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Everything posted by ParagonAlpha

  1. Re: Champions games you've run "No-Name Campaign" I was new to Champions (circa 1984) and my players used the same characters from week to week. Pretty much stopping bank robberies and keeping the street corner (remember the map that came with the boxed set) safe. The New York Sentinels Silver Age A group of heroes based out of New York. The first continuity I enjoyed as a GM. I used subplots and sub-subplots to drive my players mad. One characters DNPC girlfriend turned out to also be his hunted (damn ninjas). Another had his bio-altered origin effect his son leading to a junior superhero and a divorce. And everything that happened was all the fault of their unknown arch-enemy Malachite. Alliance Bronze Age JLA styled supers in one of the largets groups I ever had to deal with. It didn't help that one of the players was having so much fun he invited everyone he knew to the game (thanks Craig). Red Storm, Delt, Golem, Valkyrie, El Mano Rojo, Angel, Superball, Cyber, Maxum, Tommy Heat, Quill, Amazon, Maggie, and Squishy Head Alliance II Bronze/Iron Age A west coast version of the above. Not as many players, but I always ended the sessions with cliffhangers. And we invented the Coma Closet for the Dragon. Alliance 2010 Iron Age Elsewhere styled game set in a not so bright future. Imagine an evil Superman with Caps shield as the bad guys main lackey. Horizon Institute Iron Age (trying to bring back a Silver Age) A campaign built around the premise of a Silver Age hero trying to teach Silver Age morals to an Iron Age generation.
  2. Re: The Amazing Darkon My use of The Amazing Darkon resulted in one character near dead and the rest of the team terrified of the Darkness power. Let's just say I had one of those players that always tried to get away with Disadvantages that weren't. So I decided to teach him a lesson. His being vulnerable to Darkness powers led to Darkon putting a beating on him. Add in a team with no special senses and no qualms about firing randomly into Darkness and you get some hurting. It was almost as funny as the day Sparkler almost beat a team on her own. But that's another story.
  3. Re: Western Champions You might want to see if you can find the Hex series by DC comics. It took Jonah Hex and transplanted him into a post-apoc future, but it was a great Western/SciFi cross that could be mined for ideas. Marvel and DC comics had some pretty amazing "normal" western comic characters. Also don't forget the Warlord of Mars, John Carter (by Edgar Rice Burroughs). If you do you shall anger me.
  4. Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement) Just to hope that Steve or Darrin read this... I would love to see official re-writes to some of the "classic" villains.
  5. Re: THE ATLANTEAN AGE: What Do *You* Want To See? Is Orichalum anything like Unobtianium?
  6. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) We Don't Need Another Hero Blood Of Hero Greatest American Hero Last Action Hero My Father The Hero GI Joe: A Real American Hero
  7. Re: Need names for some magic types 1 (I like Psychomancy) so I vote for that one. 2 Calligramancy, Illustromancy, Spell Sculpting 3 The Path of Doors 4 The Art of Making
  8. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) D20 Hero 4.6
  9. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Awesome concept. I always enjoy when people "think outside the box" and this is a great example. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread. Rep forthcoming.
  10. Re: Superhero Universes, A to Z Don't forget the Continuity Comics, the Neil Adams-run company featuring such heroes as: * Armor * Bucky O'Hare * Crazyman * Cyberrad * Hybrids * Megalith * Ms. Mystic * Samuree * Shaman * Silver Streak * Toyboy * Valeria, She-Bat Back in the 80's the only place that seemed to have these issues were the 4 7-11's in my town. Even the comic book story didn't stock these.
  11. Re: Need a reasonably well known charcter idea First - I despised Adric. His death was a happy moment. Of course I wasn't the biggest Dr. Who fan back in the 80's. It interrupted good gaming time on Saturdays because my group would all stop to watch. The effects sucked butt. Second - How about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SeaQuest_DSV#Cast Jonathan Brandis played the "know-it-all" kid but without being annoying.
