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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: The cranky thread For me, when I've been working out in the yard and I'm hot and tired, there's nothing like sitting down for lunch to a nice PB&J sammich, a bag of cheetoes, and a glass of lemonaide. It's like a comfort food for me.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Maybe I'm misremembering, but when I was growing up, I knew maybe one or two kids who had peanut butter allergies. Nowadays, it seems like there's maybe one or two kids who don't have peanut allergies. Did it just become that much more prevailant in the last 20 years, or has it always been that way and I just lived in a bubble?
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures Looks like Thailand? Bangkok maybe?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Got a text message the other day. It said something like, "Guess what, I'm moving back to Colorado. I'll living at my mom's place for a few months. Keep a lookout for a good cheap used car for me." Didn't recognize the number, but I have a friend who moved away some years ago and keeps talking about moving back. His mom lives in my town, so I assume it's him. I called him back, but just got music (no voice mail or anything). Then I got another text message that said, "Hey, don't call, I can't pick up right now. Just text me." I've never texted anyone in my life. Why not? 'cause it costs $.20 to send a text, but making a call is free. Also, in the time it would take me to send a short text, I could have a conversation with five times as much information exchanged. So I don't text. But OK, why not at least figure out how to do it? So I teach myself how to send a text message. It is short and to the point: "who is this?" A few seconds later, I get a text back. "This is Nikki." OK. I know a Nikki. She works at our California office. Why she would be texting me (and how she got my number) is unknown. So I send back, "niki who? do i no u?" (I figure since I'm texting, I might as well go whole hog -- do as the Romans do and all that). Message comes back: "Isn't this David?" My response: "sry no dave here" And that was the end of that. So anyway, if you ever send me a text message, expect a call back, 'cause after several hours of back and forth and a small monetary investment, I still don't see any pressing need to do any more texting.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The story behind that is: We were expecting a friend of ours to join the game, so we kept MH around for her to play. But she didn't show up, so I've been playing both her and Patriot. Once we're out of the hollow earth, I'll likely put her aside (although she's a blast to play). Oh, and one more quote that Lonewalker's post reminded me of... One of the Ubermensch opens Mighty Huntress' cell to take her away. Her immediate reaction is to attack. After she's beaten him unconscious, Rocket Ranger searches his body... Rocket Ranger: Why's he carrying a scalpel? Mighty Huntress: Maybe he's a surgeon? Clubber: Maybe he was going to dissect Huntress? Mighty Huntress: OK, now I don't feel so bad about kicking him through a wall.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From tonight's D&D4 game... Cast: Ongoron: Dragonborn fighter (my buddy Ben) Kaliope: Tiefling warlock (me) Aurora: Half-elf paladin (my lovely bunneh wife) Cletus: Human cleric (my buddy ron) Kiplokee: Halfling rogue (our new friend Josh) Aleric: Eladrin wizard (GMPC) Talking about the lifecycle of the Kobalt... Ongoron: They're reptiles! They don't have families, they just lay their eggs and leave. Kaliope: That explains much about you, Dragon-boy... It's the cleric's turn... GM: What are you going to do, Cletus? Cletus: Ongoron (OOC): Apparently, he's consulting with his god... A evil wild mage hits Ongoron with a Wild Surge spell. Ongoron: What's it do? GM: It's a random effect. Kaliope (ooc): You get a kitten! Ongoron: *Makes "eating the kitten" motion.* Kaliope: Ongoron! Put the kitten down! A wizard is pelting our rogue with spells... GM: You get hit by another ice ball. It does 10 points. Kip: I think he's putting rocks in those snowballs... The wizard and the warlock are comparing how well they did in the battle. Aleric: I killed the main guy! What'd you do? Kaliope: I killed the summabich that stole my potion. Aleric: That's bound to go down in the annals of adventurer history. Kaliope: Yeah. "Don't steal s**t from from the tiefling." Ongoron: Hey look, I'm the second smartest person in this group! Kaliope: That doesn't speak well for our collective IQ, does it? Our dragonborn is getting clobbered: Ongoron: Cleric! Get over here and heal me! Cletus: I'm busy fighting this guy. Ongoron: OK, you and me need to have a little talk about the function of the team's cleric. An evil kobalt wizard is giving us trouble. We can't get to him because he's hiding behind a wall of bodyguards. Kobalts: Stay behind us, boss, we'll protect you! Kaliope: I use my power to slide him three squares, out from behind his guards. Ongoron: Ha! See? Your cleric doesn't listen to you, either! Our paladin gets hit, but doesn't take much damage: Aurora: Foul beast! We don't go down easy! Ongoron: Are you kidding? We're like a Thai hooker with ADD. Kaliope is attacked by a horde of zombies, who grab her and pummel her. Ongoron (OOC): Please show us on the doll where the zombie touched you... Kaliope is still dealing with zombies... Ongoron: Those zombies really like Kaliope, huh? Kiplokee: Reverse necrophilia! Ongoron: "Vivophilia"! Kaliope is still dealing with zombies... Kiplokee: Why are they going after you? Kaliope: Well, I am the hottest member of the party. Also, I have the biggest brain. Aurora the paladin runs over to help Kiplokee (whose dump-stat is INT)... Aurora: Zombie! You will fight me! Eat my brains! Zombie: Oh thank god. I've got nothin' to work with here! Kiplokee (OOC): Kip is so dumb, ya gotta love him. Kaliope (OOC): He's like a basset hound! The evil dragon is about to use its breath weapon on the heroes: Dragon: Watch me kill all your friends now! Ongoron: ...Friends...? Kiplokee: I think he means "accessories." Kaliope gets attacked: GM: Does a 21 hit? Kaliope: ... ... ... ... Cletus: Your dramatic pause is getting too long. Kaliope: That wasn't a dramatic pause. That was just me hoping the GM would forget about me and move on. The dragon uses its icy breath weapon against Kaliope, but barely -barely- misses: Kaliope: My trousers are wet. I'm going to assume that's just melted ice. Cletus, our cleric, finally gets a decent damage roll against the dragon: Ongoron: Nice of your god to finally show up here in the fourth quarter. After the battle is over: Cletus (OOC): The paladin and I performed an important function in this fight: We sucked up most of the bad dice karma. Ongoron: I can't believe Aleric (the GMPC wizard) ninja'd our kill. Kaliope: As soon as we're out of the dungeon, I kill Aleric and take his XPs. GM: There's a silver tiara in the treasure. Kaliope: Dibs! Cletus: Oh gods! Don't give her a crown -- she's insufferable enough already!
