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    Steve reacted to Drhoz in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Call of Cthulhu : Poissy to Lausanne (via Other Places)   JANUARY 1923

    In Which The Adventurers Complete the Second Leg Of Their Journey, and Acquire An Arm

    Sub-Lt. Huxley, journalist Florence Braxton-Hicks, and dilettante Alexandra ‘Alex’ Braxton are currently guests of a French doctor and his wife, who would probably have reconsidered their offer if they knew the kind of excitement the party were bringing into their lives. Admittedly, the fact that their daughter apparently saw a boogeyman outside her upstairs window has no obvious connection to their visitors, but the repeated disturbances in the guestroom, and the discovery of what lies under Chez Lorien, certainly does.

    But beginning at the beginning, there doesn’t appear to be a mitten-biter or any other kind of bogeyman outside Quitterie’s upstairs bedroom window when Huxley checks, nor any sign that anybody was in the yard. On the other hand, there doesn’t appear to be anybody else in the room when Florence finds herself flung across the room with considerable force in the middle of the night. Or perhaps there was, because Huxley suffers similar injuries the following night, in the same room, but unlike Flo he recalls a horribly withered figure holding him by the throat and hissing “Which god do you serve?” in Latin.

    Of course that does raise the question of how this attacker got into the room in the first place, since only the Loriens have the other key.

    Florence: I’m searching the walls for hidden doors - I’ve read enough mystery novels to know the score.

    Both Florence and Huxley have bruises that strongly resemble a powerful grip around their throat.

    GM: And as far as you know she’s not into autoasphyxiation.

    Of course they wouldn’t have had to stay at Chez Lorien that long if they hadn’t botched locating the ruins of Fenalik’s mansion, twice.

    Florence: I look at the map again and realise I was holding it upside down. Sacré bleu!

    Although it’s Veronique Lorien pointing out that they’re doing all their measurements in metric, when the estate map they were given was pre-Revolution, that uncovers Fenalik’s cellar. Of course, it still takes another day of digging - by Huxley - to excavate the door.

    Florence: Hard work never killed anyone.

    What lies beyond is certainly hellish, so it appears Captain Malon’s report from 1793 was accurate in that regard. It’s probably just as well Huxley acquired holy water from the church in Poissy. The subterranean garden is bad enough, given the unfortunate parallels with the garden where Florence's stillborn siblings were buried. But hey, at least they find the Left Arm of the Sedefkar Simulacrum! Although Huxley does have a new concern.

    Huxley: I think we have another pursuer.
    Florence: Charming.

    The Left Arm is certainly a curious artefact - apparently ceramic, and inscribed with an intricate pattern of hundreds of left arms. And whatever glaze the creator used darkens from pearly white to a deep blue in sunlight. It’s also flawless, with the exception of a vaccination scar exactly where Alex has one - but that they can’t find again when they doublecheck. Huxley can’t even confirm what it’s made of, since when he tries to scrape off a sample his shoulder starts to hurt.

    GM: But then you did do a lot of digging yesterday - that’s no doubt why.

    At least they can telegram Professor Smith the good news - he’s apparently recovering from his burns, and has started sending letters to his contacts across Europe to help how he can. And Remi assures his friend that he’ll find a copy of the Diary of an Unknown Soldier and post it to them no matter where they are in Europe. The message from Antonio is less promising - it turns out that de Gremanci is one of the most common surnames in Venice, so finding out if the reputed sorcerer Alvise de Gremanci ever got his hands on part of the Simulacrum is proving difficult.

    GM: The telegram is already a bit terse, but Antonio is basically complaining that it’s like asking every Smith in London if their great-great grandfather was a sorcerer and did he leave them any body parts in his will?

    On the other hand, now that they know what the Simulacrum actually looks like, they can find out which auction house in Paris sold one of the pieces after The War, and exactly which Milanese gentleman they sold it to. The couple of days are fruitless, until one of the auction houses takes pity on them (or perhaps are impressed enough by the obvious quality of Alex’s suit) to point out that it might have been a private auction - or not sold as statuary at all. THAT clue uncovers a pamphlet where something that sounds very much like the Torso, from the collection of one Dr Rigault (1746-1794), was put up for auction as a ‘Porcelain Anatomical Model, Maker Unknown’. Rigault was the Royal Physician prior to the Revolution, and a name already connected to the raid on Fenalik’s house.

    But it appears it didn’t reach the reserve price, and a few years later it was auctioned off as part of a job lot, with a bunch of period costumes, dress weapons, costume jewelry, and dressmaker’s dummies. They were purchased by one P. Rischonti. At last the Investigators can head to Milan - with a brief stop-over in Switzerland to interrogate one Edgar Welligton about his knowledge of the Simulacrum.

    Huxley is reluctant to let the Arm out of his sight.

    Huxley: I’ll keep it close. At hand.
    GM: That pun is a bit of a reach.
    Huxley: Does this arm come with a manual?

