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Everything posted by Nolgroth

  1. Re: Political/Religious Space Colonies? I know I do. Wait a minute. Dang. Foiled again!
  2. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment" My most embarrassing moment is when I had a "wise and crafty" NPC villain suddenly devolve into a bunch of ghetto trash talk in the middle of a sentence. Or maybe it was the Robotech game where I forgot basic physics and had a warping ship "drag" a couple of the veritechs along with it. I got away with that one by MSU'ing that the residual energy from the fold engine created an intense magnetic field. The players both knew I screwed up and were impressed that I was able to come up with something on the fly that made at least a bit of sense. So I have to go with #1.
  3. Re: Tesunden Isles Sorry folks. Sleep has been really weird the last couple of days and I overslept my nap. I'll try to get myself organized and start the server in a moment.
  4. Re: One Sun, Many Sungods? I take to the Babylon 5 Vorlon concept. Each species (in this case either species or ethnic heritage) sees the physical form of the gods based on their teachings and beliefs. Perhaps on some sort of metaphysical foundation that is built into that particular subset of the world. It really doesn't have to be a scientific answer. It just is. If the deity exhibits different abilities or aspects to different species, it is probably more likely a matter of that particular societies views on the world. In a culture that sees the Sun as the giver of life, the Sun God may seem benevolent. In a society that sees the Sun as a force of Order, the Sun God may be more of a disciplinarian. Perhaps he may take on more of the God of Law role in addition to his whole shiny aspect. As to what the Sun is physically, it is a big glowing ball of gas and flame. Or perhaps it is the physical manifestation of the Sun Gods life and hope giving properties. Does it matter to a guy who has no way to measure the Sun in any meaningful way? In a campaign I worked on conceptually in the past, the Sun God of one religion decided that the only way to bring peace and order was to "conquer" the other gods. In doing so, he established a new belief system based around himself as the Supreme God and the former gods of his pantheon became diminished and somewhat more like angels than Gods. As belief empowers divinities, over time his "war" (which took place in the hearts and minds of mortal worshipers) slowly did just as he intended. Now he has turned his sights to the other beliefs in the setting.
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Predators. Some really neat things about it and some really dumb things about it. Really neat things: The bad things:
  6. Re: Fantasy locations that should be real Personally, as spooky and probably dangerous as it was, I would love to see Mirkwood in real life. Fangorn Forest too.
  7. Re: Fantasy locations that should be real Yeah, the poster map of that was very cool.
  8. Re: Turkanian Age and Champions I think my favorite published setting for HERO was done by D3 games. It is called Kamarathin, Kingdom of Tursh. Great setting with some interesting magical flavor. Last Dominion was also excellent. Of all the settings, Turakian Age was my least favorite. I think that is more of a "me" problem than anything wrong with the setting. I just could not divorce the sense of rigid destiny enough to enjoy just playing in the setting. That is/was my major problem with all of the HERO settings. Of course they all make for great idea/data mining resources.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Crying in the Rain - A-Ha
  10. Re: How Do You Build Sneezing Powder? Method 1: Flash versus Sight and Hearing groups. (Optional) Change Environment to add penalties, linked to the Flash and only effective so long as the Flash is. Method 2: Change Environment. Give it a turn of Long Lasting. Example: Adjust to fit your concept.
  11. Re: All Kinds of stuff If you have the Advanced Players Guide, then look up Possession. If not, massive amounts of Mind Control dice are probably required. Other thoughts off the top of my head: - Summon (Slavishly Loyal with lots of custom Limitations to represent the effects of the possession ) - Multiform (with one form essentially being base stats and everything else put into a "mimic" Variable Power Pool and the native form with a "resurrection only" Regeneration (to simulate that if one body dies, the character can find another compatible one given enough time) ). - Duplication (harder, but basically like the Multiform idea).
  12. Re: My thief can't hit a firbolg? That's funny because yesterday, our group did do the tactical withdrawal. Large undead bear thingie that looked, in character, to be too tough for us to handle. I was assisting the GM and knew just how tough it was, but it made sense to withdraw instead of slug it out. From a purely mechanical view, it should have been moderately tough. From a story/character perspective, it was a giant, undead grizzly thing that was using one of its own minions as a club. So we ran.
  13. Re: Can you move backward? I would say you could move backwards regardless of Turn Mode. Now if you have a Stall Speed, there is an implication that you need to maintain some sort of forward movement. In that case I would disallow moving backwards. As to whether there is a penalty to movement speed, I would say that it depends entirely on the campaign rules and GM discretion. For example, walking backwards is generally slower than walking forward. I might limit the backward walking speed to a base of 3/4 the forward walking speed and disallow NCM. Each situation is different though, so make the judgment call as you feel is needed.
  14. Re: My thief can't hit a firbolg? I always hated the idea of a special effects driven system like HERO limiting something like DC of a weapon based on "how it looks." Most campaigns have an upper Damage Class limit. All of mine do. As I tell my players, "with enough STR, Martial Arts Maneuvers, and CSLs, you can be deadly with a butter knife." The campaign DC limit should be the only limiting factor to whatever damage a weapon does. Of course, that is just my opinion on things.
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I Will Remember You Still - from Mists of Avalon soundtrack
  16. Re: World of Darkness Garou Template Awesome. Just awesome. I like the template as well. The garou were, in large part, an inspiration for an Epic Fantasy Race I was building. The concept was written up in 5th Edition and I have not yet found the time to update it to 6th. Here is the link to my blog post if you are interested.
  17. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD? And another one falls into the fold.
  18. Re: Left 4 Dead Hero Wow. Excellent work as always.
  19. Re: Palladum to Hero Conversion thread Thanks for sharing. The hover tank is awesome. I just have to get past the typewriter font.
  20. Re: World of Darkness Garou Template Hmmm. Interesting. Very interesting. And did you really use the phrase "Cut my teeth" in relation to werewolves?
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I really liked that show.
  22. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD? Not a chance. Shellfish or whatever you want to call those crustacean things make me blow up like a balloon. And they taste like butt.
  23. Re: How do Hero System players/GM view DnD? This reminds me, I really want to do a full on Humans only Fantasy Horror HERO a'la Ravenloft setting. I've been wanting to do that for a very long time. Hmmm. I suppose I should get to work on setting that up. Not like I have time to run it at the moment, but always nice to have something sitting around for those rainy days (cuz who gets in the horror mood when it's all bright and sunny). Thanks for reminding me there Rex. I wonder how the Van Richten guides translate over.....oh don't mind me, just sinking into evil GM mode.
  24. Re: Open Source or Free Map Making Software Not to my knowledge. Now if your post consisted of "Click this link and have Virtual Porn Stars Draw Map for You (while they load malware onto your PC)" then I think there might be a problem.
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