  7. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Took my lovely bunneh wife to see Avenue Q last night. Any Broadway show where they use that much profanity is a good thing, in my book. Bunneh sez: If you have the opportunity, then by all means check it out.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ooh, I forgot another one from our D&D4 game last week... Ongoron: Why do I hang out with you people??? Kaliope: Where else could you go where you can murder guys and steal their stuff, and not get arrested? Ongoron: :think: :think: OK.
  9. Re: Uthanar Threads Huh. Darn good question. There aren't any deleted threads in the queue. His profile says "0 posts." Very odd. I'll look into it.
  10. Re: Is it permissible to use real company names? ...although that would be a cool setup for a scenario.
  11. Not literally, of course... Break a leg, Chad!
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yep. It was still awful.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I got about twenty seconds into that before it started getting painful. That was bad. Like, really really awful. No, I doubt he's ever heard it. And I'm sure he's considerably happier for that.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread We celebrated our 12th last month.
  15. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Party at CC's!
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Names? Bah! We're going truly old-school with this game! Actually, the names are... Tiefling warlock: Kaliope Dragonborn fighter: Ongoron Hobbit rogue: Kiplokee 1/2-Elf paladin: Aurora Human cleric: Cleetus ...but usually we just call each other by our race or class.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our D&D4 game last night... Tieflings have a power called "Bloodhunt," which gives them a bonus to strike badly injured opponents. I've been playing that up... Tiefling: I smell blood! AB+, if I'm not mistaken. My favorite! Elf: OK, that's really, really creepy. Tiefling: Oh shut up! Elves are creepy, too. Elf: Yeah? Like how? Tiefling: Like... Like... uh... Like you've got those really freaky pointy ears! What's that all about, huh? Elf: The paladin is fighting a kobald and the halfling rogue sneaks up behind it and backstabs it, killing it instantly. Paladin: You know, I'm not exactly comfortable playing "Little Miss Distraction" while you sneak around and assassinate people... The tiefling has been hit by a glue bomb, which has rooted her in place. She can't seem to break free... Hobbit: You could teleport out of it. You'd have to leave your clothes behind, but... Cleric: No. We've got enough issues in this party without having to see that! Tiefling: I've got some interesting piercings... Cleric: That! That is exactly what I'm talking about! The dragonborn fighter is getting his donkey kicked for about the third time that night... Tiefling: Please don't kill our dragon! We just had him fixed. Dragonborn: Tiefling: So, are you a boy-dragon, or a girl-dragon? Dragonborn: Even I'm not entirely sure. Tiefling: I've got a Q-tip. We could find out... The cleric tries to take control of the party and starts barking orders: Tiefling: That sounds suspiciously like tactics. We don't do tactics. Cleric: But we could try! Just once, for the novelty value! Dragonborn: Tactics for us just involves shouting at each other and comparing body-counts. The dragonborn has been injured and is bleeding profusely. He keeps trying to give himself first aid, but his rolls are less than stellar: Tiefling: Hey dragon-boy, if you keep picking at it like that, it'll never heal! Dragonborn: After a long, grueling fight, our hobbit rogue (INT 6) has an epiphany: Hobbit: I've learned two important lessons here: (1) If you're on fire, run; (2) If you're bleeding profusely, attack somebody. Tiefling: We're teaching this kid all the wrong lessons. Hobbit: Guys, quit making fun of me. It's not funny anymore. Dragonborn: That's where you're wrong. It's still funny for us!
  18. Re: The cranky thread Do you get heartburn frequently? I used to have a cough that just wouldn't go away. Turned out my heartburn was irritating my esophagas (sp?). I started taking anti-heartburn medicine and the cough went away.
  19. Re: Excel Spreadsheet for tracking Combat Order MOD: I've deleted the attachment. If Mobius wants to re-attach the correct file, that's fine. But Netzilla is right -- don't run strange Jave files on your machine.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Curses! Foiled again!
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Case in point.
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures This is my garden. Those sunflowers are taller than I am. The tomato plants are producing so many fruits that we can't eat them all. I've been bringing bucketfulls to work and giving them away. We've got a squash plant that's producing -- so far we've had 3 squashes, and it looks like it'll give us maybe 10 more. We've also got three big pumpkins growing -- we had one more but while we were on vacation one of our neighbors harvested it 'cause they thought it was a giant zucchini. We'll also be getting some cucumbers. Our pepper plants aren't doing so well, though. The sunflowers are shading them too well, and the squashes are starting to strangle them out. Heckuva productive garden, especially given that this is our first year planting. Next year it'll probably be even better since we'll know what we're doing.
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