    At least the other guests on the Orient Express as it departs Paris after midnight are less obnoxious than that preteen on the train from London. Indeed, Signorina Caterina Cavallaro, star of Parisian and Milanese opera, is charming, witty, and very generous, complimenting Alex on her suit and promising to get Huxley and his friends rooms at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, as well as front row tickets for opening night of Aida at La Scala. She has quite a story about how she went to her first opera, fully intending to wish for a pony as she sung along to ‘Ritorna vincitor!’, but decided on the spot to wish to be an opera singer instead. Looks like it worked. She sings the aria for the other travellers, to rapturous applause.

    Florence OoC: Sing Freebird!

    The investigators stagger off to bed, and wake up on a cobbled street in somewhere apparently called Ulthar, which has a lot of cats. Florence is pleased about that - the nature of the trains here, less so. That Alex has switched genders is a bit of a surprise too, although perhaps less than some might expect.

    Huxley: Between a woman I normally see in men’s clothing anyway and the fact we’re riding on giant elephant octopus things under a sky where I don’t recognise a single constellation, the fact that Alex is apparently male here barely registers.

    Chatting with some of the other passengers on the Dreamlands Express, they learn the train was created to give a chance for any passengers of the one in the Waking World a chance to discard their worries, in the Gulf of Nodens beyond the cloudcity of Serranian. Although there is some philosophical debate in the Dreamlands about which world is the ‘real’ one. After all, as one of the other passengers, one ‘Mac’ Mackenzie from Scotland, points out, sometimes dreamers from Earth die there and live on here, which adds some weight to the question. Although Mackenzie does warn the dreamers away from one Karasov, apparently an arms dealer in the Waking World. Karasov is instantly unpopular with the investigators, and doesn’t help his case any by saying that if he didn’t sell weapons to the governments of the world, somebody else would. Karasov also won’t say why he’s on the train, although MacKenzie’s reason is that he wishes to be a poet in Sona-Nyl. Hopefully there’s some kind of training program there, because his poetry is awful.

    The other out-of-place person here is one Madam Bruja, apparently an Elizabethan widow, who wants nothing to do with any of the male passengers on the train, but does warm to Florence when she explains that women have much more freedom in the waking World then they used to - she’s a journalist and travels widely of her own recognizance, for a start. Bruja does warn her to beware men.

    Madam Bruja: Men are animals - worse than animals. They’ll take what they want from you, and I won’t let him.

    The incredible luxury of the pavilions on the Dreamlands Express is certainly relaxing, and gives Huxley a chance to discuss his concerns with the others. Such as his suspicions about that ‘psychic assassin’ that attacked them in Poissy. He’s sure that at least three different groups know that they’re after the Simulacrum.

    Huxley: The Midnight Strangler, Sedefkar of many corpses, and whoever likes skinning people.
    GM: Well, Sedefkar probably died quite a few centuries ago.
    Florence: PROBABLY
    GM: Although Professor Smith DID say that possessing the Simulacrum was to possess immortality.
    Huxley: I’m not sure what I believe anymore - my skepticism is eroding rapidly.
  2. Haha
    Steve reacted to Drhoz in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Pathfinder: In Hell's Bright Shadow : Calling All Girls
    Ayva OoC: Poor Terzo, all these women and he has no chance with any of them.
    Terzo OoC: Believe me, I do not actually consider that a problem.
    Civilla OoC: I should hope so, you’re my tutor.
    Terzo OoC: And that’s just ONE reason.

    And Ayva does have a point - between the party, most of the NPCs that are important enough to name, and Thrune’s choice of trusted minions, it seems the script for any future movies about events in Kintargo will easily pass the Bechdel Test. Unless we’re talking about Thrune anyway, but nobody cares what he has between his legs unless it’s an opportunity to remove it with something rusty.

    Negotiating the Red Jills is going to be dicey, since they basically count anybody from the Basic Character Races as The Enemy. And Rajira is the only one that is clearly outside their broad definition of ‘human’, and only if she doesn’t try to hide her reptilian heritage.

    Civilla: The thing is, Thrune’s agents might actually follow the rules of hospitality and parley if we were having a meeting like this - they’re Evil, but Lawful Evil. But the Jills are probably Chaotic.

    Rajira: I was going to say ‘let’s wing it’, but that might offend the Strix.
    Civilla: So no triggering language.
    Ayva: And nothing about ‘plans being hatched’.
    Civilla: You have to be careful about ear jokes around elves too - although given that of the usual races it’s humans that have the weird round ears, that’s kinda strange.

    Ayva: I was going to say ‘don’t get cocky’ but there’s the bird language again.

    It’s actually Rajira’s suggestion that we don’t meet at the Red Jills’ hideout, in case of Property Damage Escalating To Arson, and the gang agrees.

    Rajira: Good evening - I believe we have important matters to discuss.
    Scarplume the Strix: Ah yes, the Ghosts of Kintargo.

    Apparently our reputation is already spreading.

    Scarplume: What makes you think you can change the way the Jills do business?
    Rajira: I don’t believe I can - but I believe I can give you a reason to change yourselves.