  12. Re: Jugger Hero (Blood of Heroes) A Martial Arts Package would be a good way to represent "League" training. As well as the Teamwork skill. (I love FRed for that skill btw.) I would suggest using Hit Locations as well. It does help make for more dramatic play. Make sure all armor is "Real", that is to say has encumbrance and restricts movement. That's why Quicks and Guards wear very little. Quicks for movement and Guards because they don't really get involved in the contact.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Days of Thunderheart - reuniting Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise as race car drivers trying to figure out who is committing murders on an Native American Reservation. The Hustler and Flow - a story about a pimp who dreams of becoming the best/first hip-hop pool player. Terrance Howard and Paul Newman star. Wild, Wild West Side Story - a musical relating the forbidden love of James "Jet" West and Artemus "Shark" Gordon, agents of the Secret Service trying to stop an attempt on the life of President Grant at the hands of Arliss "Krumpke" Loveless. Pitch Blackhawk Down - Riddick must save US soldiers pinned down by hostile forces.
  14. Re: Jugger Hero (Blood of Heroes) Not taking editing and dramatic license into count each stone was about 5-8 seconds. Sometimes more. (Okay I'm a big geek and went and watched my copy about three times to get this number.) If you figure 6 seconds a stone being thrown by a normal speed person you come up with 2 stones a Turn. That does equal 50 Turns per 100 Stone. I wouldn't change that. I figure that the Juggers have Speeds 3 and 4. Sallow (Rutger Hauer): 3 SPD Mbulu (Delroy Lindo): 3 SPD Big Cimber (Anna Katrina): 3 SPD Young Gar (Vincent D'Onofrio): 3 SPD Kidda (Joan Chen): 4 SPD Throughout the movie it is implied that getting to say 30 Stone is a huge feat. One team or the other will have usually scored by then. They only go past 100 Stone against the "best team". You can always 'butch up' the characters to 4 and 5 SPDs and still be close to the movies effect. Remember the Hero Combat System is a study in time dilation.
  15. Re: Most Oscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game Weird thing is I played in a VtM Live Action game at Eastern Michigan University with a guy who played this character. Not sure if he's the one of "myth" but it was damn funny. I also played in a Star Wars (WEG) Campaign were all the "Chapter" titles were the names of episodes from Babylon 5.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So I'm running a d20 Fantasy Game and the players are a party of half-orc plainsmen ala the Mongols with a very strong sense of honor, where every man who rides a horse is supposed to be a good warrior. Insults are thrown around as a way of burning off steam, but to call someone a "woman" is the worst you can do. Well one of the players, a smart ass, who always lets his mouth get in the way of a situation, makes a huge social blunder and then proceeds to get insulted back finally being called a woman. When he doesn't respond the insulter shows him the women's tents and points to where he can sleep. The smart mouth just looks. One of the other party responds with: "I'm gonna smack you and sell you." "There are two ways to solve this, correct him or go with the women."
  17. Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments? WEG Star Wars Game: I'm a slicer-turned rebel pilot with an impressive list of heroics in the name of the Rebellion. Teamed-up with the teams not-so-nice former bounty hunter, we've been left behind to guard the x-wings while the other squadron members go after our contact on a hostile planet. We're hidden alongside another starship, smuggler's vessel. We grow board so break into the smuggler ship and decide to steal his "cargo", a couple of kilos of high-grade coffee, worth a small fortune due to Imperial embargoes. Needless to say we get caught by the owner and immediately get ourselves into a Bothan stand-off (kind of like a Mexican one but with blaster pistols). The Bounty hunter has a big nasty blaster rifle, while the smuggler has his hand on a thermal detonator, ready to activate it and blow us all to hell. Well at this point I think the GM is bluffing so I throw a data pad at the smuggler planning to hit detonator and ending the whole affair. Well the gods of dice rolling were on a potty break because I managed to hit nothing but air and the ground. The smuggler shoots me dead with his blaster. The bounty hunter shoots the smuggler for killing me. The smuggler detonates the grenade before he dies killing the bounty hunter and retuning all our bodies and the ships into the molecular components that make them up. Yeah... exactly.
