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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. Re: is this legal? it's called a buddy with an area effect 1 hex entangle.
  2. Re: Suggestions for Brick power Just buy extra energy defenses that don't work the first time they are struck by any specific sfx. Then buy more extra defenses that don't work until they have been struck by the same sfx two times. Then more ...three times. etc.
  3. Re: Fantasy Races Dragon-blooded. Of course, nobody publicly acknowledges their existence, lest panic be spread across the land. I buy levels with fishing! What about the fairies? And the Snake-tailed people?
  4. Re: Kitty ~ How to write Mechanically, if you want to be somewhat subtle about it, you could give her a buttload of PRE based skills (persuasion, seduction, conversation, etc) And an boosted PRE that only affects her skill rolls if the target doesn't have mental defense. (or levels that only work on people with weak/no mental defense) As for making her 'catty', well just think like a cat. What do cats want? They want to be fed. If they have enough food, they want water. If they have that, then they want to be warmer. (Provided you aren't living in Death Valley or somesuch) Television sets and computer monitors are cat magnets in most temperate regions. What do they want from people? Typically, cats want people to be surrogate mothers. That's typically the only contact they have had in their lives with a larger creature that provides them with stuff. They want you to sit/lie down and make a spot for them, groom them and provide them with body heat. That's assuming they aren't treating you as mobile furniture. If that's the case, then they want you to hold still so they can rub against your leg so you are clearly marked as 'theirs'. And don't make so much noise. Cats are descended from predators and typically sleep up to 16 hours a day to conserve energy. Difficult at best with noisy humans stomping about, let alone paranormal ones. Their hearing is better than normal humans, so if they don't respond, it isn't because they didn't hear you, it's because they're ignoring you. "pretty kitty. I should feed the kitty..."
  5. Re: Got an idea at work today. I've had two PCs with this problem. Both mystics, they just bought physical limitations - cannot use technological devices (cel phone, television remotes, radios, etc.) The devices in question weren't broken, they just wouldn't work for the PC.
  6. Re: Movement benchmarks 10 inches/turn = 6 KpH. (roughly 3.75 MpH) Don't forget to include non-combat movement if you want to factor that in. So if you have a superhero with 20" flight and a SPD of 6, then you get 120" of combat movement and 240" (assuming no extra ncm multiples) NCM/turn. 5 turns in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, so multiply 120 x 300 = 36000. two meters per inch, so double that. 72000m = 72 kilometers, or about 45 miles. So your super is flying 45mph or noncombat 90mph.
  7. Re: Super-strong ear muscles? When I first saw the title of this thread, I was thinking Bugs Bunny style articulated ears...
  8. BNakagawa


    Re: Ncm:15 I'm guessing that the one advantage of setting the NCM threshhold at 15 is that almost all characters would have the same stats as GURPS characters...
  9. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon Given that the Champions all have teamwork, I would have expected better results for them. When facing a single tough opponent, you are pretty much always better off delaying your actions and/or aborting your actions to dive for cover, dodge, go desolid, block or missile deflect rather than sit there and trade blows. Collectively, the Champions have more than twice as many actions in a turn than Mechanon. If whoever ends up in the crosshairs simply goes defensive when fired upon, they *might* end up avoiding the damage. As opposed to trading blows which has predictable results. If you get lucky and avoid a shot or two, that's a phase where Mechanon gets nowhere and the rest of your teammates can go to town on him/it. String together a couple of these phases and you might have something going for you... Especially if some of your teammates are playing the lottery.
  10. Re: Anime based games, have you done one? I didn't run it, but there was this Star Hero campaign run by Doug Garrett that was inspired by BubbleGum Crisis. (the original one) It was a whole lotta fun and we hit highs that have proven difficult to approach, let alone surpass.
  11. Re: A view from outside I'll point out that the above point is true when you're attacking things with no to low defenses (normals and agents), entirely false when attacking things with high defenses (bricks, master villains and the like) and sometimes true and sometimes false for things inbetween the two extremes.
  12. Re: Japanese mastervillain/hero team aid requested. Japanese vowels have only one sound associated with them, conveniently enough, they are the same vowel sounds used in spanish. Mike would be pronounced with the i and e sounding just like they do in san dIEgo.
  13. Re: Campaigns that you miss... L Douglas Garrett is better known for his FH campaigns (also authored Danger International) but I really miss a star hero campaign he put together around three mismatched PCs after watching the original BubbleGum Crisis series. The SuperBattleSuit Palomino campaign started us out without any sort of Battlesuits, super or not. We had to earn them. Also fighting the boomers without any sort of battlesuits helped us to appreciate even the surplus suits all the more.
  14. Re: Japanese mastervillain/hero team aid requested.
  15. Re: Japanese mastervillain/hero team aid requested. Ko/Kan is the kanji for #1 (in a series) and also carries connotations of first in terms of quality. Koshu is a term for First class/Grade A Otsu stands for second (and some other stuff) Hei stands for third.