    Rajira: You are a person of power and influence
    Scarplume: Power that was hard-won - and you are offering…?
    Rajira: An opportunity.

    Rajira is persuasive enough, with the eventual intention of making Kintargo a city that won’t look down on the Tieflings simply for being born the way they are.

    Rajira: Thrune has drastically under-estimated the power of this city - and its power is the spirit of the people.

    Scarplume’s demand is that if we do manage to take over the city, that the Tieflings be treated with full equality and respect.

    Rajira: I already do.
    Terzo: Liberty! Egality! Fraternity!
    Scarplume: I will take you at your word then - but if I hear one whisper that your enterprise is failing, this will not be the last you hear from me.

    At least they've agreed to direct their depredations against the occupation, instead of the citizens. Civilla and Rajira are privately skeptical, and after we leave, discuss the likelihood that we’re going to have to eliminate the Jills anyway.

    Terzo: Well, that went well.
    Civilla: How exactly do you think that went well?
    Terzo: They agreed that Tieflings need to be treated with full equality, and that Thrune’s forces are the actual enemy here. I think we have a lot in common.
    Civilla: Well, we’ll hold off for now and see how it plays out.
    Ayva: At least we can say we tried.

    Rexus has good news too - he’s finally finished his translation of the documents we found under the old Livery. A lot of it is tactical advice for defending the city. Some deals with the Secret Order of Archivists, that Rexus’ mother worked for before she died - or rather, before Rexus thought her dead, since he now thinks she may have made it to a previously unsuspected safehouse beneath Hocum’s Phantasmagorium, a tourist-trap museum that’s been closed for well over a decade. In fact there’s a key to the building among the stuff we found.

    Terzo: I’m surprised the building hasn’t been repurposed.
    Civilla: You’re right - that is suspicious.
    Unfortunately, there’s a bunch of Asmodean priests and zombies doing something inside the building, when one of our rebellion cells does some reconnoitering on our behalf.

    Terzo: It would appear they thought the building being empty this long was suspicious too.
    Rajira: Or they just want to take advantage of it.
    Terzo OoC: Maybe they want to open a Starbucks.
    Ayva OoC: ‘Local Starbucks Burns Down - Meanwhile Local Cafe Owner Does Roaring Business’
    GM: Hell’s Rebels : The True Story Of The Kintargo Coffee Wars


    Ayva OoC: The People Magazine idea for our printing press has gone through the roof. ‘What do we print in our first issue?’ ‘Well, we didn’t get a second…’

    We wait until some of the Asmodean priests swap with a shift change, and jump them. Unfortunately, Rajira botches the strike, and botches the follow-up as well. Fortunately Terzo casts Sleep on the one that didn’t turn invisible and run off.

    Terzo: *expressively gestures* Well, what do we do now?
    Civilla: We proceed at speed - you could stand to lose a few pounds.

    The invisible one is probably going to lose a few pounds too, when Civilla’s Celestial Hyena catches up with her. At least she isn’t going to alert everybody else in the building. Unfortunately, the exhibits in the Fantasmagorium didn’t include animated skunk ape skeletons - the ones that attack us are new. Rexus, who insisted on coming with us, gets himself badly mauled.

    Civilla: He shouldn’t be here anyway.
    Ayva: He needs training - we can afford that now.
    Terzo: What, some kind of spray bottle? ‘Don’t Go. Near. The Monsters’ *squirt*
    Civilla OoC: Well, at least if he gets killed there’ll be no-one to contest the sale of the estate…
    Ayva OoC: But he is basically Mr Exposition

    Having dealt with the White Apes of STREWTH!, we press on to one of the marine themed halls. Unfortunately, none of us have Knowledge (Nature), and none of us see a ‘Do Not Tap The Glass’ sign, so we soon regret Terzo’s curiosity about the tanks.

    Civilla: Terzo, how have you survived this long in Chelliax?
    Terzo: Natural Charm?
    Ayva: He’s well pickled, people think he’s a gherkin.

    Ayva: I’m beginning to think this building is cursed.
    Civilla: Undead in the last room, undead in this one - I think you’re right.
    Ayva OoC: I meant the way that since we came in here, all we’re rolling are 1s and 20s.
    GM: And not the way round you need.
    Ayva: This didn’t happen to us on the stealth missions.
    Civilla OoC: In the stealth missions, it was the other people that needed to make rolls, not us.

    Ayva: Terzo? Come here.
    Terzo: Yes?
    Terzo: I’m beginning to get that impression, yes.

    Terzo: I’m not sure what the problem is, I’ve spent decades poking things I probably shouldn’t and I’m hardly likely to stop now. Although they probably wouldn’t appreciate me calling them ‘things’.

    Rajira: Since we don’t want a case of crabs, let’s move on.
    Ayva: Hey, a case of crabs, covered in butter, what’s the problem?
    Rajira: Depends how you get them.
    Ayva: Usually by paying for them - how do you get them?
    Terzo: …
    Ayva: … we’re talking about two different things, aren’t we?

