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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: WWYCD: A spooky ghost Queen of Spades: "Is it the one in the alleyway near 5th and 12th Street intersection?"
  2. Re: Self-Aware Ammo ...the first thing that came to mind are the PeBo Bullets, from Gold Digger. Think miniaturized self-propelled smart bombs with a very narrow range of intelligence. The first time she used PeBo Bullets, they were set to find and explode onto people that are "bad."
  3. Re: Ben 10 (again!) Please do! I'll have to do some selective surgery to make him fit a 350-point framework, but I feel that it's doable.
  4. Re: Need help with a Villainous Summoner "Summoner" is the common class-name for this sort of character. If I were doing this for a villan, I'd derive sources from a darker power; basically bind certain demons to do his bidding--being particularlly clever, he's found ways to pernamently channel them at his whim. That would make him a Demonologist--particularlly apt name for a summoner-type. To do this, I'd just alter the names, such as Ifrit to Aghini, a common name of a demon of fire. Feel free to ransack Castlevania for such names, the one I used is from Dawn of Sorrow.
  5. Re: Strings: a weird fantasy movie Dance, my puppets! Dance! *insert evil maniac laugh here*
  6. Re: Eberron Hero I kinda see it roughly as a series of OAF Lingering Uncontrolable enchantments. Of course, this should be a limited VPP, where you drain magic from another magical item to power it. (Or have I been forgetting aspects of Ebberon? It's been a year since I read the book; if so, I'll look at it again.) Independant, IMO, should be regulated to outside magical items.
  7. Re: Ben 10 (again!) The more I think about it, the more I think you should go ahead and make the Omnimatrix an OIF. Think about it--essentially whomever wears it can only take it off at death--or some other method, we haven't seen that yet. (But I bet they'll do that for an episode or two. ) The Obvious part is simply if anyone does see him change, it's a bit obvious as to how it's done--the Sight Flash is the kicker.
  8. Re: WWYCD: A spooky ghost Queen of Spades would give this "ghost" a swift kick in the cajones with her armored boot. Now that is funny.
  9. Re: UBERWORLD - It's been a while, but I'm back on the Boards I was being silly--I was attempting to access the pages earlier yesterday, while taking a look at the NPC you suggested using for Dinosaur's background.
  10. Re: Asian Bestiary I -- Odd Thing Considering that there's absolutly zero maps in it... yeah, I'll have to agree. Sometimes they misslable stuff; best thing you can do is let them know.
  11. Re: Not quite a WWYCD: YWUA your PC... The Queen of Spades and I aren't gonna touch this. Sure, the fun in being gender-switched might be interesting, but that'll wear off...
  12. Re: WWYCD if a supers-eating wave swept reality? Ah, yes... the ol' "I waste 'em with my crossbow" KotDT approach...
  13. Re: UBERWORLD - It's been a while, but I'm back on the Boards ...wow! He managed to duplicate the Firefox "Problem Loading Page" internal file and kept referencing back to it!
  14. Re: WWYCD if a supers-eating wave swept reality? Queen of Spades would prepare for this... Hrmm, if this quantum wave only affects this reality... anything she puts into a pocket dimension will still function; it just can't be taken out until after the wave has passed. So she'll do her best to be capable of recording all she can on how to rebuild the "connector" device that she wears as a bracelet in Secret ID, and forgo superheroing--even accepting the Incompetence Effect (most of her abilities are battlesuit stuff--the rest are skills and stuff that can be boosted again over time.) She'd still lament the loss of her natural beauty and charms, but better to survive and fight again.
  15. Re: WWYCD - a deal with an extradimensional sadistic entity Queen of Spades: "Wait... why are you asking me, when I beat a few of those people at least once a week?"
  16. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? Depends on if Queen of Spades is wearing her Armor or not... but it's still out of the ordinary. She'll still shake her head, cover the mirror, and chalk it up to some of the wierdness in Vibora Bay finally creeping into her room.
  17. Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence Ooo, that will require some deeper thinking, then. I'll come back to this and revise my responses, as time warrants.
  18. Re: [help] Animal Powers You could pick up skill levels/senses depending on the beast you're "imitating." Like, say... you cast "Aspect of the Hawk." You now have Telescopic Sight for a limited amount of time. Or "Aspect of the Polar Bear." You now have a bonus to Survival: Artic regions. Again, limited time.
  19. Re: WWYCD trapped in a quarantined, plague-infested city? Given that the Queen of Spades will more than likely be wearing her envirmental hardsuit attachment (LS: Immunity to Disease, No Need to Breathe for starters,) she'll consider the quacks a bunch of nuts. There are low-evasive biopsy methods; in fact, why didn't they just draw her blood, send that out, and stick her inside a sealed bubble to transport her out to a better facility? She'd even be happy to do it herself! In fact, she'd just go right ahead and do it; she'll have to take a few back roads to the nearest said facility and ignore the suits trying to stop her.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  21. Re: WWYCD: More Than Meets The Eye... Queen of Spades would give the Jack of Diamonds a big hug (as far as she can hug a fully-upgraded Nissan Titan, that is,) and take out the dimensional tag that allows her "storage space." She is big on trucks and SUVs, and would find it interesting to actually interact them on a higher level now.
  22. Re: WWYCD: A Bomb for Two Cities Okay, now I recall something that QofS can do that'll tweak the GM's nose! Queen of Spades can safely detonate the one in Vibora Bay, by utilizing one of her currently empty pocket dimensions. (This is how she stores her Armor, Scepter, and Jack of Diamonds when they're not in use.) She seriously doubts she'll ever open that dimension ever again, so she makes a mental note to alter her suit's circuitry to keep it closed. Then she makes a call to NYC and let them know about the other bomb.
  23. Re: WWYCD: Any last words? I'm just curious--was there any indication of VENOM actually existing in the VIPER base? Because I suspect that it came as a suprise, of sorts. Queen of Spades isn't on any team, yet, so I have no real idea about how this would go about. She does have a hardsuit attachment that gives her Life Support against pretty much a lot of nasty things, so that's why I asked.
  24. Re: RL Ninja HERO Quest I was thinking it's a really good copy of Playboy... Hey, I can make wishes, too!
  25. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects Ooo, was that a re-draw, or just based on a pose of a different character? The grassy region isn't Jei-like in the sense of who he is, but... it works as a contemporary peice. Which reminds me, I'd better get that scanner plugged in and send you a book cover that I think you'll want to use as a ref for your Newton HERO project...
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