  16. Re: Ye Old "Hero is Hard" Debate What I dislike about d20 isn't levels or classes, although I don't like them much. It's not the escalating HP, although I don't like those much either. It's the playerbase. The majority of d20 (and when I say d20, I really mean D&D3e) players seem to be drawn from the ranks of habitual players of Everquest, Diablo or any of a zillion computer games where role playing is just a cosmetic veneer over a powergaming tank. Kill anything worth exp. loot the dead. salvage anything valuable or useful. It's what the ruleset supports best. Common as dirt. Champions, OTOH, does not support the same behavior because it is assumed that you won't be able to loot viper agents and carry around a pair of railguns. Even if your character could physically manage it, it isn't genre. Ditto with looting foci from the captured villains. Doesn't work that way. I suppose it's possible for there to be characters so destitute that they have to go through the pockets of viper agents for cash, pawning guns from drug runners and selling villain costume bits on ebay to support themselves, but it is far from common. $0.02
  17. Re: Ye Old "Hero is Hard" Debate Hard? Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The "hard" is what makes it great.
  18. Re: Champions Comic Book?
  19. Re: Steve, you dirty boy! Hentai does sport a predominantly sexual overtone. IIRC, it's simply an inversion of TaiHen which is a term that means wierd or incredible. (hen means strange or odd, tai is a prefix which means great or large) ecchi is a slangier derivative of Hentai which is the japanese pronunciation of H which is the first letter in Hentai. It frequently involves tentacles because of the curious wording of the Japanese Blue Laws, which were first instituted by the MacArthur led occupation government after WWII. It stipulated in black and white terms what was pornographic and what wasn't. The male sexual organ was one of the things that was on the pornographic list, and tentacles weren't. Hence, we get a lot of naughty tentacles. They aren't, as far as the law is concerned, pornographic. Pornographers, whether american or japanese are always looking to push the envelope on what they can get away with while avoiding jail time and fines. As for why it frequently involves schoolgirls, well, pubic hair was another one of those things that were on the pornographic list. Pornographers and powergamers are clearly of the same mindset...
  20. Re: Character Templates + Paint Shop Pro = Frustration! I don't use PSP, I use PhotoShop, but I hear they're pretty similar. Assuming I have a greyscale image I want to colorize, I do one of two things. I can either turn the greyscale image into a multiplication layer and paint a flat color copy underneath, so the greyscale simply darkens the colors on the lower layer. Or I will take the pencil tool and set it to color mode, where all it does is take any pixels it draws, turn them into whatever color I have selected and darken it or lighten it to match whatever was there before I drew. This will yield a colorized version of the greyscale image. Neither one will yield highlights, as they are using the greyscale values to darken a color. So to get bright highlights, I'll have to go in and apply them by hand. Alternately, I could just select anything that was white on the greyscale image and use that, but results vary on the type of lighting used... Don't know if any of this helps, but hopefully something will be useful.
  21. Re: what character concepts -HAVE- Gm's allowed that you thought they wouldn't? Probably the longest shot I have managed to sink was getting Glen Thain (one of the oldest of old school GMs around) to let me play my catgirl duellist in a Fantasy Hero game. Glenn doesn't like furries and he doesn't like crossdressers and the character's entirely unbalanced, but he let me get away with it...repeatedly. Why is she unbalanced? She can pump her DCV past 20, for starters. On the other hand, she can't fight her way out of a wet paper bag, as she has a 8 STR and has no damage classes and a style limitation that prohibits putting levels into damage classes. Potentially lethal to anyone who has no armor. Not so much against anyone with chainmail or better. She also has levels vs hit location penalties, specifically to aim at armored bits. (she has a CVK)
  22. Re: How do I...? Aid (and other adjustment powers) can be bought with advantages that modify how many targets they affect. A +1 advantage will generate an aid that will boost 4 powers simultaneously. If you want the boost to only boost one power at a time, then just buy an aid with the +1/4 advantage variable effect that allows it to boost any one power of a given special effect.
  23. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome The multiple x2 KB is a little problematic. Too easy to create a cheap power that generates thousands of inches of KB.
  24. Re: House Rules for Hit Location Using these house rules, some guy who has 1 less ocv than my DCV has a 50% chance to hit my whole body. If he aims at my neck, then he has a 18.75% chance of drilling me in the head. So, what, my head is roughly 37.5% of my body mass? Who am I, Mr. Met?
  25. Re: House Rules for Hit Location It's quite true. I checked the math. Given: A DEX of 43 = base OCV of 14. Sacrifice Strike adds +1 OCV for a total of 15. Ogre has a Dex of 20 for a 7 DCV. -7 for the neck hit location yields a outright hit chance of 12 or less which is 62.5 percent. Now, if you don't hit outright, you roll 3d6 and see where it did land. On a 10, 11 or 12, you hit the head, anyway. That's about a 36% chance. (79/216) So the chances of missing the base attack, but still hitting the head = ((1-.625)*.36) or about 13.5%. Add that to your 62.5% chance of hitting the base attack and there's your 76% I was talking about. head shot, head shot, head shot, hari hari, lama lama, head shot head shot, head shot.
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