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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: The cranky thread When I first got my cellphone, I got a lot of calls from various people who spoke only Spanish. I assume whoever had my number before me was a native Spanish speaker. It got so annoying after a while, I had a spanish-speaking friend teach me how to say "Sorry, wrong number."
  2. Re: Steampunk - Source Material That's pretty sweet! Bet wearing a hat like that all day will give you serious neck problems, though. Gotta spread the rep before I can hit TKDG again though.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. I would be sad if you didn't!
  4. Re: A request to help me spend money Great White Hunter's Beastiary HPA25 Born to be Wild HPA26 Crossroad Blues HPA27 Castles & Seiges HPA28 ??? Bloodsucker Rampage HPA31 Ninja Jamboree HPA32 Mutant Madness HPA33 It's entirely possible that there was no HPA29 and HPA30... if there were, I didn't do the layout on them.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Him: What's your spirit totem animal? Me: I dunno. What's the craziest, stupidest, most dangerous animal out there that still managed to live long enough to breed? Him: Um. Humans, I think. Me: Then that's me.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore The one and only time I had White Castle, they gave me the trots something awful. I figure their burgers are called "sliders" because they slide down your alimentary canal like the Swiss bobsledding team, yodeling the whole way. Never again. But, you know, tastes vary. Lotsa people swear by 'em instead of at 'em.
  7. Re: Your evil army w00t! My own ebil army! "OK, boys, let's get to rampagin'!"
  8. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Thank you! As Doc Democracy said, my Lucha Libre character sheets are heavily customized; each one of them is a one-off done with professional page-layout software. But I think RP Miller (on these boards) once said he was going to try to make a HeroDesigner export character sheet using the same basic layout, including the lack of numbers. You might ping him (or just look in the HeroDesigner forums, since there's plenty of conversations there about custom HD layouts). Good luck!
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore 30 minute drive in LA? So it was what, three, three-and-a-half blocks away?
  10. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster George Bernard Shaw said that first; Lincoln was just quoting him.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm not sure what Marcus fixes, so I'll just break things at random until he asks me to stop. Just one of the many services I'm happy to provide!
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the drift (in fact, this thread has remained remarkably on target). I just thought it was amusing and wanted to point it out.
  13. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Maybe it's just me, but those are some weird-ass looking critters!
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Break a leg, E84! Preferably someone else's!
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd like to point out that these are no longer foods for people who don't care! These are foods for people who care deeply! :yum:
  16. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net There's at least a few games out there that have a "universal" system, where each time you buy a new genre book you get the rules again too. White Wolf used to do this (don't know if the new WOD still use this model). Palladium does it. BRP did it. So if you only want TMNT, you just buy TMNT; no need to buy any other books (except the endless splatbooks). If you want Vampire, you just buy Vampire. And so on. So it works for some people/systems. 'Course, I don't know how well those companies are doing financially. I suspect Derek is right in that most of Hero's problems stem from the crappy economy. They certainly aren't the only company out there right now, in any industry you can name, that's hurting.
  17. Re: Creepy Pics. There's a whole website devoted just to me! Here's just a taste of the ebil in store for you...
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yes, please. I'll have one of each.
  19. Re: HERO System Tips, Tricks, and Advice Yep, exactly the same. I just leave all the math off the character sheet -- the player (especially the new player) doesn't need to know the OCV+11-3d6=DCV thing. They just need to know "I made it by 7". Thank you.
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I know! Right? But seriously, it works. A nice tart apple like a granny smith, paired with a nice sharp cheese. And it doesn't have to be anything exotic -- some good sharp baby swiss or a parmesan (not the grated stuff from Kraft). Believe me, I was as surprised as you are, but it's scrumptious. Bunneh recommends!
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings A few years ago, I got a hankering to play Dark Tower again. I hunted online and found copies for sale at like $200 each! It's probably even more expensive now. I recall having hours and hours of fun with it, but I doubt the nostalgia value is worth $200+.
  22. Re: Superheroic Miniatures/Minions Kickstarter Project I saw this on Facebook a few days ago, and I'm a backer too! I was going to post this here, but Tasha beat me to it. The minis look nice, and I'm always on the lookout for new, good looking supers figs.
  23. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net In case anyone is curious, this is what the character sheets that I use in convention games look like. One is from my Teen Titans Go! game, and the other is from my Lucha Libre game.
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