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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri I think I should take the time and write out the faction info for the major factions soon... this could get complicated, if we went by yours. (After all, I did read the triliogy, so I have a firmer grasp on the sociologcal precepts of each. )
  2. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil Well... consider this--I never said that only "certain" evil won't exist, per se, just the extreme kinds, like wholesale genocide, outright greed, the kind of crazy-go-nuts evil that you'll be glad you'd never experience. (Or have yet, it's in perspective.) Superheros will still be around to stop supervillans, but there won't be a Dr. Destroyer-type playing havoc overall. There is still the representive Seven Deadly Sins, there still is pain, hunger, and poverty, but most importantly... there still is free will. It's all about arranging the wording so that the Balance exists; Evil must exist for Good to exist--the extreme forms must also co-inhabit. The fact that the Incarnation of Good is going to actually win Ragnorok, is disturbing enough to those who don't blindly apply themselves to faith.
  3. Re: WWYCD in the event of an approaching army Well, I know I'm not responding as my Living Greyhawk dwarf... we already had invasion issues before, and we still have orcs in 1/3 of the Principality of Ulek. But, as Hami no Zhu, Dragon-kin Chi-Mage (Heaven and Fire aspects)... Hami would strongly advise evacuating the area, if no one's willing to stop them. Where these foreign barbarians came from (as the Empire is surrounded by seas on three sides, and a wall of nearly impassible mountains on the last,) is not his immediate concern, but slowing down this army is. Use a little Heaven scrying to check for army size, and start a humongous wall of fire to sweep towards them, as long possible. Then he'll start a scorched earth policy, denying them resources, and retreat as fast as he can. Hopefully the Empire's army can be mobilized just in time...
  4. Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence I'm gonna put in my current Living Greyhawk character, and my Eight Sages character in this... I do have several others, but my highest D&D character was dead several years ago in a now defunct Living Campaign, anyways. That being said... Keyrion Sunderforge, Dwarven Priest of Moradin (Principality of Ulek): Will wish whomever was piloting the blasted ship to the depths of the Dagger Hills... and wonder how, for a non-swiming, non-ship-building dwarf can get home? Explores the island, finds said tribe of savages, and be both amazed and royally cheesed at the way the society is built around on bullying the younger. Fortuantly, he is nearly 100 years old (and it's safe to assume these are humans here, right?) and can expect some degree of safety... as long as he keeps wearing his armor. Will generally play the bully to keep people from harming the youngsters too much, but quietly attempt to show a different way of life, in hopes of starting the wheels of revolution among the isolated tribe. Basically, show kindness where there is none, and show others that it's not nice to push others around. He's not that[/i] paranoid, but the fact that he hasn't been able to renew his spells speaks of something more to the island, and will attempt to figure out what the whole point of this place is... Hami no Zhu, Dragon-kin Chi-Mage (aspects of Fire and Heaven): In this, I'm assuming that the natives are Whale-kin, with some minor difference in their skin coloration as opposed to Empire Whale-kin. Hami is going to be mildy curious about the tribe and their society, but will leave them alone for the most part and attempt to find a way off. He is capable of divinationary magics (Heaven aspect) as well as fire-based magics, so he'll scry for nearby ships that are close enough to signal for rescue.
  5. Re: Okay Class: Make me a Fighter. And the term "fighter" is basically melee-ish, in the broad sense of the word. I personally peffer to play the oddball types; it was I who submitted a Lasher and a Foe Hunter as a "starter" package. (There's different ways to expand both; I tried to instill the basic sense of what the term behind them means, overall. They're still fighters, just specialized and not overpowered. )
  6. Re: WWYCD: Registration Queen of Spades doesn't know who Revenant is, so it's not like life and death that she doesn't send him one, either.
  7. Re: Wwycd #567419845626 Queen of Spades knows her time is important; she'll be happy to answer the interesting ones, and ignore the rest. Of course, a whopping 4d6 STUN Drain via her Taser Knuckles isn't something to fool around; she also has a wicked sense of humor as well...
  8. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil Either kind of job is fine, as long as there's good pay and vacation benifits at the Casa del Lago del Inferno. And I'm aware of the clause there; but it isn't my evil in the first place--just the means to keep things from going out of hand.
  9. Re: WWYCD: Registration Queen of Spades wouldn't give a pair of flying gorilla's nutsacks about either kind of registration. She'll cheerfully avoid anyone who is admant about doing so, and continue cultivating a positive presence among the local enforcement (despite her tendancy to go smashy-smashy on the baddies.)
