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Everything posted by ParagonAlpha

  1. Re: [Character] Dryad You could define the Spatial Awareness/Detects as her using the trees, plants, earth, and such as her eyes. If trees are alive and aware (which would fit the paradigm of this character) then she could use it's awareness as her own. Add in dozens of trees and she's hard to blind. Just a thought.
  2. Re: [Help] Characters to 5th edition Yeah and during that period we didn't have the luxury of villians making sense. We took their build as is from the Enemies books. So what if the brick didn't have resistant defenses. Nobody used Killing Attacks anyways. And yeah Dr. Destroyer had a bunch of agents and a base and got it all for free. Deal with it young'en. And Crusader was one of the great martial artists of his era. Chesire Cat and Green Dragon being his only real competition. And damn it the only way we knew how to build a better character was cause of Goodman... You 5th Edition babies got it easy, with all your high fangled side-bar examples, hard-covered book, and INDEXES!!!! Hehehe. I've been playing Champs since 1984. (Thank god!)
  3. Re: Name that age: Some titles I actually read Astonishing X-Men: Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. Whedon is such a good writer I forget that I hate these two eras of comics. X-Men Movies: Iron Age. Sure nothing is said about the amount of money or realism of some things, but Wolverine alone puts the dead body tally way over the top. In X One, during the train station fight, not a single X-man tries to get innocents out of the way. In X Two Wolverine kills dozens of Striker's men (in homage to his killing all of the Hellfire Club agents no doubt). And I try to forget X Three was made. (A whole other thread on the poop that was X Three). The Ultimates: Iron Age Spiderman Movies: Late Silver Age/Early Bronze. For some reason the Marvel movies have done a great job of capturing the most popular era of the character they use. (X Three still sucked!) Fantastic Four Movies: See Spiderman Above Ultimate X-Men: No clue haven't even open a X-Comic in a few years. 148 more posts to go....
  4. Re: [Character] Weregild - The Viking of Vengeance! Cool character... I repped you...
  5. Re: WWII Era Superheroes and Villains How about turning Kabel into a sort of Spectre-esque character. Call him Ghost Writer. (no not meant to be a pun, but still hahaha) After his death he passed on but was charged with keeping the world safe from the rising occult powers in the Nazi party. Using his newfound abilities he found he could not directly effect the world but could alter minor events to xreate needed coincidences and events. Just a thought.
  6. Re: Humans are "Special" You're lucky I can't take rep away. You dare blaspheme the name of Heinien??? I have sent my cyber-ninja-pirate-zombies to your secret lair to deliver my vengence.
  7. Re: [Villain Group] The Cabal of Nightmares Your mind works in a sick, twisted way. Rep to you.
  8. Re: CU Pondering... As an avid hater of all things Manga and most things Anime (please dear god make the cute, teen-angst, big-eyed, small-mouthed, absoulty nonsensical media go away!), I'll always vote agaonst the anime character. Now ideally I think the two would face off and Dr. Destroyer would zap them both with his orbiting space laser, Menton (the fresh-maker) would tuen both their brains to jelly, and Eurostar would all combine for a multiple attack. And then I do a happy dance.
  9. Re: Humans are "Special" I Like the fact that humans are used as the norm. In most games this also means that they are capable of being any class, type, archtype or whatever without penalty. (I always tease people who play non-humans as powergamers). The fact that humans tend to be the "most charismatic" people is fine, otherwise they'd be wiped out by every other race/species that meets them. As for LUG Star Trek, I'd have to say it rocked. I ran a campaign for nearly a year and it was a simple yet complete system for getting the job done. Steve Long really knows his system design. (Unashamed kissing up)
  10. I've been a bit lax in spredding Rep Love to all of you. Over the years this place and you guys have been a blessing to anything I GM be it Champions, Fantasy Hero or even (gasp) D&D. So I'm repping people I've missed. If I miss you I'm sorry and I'll get you as soon as I can.