  18. Re: What OOC role do you play in groups? I'm the Genre-fiend, role-playing guru and storyteller.... I'm a huge fan of sticking to the genre, deviation makes my head spin. I'm all about the role-playing and could give a crap less about die rolls and combat. I've spent 6 hours of a session just role playing when the GM was looking for a fight. He wasn't pissed so he earned kudos in my book. The next session was a 5 hour brawl. I'm the guy that disrupts the game with stories of other people, things, games and events. Apparently I'm good at it so sometimes I can get away with it without getting hit with heavy objects.
  19. Re: ~ All Out War~d&d Vs Hero Vs Palladium Palladium - All players nad GM's should be required to read this before playing any other RPG. It is an example of what NOT to do. Even though the Paladium system was created by a fellow Michigander, I want to slap the taste out of anyone who buys the crap. D&D 3.5 - Regardless of opinions this is an excellent system to introduce people to roleplaying. It is simple, easy and very bland. Great for getting the girlfriend into your hobby. The pretty pictures and slick layout area bonus for this. But the whole thing falls apart when supplements are published. White Wolf started this ugly trend of "Supplemental Powergaming" a process where each supplement published increases the power of the game. Prestige Classes are a neat idea. Five million Prestige Classes are stupid. Five million Prestige Classes that grant the abilities of other classes without the balance are par for 3.5 D&D. Hero - Okay. Complex System. Complex Character creation. Slow combat. Those are the three bad things. But they are more than surpassed by a truely universal game system, the ability to do anything your mind can think of. I mean one set of rules that let you play (and cross-genre) Fantasy, Superheroes, Spies, Modern Military, Post Apocalypse, Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Horror, Western, and anything else your mind thinks of is awesome. Hero is not for the faint of heart. But once a person learns the system everything else is teh stoopid.
  20. Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments? Hey I've heard of THEM... But then again I was associated with the GEM.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I mean... I could just post until I hit the 5000 mark.....
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm wondering if I should whore for Rep?
  23. Re: GMing for a new group How about there have been a series of robberies. The MO: Normal bank robbing mooks, not too bright, no real organization skills, the sort of "gang" that are one up from robbing Circle K. But they found this stuff in the back of a van. It was this really hi-tech looking stuff . An armored chest piece. A set of big armored gloves. A Anti-grav backpack. And a Big Freaking Gun. Yeah one person could have worn it all but they are a "gang" so each guy got a piece. So one of them is really tough, the other can hit really hard, one can fly and the other has a big nasty gun (make the gun do about 2-4 DC over the limit, but it fires slow and can't hit worth poo). When the PC's finally stop the "gang" a guy in a suit and several tech-types show up with the paperwork to "resecure" their corporations stolen technology. This then leads to either the group working for a tech corp or maybe the corp used the "gang" for "field testing". Just an idea
  24. Re: 'Divine' Characters I'd say it was a matter of player choice and character concept. I mean I think it would be a neat thing to have a person with say a very devote Christian background find Thor's hammer and have it work for him. Definitely makes him have to rethink (always good for character development.) I've GM'd games where one of the players was an angel who had been cast out of heaven. The character had amnesia, but knew he had a higher purpose. One of the other players was a descendant of a human/demonic mating. It was interesting that the demonic character had more religious knowledge than the angel and was more devote than him as well. Religious belief and worship for characters is and should be strictly based on concept, not GM command (unless of course there are campaign requirements or whatnot).
  25. Re: Acronym help! Interagency National Security Enforcement Corp "You are the best of the best. You no longer exist. From this day forward you have one goal. To make safe the United States against all threats, internal, external and paranormal. You will fight, you bleed, and if you die, no one will ever know." - Lt. Col Jack "Iron Jack" Williams "Grab yer Plasma-Cannon, Mister! Grond ain't waiting fer ya ta shake hands!" Sgt. Luke Dade
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