  10. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil Well, it's more out of a desire to keep some sort of balance; I figure that the mass of superheros that aren't aware of the deal is more than enough to outweigh the consenquences of her action anyways. Besides, she'd make sure that no one gets too complaicent while she's up there for the duration of the clause. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing, even if it's the lesser evil. (Oh, and while we're on it... She's gonna be blinkin' sure she becomes the "career counselor" for demons. )
  11. Re: WWYCD trapped in a quarantined, plague-infested city? Will do, it's just a matter of getting to it and/or the system I'm cooking up for the Uberworld PBEM game I'm in, to track the story there.
  12. Re: A Simpler WWYCD: The Lights Go Out Queen of Spades isn't particularlly fazed--it happens on occasion during a major thunderstorm in Vibora Bay. That being said, she'd work her way over to the powerstation (I have to check the book on this) and fiangle some means to jumpstart the power grid through the turbine in the Jack of Diamonds, her long-distance transport. (Or convince them that this would be a good time to try some alternative power sources that she could cook up with the Forge. )
  13. Re: WWYCD trapped in a quarantined, plague-infested city? Which is one of the reasons why I want to create an offical "archive" of WWYCD plots, and let people contribute to each plot "thread" as a more-or-less offical statement about their characters. These things make you consider the character's internal philosophy/behavior, and further tightens your game-play by alluding to possible scenarios that make you think.
  14. Re: WWYCD - a deal with the devil Queen of Spades is more of a realist, like her player. On one hand, it's refreshing for the grand-daddy of Murder, Lies, and Mayhem to present himself for a likely backhanded pimp slap across the face with some cranked-up taser knuckles. But, on the other hand, it'd be nice not to have to continually deal with the darker aspects of humanity. (Lust is nice, but too much leads to BSM and furries. ) With that in mind... she'd renegotiate. If she has the capabilities to quietly and painlessly do the dirty job, then the Evil must only remove the greater aspects of evil, for as long as she was around... The fact that he out-right inferred to the removal of Free Will--the darker aspects exist to have Humanity rise above the morass, not unlike Nitzechean philosophy--is enough to make her suspicious. But she understands that, with verification, Good will triumph and make those darker aspects pointless. Then she adds a clause that, once she feels it's time for a pernament move, she gets job security down there. No sense writhing in torment when you've essentially rebalanced the cosmic scales. (Oh, and a further clause regarding the innocent's soul to be reborn, thus replacing hers in the mortal world.)
  15. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects Depends on wether it's Lord Hebi, or just the hebi serpent, but I suspect it's the former. I wouldn't worry too much about the extras, though. Now Jei... that's an interesting one to stat out.
  16. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri I think that, once I get back from the weekend, I may be able to devote some time into expanding this.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... LOL! Repped whenever I can! Do that, and see what they think of it. I think it's perfectly justifiable to have that particular AI use the tatics on hand; there's plenty of possibilities for rompy students that get out of hand down there.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I thinking that I'd put an AI in it and make him a security guard, just to do it out of reward and fear into the other students.
  19. Re: WWYCD: Get Robbed...By The King Both the player and Queen of Spades think the King is creepy as hell on five legs. Suspect that it's the equiviant of an inside job, but brought by an outside agency (the Butt-King, as we're calling him these days, and with those burgers of his... if that's his MO. ) Realistically, several things come into play: if they know the procedures at the bank, and a good long case of the joint for speedy exits... it's very doable. Queen will more than likely to deduce that it's a very clever form of a normal robbery--but several questions remain about the getup, as that'd attract attaention everywhere. Why use a--if creepy--national icon as your disguise? The real Butt-King prolly has far more money, a great mansion, and harem of litle boys somewhere...
  20. Re: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri At this time, I think it's not a bad idea to see what a "faction package deal" would resemble. My suggestion would be to build the faction ads/disads at its mildest forms; this is what you could call "basic dogma from childhood." Let the player decide how irrational they are from the social norms, and take the ads/disads further. Also, if a player chooses a centralist "core" type--drones, netrunners, scientists, merchants, diplomats, and soldiers, for starts--they get a reputation ad/disad depending on the faction. (Such as Spartans looking up to their soldiers.)
  21. Re: Need a seventh character *launches his home-brew kappas at Templar just for that bad joke*
  22. Re: Steam Punk Fantasy Hero And take a look at Campaign Chartographer, too! I thought it was some hideous mutant beast at first.
  23. Re: Need a seventh character Alter-Lass.
  24. Re: A mentalist who takes it for the team 4) Might want to hit the important atributes, such as END, STR, EGO and PRE. Anything else is up to you. I would avoid Autofire, though. At least until you have the points to spare, it's more on a cosmic level. Explosion would be a better choice--you'll still get several at once.
  25. Re: A mentalist who takes it for the team Turn it into a shamanistic-type hero, and just turn those powers into OIF fetishes. What?
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