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Everything posted by Alverant

  1. Re: Help: Folk Heroes. Given your great defination of folk hero; I have some suggestions that may stretch the defination a little, but should count. Powered Armour: King Arthur, King Richard the Lionhearted Speedster: Marathon, Jesse Owens Gadgeteer: Thomas Edison, James Bond Mentalist: The Shadow (cloud men's minds), Dr.Doolittle (telepathy, animals only), Sherlock Holmes (his amazing deduction skills could be simulated by telepathy and retrocognition) Mystic: St.Peter, St.Francis of Assisi, Santa, Tim the Enchanter, Tesla, Isaac Newton, Roger Bacon, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Tycho Brahe (everyone after Tesla studied alchemy and astrology) I also recommend looking into India and Native American folklore for mystics/medicine men.
  2. For the DC campaign I am slowly planning I decided I want to use Hero Action points. On the train ride home tonight I had a rather evil thought. Since the campaign world is one filled with corruption and bribery with few people who have power also having intregrity, why should the GM be immune? Has anyone tried the practice of bribing the GM for more HAP? I'm not including money or gifts. That's taking things way too far. (So no, buying the GM pizza won't get you anything more than a thanks.) I'm thinking of smaller things like brushing my cat Lena for one HAP. Brushing my cat Sarge for 2 (he doesn't like it as much plus he's bigger). And other small things at no cost like writing a summary of the adventure for the group, blue booking, constructive feed back, pictures of characters, intentionally failing a skill roll, giving me a good laugh, etc. I admit this could be a horrible idea. Horrible as in "Steve Long himself will drive to my house and burn my DC books for even SUGGESTING this idea". But I thought it was worth voicing to see what kind of responses I'd get.
  3. Re: The Mind Controlling Hero
  4. Re: WWYCD? Women City Savers Only So what happens if a woman is pregnant with a boy? Will the fetus be banished or will it happen during/after birth? How would aliens be affected?
  5. Re: (Character) The American Samurai Including what's been mentioned here, I think you don't have enough martial arts. A few years ago I took a class in kumdo, the Korean version of kendo, during which I made my own American Samauri. Taking the class was a big help in playing him. Not only did I take maneuvers like disarm and block, I knew when to use them in combat. You have three maneuvers. A black belt in kendo knows at least three times as many. You should include Dodge, Takedown, Offensive and Defensive strike, Defense maneuver, Takeaway, Fast strike, Running strike. Watch some old Samauri movies and see what they can do.
  6. Re: Transformer Buildshop 4 For a tech junkie/martial arts master I'd give the power to interface with computers and a cyberspace version of astral form. I'm assuming the martial arts is an internal art like Tai Chi. One that teaches meditation and turns the mind's eye inward. Also for other abilities/personality traits, he has perfect aim but takes few shots. Being a hero, he respects life in all forms, even Decepticons. He may make every shot he fires, but he has never extinguished a sentient life, Transformer or otherwise. Sure, he'll disable but he won't kill. Since Transformers are ageless, he wants you to remember the lesson. So he won't shoot the gun out of your hand. He'll shoot your arm off!
  7. In your Dark Champions campaign, do you use an established city for your setting or create the city from the ground up? I'm including Hudson City in the list of established cities because it has its own books.
  8. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion Telepathic doors that unlock only if you think the right combination (for example peeling an orange with your bare hands, including the sight, touch, smell, sounds) Bedroom doors that teleport you into the middle of the pool if you barge right in, if you knock first the door works normally. Garden hedge maze populated with ghost-like ghouls formed from the emotional baggage of the superhero team (the ex-wife monster is particularly nasty) that wander aimlessly to unleash themselves on any unlucky soul who dares to enter their prison. [edit] I figure this would be a fun way to get rid of some psych lims. For each 5 pts absorbed into the hedge maze, 200 pts total are added to the monsters there. At some point the monsters break free and the characters must literally battle their inner demons. [end edit] Any mammal or bird or lizard in the grounds can talk, even if it can't normally.
  9. Re: Brainstorming a mystical superhero mansion A security walkthrough like a metal detector at the airport, but on the screen/crystal ball it shows people who they really are (sees through Images, Shape Shift, Multiform, Transform, etc) Fridge that won't let food spoil no matter how old it is, and can even unspoil food Fridge that gets over-eager in unspoiling food and will eventually reduce any food place in it to its basic ingredients in separate containers. Air-ponics herb garden (yes, it's real and mundane but would work well in a magical lab with the right plants) A magical air-ponics garden with mini versions of trees, vines, ents, etc Easy chair that molds itself to the person's thoughts and includes a massager and thought-controlled master remote control for the entertainment center. Stereo speakers that are Magic Mouths or has a tiny orchestra inside each one. mini-fridge that walks by itself and has an arm to give you a bee - I mean a cold beverage of your choice SELF-CLEANING CARPETS/WALLS Smart washing machines/dryers that perfectly cleans and folds all clothes even when crammed full and whites are mixed with colors. Furnace with a fire-elemental, AC with ice-elemental Windows that look out over other places than the building's neighborhood (and can be changed like a TV channel) The always-clean kitty litter box
  10. Re: Trick Arrow Villain? How about a size changing arrow that grows once it impaled itself on a target. A low killing DC arrowhead with Penetrating, then have a bigger NND RKA Does Body. A blunt-end genital-seeking arrow sonic arrow that shatters all glass in the area (thereby causing lots of property damage and dangerous shards of glass falling on the street) barbed arrow A bow and arrow are just objects and is neither inherantly good nor evil. It's how their used.
