sliders. Watched the first season of Buffy on DVD and didn't like it so I never went further. Didn't watch Angel. Didn't watch Xena or Hercules. Never seen Big Bang Theory, Chuck, The IT Crowd, Dollhouse, Fringe, Eureka, Grimm... I look at older SF shows with a mixture of fear and awe now. I can't sit through an episode of Buck Rogers or Space 1999 or old BSG without cringing. How the hell did I ever think this crap was good? I must've been a stupid, stupid child. I did watch the first season and a half of Lost, but it started to annoy me. I watched the first season of Heroes, but there were too many plot holes for me to enjoy it much. I watched the first two seasons of the new BSG and then stopped (and I'm glad I did, because from what I heard it went downhill rapidly from there). I've seen the entire run of B5 (although the first time I tried to watch it I hated it). I enjoyed Firefly quite a bit. I watched and liked most of X-Files, although it really started to die those last few seasons. I like the new Doctor Who series (it's really hard for me to watch older episodes, even though my wife is a huge fan of the Doctor's previous incarnations). I don't actually have cable or satellite TV, and haven't for years, so I don't watch much. But even when I had TV, I didn't watch very much. These days, if a show sounds interesting I'll rent or buy the DVDs when they come out. Right now, I'm watching Spartacus Blood & Sand, but quite frankly it kind of stinks.
  12. Re: New Superhero Minis Kickstarter Scooped! http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/87902-Superheroic-Miniatures-Minions-Kickstarter-Project But it's a worthy cause. I'm a supporter, 'cause I can always use more good looking superhero minis.
  13. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I'm not a fan of Star Trek. I don't hate it, I just never got what the appeal was. I've only seen a handful of eps of any of the series (and none of Enterprise), and was just never impressed. I don't care much for video games. I'll play them socially, when friends come over, but just firing up the console and playing a game by myself? No thanks. I don't like card/board games. They bore me to tears. I've got an attention span of maybe half an hour; if the game goes any longer than that I have to fight to keep from wandering away from the table, and at that point I start playing to lose just so somebody will win and the stupid game can end.. Which is funny, because I can play an RPG for 6 or 8 hours and never be bored.
  14. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects I'm continuing my Fantasy Hero campaign (click here) In my copious (ha!) spare time, I'm putting together a Teen Titans Go! / Hero sourcebook that I can use when I run my regular TT game at conventions. Like Xavier, I'm considering converting The Widening Gyre to Savage Worlds and seeing if I can't get it published.
  15. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You? When you pledge to Kickstarter, you give them either your Paypal or your Amazon account (possibly you can enter a credit card instead; I haven't done it that way). The money is automatically withdrawn if/when the project reaches its goal. If the project never reaches the goal, your money is not withdrawn. Once the project reaches its deadline date, everyone who pledged will get an email informing them of its success/failure.
  16. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Count me in! I've made my pledge.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings We got 6-8 inches of snow last night. Ringing in the solstice properly!
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd skip the chorizo*, but the rest of that sounds really good. *I like chorizo a lot, but I think it would get in the way of the rest of the flavors.
  19. Re: Lucha Libre Hero I run it every year at our local conventions. The players always have a blast. The first year I ran it I only got 3 players to show up (and two of them were walk-ins); after that, word began to spread and now I have to turn players away.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings I shall rub the lucky bunneh's foot for you, Chad!
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Sentences that would've made no sense 10 years ago: Phantom Menace is out on Blu-Ray. I just Netflix'd it on my iPad.
  22. Re: Creepy Pics. Is it just me or does that clown-guy's hat look like a giant dildo? I guess we know why his bride has such a big smile...
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