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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Good write-up, I wouldn't change a thing. Having said that I havn't read any of his books for at least 10 years..
  2. This is exactly what I have done. 10 weapons were built by the legendary Articifer Zoltan The Great, called HeroBlades. Each was given to one of General Salador Kin's captains, with the help of these weapons a nation was born. These magical weapons increase in power as the the power of the wielder increases. The main power of the weapon is variable, but the secondary is always the same, it eliminates the NCM disadvantage. Although the PC does not know this yet as he has not tried to boost his characteristics past 20. BTW Same here with the sword awakening, in my campaign, it is now 'welded' to the character that wielded it first in battle after it was discovered.
  3. I can understand that sentiment but I don't agree with it. I'm not advocating Willy Nilly pc mortality but it should be a possibility, no risk no fun. It is IMHO the GM's job to create high's and Low's for the player/character. The rewards are so much sweeter when the PC have battled hard to achieve them. Lots of players love the drama of the shit hitting the metaphorical fan, dredging through misery and strife to emerge bloodied and ultimately victorious. Someties the Player must trust the GM and see what dramatic ending is in the offing. If my GM took away my "Heroblade" I would expect a reasonable plot device whereby he needed me to be seperated from it and I would in due course be united with it. But not as you say Willy Nilly.
  4. I'm wondering why you wouldn't give a -1 to hit the vitals? 5 point skill levels are marvelously flexible beasts, ocv, dcv, damage or a combination of all three. The character will be at 0 dcv for a full 6 seconds, he has only two speed after all..and he only has 20 end which will limit it's uses not to mention the 10 or less activation roll. Well perhaps you are right, I'll have to think about it.
  5. I'm getting a chance to play for a change, but I don't want to upset the game..I would accept it if the player genuinely wanted powers to simulate an effect rather than an excuse for cool powers from the book. Anyway here is the main power of my character (stolen from a novel btw) Is it overpowering? Would you allow it? The premise is basically that the character can always hit the heart if he concentrates and empties his mind of everything else. The world becomes grey and lifeless apart from the beating heart which draws his arrows.. Heart-shot. 8 skill levels. Active points 40 costs end (-1/2) 4 end only to hit the vitals, location 13 (-1) concentrate 0 dcv (-1/2) requires a skill roll (-1/2) (around 10 or less) only living creatures with a beating heart (-1/2) real cost 10 points. btw this is in a 25+25 campaign with a very loose magic system.
  6. Some weapons have built in advantages, they do extra stun or are Armour Piercing. You have to be that little bit stronger to get more damage out of them. Is that the question, i'm not sure exactly what you mean?
  7. I think that you will have enough of a challenge using the rules for the first time, so I would reccomend that you run the genre that you and your players are most comfortable with. Start off small and work your way up. By that I mean, don't design characters which are too complicated or have powers which might unbalance the game. (Telepathy in a cop campaign is never good news) Don't introduce too many rules concepts until you have a good handle on the basics. make sure that you and your players understand how to attack, block and apply defences before you start with optional rules like bleeding and impairing. Have fun and if you have any questions don't be shy.
  8. I considered that, but can't remember why I dismissed it. Must re-read darkness.
  9. Another wierd one. Zone of Silence, a spell which stops any sound from being made inside an area. I thought perhaps, change enviroment but was not sure about the level required. What do you think? I would imagine that this would be quite powerful as it stop any spellcasting in that area.
  10. I've not got FH5 yet , but was thinking that Enviromental Movement: Armour is the most elegant way of negating encumberance penalties. I would say that 4 points would cover it. Do you see any drawbacks or problems to this method?
  11. Don't cost nothin in my campaign. Have you got an address? Can your character fulfil whatever questions you or I would need to, to answer needed to "buy" a 2nd phone qestions?
  12. I was thinking about this too. For example, a regenerating Troll would never fight to the death. It would take some body damage, maybe dish some out and then flee. Next day when our heroes are still injured the Troll returns as good as new..
  13. I think that disabling techniques specifically aimed at knees and hamstrings would be "high up" on the list.
  14. Nope. Thanks for playing. My quest continues..
  15. Thanks for the replys. Last question on this subject, the name. I've been using Winter Arrow as my working title as I play with my new Hero Designer toy, but I'm not sure that I like it. Any other ideas?
  16. Next question, same character. Winter Arrow, has Cold/Ice powers but has no range with them. She does have an OAF bow and a Martial Art with it. She uses her cold powers to build the arrows which she "fires" with the bow. What is the best way to build this power/powers?
  17. Quick questions and answers thread. Heres the deal, you, me, whoever asks a question and whoever knows the answer supplies it. I'll start. Invisibility to IR. I want a Ice/cold character who has invisibility, but only to IR, how much does this cost?
  18. One of the characters in my Supers campaign has Danger Sense. I've decided to design a Ninja Cult with invisibility to Danger Sense, that should cause a few raised eyebrows...
  19. Okay, pretend that I'm convinced( I nearly am anyway) and that I want to raise the cost of Strength to two ponits in my upcoming fantasy campaign. What other knock-on effects will there be? Are there any? Will this one change affect the cost of other powers or skills?
  20. I would throw out the point minimum for building martial maneuvers. Steve threw them out for powers why not for MArts? When running a "realistic", or low level campaign, or even when someone from a wilder campaign wants to learn a new maneuver, I let them spend as little points as they see fit on a maneuver. You can soon rack up a goodly amount on maneuvers when you only spend 1-3 points on them.
  21. I totally agree. The goon might not be flatlined yet, but nobody is going to worry about himcoming back either.
  22. I don't see the need to randomise it. In my experience with, admittedly the rather sterile enviroment, of the Dojo faster people always go first. This is not random. Some people are ALWAYS faster than me and I know people that are always slower than me, nothing random there.
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