  11. Re: WWYCD: Felononius Feline Since we don't know what the loot is, my characters would try to save it. It could be explosive or toxic. Could be a scientific breakthrough that would save millions of lives. Could be a piece of art that will outlast the hero's and the robber's memories. It also could hit someone when it lands which most heroes would say is a Bad Thing.
  12. Re: Ideas for a Pulp character? You could add a general aura of creepiness that sets people off (Change Environment that has PRE penalties) Unless it goes against character concept, more luck is always good A 0-range telepathy linked to desolid (reaches in to the target's head and pulls out thoughts) Aura vision Danger Sense defined as seeing bad intentions A 0-range mind control (reaches into the victim's head and manipulates his thoughts) Ranged drain END (scares people so badly they need to rest) Ranged AE Running drain (ghost hands reach up out of the floor and grabs onto whoever walks over their graves) These aren't direct combat abilities but I've learned in Pulp indirectly helping your friends can make a big difference.
  13. Re: [Review] Galactic Champions
  14. Re: A slightly different spin on Catwoman
  15. Re: Who are the DC/Marvel cat-themed villains? I also remember a Smiling Tiger in Marvel which was part of the villain group Folding Circle. He made one or two appearances in the New Warriors back in the day.
  16. Re: Computer as Follower My problem with having a computer as a follower is that my character has outgrown the computer. Also since it's a follower it improves with its own XP (which the GM forgets to give to it) and not with extra character points. I really recommend buying it as a focus or talking with your GM about improving the computer with your own XP like it was a base of vehicle.
  17. It started as a thought experiment. An alternate US timeline with a strong national government with integrity but a weak state/city government full of corruption. I put the idea to my gaming group for a review and there was interest in it being a setting for a DC campaign. I haven't GMed in a long time and never in a Hero system. I may wind up starting such a campaign. What should I do to prepare for it? What sort of things do I need set up? Thanks!
  18. Re: What should every DC supervillain have? A solid full-proof escape plan. A weapon of mass destruction (if only to use as a distraction while you execute your escape plan) merchandising so the writers won't kill you and loose all that money
  19. Re: So I'm working on a possible future campaign... Let me know what happens please. I posted an idea for an alternate US history (mostly reshaping the political climate) to my group and got two players who are interested in my actually running it. I haven't run Hero before but played for years in multiple campaigns. Best of luck to both of us.
  20. Re: Villain Campaign: need help Take a look at existing villain groups. They stay together for two main reasons: 1) They have a common agenda/cause. 2) The leader forces his minions to stay with him through bribery or threats. The second may not work well with gaming groups. So you have to get with all the players and decide what the goal of the villain campaign is and their roles in it. The two who want to play psychos have the role of being the leader's enforcers. So why do they follow the leader? Does he give them money/gifts? Do they owe him a favor? Do they like the leader's goal? Did the leader install cortex bombs that can be triggered with a thought? Since you're using CoV as a basis, what villain group has actually accomplished their goals for the long term? Paragon City is still unconquered, ancient gods remain trapped, rival gangs continue to fight for territory. Longbow continues to exist no matter how many bases you blow up. If you want to run a villain group, you have to give them set backs and defeats otherwise once they accomplished their goals, that's it, campaign is over. Heroes continue to deal with threats because their goal is basically, "stop evil" and it can never be fulfilled.
  21. Re: Skills/Perks Help Rangers are on the look out for poachers and animals that have/about to attack humans so WF rifle with ranged skill levels. Maybe a type of Criminology geared for animals. "It couldn't have been Yogi. He never mauled anyone that way before." If there are mountains in the park then there's the risk of avalanche. Avalanches can be artificially set off so when tourists aren't around by using explosives so one may have demolitions. To get around the park, TF jeep and helicopter is not out of the question along with combat piloting/driving. Firefighting duties would include TF prop planes. Ordinary prop plans are also used in bigger parks. Depending on their duties, they may have hobby skills like drawing or painting, something that can be done by oneself. LS reduced sleep and a custom LS power, does not blink. Because a good fire watcher never looks away from the forest. NEVER.
  22. Re: Champs Universe question Off the top of my head I can think of two possibilities. 1) Same guy, different costume. Not many heroes wear the same outfit for 35 years. 2) The guy in the hood is the son of the guy in Nam who has taken up the mantle but gave the costume his own style. If you want to make him/them into characters, I'm guessing they are flying minor bricks (40-50 STR) with decent defensives, good reflexives, and enhanced senses. He/They can fight mobs of "normals", Vietcong or gang bangers, effectively but would have a problem against an actual supervillain. For some reason they strike me as good "street level" heroes.
  23. Re: Getting the heroes together (the first time) VIRGIL gets a signal from the CEO from the dimension he is trapped in. It's a warning that a new threat from that dimension is coming to earth and to execute plan Bootstrap. In the event that the CEO is unable to continue his superhero duties to the city, VIRGIL is programmed to seek out and monitor all metahumans in the city. Then determine which ones would work best as a replacement group. Plan Bootstrap is bringing together the canidates and wedge them into a group. (Computers usually don't have "people skills".) Vulcan is the easiest to recruit. VIRGIL has files on the other PCs including ways to force them together. Now the trick is getting the PCs to WANT to stay together after being railroaded like this.
  24. Re: Humans are "Special"
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