    Civilla: Rexus, if you don’t stay at the end of the party, I will ensure you are the end of your line.

    The next room was an insectarium - the last person in here clearly didn’t get the memo about not touching stuff in the cursed museum.

    Civilla: This place used to be a tourist trap, now it’s a…
    Terzo: Death Trap?

    We also find out why the Asmodeans are actually here - they’ve been stripping the building of anything showing historical facts the government of Chelliax doesn’t like. F***ing Redactors. If they’re that easily upset, they must have hated the wax museum in the next room - it certainly upset us. Whatever genius decided to set up a waxwork display of Kintargo’s more infamous serial killers REALLY shouldn’t have used the kind of waxwork guaranteed to get up and continue the subject’s career. On the other hand we can certainly blame the Church of Asmodeus for the zombies - the next lot are Rexus’ family.

    Happily, we find the Redactors immediately thereafter and can register our complaints in person.

    GM: The redactors call out to their commander as you storm the room, but you murdered their commander in cold blood when you first entered the building.

    Terzo’s player: annoying, battery in mouse has finally gone flat
    Rajira’s player: Why I prefer wired mice - However, getting the drugs to keep them wired is expensive.

    Ayva: Rexus is a bit wired at the moment.
    Rajira’s player: How did he get my mouse drugs?

    Discovering a hidden entrance to deeper parts of the Fantasmogorium is a problem, because somebody might show up to investigate all the screaming and fireworks at any moment, and we’re already battered and exhausted dealing with the stuff in the main building.

    Civilla: F*********** - if we don’t look down there now we won’t get a second chance later
    Ayva: This better be a treasure room or we’re going home.

    It seems to be a whole complex down here - it looks like we’ll have to camp underground for a few hours to rest, and hope the dottari don’t know about the secret stairwell (and don’t have a shift change before then). This proves optimistic, since the Redactors were apparently here to censor the collected histories of the Sacred Order of Archivists, the group Rexus’ parents belonged to. The archivists were using the Fantasmagorium - or at least, the hidden monastery in the basement - as a base of operations.

    Terzo: We’ll have to take Rexus’ family down too.
    Civilla: So now we’ll have to sleep in the same room as a pile of corpses - greeeeeat.
    Ayva: I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff on these bookshelves to distract you.

    Ayva’s player: Before we wander into descriptive text can we get some XP?

    Apparently there’s a creature composed entirely of books and paper down here.

    Ayva: Ok, Civilla, don’t touch any books.
    Book Creature: Halt intruders!
    Ayva: Okay.
    Book Creature: … I didn’t expect that to work.

    Apparently whatever this thing is was summoned to guard the hidden library’s books from any intruders, for at least another 12 days. That doesn’t preclude us from having a good stickybeak around, though, as long as we don’t actually touch anything. And it doesn’t stop us finding out that he was summoned by the Asmodeans to protect the Redactors while they go about their business of rewriting recorded history. The Scrivenite isn’t very happy about that. Which is probably why he’s telling us all the rules of his binding.

    Ayva: But the Redactors are all-
    Civilla: Shushshushshush! Theoretical question for you, what would you do if the Redactors were all dead?
    Scrivenite: The ones upstairs are not my purview - I’m bound to protect the ones in the monastery. I don’t suppose any of you can cast Dismissal?
    Rajira: Bit high-level for us.
    Scrivenite: Darn it. I really don’t want to fight you.

    Scrivenite: As long as you don’t enter the room by THAT DOOR *point point, gesture significantly* and don’t touch any of the books in THIS ROOM, *more gesturing* I’m not obliged to attack you.
    Civilla: Okay, okay, I can work with this.
    Ayva: What if we dress up as Redactors?
    Scrivenite: Well I’ll know it’s you, now - you shouldn’t have said anything.

    Civilla: I think I can get us past your restrictions with a bit of pedantry. You won’t let anybody through the door, correct? So what if I open the door, but not go through it, cast Rope Trick, have my associates enter the extradimensional space, teleport into the other room myself, and have everybody climb down again?
    Scrivenite: As far as I’m concerned that will work.
    Civilla: That’s all we need. I believe you’re a creature of Law? Your summoners were insufficiently precise.

    The first few rooms down here contain sleeping Redactors, who sleep infinitely deeper as Rajira goes to them one by one.

    Terzo: So, those rooms were empty then?
    Rajira: They are now.
    Terzo: I choose to interpret that positively.

    The next one was actually awake when Rajira stabbed him, and tries to make a run for it - and immediately regrets it, since the rest of the party are waiting in the corridor.

    GM: The Redactor stops dead - and you recognise him, Civilla.
    Redactor: C-cousin???
    Civilla: Cousin? You call yourself family and you’ve taken the mark of the Redactors?
    Ayva: I take it that we’re not taking him alive?
    Civilla: NO.
    Ayva: Well then.
    Rajira OoC: For one thing he knows too much.

    The Redactor IS an Alazario, and the son of the mayor of the Chellish capitol.

