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Everything posted by Chimpira

  1. Re: New Avengers I work in television and I think that you just described half the professionals that I know.
  2. Re: New Avengers Well, I actually liked a lot of 'Threshold' the television series although it was slow at times. I never cared that much for Star Trek beyond the first crew. I was a Babylon 5 geek. So I did not pay any notice when my friends told me how horrible 'Enterprise' or 'Voyager' was. However, I did note that they continued to watch those shows. Oh, well. I will tell everyone here the same thing I told my friends. If you do not like what they are selling, stop buying it. Enough people do that, then they are forced to reevaluate their product. Personally I like the New Avengers. The book has me reading an Avengers title again after about 15 years of giving it a pass. I understand why others might not like it. And for the record Avengers Disassembled was really the worst piece of Garbage that I ever laid eyes on.
  3. Re: New Avengers Just finished reading the issue. Well some bits of dialogue I liked quite a bit and some bits I did not. The Shaman is not a person that I thought would ever utter 'Yeah, right.' As for Alpha Flight buying it? Well, I have not read Alpha Flight in a while (since the good old bad days with Bryne) and I can not stand Scott Lobdell's writing so I did not read this new incarnation. Truth be told it seems like the guy just took apart a bunch of second tier heroes. The verdict is still out whether he killed them all or not. If it is official then ok but from looking at the panels I am not certain. I am not going to joke about threatening the man's life though. I find that crass. I remember someone telling me that Ron Marz had his life and the lives of his children threatened because of a storyline he wrote about the Green Lantern wigging out. Uncool then uncool now.
  4. Re: New Avengers I like the New Avengers. I hated hated hated Avengers disassembled. But to be fair I hated The Avengers as well. I stopped reading the comic shortly after Starfox had joined the team. Although, I am not very interested in Wolverine (in any book. Stopped reading the mainstream X-Men after they went to Australia and now I do pick up the Ultimate X-Men in the Hardcover.) I like the rest of the team even with two spiders on the team, although their powers are nothing alike now. Heck the woman can fly now. I do not get that token feel about Luke Cage in The Avengers and trust me I have a vested interest in looking for it. I liked Power man and Iron Fist but I feel that Luke Cage is getting a fair treatment here and have not cared for Iron Fist that much after he was revealed not to have died. I thought the Ronin thing was crap but overall I have enjoyed the book.
  5. Re: It seemed like such a good idea... Yes an understanding GM is key. I do not think a lot of times that it is a case of a concept that translate poorly. You just need to adhere to the tone of the game. In my first game I ever sat down to play for heroes, The GM told me that I needed three things: A defense, an offense and a super movement power. I did not totally agree with him but for his game those things were key for all players and he let everyone know that up front. I, then, made a character concept that adhered to all those things and he still hated it. But that is a story for another time.
  6. Re: What would you recommend? When I started out in Hero 150 points plus another 100 points from disadvantages was the norm. Now I feel like I have an extra 100 points to play with whenever I get to design characters. My advice is this: If you are going to be using mostly villians written in the CU I would go with 200 points plus 100 from disadvantages as that is supposed to be the standard. However if you want to make your own villians, start with a little lower level point total so that everyone becomes comfortable with the ends and outs of the system and you have an easier time designing villians. As you become more comfortable in the system you start to expand on your designs even more.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In my last game a player, Deborah, could not make it but her boyfriend, Richard, pulled double duty and managed her character sheet. All goes well until the characters are forced to fight The Crowns of Krim and the Dark Enchantress (a magic user native to my campaign world). The PC's have an item that they want to keep away from the Crowns and the Enchantress. The fight is one sided with the Crowns laying waste to the players. Richard has his Girlfriends character, Ivy (mainly a Gambit rip) run out of the house (or what is left of it) that the battle is taking place and start to run away, he then changes his mind and has her go around to the front where Dark Seraph is dispatching two heroes that tried to get away with The Dagger of Qingu. The players get beat down and the dagger goes flying. Ivy picks up the dagger and starts to hightail it out of there but she is not able to shake the villians so Ivy attempts to charge up the dagger and destroy it. When everyone wakes up there is a smoking crater where Ivy had been. Richard: "Deborah is going to kill me isn't she?" Me: "I hope you like sleeping on the couch."
  9. Re: Hyperdrive! I watched episode 1 and 2 of the series. It is somewhat amusing but It has not hooked me yet. Of course that could just be my own failing as I never quite warmed to a lot of British Scifi comedies. For Example, I loved reading Red Dwarf but hated watching it. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was alright, though. As an aside I am loving the new Doctor Who (David Tennant was great in the Christmas Invasion) and I am looking forward to Torchwood.
  10. Re: If you liked the movie Equilibrium Well. I know for a fact that they made a pilot for the show. I watched the pilot and wished I had not. The BBC series was great though.
  11. Re: Captain Average!!! I think that because of my early love of Golden Age type heroes I tend to think along those power lines when it comes to what could be defined as average baseline heroes. Wildcat Hawkman Atom (before and after the power up. Although if any hero deserved the power up it was him.) Johnny Thunder (Amazingly powerful thunderbolt but with someone, whom never quite got the concept of how powerful it actually was, at the wheel.) Hourman (My personal favorite)
  12. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment" It seems that I must spread some more around before giving rep to you.