  11. Re: Getting the heroes together (the first time) Okay here's something off the top of my head. While meditating in his sanctuary, Arcane has a vision of a group of heroes engaged in a lethal battle with some evil, powerful being (leave out details). The heroes are not readily recognizable (after all they have been trapped in an alternate dimension for years). A few days later while walking through a local city park, he happens to see a well dressed businessman who looks exactly like one of the heroes from his vision. The businessman is in deep conversation with a man who just screams "I'm a scientist" (Vulcan). A handful of large, dark suited men unobtrusively escort them. While sitting in a local park doing sketches of people in day to day life (something every artist I've ever met does), is Titan, he happens to be sketching a picture of two men sitting on a nearby bench, wrapped in discussion. For weeks they'd (Psyche and Persona) been trying to find a way to get close to the CEO of Whatever Corp., but he's been incredibly reclusive, but the money to deliver this package to him was too good to pass up. They'd gotten a lucky break, supposedly he was supposed to be taking a brief "outdoor" sojourn, a working meeting. Well the park is busy and sure enough there he is, his entourage in tow. It was the third case he'd (Rush) seen like it in less than a month, thankfully it wasn't proving to be a matter of life and death, but he now had a theory that some ailment was specifically affecting the metahuman population, sort of a superhuman common cold. A walk in the park always had worked in the past to clear his head. Team Alpha was in position. Team Beta was set. Team Delta was prepared for evac. Intel was correct, the target was making a rare "public appearance", his security force was small. The field officer still wondered why 3 Teams had been taken. Obviously the Nest Leader wanted this target captured very badly. "Mission Go!", he whispered into his communicator. Hope it helps.
  12. Re: Superhero Legal Disclaimers "We can do this" "my way or the hard way. The hard way involves lots of pain. My way is pretty much the same except there are more stairs."
  13. Re: Shamrock How about making him still involved with "fighting against oppresives States" and have him working for a group that uses his abilities (being strong and lucky are always handy) to overthrow other tyranical governments. This group could be funded by a private individual or a corporation. Altruistic in intent their methods are far from peaceful. Sort of an Angry version of Amnesty International.
  14. Re: Looking for Faith-based Magic Rules You should check out a novel called Candle by John Barnes. IIt has alot to do with Memes and AI's and what a world would be like with them.
  15. Re: Looking for Faith-based Magic Rules I'm running a Sci Fi game where mankind has expanded into the solar system and found peace and harmony through technology. Mankind has pretty much lost all religious fevor except for a small few (mostly devoted clergy). AI's have allowed the various religions to get together and discuss, review and analyze almost every religious text in such a way as there is no longer any doubt whcih religion was right (not important which one for the game). Basically mankind has found utopia and lives peacefully. when mankind turns it's eyes beyond the solar system something stares back at them. Creatures straight out of Lovecraft, Faust, Dante and every other "hell" begin to attack Mankind. The appearacne of these creatures brings back religious discussion in a hurry and some people begin to discover they are capable of performing miracles. (this is what I'm looking for , a system that makes this work.) The campaign is sort of Miltant-Horror-Lovecraftian-Fantasy-Space Opera.
  16. Re: The Question write up? I've always been a fan of The Question but don't know much about him, other than what people have stated. He did start as a Charleton Comics character and evenutally mad it to DC when they bought all the characters. Rorschac is based on this character. Orginally the newly aquired Charleton character where going to be used for the Watchmen but something happened with the deal and they made "new" characters that had a strong resemblance to the Charleton characters. Other than that I'm blank.
  17. Re: Super Hero? ::Eyes Glaze Over:: I've discovered that the d20 System is a great way to introduce new people to gaming. But you need to ween then off of it shortly after or they end up "Gaming Challenged". I've tried to get people to play Champs, but they're so lazy (because of d20) they rarely give it a try. A suggestion would be to pitch it as a Comic Book game and get them to make a favorite comic book character. Then once you get them hooked, try running something homebrewed.
  18. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. 1) Menton - He took the number 1 spot after the death of Dr. Destroyer in our Campaign world. He's not active currently but the heroes are always worried he might show up. 2) Protector - A mild-mannered medical doctor with big red bazooka boots. Did I mention he's capable of keeping an entire city same from harm? And he can heal almost anyone. 3) The Paragon - Once a hero of unarguable virtue, killed by the change in mankinds moral code. Now a force that drifts through the world, waiting for a champion to assist. 4) Valor I - former alien hero, who revealed his real plans. Take over the Earth and add it to his collection of worlds he rules. 5) Psi-key - A secret mentalist and CEO of Psi Co. USes his vast network of friends and wealth to help the world in times of need.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So I'm running a Champions Game originally called the Trafic Light of Justice, mainly because the characters had a Red, Green and Yellow color scheme. But It's actually more like the Rainbow of Justice now as there are seven characters each with a color of the rainbow. The players were joking about their team battlecry. All I can say is that "PRIDE" is their favorite. Okay well anyways the team in transported faqr across the galaxy to the Andromeda Star Empire, where they meet the Empress and her Starknights. Well the Empress being a 15 year old clone whose ever whim is carried out, invites the teams speedster, Terminal to a private dinner. Empress: "We have enjoyed our dinner now we will copulate." Terminal: "Umm I'm not sure if we're even compatible." Empress: Disrobe and We shall see." Portal's Player (OOC): "Kirk her!!" The rest of the game was devoted to figuring out if she should be "Kirked".