    Terzo OoC: I’ll hold off on doing anything - Civilla might be annoyed if I set him on fire.

    Civilla summons a monster octopus, and stomps forward to snarl for a bit.

    GM: He tries to say something but it’s kind of muffled by tentacles.
    Civilla: *sigh* Let him speak.

    Apparently Civilla’s cousin, Nicolo, is no happier to be here than Civilla is to see him.

    Civilla: Then WHY. ARE YOU. HERE.
    Ayva: Daddy dearest?
    Civilla: Probably. *sigh*
    GM: I’ll be quick because he’s bleeding out a HP a round.
    Rajira: Two.

    Apparently the Mayor has found himself in deep political trouble, and Civilla’s cousin had to join the Redactors to save the family’s reputation, despite the fact that the Alazarios as a whole are very much against destroying written history. Civilla is now regretting that she’s so family focused - mostly because we can’t leave him here alive, because being the Only Survivor would be highly suspicious. And apparently he HAS been preserving what he can.

    Ayva: What’s that saying about ‘better pissing out?’

    Terzo tries to patch the cousin up before he bleeds out, then we stash him in the Rope Trick dimension for the time being.

    Terzo: Stabbed him rather deeply, didn’t you?
    Rajira: I WAS trying to kill him.
    Terzo: You with the tentacles, hold this limb tighter.

    Apparently the success one of Civilla’s more distant kin had in becoming a pirate king, a few years back, inspired another Alazario to become a pirate. Unfortunately she was also a captain in the Chellish Navy, and the Mayor’s sister, and she decided to target Chellish merchant ships. Well, at least we’ll have someone to mail the cousin to.

    The next room has been set up to be the ideal kind of battleground for some quite unpleasant devils. It looks like Rajira and the Chthonic Octopus will be on point - they’re certainly sneakier than the rest of us. For one thing the mollusc can detect living people through walls. Unfortunately it can’t tell WHO is on the other side of the wall, so finding Barzillai Thrune’s bodyguard, Nox, down here, is a bit of a shock. Fortunately she’s not wearing her armour, because she’s asleep. Unfortunately, her hellhound is not.

    Rajira attacks Nox first, and kills her instantly with poisoned blades.

    GM: She failed ALL HER ROLLS. She was supposed to be the BBEG of this chapter! There’s a whole subchapter here about her as a recurring villain!
    Civilla OoC: We could always have left her as the Only Survivor


    Civilla teleports past all the highly suspicious chains, to try and disable what she suspects is something very close to the Lament Configuration - Chain Devils are the last thing we want showing up. The chains alone are nasty enough.

    Civilla OoC: Bags not being the first Cenobite. *fails the check* F***.

    The head injury she suffers from a chain lashing out of the cube into her face also knocks out her last hour of short-term memory, which is going to make for some interesting conversations later. But at least Ayva succeeds in making the chains vanish.

    Terzo cast Grease before the rest of the Redactor Monks show up.

    GM: Why don’t these monks - admittedly Lvl 1 monks - have any points in Acrobatics?
    Terzo: Because books can’t fight back.
    Redactor-who-isn't-Civilla's-Cousin: Magic-users! Retreat to the Garden!
    Terzo: They have a garden down here?

    Ayva uses Boneshaker on one of the Redactors, which proves fatal.

    Civilla: You grabbed him by the skeleton and shook him like an underpaid nanny!
    Ayva: I wasn’t expecting it to actually kill him!
    Terzo: I thought that was the plan - unless any more of these are your cousins, Civilla?
    Civilla: *still amnesiac* What????

    Retreating to the garden and preparing spells does the surviving monks no good at all, because Civilla’s octopus attacks them straight out of the floor.

    We pursue, leaving Rexus to kill any Redactors we leave merely unconscious behind us.

    Ayva: It’s OK, we can fix it later.
    GM: Am I going to have to get THAT post up?
    Civilla: It’d have to be True Resurrection - and at the moment Time Is Money.

    Civilla follows up her octopus with a Celestial Hyena, and Terzo uses Blistering Invective on the remaining Redactors, and sets them on fire - one survives long enough to dash for the underground river.

    Terzo: Get out here and fight, you craven clay-brained canker-blossoms!
    Unfortunate Redactor: *on fire on top of everything else, and feeling that the rebels are being a bit unfair* We’re Asmodeans, we’re meant to be evil, what the F***

    Civilla’s hyena tears out his belly.

    Civilla: Well, that’s all of them.
    Ayva: ah….
    Terzo: Come over here, dear, you’ll want to sit down for this bit. You know how one of your distant cousins became the Hurricane King?
    Civilla: Yesss, but that was hundreds of miles away, what does that have to do with these guys?
    Terzo: We’re getting there we’re getting there - anyway, his example encouraged one of your closer relatives to try the same career.
    Civilla: OK?
    Terzo: Unfortunately she was a captain in the Chellish Navy at the time.
    Civilla: What? But her brother is the mayor of - oh.
    Rajira: So guess who we have.
    Civilla: Her?
    Terzo: No - but her nephew had to join the Redactors to protect his family. So he was REALLY lucky you were the first person he saw when he was running away from Rajira.
    Civilla: Maybe you should have led with ‘Don’t worry, he’s alive?’

