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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: WWYCD? The Trap Well... I'm thinking scavengers--buzzards primarily. Actually, that'd set off the trap more often, so why aren't there any buzards bodies down there as well? They'd still come back even if the initial disruption scared them off. Not to mention the smell. I'm picturing him tossing a bundle of incense into it every so often.
  2. Re: Uberworld - a new Champions PBEM Universe Okay... I think I put together a rough idealization of the character I promised you (and thereby pulling this thread out from the depths!) I don't have an image done yet, but here's the quick and dirty: He's a reptillan metamorph/brick that derives his powers from being able to take on multiple aspects of his ancestors, through genetic recollection and racial memories. He was created when an accident with a tanker full of nasty chemicals flooded Paynes Prarie and killed off most of the native aligators. Only he, with an activated and rare ubergene, survived. I call him... Dinosaur. There's prolly some issues with the build, but I couldn't post without revealing the suprise at first. The HeroDesigner file is primarily a rough work; I'm choosing to leave it to you on how to work this character into Uberworld and filling in any extraneous details that you think is neccesary. (You are welcome to alter any of it to different aspects; the mechanics involves in just understanding that some things get swapped out to accondomate the changes needed. The martial arts stuff is primarily around what any good carniovorus dinosaur might do.) Let me know how it works for you.
  3. Re: [Campaign] GURPS Fantasy Setting - Shared World my turn to GM I just want to point out that Wo Ping doesn't neccesarily have to come from the Bane Storm; I don't have the Yrth book but IOU does mention Saudese gardeners. They're basically the native Asian influence in Yrth; it makes for interesting plot holes when the students poke around in the Maze on campus. But whatever works.
  4. Re: WWYCD? The Trap Actually, that brings up a good question. How "clean" is this guy when it comes to the trap? Does he clean it out once per day or such?
  5. Re: Disease examples? GM's Fiat. He just needs a sliding scale of how persitent a disease is for the cure to work.
  6. Re: Spells as "Weapon Familiarities" IMO, this kind of setup would work if everyone has some sort of magic in their blood. Think about it...
  7. Re: Help with Werewolves Keep in mind that the older books are more interesting than the newer s**t that's currently out. I myself like the Tribes sourcebooks; you may want to look for the Red Talons tribebook as that's based around a nearly all-lupine tribe.
  8. Re: WWYCD? The Trap Now that is someone that the Queen of Spades could get behind! Regardless, she could at least try to suggest some possible less-collateral-damage-wise alternatives...
  9. Re: Ho Ho Ho. Well, let me know when you need your Viagra prescription filled again...
  10. Re: Love Child of the Marvel Universe Looking at Rogus, he reminds me of Warhawk... strange little man, he is! (I betcha he get his kicks by hiding under ladies' skirts. )
  11. Re: WWYCD: The Safe Queen of Spades wouldn't normally bother with opening it (since she figures she can just smash the hinges off anyways.) But since it's a normally-crowded enviroment, she'd wonder whose bright idea it is to do in a mall, for heaven's sake. Wouldn't it be safer to rent out an empty field, some chainlink fencing, and secuirty guards? If nothing, she'd be more than happy to move the safe, period.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And impacts from celestial bodies...
  13. Re: Epic Fantasy: The Five Essentials Gamerz's mentioned Feist; I'd also reccomend the Empire Triliogy if you want to expose him to an alien civilization (The Empire of Tsuranni upon the metal-poor world of Kelwan) that's pretty epic in scope, yet narrow in focus. Still a tasty read, of course--there is a civilization-changing theme behind it, which is pretty epic to me. Beowulf is a nice encapsulation of struggle and heroic deeds. It's anachronistic in prose, so anyone who reads the translated version should be capable of gleaning the meaning of the words. I know there is a good true-to-word translation on the 'net for easy reading. The Lord of the Rings is an old standby--'nuff said. I'm suprised no one mentioned The Adventures of Fafnir & the Grey Mouser--again, good heroic stories following a pair of adventurers bound by a common misfortune. Even if it's not epic, I'd still reccomend it to get a nice feel for depth in a fantasy genre. The Record of Lodoss War is, again, an excellent choice--we're talking about a band of adventurers who are trying to stop an evil magician from taking over the island nation of Lodoss. Has all the usual tropes--magic, warfare, and plenty of smaller conflicts that help in charaterization of the PCs. I think that'll do it for a quick run-down; you'd have to encapsulate some material here and there, but for the most part I can count on 4 or 5 books, perhaps a bit more if the LoTR books were read instead. EDIT: Wrong set of Feist books. It's also a collaberation with Jenny Wurtz.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  15. Re: Uberworld - a new Champions PBEM Universe Not to double-post, but... how do you define Bestial in Uberworld? Do you use The Master List of Limitations definition, or your own? Bagda's writeup says he has this PsyLim, but this only comes into play when he's Enraged, and that's not frequent enough to even have that Lim...
  16. Re: I need a trained parrot writeup And during breeding season, the females get it up the rear, litteraly. But that's prolly TMI. I'd suggest borrowing HeroPink's example with Glarg and write out what a parrot's likely to do randomly in a stressful situation; they're that bird-brained, honestly. Then hand it to the GM to use. (For the record, there was a family pet that was some sort of green Amazon parrot. He made lots of noises, so I'm not likely to forget that.)
  17. Re: [Fraggle Rock] Really Odd Question She does suggest an Enraged on her sheet, however.
  18. Re: Working With RedPen and AP The only way you'd justify it if someone had an outside Pen adder that could be added to something else of his that's always RedPen. But I digress--some people have a stange way to show their machoism.
  19. Re: Learning Heroes - Basic Elements and Balance For now, just remember that each power framework has a method to its madness. An EC is a related group of powers. A MP is a multi-purpose, single power. A VPP is a power with no strict implementation of usage. Finally, just use what best fits the character, if it needs one, and discuss it with your GM.
  20. Re: Vidar, Norse God & Fenris-Killer At least that bit of divinity gave you a fair amount of temperance to your attitude. You're still a wild one, but you can see better the results of your actions.
  21. Re: Putting on Power Armor And this is why I chose to do a Cosmetic Transform with Queen of Spades.
  22. Re: Working With RedPen and AP Yep. I'm actually re-thinking the claw build on that character--may be easier to simply say that, for default purposes, he has stubby little claws that don't do much against a block of cheddar cheese. Then he grows the claws themselves, without the RedPen on 'em for better effectiveness. But having this argument helps clarify this particular issue; I see Penetrating needing to cancel RedPen, instead of all this backwards convultions that comes to the same conclusion--Pen + RedPen = Normal attack.
  23. Re: Life Support: How much is "Intense"? In short... LS: Heat only protects you against the long-term effects of just heat. Immunity: Fire will give you both that and the ability to sit in the bonfire.
  24. Re: [Fraggle Rock] Really Odd Question ...Miss Piggy doesn't even need an MA package.
  25. Re: How to build a Scythe for a weapon? Or... oooh! Oooh! Make it a Focus for particular damage-effect spells.
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