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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. A fan yes. I'm not rabid about it and can see the man's flaws and can accept anothers opinions about writers/artists. Not everyone bats a thousand. I will spoil this. Elsewhen, being done after the fact, allows for Byrne and Shooter both to be happy. As for Shooter - Egos can be the downfall as well as pride. Too many he said she said stories about his time at Marvel.
  2. Checkmate knight vs Russian agent. Checkmate knight vs Russian agent.
  3. Looking back, it was for HD and I've been thinking list. Let me backtrack my notes and see what my original train of thought was.
  4. X-Men Elsewhen, a fanfic that he has been doing on his website for two years or so. 18 issues are out now. What if he had continued the X-Men (his version at least) and not left when he did. Oh and Jean Grey is still alive.
  5. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    and to get back on topic...The Fantastic Four featuring The Human Torch! Oh, and Kitty Pryce ticked off! !
  6. Different singer pictures. NPCs for that Hudson City club that's just opened or that you're letting that informant at?
  7. Could it be because of Flash's demise?
  8. I have an HP Stream 14 I bought used. It's HPs version of a chromebook with Win10 on it.
  9. Just the images and a little bit of background now. Will post the full character and HD file when I get it done today or tomorrow. This is an Old (and I mean OLD) D&D (Basic/Expert) character that was created in the mid-1980s when the Gazetteers for Mystara started coming. She was originally from the Heldann Freeholds until her family was slaughtered by the Heldannic Knights. She was saved by her fathers friends (that included some old characters from previous games). The game (and character) lasted for roughly 10 years until we had to fold it up and get grown up jobs and responsibility. Her and the other characters have always been a fall back for NPC and examples, muc h as Alston did for Strike Force. The artwork was done by Bill Willingham - one for Fiend Folio and the other he did for me personally in 1991 at Dallas Fantasy Fair. Riki Le Cotey on Instagram “A lot of you had asked if I did a 2021 calendar and due to the fact I couldn’t responsibly shoot with people throughout the year to create…”.html Riki Le Cotey on Instagram “A lot of you had asked if I did a 2021 calendar and due to the fact I couldn’t responsibly shoot with people throughout the year to create…”.html
  10. This is a character Counter...no...nor HERO characters It will count the number of characters you write out into the window. This will allow you to type out your info in the box and copy/paste it to Hero Designer. Also help if you only have so much space that you can fill for a character sheet. Yeah I know you can use notepad, word or whatever. Saw a tutorial and figured I'd post it up here when I was done. count.zip
  11. Wordpress could do the same
  12. Ahab was a Doctor who used to with Excalibur. During an interview with a mutant the defense system activated cutting off his arm and leg. IN Days of Future whatever he used controlled mutants as Hounds (Rachel Summers being one). Bastion was Nimrod and Master Mold merged after going through the Siege Perilous and turned human (more or less). The last Sentinel (from X-Men: Gold) is a group of nanites who merged with the Sentinel programming to hunt mutants. The design to make it a long shore man. Who the F* knows. I go more with Adams' and Byrne's versions ------------------------ I'd go more for 20-40ft personally. Should be big enough to grab someone in it's hand or keep in it's torso.
  13. I brought this when it came out way back then. Came on a 3.5 inch diskette. Was recently able to grab it off a dvd I burnt with it, all my Hero stuff (With Hero Creator) and some of the characters and fonts I made..


    Now just to get DosBox to work. 


  14. You know looking back at this I was a real jerk. It was my son's 10th birthday and I was here creating an account. 💔



  15. Simple unless it calls for it for some odd reason.
  16. How tall is your Minuteman [Sentinel] mutant hunting robot? 20ft? 200? The classic ones. Not the 6'x" Nomad ones.
  17. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    That's the main reason I brought the Villain books. See how the builds were.
  18. HeroGM

    Human Torch

    And way too expensive the way Hero is designed.
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