    Apparently this place was the Archivists storehouse for Worryingly Magical Stuff. Most of said worryingly magical stuff is missing, including a necklace or amulet, a pair of gloves or bracers, and a reasonably sized rock. Rexus, happily, has a key to the secret compartment behind the shelves, however.

    Meanwhile, Rajira goes to check out the garden, presumably to figure out the best place to chop up the bodies and feed them to Civilla’s Chthonic Toads. It’s not like we can just dump them all in the underground stream - that might contaminate someone’s water supply. If we can make all the bodies vanish, we can hopefully make Thrune think his bodyguard and entire order of Redactors have fled the city. A few Convincing Lies spread by the underground press should help.

    In a small nook on the other side of the garden, Rajira finds a series of books that magically contain the memories and experiences of some members of the Order of Archivists. Including Rexus’ parents.

    Civilla OoC: There’s a reason that we play things the way that we do. We stack our advantages because the dice can **** you in an instant.
  3. Like
    Steve reacted to Sketchpad in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    Bah! I always dug Seeker. In my old campaign, he became an agent of UNTIL and served as an advisor to one of the groups.
  4. Like
    Steve reacted to HeroGM in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    My comment was that format, not necessarily updating the adventures themselves. And with Hero's current state I doubt we'll see what a lot of 4th offered us in the format it did.  To me.anything needs to be self contained, not saying "well you brought this, now go on a treasure hunt for a book we haven't published in 20+ years".
  5. Like
    Steve reacted to Lord Liaden in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    I believe that's what the 5E Champions Battlegrounds book was intended to present -- a group of adventures which could be run separately, but which also had an overarching plot to tie them together if a GM wanted it.
    Rather than the 4E and earlier adventures, it would probably be easier to update the Champions adventures presented in Digital Hero to 6E, and collect the majority of them (there were fourteen in total) into a single volume. They have the advantage of being ready to run, already having written up NPCs, and optional PC heroes in several cases, with artwork, plus most of them include maps.
    DH also has seven Star Hero adventures, three for Fantasy, and a couple for other genres.
    DH Adventures .doc
  6. Like
    Steve reacted to Lord Liaden in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    I think a lot of that could be incorporated into a new Champions Universe: News Of The World. A general update as to what's occurred in the setting over the last 10-15 years. It wouldn't even have to have character stats, just a summary of events, changes in the world's power structures, who's dead or retired, who's new on the scene, etc. We've gotten a few hints in books published since the first NOTW came out, but they're nowhere close to comprehensive.
  7. Thanks
    Steve reacted to Jason S.Walters in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    Martial World was a thing that was meant to happen back in the day, but never did. Maybe we can change that.
  8. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Korgoth in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    I'm looking forward to Hero Games starting a Patreon account and plan to join it as a supporter, and I'm especially excited to hear about the Martial World supplement.
  9. Haha
    Steve reacted to Ninja-Bear in Hero Games 2021 Update   
    So it has to go through you? You know a gauntlet? Sorry couldn’t resist. Good luck!
  10. Thanks
    Steve reacted to Gauntlet in Hero Games 2021 Update   
    The IHA book has been written and submitted, just waiting for it to go through all the hoops for publishing. 
  11. Like
    Steve reacted to DoctorImpossible in I need a name for my supervillain mafia   
    "The Community"
    Never intended to become a name, just like the classic name for the Mafia: "La Cosa Nostra" is literally just the phrase "our thing", used to refer obscurely to the crime organisation you're running. In the case of "The Community", it was a case of people involved always providing themselves with plausible deniability and even a veneer of respectability, as they do things on behalf of "The Community".
    They don't expect you to pay for protection or anything. They simply prefer you to be a generous donor, providing the community with "necessary funding". They don't try to recruit impressionable young mutants or metahumans, to serve as lieutenants of a street gang. No, they simply welcome them to the super-powered community. And if it ends up with them implicated for, or even involved in, some initial crimes, that's just more evidence that the rest of the world is out to get people like us, and only people in The Community really have your back. The super-"heroes"? They're all just sell-outs.
  12. Like
    Steve reacted to Jason S.Walters in Hero Games 2022 Update   
    Fellow Hero System Fans-

    I’d like to take a moment to talk about our plans for Hero Games in 2022. I believe they’re both modest and realistic, in that they can be accomplished on time and using our limited resources. At the same time they are also ambitious, as I intend to release four projects in 2022; one each quarter of the year. They will be the following:

    (Quarter One) HERO2023 Champions Begins Created by a group who wish only to be known as “Hero Fans.” This high-quality free electronic product provides everything you need to play your first game of Champions! It’s designed to teach people new to Champions how to play the game, but isn’t a complete presentation of the rules set; it provides you with just enough to play for the first time. The zip file contains a 52 page GM book, a 20 page Player book, a villain book, hero book, paper figurines, and Hero Designer files.

