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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. These issues are why I always consider an Advantage approach for Targeting special effects via AOE Accurate (the way I have built Heat Vision and Magic Missile in the past). HM
  2. If the player is wanting to use PSL's to take advantage of Hit Locations to increase damage I would strongly consider using CSL's Limited to only increasing damage instead (this is how the Deadly Blow and Weaponmaster Talents are constructed). This is especially faster at the game table if you don't normally use Hit Locations. Be warned that mixing this and Hit Location modifiers can quickly produce crazy damage totals. HM
  3. You might find some useful insights from this thread about building real world weapons as well: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/91883-building-weapons-and-armor-or-how-i-suck-at-it-and-came-to-the-forum-for-help/ HM
  4. John Wick: Chapter Two is set for a Feb 2017 release. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4425200/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wick:_Chapter_Two Plot HM
  5. This is one of the reasons that the 5e Resource Kit PDF is still a good buy. To use with 6e just ignore or change the " (inches) to meters, 2 meters or any scale you want to use. HM
  6. I think that a lot of folk's problem with this combo has to do with the actual name "Haymaker". re: Accuracy vs. Damage It is worth noting that CSL's can be used to affect either and in fact the Deadly Blow and Weapon Master Talents are now actually constructed as CSL's that are limited to only boosting damage in 6e. This puts them in a similar relationship to martial maneuvers that give a similar damage bonus to Haymaker with better CV and time modifiers. Also, Ranged martial maneuvers exist. I wonder if Haymaker was renamed to something more generic like "Alpha Strike" with the exact same mechanics would everyone still have as much of an objection to its use? HM
  7. Ignoring the supers/heroic thing for a moment, your argument works against changing the weapon minimums just as much if the heroic characters are built with their equipment on the character sheet (which some folks do). It just boils down to house rule preference. Changing the weapon charts seems like a bigger change to me since characters will actually do MORE damage. Changing the lift value X STR just corrects the one part of the stat that seems a bit high. Tomato Potato. HM
  8. Well that's already the case if you've been following the latest stuff in the Rules Forum. see these 3 threads for details: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93309-extra-weapon-and-combined-attack/ http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93319-re-extra-weapon-and-combined-attack/ http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93321-extra-weapon-and-combined-attack-iii/ Whether a focus is paid for with points (supers) or free equipment (heroic) makes a difference in what combat maneuvers are available.when 2 weapons are being used simultaneously. HM
  9. Leaping Lizards! Zornwil is a name I haven't heard in a long time. HM
  10. Nobody has suggested that the change would affect supers. Since we are discussing STR minimums from weapon charts I thought it was pretty clear that this was a Heroic Level ONLY type of change. HM
  11. Target Falls is likely going to be one of the more difficult effects to re-create whole cloth. The part that I haven't seen mentioned yet is how so many of the 'Martial' maneuvers have free counterparts (throw, trip move by, choke, etc..) HM
  12. But which action is really more work? Changing lifting values for STR is a single change. Changing STR minimums across the board for multiple weapons seems like a LOT more work to me. HM
  13. There are a bunch of great reviews of early HERO stuff just recently posted by rpggeek regular and big HERO/Champions fan sdonohue. http://rpggeek.com/thread/browse/rpgitem/0?username=sdonohue&forumname=reviews&sort=recent HM
  14. I would imagine that there would be a small trade off in tolerances when firing the smaller rounds that could leave more barrel deposits. And these might eventually increase the chance for a jam/misfire when firing the larger rounds. But regular cleaning should eliminate any such risk. I doubt the manufacturer would certify it for all 3 rounds if that wasn't the case. Reminds me of the cautionary tale I heard about .40 caliber semi-auto pistols. The magazines will usually accept 9mm rounds and attempt to fire them. HM
  15. Formerly known as #4037

  16. You are correct. I was remembering a specific case with regards to positive Adjustments to 'Expendable' characteristics like Stun and Endurance. from 6e1 page 136: HM
  17. Formerly known as #4043

  18. This is why I suggested the custom value range of No Conscious Control to begin with. The other thing to consider is the result of the interactions of a Time Limit that expires before the Fade Rate ends ALL of the bonuses from an Aid. This can be important as the rules state that a NEW Aid cannot be applied until the original effect is gone. Does an earlier than normal Time Limit reset this "clock" so that a NEW Aid CAN be applied before the normal Fade Rate would dictate? HM
  19. I would question how truly limiting the Time Limit Limitation actually is to the recipient of this particular build since when 60 minutes passes they will already have lost 15 points of effect (a non-insignificant portion of the maximum effect of of a 4d6 Aid). The (-3/4) value in this case seems a little high to me but If you don't have a problem with characters using such a combo in a game where you're the GM it's OK then. HM
  20. Changing STR Minimums on HTH weapons will also change the final amount of damage a character can do with the weapons. Changing how much a given value of STR can actually lift (in a heroic level game only) only changes how much a character can lift. HM
  21. Similar topic from a couple of old threads: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/90348-champions-complete-max-human-strength/ http://www.herogames...m-a-little-low/ bigdamnhero, on 04 Dec 2013 - 3:57 PM, said: No need to change anything else (damage, STR minimums, etc..) HM
  22. I don't think there is actually a need to use the Delayed Fade Rate Advantage at all. Just use Time Limit to define duration of the initial rolled effect. There is no change in Real Cost to do so: HM
  23. Hi Steve, I am confused by your answer to the previous question. It appears that the character is getting a net benefit (access to the penalty free Combined Attack maneuver) for taking the Focus Limitation and Doubling Rule instead of being forced to use the Multiple Attack maneuver and its penalties. Would the answer be the same if all references to the Focus Limitation are removed? "What if a character buys an hka or rka with a focus limitation and then pays for an extra focus, can he use (it) both to make a combined attack if he has one in each hand?" Thanks! HM
  24. I guess it would make more sense if you tried to add the Time Limit Modifier to an Aid build within Hero Designer as I did. It is essentially duplicating the effects of the Decreased Fade Rate Advantage. I don't see the point of using them together. It boils down to an either this or that option. HM
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