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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter. I doubt he'll do it, but he's goofy enough to do it anyways... and make it a viable build! In any case... here's the Foe Hunter package deal. The Foe Hunter Package Deal -- 50 pts 4 1) +2 EGO 5 2) +10 END 7 3) Foe Defense: Physical Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); Only Works Against Chosen Foe Type Limited Type of Attack (-1/2) 0 7 4) Seek Foe's Defeat: Deadly Blow: +1d6 (any circumstances, any HTH weapon) (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works Against Chosen Foe (-1/2) 9 5) Face Down Foe: Fearless (14 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works Against Chosen Foe (-1/2) 4 6) +2 with Deduction 4 7) +2 with Survival 4 8) +2 with Tracking 2 9) +1 with Tactics 4 10) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons Please note that where it says "Chosen Foe Type," just replace it with whatever your PC wants to devote its last breath hunting down and eradicating off the face of your campaign world. Just make sure it's a type the GM can pigeonhole a monster into.
  2. Re: Need a seventh character I'd fool around with a limited meta-morph, for some variety. If I could, I'd give you Byakko for you to alter; he's basically a martial brick with a were-tiger theme.
  3. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter. Hrmmm... got inspired to play with another Fighter variant that I toyed with--never put him in action, but he was upgraded into a High Level Option for the old Ravens's Bluff campaigns. Basically, a Fighter/Ranger/Foe Hunter (dragons). I'll see what I can cook up.
  4. Re: Asian Bestiary, Vol II now in Online Store *loads a catapult with his kappa version and launches it at CC* You've earned it, buddy. And this one's not "flesh and blood"... well, it does have blood... hrm, better not say anything more until I actualy sit down and write it up.
  5. Re: The Magic Trunk I'd build it as a kind of XDM, where you'd dump stuff into the pocket dim. through the case, then have a multipower with a Mind Link and a limited EB + Variable Ad. + Variable Disad. with AP built on the highest weapon you've chucked in there. Of course, that beggars the question on what else you can do with it... it'd be perfect for body dumps!
  6. Re: Asian Bestiary, Vol II now in Online Store Yay! More goodies from the BenMan! Finally I'll see how you built that Kappa, and compare it with my version for Eight Sages...
  7. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter. I went ahead and threw together Will--I think he could stand to have a few more tweaks, especially since I don't have my UMA on hand. Still, mirroring the D&D version of the Whip Daggers allows me to mess with the Whip Tricks multipower by making the inherent spines work only when I'm grabbing things with it, and only if I'm using a whip dagger... I'll post him up once I'm comforable with his build. In any case... The Lasher Package Deal -- 50 pts 9 1) +3 DEX 2 2) +2 INT 4 3) +4 PRE 6 4) The Whip's Luck: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED), Requires An Acrobatics Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0) 3 5) +3 CSL with any single attack with whips 8 6) Combat Targeting: Combat Archery 3 7) Fast Lash: Lightning Reflexes: +3 DEX to act first with Single Action 6 8) +3 with Acrobatics 1 9) WF: Whips Whip Martial Arts -- add to Package Deal 4 1) Trip: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, v/5, Target Falls 4 2) Offensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +4 DC Keep in mind that it doesn't have anything fancy in it; that's up to the player if he wants to expand on this. This setup assumes the player is using normal whips as statted out in the book; the D&D version would be a STUN Only 1d6 version. Also, the INT is useful once you add in a Find Weakness with a Perception skill roll; it'll make the whips work more effectively. (Lashers tend to know when not to fight, anyways; this is more fun if you're also a rogue-type. )
  8. Re: COH/COV conversions If you want to be nitpicky... I think the average time for a full turn is 15 seconds. Other than that, much of it can be compressed or multiply linked, and specifics can be tossed out in favor of flavor. At least that's how I'm approaching this.
  9. Re: Speaking of Speed Edsel has a point... it could be a Lingering Explosion; but since I pulled that out of my pants, you'll need to arbitartily find a way to create a "Pulse" adder that sets the effect's SPD essentially. Also, when it's Uncontrolled... is it also not under the GM's control? That, I think, is what actually makes the modifier more interesting. (Keep in mind that I also pulled that out of my pants, too--the 5ed is in the back room here.)
  10. Re: Speaking of Speed Which is why I pointed out that, once Uncontrolled, it now falls under the Villan's phases. Which is interesting, the more you think about it--a 2-phase villan would get less STUN than a 4-phase villan...
  11. Re: Speaking of Speed Which is abusive, under the rules... I'm suprised the GM didn't see this ahead of time. This is actually fixable by placing an Uncontrolled disad on the effect--essentially it's now under the villan's Phases. Handing it off to a faster character only activates it earlier.