    (Quarter Two) HERO2017 IHA: Pride & Prejudice Created by Thomas Stadley. To most people the Institute For Human Advancement is best known for its boring spokespeople who appear on talk shows that only their parents watch. But the Earth’s superheroes know better: the IHA is an insidious, genocidal threat to the planet’s mutants – and anyone else who gets in the way of their plans! Packed with agents, villains, weapons, and equipment, IHA: Pride & Prejudice contains everything you need to introduce the IHA into your campaign.

    (Quarter Three) HERO2018 Champions International Created by Steve Long and Jason Walters. There are a variety of imaginary and unusual locations that have been mentioned in Champions Universe books over the years, but have never been fully explored or detailed. Champions International does exactly that, providing an in depth look at locations such as Awad, Lugendu, Larisagrad, and Costa Azul. It also includes some new locations like Transnistria and Prosperidad. Previously released individually in 2021 and 2022, these articles will be further edited and reworked to become chapters in the final version of the book.

    (Quarter Four) HERO2024 The Chimera System Created by Philip J. Guinchard. The Chimera System is a hybrid of the Hero and OpenD6 systems in which elements from both have been combined together by the author to create a unique, new game system. Like the recently published Champions Now, it’s a joint undertaking by ourselves and a creator to publish a variation of the Hero System fans will find interesting and useful.

    Additionally, if things go well with Champions International, Steve and I are considering creating a Patreon account to fund the creation of the HERO System Advanced Player’s Guide III, Champions Martial World, and other projects starting in 2023. But we’ll see how this year goes before we commit to a long-term project like that!

