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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Too true. In this day and age we don't need to go to our local gaming stores, we can order it online. We'll even get free shipping from lots of places. We don't need to have to deal with unwashed, unprofessional, uncaring, geeks who are more interested in playing Magic with thier friends than selling us what we want and thereby helping to ensure they still have a job next month. If I had that kind of attitude in my job I would be looking in the jobs section of tommorows newspaper while kissing my gf and sending her off to work..
  2. If you did that Geoff you might have to drop the cost of CON to 1/1. Worth CONsidering though..
  3. Yamo, have you thought about basing encumberance on casual Strength instead of on normal strength? I mean, people historically did not take a trip down to the tavern or to the next town in 8PD armour. (edit) After re.-reading this I thought that I needed to clarify. Casual Strength is what you can carry and lift without thinking about it, which is perhaps, what a D&D fighter going around nearly all the time in his armour represents. We do not see real world soldiers wearing armour when not at war for lots of reasons already highlighted in this post. Fighter-lad with 20 Str now has 10 str for the purposes of casual everyday-wear-armour. The armour that he wears "all the time". He could augment that when going to war and take the appropriate penalties inherent in heavy armour and having ten str instead of 20. Is that more clear? Otherwise, you, as a GM, have to impose some of the problems of walking around 24-7 in full battle armour.
  4. Erm no. 3d6+1 actually. And someone else said location 14 doubles damage, that should be location 13.
  5. I have to question the 5d6 +7 stun mod? I kinda expect bricks to be bouncing shells of the old ribcage..but not in this case. And the 17d6 explosion? How big is that blast? YMMV The rest looks good to me though. In the Shermans defence against the Tiger and such, they were produced in much, much greater numbers.
  6. Real world Str. doesn't work like that and I'm sure that a Physics geek can explain why, but.. I can't lift half of a Piano, but me and a mate could lift one between us.
  7. edit. Learn to read post. edit. A thing to remember is that if the campaign has active points limits you need to address the implications of Find weakness. Perhaps add the points spent on FW to the points in the attack to get an active point total. Or perhaps call it a +1/2 modifier and leave it at that.
  8. Well, that is because Germans are more interested in getting to, and leaving from work on time than actually doing anything when they are there. Plus, they get a whole lot more holidays than North Americans, me I get 42 days a year. eddited for relevance.
  9. Bullets aren't made of lead anymore, are they? To answer your question. No, silver is just a special effect. Should fire or electrical EB's pay more just because someone theoretically might be vulnerable to them? Anyway people might just as easily be vulnerable to steel or whatever bullets are made of these days..
  10. Funny how this sort stuff seems to happen but.. In my campaign I've been considering Dr. Destroyer being elected President of Cuba, after Castro dies.
  11. Excellent write-up K. Blue Beetle is my favourite super and I used to collect Blue Beetle comics. But a version from the 80's, The JL version. I don't know anything about your version, where can I find out more about him?
  12. Skill levels to interupt with dex rolls cost 2 points each btw.
  13. I would love a book on Policework. You could start in Victorian London, or even earlier I suppose(Cadfael) and work your way forward, that has to be a handy resource for hero gamers to have around.
  14. I kinda thought that you meant that you had two hands and both got the -3 penalty for using the "left" hand. Sorta like anti-ambedexterity, what would you give that as a limitation?
  15. Good Point. Cyberpunk would be an example of where we need to tweak the rules to conform to genre. The weapon master schtick is not one of those times though, IMHO. Anyway good point Snarf.
  16. Nice enough character for an NPC not a pc me thinks. I have strong reservations about putting Life Support in an EC, check THE Book on that one if I was you..
  17. As a GM, if someone came to me with that "Extra Mature Cheese VPP" I would smile demurely and then tell him to "Take the offending article away from me and never sully my vision with such shite again!"
  18. I'm sure the Steve Long write-up came to about 20,000 points, so at a little more than 1200 thats not too bad..
  19. PSL means Penalty Skill Level, just in case anyone was wondering.. oh and give it a cool name like Weapons Master or somefink.
  20. I changed over 3 D&Ders to Hero recently. I even got a chance to play last night with another convertee from a few years ago. Alistair "I'm a player now" Currie
  21. I ran a Sweeney Tod the Barber Hero, does that count?
  22. Liked the "Hero" Points idea. A carrot and a stick is called for maybe. McCoy, I'm way ahead of you on that one..
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