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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. Re: O.m.a.c. Same here.It's rather ironic that Bat's psycho behaviour has probably done more damage than the immoral behaviour of the rest of the JLA....
  2. Re: peaple that love star wars come here!! TROLL!!!TROLL ON THE BOARDS!!!!! (And no,I won't do a Quirrell,i.e. pretend to faint).
  3. Re: Vampire Biology and Ecology Actually,the half-hour time assumes you don't have a dial-up connection...
  4. Re: New Champs Campaign. Advise/Suggestions appreciated So aliens have been working with Terran governments to develop superhumans for at least 15years (since even now cloning technology isn't up to the task of cloning humans,much less superhumans). So we're dealing with aliens who presumably need superbeings for some reason.Furthermore,if it takes 15 years to grow them,it's clearly for some long-term goal.
  5. Re: Norse Gods I remember The Primal Order capsystem too.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Same here.
  7. Re: Team of second rate Villains What sort of drugs was the writer on?
  8. Re: VOICE of DOOM Seconded.
  9. Re: Norse Gods Well,you either want The Ultimate Deity or you don't,so I'd say that makes at least 7 people who want that book,including myself.
  10. Re: The status of normals in the Superhero genre Well,that just means that Real Life uses the same Pushing rules as Heroic Campaigns.
  11. Re: Norse Gods Same here.
  12. Re: The status of normals in the Superhero genre If Mike Surbrook's writeups are accurate,a 23 DEX & SPD 5 is the same DEX & SPD as Paladin Alexander Anderson,Inuyasha & Ryoga Hibiki.(Arucard gets DEX 24 ,but still has a SPD of 5).
  13. Re: Megascale Movement and Perception I agree with the statement that megascaled senses don't work,not just in game terms but also in genre terms,as whenever characters are shown moving at superspeed,the SFX is that of having bought Rapid Senses for the Sight and Hearing Sense Groups.
  14. Re: Norse Gods I'd better continue reading my new copy of The Mystic World,then.
  15. Re: Villainy Amok Actually,I'm more interested in REALLY strange aliens.Give me a Rigellian or a Velantian over a bird-person or cat-person any day.
  16. Re: Spiderman vs... Who is shaunclinton?
  17. Re: Spiderman vs... I'm mainly familiar with the Punisher from crossovers.The main reason he's popular is because,if your family were killed by criminals (as his was) ,wouldn't you want to avenge them? He sees himself as a soldier fighting a war on crime. (And the fact that he has lots of cool weaponry adds to his popularity as well).
  18. Re: VOICE of DOOM Why didn't you say you wanted the .hdc file?
  19. Re: Discovery Channel: Alien Planet Fair enough.
  20. Re: Discovery Channel: Alien Planet This is true.
  21. Re: The 1950's The problem with that is copyright-every copyright holder would have to give permission.It's the same reason the original Not Of This Earth has never been released on video or DVD-no one is sure who owns the rights to it.
  22. Re: VOICE of DOOM Irredencia is on pg6 post 85 of this thread.
  23. Re: Please Critique Also,it looks like Steel's Characteristics are bought through focii.Could you please show us exactly how Steel bought his Characteristics. (And,yes Steel is too much of a powerhouse for the standard superheroic campaign.As written,he's effectively invulnerable,save for characters with Find Weakness,magnetic attacks,or attacks that bypass normal defenses).
  24. Re: Building a Time Lord If memory serves,Gallifrey was destroyed by the Eighth Doctor in the novel The Ancestor Cell after the Faction Paradox loonies warped it beyond recovery.
  25. Re: Please Critique Acually,under 5th Edition rules,PyRon's EC is totally illegal,as all the slots don't use END,plus it has an illegal power.(100% Damage Reduction).I'd permit the Flight & Force Field to be part of an EC:Flame Powers,though.
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