    If you have a manuscript you would like to submit to Hero Games, contact me at jason@herogames.com with a one to three paragraph description of your work. If it sounds like something we would be interested in, you can then send me the full manuscript for review. And, of course, feel free to post any comments or questions on this thread.
    - Jason Walters, Publisher
  13. Thanks
    Steve reacted to Khymeria in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    I am working on this currently but for a more detective/horror based setting, Gaslight for Hero (project title, not actual title) and include Reporter, Academic, Inventor, Scientist, Occultist/Psychic, Cowboy, Savage, Retired Military, Doctor, Detective, Explorer, and Noble.  It is an excellent companion piece for @Christopher R TaylorWestern Hero as it set in the same time frame and just across the pond.  Dracula, Invisible Man, Professor Moriarty, Dorian Gray, Spring-Heeled Jack, Jack the RIpper, and a whole lot more.  The focus is on 100 point starting PCs.  Hopefully coming very soon.
  14. Like
    Steve reacted to Khymeria in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Wow, this is some really cool feedback.  I really appreciate it and have definitely monkeyed around with builds from the Distinguished Competition, because the build tend to be a bit higher and a different type of game is represented.  I tried to include things that are tricky builds or build types that I haven't done yet.  Obviously something with a vehicle or cave full of them is something that hasn't been done yet.  The Ring Guy (VPP) is another that I have not shown much of that type of power yet, although a bit with Crimson Sorceress, but more of an aside to the main power.  I am a fan of Plastified Prankster (my 2nd favorite superhero) and Blue Bug Man, classic and new kid, so I would probably include those as neither type has been represented.  Multiple Last Son of Dying Planet would be a must, one resembling the classic cartoon by Max Fleischer and another more in line with the Justice League cartoon more than likely.  I might also do a rhyming medieval fire breathing demon who happened to first appear the same month I was born.  I grew up on Challenge of the Super Friends so Native American Giant is something that I would dig putting in as well as Boo Yah Bot and Two Minds Make One Tough Character.  
  15. Like
    Steve reacted to steriaca in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Hero System Book of Templates Book 4.
    Heavenly Body Magical Princess (Sailor Moon).
    Punching Spirit Holder (Jotaru Kujo/Star Platinum).
    Vampiric King of Punching Spirits (Dio!).
    Youngest With Obedient Giant Mecha (Giant Robo).
    Summoner of Monsters (Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite, Kunzite, and basically any mid level bad guy from Sailor Moon).
    Gifted Card Game Wizard (Yugi Muto/Pharaoh Atem).
    Jealous Alien Princess (Lum).
    The Nasty Duo (Yuri and Kei, the Dirty Pair).
    Humm....who would you add to the list. Note: I use anime/manga characters but it needs not be just that.
  16. Like
    Steve reacted to assault in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Obviously some of the key characters are point hogs, but there are a bunch of others that aren't 
    So while a write up for the Man of Steel will be over the top, there could also be a 1938 version of him and a cut down Maid of Might as well.
    Teenage partner versions would be possible as well. There are useful analogues of most of the main characters, as well as others like Cybernetic Organism, Animal Shapeshifter and so on.
    I wouldn't go out of my way to include bought in characters in Volume 3. If they fit,they fit, but I wouldn't make them a priority.
  17. Like
    Steve reacted to Scott Ruggels in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Scion of Anubis (Dr. Fate), Unkillable Man (Solomon Grundy) ,The Metallic Wonders (Metal Men), Time traveling Celebrity (Booster Gold), just off the top of my head, though Dr. Fate might be too many points. 
  18. Like
    Steve reacted to steriaca in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Humm...the possibilities. 
    Doom Patrol: The original three might be doable. Size and Shape Altering Lass (Elastic Girl), Mechaman (Robotman), and Anti-Positive Alen Spector and Anti-Positive Alen Spector Holder (Negative Man) are doable. Multiple Personality Girl (Crazy Jane ) and Sentiant Roadway (Danny The Street) are not. One of my favorite Doom Patrol characters who I loved before he became a Doom Patrol member is Anoying Transdimentinal Insect Guy (Ambush Bug).
    Justice League: Martian Manhunter is out because he might cost a lot of points (Superman + Mental Powers + Shapeshifting + Desolification), but out of all the characters I haven't listed are Sonic Songbird (Black Cannery ), Vibrating Breakdancer (Vibe), and of course Sea King (Aquaman).
    Additional Villain Characters: If we have Sea King we must have Devilfish (Black Manta). With Vibrating Speedster comes Sargent Snow ([b]Captain Cold[/b]), Mister Reflection ([b]Mirror Master[/b]), Throwing Stick Guy ([b]Captain Boomarang[/b]), I could go on. There is also Silly Lady Clown ([b]Harlly Quinn[/b].
    Who would you add?
  19. Like
    Steve reacted to steriaca in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    Book of Templates 1 already has a version of Spiderman, and I am not writing the book. I'm predicting what may be in it.
    And the writer is going to be the one to scrub the details out of them to make them generic enough. 
    And talking about the writer...well it's his book. And yes Question and Hawkman are damm good substitutes. 
  20. Like
    Steve reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    I'd probably swap out The Question for Captain Marvel (too powerful) and Hawkman for Martian Manhunter, just because of the vast point totals
  21. Like
    Steve reacted to steriaca in Guesswork: Hero System Book of Templates 3   
    This thread is a think of what would be in the third book of Templates. Christoph has voiced a desire to do one of DC Comics proxies. Here is my list of characters most likely to be included and whyish.
    The Big Three
    Basically it would be fully to do a book of DC Comics proxies without Flying Mammal Man (Batman), the Man of the Future (Superman), nor the Woman of Wonder (Wonder Woman). Because they are the big names, they should exist in the two cost range of all the big characters of the books.
    Also I expect that they will have some of the support characters in the book. Bird Boy (Robin), Clownman (Joker), Science Buisnessman (Lex Luthor), Alien Android (Braniac), Wicked Cat (Cheetah), and Grow Woman (Gargantuala) might be included. That's nine already. 
    The Silver Three 
    One can't have a book of DC Comics proxies without the Wielder of an Alien Artifact (Green Lantern), Vibrating Speedster (The Flash), and Shapshifting Alien Detective (Martian Manhunter). That increases it to twelve.
    The We Bought Them From Other Companies Three
    DC Comics has a nasty habit of buying characters from failed comic book companies. Three of the biggest are Mystical Avatar (Captain Marvel aka Shazam), Plastfied Prankster (Plastic Man), and Blue Insect Man (Blue Beetle 2). Now we have fifteen.
    The Vertigo Three
    We can't exactly forget the adult branch of the DC Comics Universe.  We have the Sleep Inducing Detective (the original Sandman ), the Living Vegetation (Swamp Thing), and Mystical Detective (John Constine ). Now we have 18.
    So...what would your list be?
  22. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in What point total for an FH game?   
    One way I am considering doing fast, early growth in an upcoming campaign is to taper it off at different point totals. In 6th Edition starting characters at 50 points and 25 in Complications, then granting 20-25 XP per session for the first few sessions, then lowering that to 10 XP once characters reach 125 total points. Then to 5 at 175 and see how things go from there. Maybe stop to 2 points per session once characters reach 200 points. We play every other week, so quick initial growth followed by slower growth seems good to me.
  23. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Sketchpad in Hero Games 2021 Update   
    It’s the end of 2021. Whatever happened with the IHA book? I read back through the thread and didn’t see any recent updates. Maybe I missed it?
    Will there be a 2022 announcement thread next week/month?
  24. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Hero Games 2021 Update   
    It’s the end of 2021. Whatever happened with the IHA book? I read back through the thread and didn’t see any recent updates. Maybe I missed it?
    Will there be a 2022 announcement thread next week/month?
  25. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in What point total for an FH game?   
    One way I am considering doing fast, early growth in an upcoming campaign is to taper it off at different point totals. In 6th Edition starting characters at 50 points and 25 in Complications, then granting 20-25 XP per session for the first few sessions, then lowering that to 10 XP once characters reach 125 total points. Then to 5 at 175 and see how things go from there. Maybe stop to 2 points per session once characters reach 200 points. We play every other week, so quick initial growth followed by slower growth seems good to me.
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