  20. Re: Strangest Game Mechanic I Have Seen Yet I had a player in a game who played a character named Dead Man. No matter what happened to him, as far as he knew, he couldn't die. Okay he could die, but he wouldn't stay dead. So one time the heroes are dealing with corrupt police (the setting was a near future where a totalitarian Metalist had become Prisident of the U.S.A.) who were trying to arrest one of the PC's mother, herself a former superhero, Lots of cops making it really hard to sneak into the house. So they ask Dead Man to create a distraction. So Dead Man leaps into the center of a group of cops, waves at them, pulls out his .45 Pistol and blows his brains out. The cops were slightly distracted (remember facist cops), but Dead Man getting back up moments later had the effect the were looking for.
  21. Re: Character limitaions: Another CSL vs MA Inspired thread I guess I've never really enforced guildlines. But they are there acting all subliminal on my players. Characters with stats above Normal CHA Max and who haven't paid points for the limitation are generally more than human. Oh hey may still act and look and feel human, but they've are either an Altered Human, a Mystical Human, or a Mutant. If these stats are because of equipment then it might not apply. Basically I let the player define the character based on SFX and concept. Because I play with some abusive, point munching, power-gaming rules-exploiting SOB's (god love em) I've taken to saying "NO!" alot more when they bring me characters like "ancient chinese dragon martial artist with the ability to screw a dead person back to life (refered to as Horking)". But I expect them to try and get one or two broken characters past me... I love a challenge.
  22. Re: Crossovers.... Hmmmm I'd have to say that everything I've run in the last year has been all crossover (of course there are few exceptions). I game with a group of 5-7 people and everyone of them has GM'd some major part of our continuity in the past ten years. Characters pop in an out all the time. The backdrop is fairly familiar and allows us to continue to build to the stories we tell. Actually I guess it's less a crossover and more of a shared world. The trick is to never close a page on any part of the story. Always allow a way for characters to meet, interact or hear about each other. Players like to see characters grow, even if they are playing different characters. If you've ever done a round-robin storytelling (where each person tells part of the story leaving off in a place for the next person to pick up and continue) then you've got the understanding. Also...very important here. Talk to your players after each session and find out what they liked and didn't like. Ask them if they like the direction. Find out if the story enertained them. Listen to what kinds of things they'd like to see. Players love it when a GM give them what they want.
  23. ParagonAlpha


    Re: Killers Hugh you hit the nail firmly (but without undue force) on the head (actually the shoulders because headshots are so lethal. Rep for you!!!
  24. So I ran a game of Champs the other day sort of off the cuff. The players ended up being recruited to help the Government locate and dismantle abandonded secret lairs, hidden bases, top secret super villain hideouts, laboratories and such. The problem I can only think of about five or six classic Champions villians that had lairs. Due to champaign background the Island of Dr. Destroyer is not present. So far my mind is wrapped around: Abandoned Vipers Nest 1 thru 34 Mechanon Rebuilding Lab Alpha, Gamma, and Theta The mountain retreat of Malachite Foxbat's Transporter Pad Hideout Professor Muerte's Los Angles lair The research lab of Dr. Lirby Koo Anyone else have any more ideas. Thanks
  25. Re: The Wire You're right on this one. I stumbled across the Wire one late night thanks to On Demand right after season one finished. I was hooked. Dominic West has proven to be one of the most underratted actors I've seen lately. His character Det. Jimmy McNulty is such brought to such life. It's like looking in on a real person. Idris Elba is amazing as "Stringer" Bell, the major bad guy in the first two season. I just wish there would have been more scenes with these two in them together. The Wire is amazing. As matter of fact I plan on using the idea or "Amsterdam" for my "Gotham"-esque Champions game I'm working on.
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