  12. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri While I've only read Red & Green Mars, it's not a bad comparison. (Although the immortality aspect was a little early for my tastes.) Hrmm... thinking about the faction "personality," I'd suggest drawing paralells with the Master List of Disadvantages (under Social/Psychological,) and take it down one step, to reflect the usual "fringe" that occasionaly runs slightly counter with the sociatal mores. I love college-level sociology.
  13. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri A good point of reference would be the novels--the storylines behind them certainly came to a very different ending than I orignally thought of, but it gives you an idea behind the sweeping effects that each faction has on its followers, and the reference of technology in each one of them. (All three took place at different points in time.) In fact, it would be interesting to have those PCs break off from their respective societies and create a new home out in the harsh, unforgiving Chiron landscape, effectively creating their own faction.
  14. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri I'll have to try the GravFormer, sometime. The problem with gravship chassis is that it takes a great deal of research just to have it availiable! In any case... perhaps one should start out by giving overall faction ads/disads? I suspect it's a 1 to 2 deal, and I might contribute here and there...
  15. Re: Curve-balls and left-field stuff AKA the Deadman Switch. Yep, it's a brilliant, stupid, desperate play on a PC's part, but... as someone once said, "Sometimes, stupid works." That being said, the GM should occasionally threaten to call their bluff.
  16. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter. One of my favorite form of "fighter" is the light swashbuckler-type. At last count, I had three D&D characters with the idea, in different directions: a sailor fighter/duelist, a swashbuckler with the option to also take duelist, and a fighter/lasher (people, can you say "twin whip-daggers?" Ow.) I love playing with ideas, and seeing if the mechanics work. That being said... lemme see if I can't re-do William Steelpike, the Lasher into HERO terms at 125+25 points...
  17. Re: COH/COV conversions I'd flesh out the powersets, though... make them more distinct between two characters with the same basic abilities, but work differently. Hrmm... time to read up on the Ninja/Poison powerset; BrotherDragon is supposed to be a near-immortal with bound shadow warriors in his service and a nice complement of alchemical powers. I might be able to play around with it; remove some unneccesary abilities, add good ones to match... well, we'll see.
  18. Re: WWYCD choosing between two villains to stop? Ooo, tasty. Good reason to not do anything bad when you've got only a little power...
  19. Re: WWYCD choosing between two villains to stop? Queen of Spades goes downtown on the minor perp, no question about it. As said before, this is the known crime, compared to the possible crime elsewhere.
  20. Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" Queen of Spades would be immedeitly suspicious--after all, her powers came from the Forge, an alien nanotech construction system that she'd salavged from a ruined starship and learned to use. The odds that another Forge, and similar powers, were utilized developed is highly unlikely. Regardless, she'd arrange for a trip in civilian ID, then go street-hunting for this one. If it's some alternate-reality duplicate... find a way to send her back. No question about it. If it's some random villian in disguise... smashy-smashy. She's already pissed about it. If it's just someone else... she'd have a little discussion about doing a little checking first before taking someone else's identity. Then she'd help her (or him, speculation is a little rampant in Vibora Bay, although her figure's not hard to be feminine in her Armor,) build a new identity and look, and point out that she'll come visit once in awhile to ensure good behavior.
  21. Re: A Question of Utmost Importance Wonder Woman was also capable of actualy using Mjolnir--she just chose not to exercise it at all after she picked it up during the Amalagram series. Of course, she is considered a Goddess in her own right, so that may be a moot point. Somewhat off-topic... hrmm, Magni was the only one? Now that's a suspicious parallel to King Magni Bronzebeard, of the Khaz Modan dwarves... after all, he is a Mountain King, and uses a massive war-hammer... in fact, one of the abilities in both WarCraft 3 and World of WarCraft is Hammer Throw, which works the same way with Thor. Hrmm... *heads off to WoWWiki for more research*
  22. Re: Fantasy GM's - question... But give the GM an option to quest for the "right" for it. That makes things interesting, IMO. As for limiting the spell... well, there's several ways--limited charges per day, strict CP caps on forms chosen... those two come to mind as a hard and fast way to not overpower the characters.
  23. Re: [Campeign Building] Elves Well, look up Pirotess. That's a Dark Elf from Lodoss. In any case, one of my favorite forms of Dark Elves come from Legends of the Shining Jewel--they're a nomadic desert people, with shadings similar to dharow from the regular books. (They don't exist in the campaigns, though. But they do have nice traits.)
  24. Re: I'm in the market for a house.... And you can keep the INT score--just move it into the Powers catagory, limit it to Knowledge rolls, and call it a small library.
  25. Re: A Question of Utmost Importance Skoal! What?
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