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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. The first half of this video contains lots of really practical advice for staying warm during power outages.
  2. The first half of this video details much really practical advice on staying warm during power outages:
  3. Originally posted to one of the Picture threads, but when we talk of combining ch'i with other forces I can't help thinking of this.
  4. Perhaps you're thinking of Broken Earth, the post-apoc game setting licensed for the Savage Worlds system. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/126143/Broken-Earth-Savage-Worlds
  5. It's considered unseemly to speak ill of the dead, and this isn't the Political Discussion thread. So I'll just say I'm shedding no tears.
  6. Were you thinking that Keith's Savage Earth has something to do with the Savage Worlds game system? If so, follow the link, it's for Hero 5E, nothing to do with Savage Worlds in system or setting.
  7. Recognition plays a big factor IME. Relating that to Barsoom, look how badly the John Carter movie bombed. But I've long dreamed of getting enough money to pay Keith Curtis to publish his Savage Earth campaign, full color and hardcover. It's Hero, it's glorious, and there's nothing else like it.
  8. You could be right about an age thing. Many millennials did not grow up watching old Godzilla movies on afternoon TV. Their programming tends to be a lot more fragmented and based on specific demand, so they might be less exposed. OTOH in America Godzilla has almost always carried the stigma of "kids" entertainment, like cartoons. Maybe a lot of people figured they had to grow out of liking them. But hey, Kong is an American monster, while Godzilla is unquestionably Japanese. Maybe nationalist "home team" has something to do with it?
  9. It kind of depends on whose reaction you're sampling. In North America the idea of a technically high-quality Godzilla movie was huge for existing Godzilla fans, but they're only a small fraction of the movie-viewing public in that part of the world. Most of that public had only the sketchiest awareness of Godzilla, and what they knew they tended not to take seriously. Kong, on the other hand, is an iconic American character which many more people knew something about beforehand. I suspect some of the excitement also comes from Godzilla being filmed in an American storytelling style. You only have to compare the monsterverse movies to the most recent Japanese entry in the franchise, Shin Gojira -- wildly successful and popular in Japan -- to see the differing expectations the two cultures have for these movies.
  10. To quote Second City Television: "This is gonna blow up. Blow up real good."
  11. On the purely practical level, I'm thinking bio-feedback would be the way to go. Science may not be able to detect or measure ch'i, but it can analyze the effect using ch'i in various ways has on the user's body. That could help them physically and mentally focus on the optimal disciplines to get the desired results. But of course this isn't actually combining the technological with the spiritual, just using one to assist in developing specific expressions of the other.
  12. Not for me. Biggest regret of my forum experience was starting that damn thread. 😣 But I was still fairly new to both the Internet and the wider Hero community, and did not yet appreciate how finely yet ferociously a hair could be split.
  13. I regretfully have to disagree with Ninja-Bear and Hugh. Fantasy is what sells the most these days -- everything else has become niche, and trying to capture part of a niche market would just mean selling less. DOJ tried that approach by releasing their 5E sci-fi line before their fantasy line, but sci-fi turned out to be their lowest seller. Hero already has as big a share of the supers niche as they're likely to get with Champions. If they want to introduce new gamers to the system with an intro game package, fantasy would probably have more pull. I notice that even in Champions Online, which is supposed to be a supers MMORPG, a great many of the players build fantasy-style characters and try to hammer them into fitting the genre. The 4E Fantasy Hero genre book and the first Fantasy Hero Companion were originally conceived of as one volume, and together provide genre campaign advice, a setting, sample NPCs, a vast array of spells, a good selection of magic items and a solid bestiary. Throw in the 4E Hero System Rulesbook and a couple of adventures (I know two very good ones you could pull directly from Adventurers Club) and you have a readily-digestible package you could start playing quickly, and continue to play for years.
  14. You missed nothing but heartache.
  15. Personally I don't enjoy IMAX -- I don't like my theater experience to be quite so visually overwhelming. But every fan of these kaiju movies that I've heard from, in person and online, firmly proclaims that all the "monsterverse" movies must be viewed in IMAX. However, I will definitely see this in a theater if there's one showing it within reach.
  16. Yeah, it's like I always say. Everyone keeps trying to find the magic bullet, the missing ingredient that will make all the difference. There no way to tell if there even is one. Definitely some things are more helpful than others, and experience helps greatly in distinguishing them. But a "hit" is alchemy. There's no predicting it, though smart and knowledgeable people keep trying, but usually fall short. I give Hero Games management full credit for experimenting, but at this point any gains will be incremental at best for the foreseeable future.
  17. I was never part of the Red October crowd, but I found the Hero Games website forums early in 2001, during the era when the IP was owned by Cybergames.com. Dark days indeed for Herophiles. Like many of the fogies here I signed back on when the new incarnation of the forums went live, in February of 2003, which my profile still lists as my join date. So, I guess around twenty years for me. Back then two decades sure seemed a lot longer than it does now. 👴
  18. I believe when the separation in the branches of the family tree gets into millennia, the statute of limitations on that is pretty well expired.
  19. Anyone want to take odds on whether either one was a virgin?
  20. Sure, but to match the efficiency of RE on a Multipower you also have to buy up REC too.
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