  13. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment" LOL The *** is priceless. Rep for you for attempting to innocently putting down a musical reference that the system found to be offensive. Although I think the do is spelled doo. It took me a second to even figure out why the system had even done that. Oh, well I rather get the hiccups every once in a while, than have to deal with it all the time.
  14. Re: Running an Epic Battle I ran something along those lines many years ago. It pulled in every superhero group in America as the PC's fought to defeat an alien invasion and give a chance for freedom to dozens of worlds. In the game the PC's discovered the goal that they were looking for to defeat the invaders and they concentrated on that but for them to be able to have the elbow room needed to pull this off they needed to enlist every hero team that they could find. It was pretty cool when the PC's were fighting overwhelming odds and then all these heroes started pouring into the battleplanet. There was still more than enough enemies to go around though, but this was only to allow the PC's to take center stage and concentrate on what was needed to get done. (Which if I remember correctly was to journey through five layers of defense that were all pocket dimensions, defeat or solve all problems within and free the Celestial being that was powering the planet in the first place or something like that.) Now bear in mind that the PC's had been playing for a year (every week with each session lasting a minimum of 10 hours) against the alien forces so the finale had to be huge.
  15. Re: Comic Geek in need of help Like I need any help reading Detective Chimp. Man I loves me some Detective Chimp.
  16. Re: Comic Geek in need of help As far as I know The Shadowpact might have a history in the DCU but it is a history that we are all unaware of. Since the only ones that talk about the Shadow Pact are the big muckity mucks, I think this is supposed to make the reader put more weight into a group with Detective Chimp in it.
  17. Re: Comics that I miss. Yeah I picked up the whole Captain America run about three weeks ago because I just found out Brubaker was writing it. I am digging it and I never liked Captain America before. Although, not a fan of Nomad's I felt his death and felt a little saddened by it.
  18. Re: Comics that I miss. Man I completely forgot about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang from Crossgen.
  19. Re: Comics that I miss. Let's see here: Vext: By Keith Giffen. It lasted only 6 issues but man was it funny. Elementals By Bill Willingham. Comics like that are why I still read. I love to point out to people that talked about Authority (when they were in there boozed up and total crap phase) and how they act like how people would really behave with powers that the Elementals already had covered that ground, was quite brilliant about it, and left them sober most of the time. It is the only comic that I collect. The rest I buy and then eventually give away but those I keep. Wildcats The Joe Casey run. Not so much superheroics more than Corporate power struggles. When Grifter is put out of action he basically gets a 'Temp' to fill in for him. I hear that Morrison (JLA) might be picking up the title as he was a fan of that run as well. (As a side note, the writer I missed the most on that title when it was Wild C.A.T.S. is James Robinson.) Quantum and Woody by Christopher Priest. That thing was hilarious. Only title I was picking up from Acclaim. A large part of the Milestone Collection Some were good and some were bad but all in all I enjoyed the line. DP7 Yeah I read it and loved the winnebago. I hear that Warren Ellis is being given the Universe so I am kind of interested in seeing what comes out of it. It might be good. It might be bad but I am going to really withhold comment until I actually have something in my hand. The Young All-Stars I loved those books. The only comics that I actually ever hung up on my walls. I loved the covers at the time. One of the main heroes ('Iron' Mike Monroe) got the clap, that was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing happening in comics. They brought out information about the internment camps in America which up to that point I had never even heard about.
  20. Re: Essential OHOTMU: worth it or not? I had a friendly disagreement with my local comic book store owner about whether Spider-Woman glided on her own power or if it was the costume. So the next week he ordered that essential guide and everyone snatched up a copy. I got a kick out of it, especially when you go into the inactive or deceased part of it. Oh I was right about the Glider Wings by the way. I am not certain whether that makes me feel good or if I just have a very sad life and proved it beyond a doubt.
  21. Re: For a *fresh* look at some of our faves. I like the drawing style and love the website. Repped.
  22. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist That is a good one but that would cause me to think about the book and undo all the repression I have long since made into an artform. (Conan the Barbarian is pretty cool, I wonder why they never made a sequel? Highlander was a cool movie, I am glad that they had the forethought just to leave it alone. You mean they are going to make a remake of 'Get Carter'? I wonder when that will ever happen?)
  23. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist This is pretty close to how I see it but I would raise Batgirl to category 3 because she has beaten Shiva, in a pretty impressive fight that was a year in the making and I would add Cain to line 5 and the Question to line 7. Cain taught Batgirl and Batman. I think that they both could defeat Cain but he would definitely be a hard person to put down in a fight. The Question was part of the group trained by Richard Dragon and if I remember correctly it was Shiva that pointed him in that direction. I will not get into the Batman one punching Shiva thing because I hated the whole Firelord/Spiderman thing that went crazy on the boards. There are quite a few things (must not grind teeth. Must not grind teeth.)that happened in that book, Superman & Batman, that I had a problem with but it happened, I have finally successfully found someone to give the book away to and I am letting it go (Must not grind teeth. Must not grind teeth.)
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