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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. Here's a d20 to 5e version I did several years ago that could easily be converted to 6e rules. Unfortunately, it exceeds 30 Active Points. from http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/66879-magic-missile-style-spell-in-a-vpp-with-modifiers/?p=1703232 HM
  2. In 5e, If the base attack is an Advantaged HKA then bonus STR damage is prorated based on the value of the Advantage. If the base attack is an Advantaged HA then bonus STR can no more than double the base damage. I'd quote the rules but I have a nasty head cold. Advantaged Attack is the search term to use if you own the 5er PDF. The 5e/5er rules do not directly address Martial Bonus Damage in either of these situations (except for velocity damage). This is one area that 6e improved things immensely.imo. HM
  3. From the previous paragraph on the same page. That means: If the base power is HKA then the Penetrating effect is Body Damage. If the base power is HTH Attack then the Penetrating effect is Stun Damage. HM
  4. It's arguable that any power in a Framework already has a defacto form of the Lockout Limitation just by the very nature of how Frameworks function.
  5. re: Green Arrow doing KB with trick arrows. One way around this is to build such characters with a Ranged Martial Art and Trick Arrows that are built with various Advantages that limit their total Damage before MA maneuver bonus damage. Even if the slot does x2 KB the target still gets the benefit of reduced KB since the attack is now a Martial one. I think the 'must have' abilities you are referring to are abilities that most experienced supers do NOT begin with. They are something that they spend XP on. The early seasons of Superman:TAS show the character getting knocked all over the place by b-list villains. This is not because Superman is not powerful enough to prevent it from happening. He wasn't experienced enough. Building a Brace for KB ability that doesn't take a 1/2 Phase to use is simple. Just buy KB Resistance with the Concentration (1/2 DCV) Limitation. Compare Superman's performance during his first villain fight with his later one with Amazo. It's pretty clear that he's picked up Breakfall at a minimum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofzXjL03fQw HM
  6. I think the big reason for the GM Permission Required rule for CSL's inside a Framework is the abuse of 2 Point CSL's. Suddenly a 60 Active Framework with a 12d6 Blast can have a 10d6 version with +5 OCV which then overshadows Spreading an Attack as a viable option (1DC -> +1 OCV). I think 5 point for CV is the better minimum but still not ideal as it doesn't figure into END cost and such. Concerns such as these are why I went with Overall Skill Levels usable in their own Framework slot and AOE Accurate on specific attack slots when modeling Superman's Superspeed and Heat Vision. I would be very wary of putting Martial Maneuvers inside a Framework as it's already illegal to put Limitations on Martial Damage Classes. I would prefer to go the route of Martial Arts as a Framework via Power builds and just buy a minimum suite of Martial Maneuvers for those effects that are the most challenging to model via Powers. HM
  7. Doctor Doom's Destroyer's Force Wall/Barrier defenses and Indirect Attacks make a little more sense when KB is considered. HM
  8. Being able to consistently do some knockback is a useful ability by itself as it forces most targets to burn half a phase recovering (getting up, reorienting themselves in flight, etc..) so it has some Initiative control aspects. It also illustrates another reason that Block is so useful. Sometimes a brick hero can use a 'rope a dope' strategy of Bracing vs. KB and attempting to Block to withstand an otherwise faster HTH opponent's onslaught without losing position. Once they are successful with the Block they get the Initiative and a chance to go on offense.
  9. Taking over another computer system is typically done via a tailored 'virus'. The creation of viruses has a lot in common with the creation of spells in fantasy. Chris Goodwin made a really interesting suggestion in another thread that I think could be adapted here as well. See http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93164-recovering-charges/?p=2499847 for more details. HM
  10. My rookie version of Superman was built with Knockback in mind (among other things). It's very easy to simulate the batmobile crash scene from the Batman v Superman movie trailer without using Bracing vs. Knockback. There is a html export version available from the Download button via that link. HM
  11. Multiform or a VPP of Multiforms is probably the only way to squeeze such a powerful concept into 400 points. What will help is to focus on what she can't do with her power. Is it appearance based only or can she simulate biological powers that are not otherwise visible? (ex: Kryptonian under a yellow sun). HM
  12. It's also worth noting that Damage Negation also acts as KB Resistance.
  13. I had an epiphany on the subject of Brick vs. Brick combat when rewatching many of the Superman fights in the Justice League Animated Series. Tabula Rasa (the Amazo episode) is a great example of the use of Bracing against Knockback (1/2 DCV) and Blocking to negate KB. The Captain Marvel vs. Superman fight is another great example of where Bracing vs. KB is used. HM
  14. I think most if not all of what those characters are doing boils down to a form of Detect. The computer is just a special effect. If you insist on using a VPP then more active points are needed as Special Powers like Detect are not allowed by RAW to be included in a Framework. The legal way around this is to use Clairsentience but a worldwide version would be about 60 Active Points. Since Clairsentience is really just a hardcoded version of Detect you might be better off just making a custom build of Detect instead. The key is the Limitations, like only to access information that could be obtained via computer hacking (Requires a Roll, Systems Op, Computer Programming, Cryptography, etc...). HM
  15. And for those who don't own a copy of Fantasy Hero 5e: HM
  16. Found it... FH5e page 104. I don't see why the GM couldn't just allow the Drain to be built to include Body as well. However, the SFX does seem to suggest a temporary effect so that's probably why Steve didn't include Body Damage as an option in the original Talent write up. I think that option using a Sweep to include a 2nd attack with a regular HKA is probably the easiest solution. HM
  17. It really cracks me up that the USPS keeps routing my HERO orders to Jacksonville Fl then back to California before getting them to me in Clearwater FL. HM
  18. USS Hyperbole - because it's the best ship ever! HM
  19. You want the Naked Advantage to apply to 30 Active or more depending on the ability and sfx. Here is an example from my version of John Wick (Keanu Reeves movie). The character sheet also has a fully automatic rifle listed. If the character were to encounter a semi-auto rifle (example a civilian AR-15) he could use the Quick Fire ability with it as well. HM
  20. Nah. That's the live action actor who will play Megaton Man. HM
  21. In 5e, Just putting AP on the base 2d6 HA of the Brass Knuckles means that the character could only do a maximum of 4d6 AP by using 10 STR. If they used more STR than that then the AP wouldn't apply at all. The cost of adding AP to the 9d6 would be a Naked Advantage applied to a base 45 Active Points. In 6e, Just putting one level of AP (a +1/4 Advantage in 6e) on the base 2d6 HA means that additional STR would be prorated at a rate of 4/5 so 15 becomes 12 or +2d6 AP. I believe that in both 5e and 6e, bonus Maneuver damage could be added with no prorating required and keep the AP. HM
  22. Not quite ALL Maneuvers. The optional Dive For Cover roll can only be improved by 12 point Overall Skill Levels or Skill Levels with the appropriate Movement Ability. HM
  23. Another similar character is the Trickster from Flash's Rogues Gallery of villains. HM
  24. Attacking 2 separate targets at range would require the use of Rapid Fire* in 5e or its renamed 6e equivalent Multiple Attack**. *5e/5er had equivalent maneuvers for HTH (Sweep) and Ranged (Rapid Fire). **6e/CC simplifies these into a single maneuver (Multiple Attack). The 5 point Rapid Attack Skill converts these maneuvers from Full Phase actions to Half Phase ones. HM
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