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Everything posted by devlin1

  1. Re: Force Wall I believe Only Costs END To Activate is intended solely for body-affecting powers like DI, Desolid, Growth, etc. To get the effect you're looking for, I'd probably go with Continuing Charges (not so good) or Lingering (so good), either of which would give it that "fire and forget" feel.
  2. Re: Multiple-Foci Power Construction Question This was my initial idea, but since each Focus has its own set of powers, making each power a slot in the same MP doesn't reflect that. For example, one Focus has HA, EB, HKA, and Missile Deflection. If she's managed to pull that one out, she should be able to use any and all of those powers without penalty. That is, she shouldn't need an Activation Roll to switch from, say, HA to Missile Deflection. Right, but each Focus is independent of the others. I.e., she doesn't need the movement-based Focus for the melee-based Focus to work. These are still all good ideas and will get me thinking about it in new ways. I guess the core of my question is how do you limit the use of powers that are otherwise unrelated? If they're in the same Framework together, it's no problem, but when they're completely separate powers, or are in different Frameworks... how does it work?
  3. Alright, that subject line ought to have attracted anyone with an interest in Foci, power construction, and/or nitpicking. I'm making a character who has a number of similar foci, but each one has a different set of functions. One has HA/Missile Deflection, one can Flash, one has limited movement powers, etc. These Foci are, at first glance, rather similar-looking, so there's a chance that when she reaches for one in a hurry, she might grab the wrong one. There's a humorous element to this, but I also look forward to that rare occasion when things go awry, astray, or askew (or possibly all three) and the player has to choose between taking another Phase to draw a different Focus, or making creative use of what's already in his character's hand. What's the best way to represent this? I was thinking of a Multipower with Activation and Side Effects to randomly select a different slot on the off chance that she grabbed the wrong Focus. However, since each Foci really has to have its own Multipower, that doesn't really work. What I'm looking for is a book-legal way to accurately build this. If your advice is to hand-wave it, the thought did occur to me-- but I want to put it into numbers. Thanks!
  4. Re: Hattori Hanzo Steel Targeting an OAF carries a -2 penalty to OCV, IIRC. Check the sections on Focus and Combat Maneuvers in FREd.
  5. Re: Tornado Building I can't believe no one's mentioned Hole In The Middle!
  6. Re: New Character *shrug* I dunno. I think the Primary/Secondary thing works just fine.
  7. Re: Need Help Building a Disadvantage IMO, this seems like it'd be best represented as a Side Effect, using Negative PSLs/CSLs to determine whether it's a Minor, Major, or Extreme Side Effect. Unless, as someone else asked, this is just for one guy who gets particularly sick from a phenomenon that doesn't (or hardly) affects others. EDIT: In fact, if it's a Side Effect of the jumpdrive itself, then Weak Knees Man would have a Vulnerability to it, not a Susceptibility.
  8. Re: Dealing with Invisible Heroes IMO, given the (admittedly sketchy) background you provided, I'd say he's not technically "invisible" at all-- he's just not noticed. He can make himself noticed when he wants to, but most of the time, he doesn't feel like doing it. Thus, if he wants to buy a ham sandwich, he takes out the money, gets in the shopkeeper's face, and is noticed. It doesn't make any sense that his money or any of his possessions would actually be literally invisible, but it does make sense, if he's been ignored his whole life, that he's gotten good at not being noticed (just going with the flow, after all).
  9. Re: Dealing with Invisible Heroes Have you read or seen Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman? It's full of characters who most of us "just don't notice," but who can force themselves to be noticed, however temporarily. If it were my game, I'd say that attacking someone is forcing them to notice you. Ignored: Invisibility to Sight, Mental, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (100 Active Points); Visible/Audible/etc. After/While Attacking (-3/4) Real Cost: 57 Notice all the things he's still visible to: radar, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, Spatial Awareness.... Edit: I figured someone'd beat me to it. I concur on the Invis. to Touch, but I included it here just for the sake of completism.
  10. Re: What?? Bruce Wayne isn't Batman??? Offenses include: Assault and Battery Breaking and Entering Unauthorized Access Copyright Infringement!
  11. Re: Concept using multiple characters That's so cute! Anyway, yeah, I've been in a group that tried that-- but we all got so attached to our "primary" characters that I'm not sure many (or any) of the others ever saw any use.
  12. Re: Where are all the fan-created scenarios? This is just off the top of my head, but I'd say it might be because a lot of Hero games are supers games, and a lot of supers games are tailored to suit the needs and idiosyncracies of specific PCs. Thus, they may not translate well for mass consumption.
  13. Re: Block Confusion Continued via PM. Sorry, you non-San Diego suckers!
  14. Re: Block Confusion WARNING: THREAD DERAILMENT AHEAD F2F. It's pretty much the first Hero game I've run after years of playing the damn thing....
  15. Re: Block Confusion I can see the logic there, but I think the way it's built it's supposed to reflect a form of "all-out defense"; even if that defense doesn't end up being used, the character still had to devote attention (i.e., a Half Phase) to performing a very active defensive maneuver. Ditto Dodge. I'm reminded (fondly) of Rolemaster. If you decide to use part of your OB to increase your DB, even if your opponent Fumbles you still devoted a percentage of your action towards defense. You don't get those points of OB back later in the round when it's your turn to attack.
  16. Re: Not-so-Instant Change IMO.... Define a condition, like the activation of a Constant Power, under which the PC is considered to be in Hero ID. E.g., I have a character who, when in Hero ID, has Armor. The special effect of the Armor is that she's suddenly wearing honest-to-God armor. Give it Extra Time and Incantations (both Only to Activate), and there's your Hero ID. She can't change into Hero ID without a Focus, so the Focus is required to activate the Armor-- but all her other powers are OIHID, effectively "linked" to the Armor.
  17. Re: Block Confusion For the attack you're actually Blocking, you do opposed OCV Rolls (his Attack OCV vs. your Block OCV). For all other attacks until your next Phase, you're at +2 DCV.
  18. Re: I need a library The way we did this in the last game I was in was with a very small (e.g., 5 points) VPP, Only For Knowledge Skills, with Extra Time and Concentration. Normally I shy away from VPPs, but the problem I had/have with KS: Everything is that it's guaranteed never to give you specific details on a topic, since the broader your KS is, the broader your answer will be.
  19. Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please
  20. Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please Hey, I like how you ripped off that quote from Bullseye himself almost verbatim. Nicely done!
  21. Re: Is It Worth The Points? Likewise-- don't get me wrong. Making others look good in a game is nicely satisfying. In one particular game I was in, we went out of our way to make an NPC look good, because he seemed like a nice guy. Definitely. If the characters aren't going to look cool doing what they do, what's the point of it all? In the wuxia game I'm about to run, I will deliberately set up situations that cater to the PCs' wacky wuxia-style abilities. Hey, they spent the points! Anyway, I was just poking a little fun at the concept of players literally "cheering," pom-poms and all.
  22. Re: My Faithful Steed Always go with the funny power.
  23. Re: My Faithful Steed Wait! You can't ask a power construct question without cycling through the classics! What about Extra-Dimensional Travel?! Ah, forget it.
  24. Re: Hero Character Portfolio -- What Do *You* Want To See? Ditto.
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